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More baby prayers needed


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Well i made it through Christmas. My blood pressure was high most of the weekend but not in the dangerously high zone! Dh was fantastic about just letting me lounge on whosever couch we were currently near and doing all of the parental jobs. He's always fantastic with that when he is available.


I've been having a crazy amount of contractions that were showing a clear pattern but they fizzled out about an hour ago.


Thank you all for the prayers. I know I have to keep monitoring things closely because of my past preeclampsia but at the moment I feel assured that all is running smoothly.

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Oh no, I just saw this! What is it with us and the pre-e here? Ugh! So so glad you are better!! I'll add you to my prayer list with ArcticMama.


Ladies, get the BP cuff. I actually took mine to the hospital with me that night because I wanted them to check it against theirs if theirs was normal. Ours is just a basic auto cuff from WalMart but it was accurate enough to do the job.


I knew from day one of this pregnancy that something wasn't right. I just knew it in my bones. I'm sorry I was right, but that intuition is what made me push for answers. I was unwilling to accept that it might just be a genetically small baby since I'm small, because that isn't normal for my babies. You know yourself better than anyone else.


Looking back, I had visual disturbances but didn't realize it. I had had a nasty headache from not sleeping the weekend before, the same kind I get from sleep deprivation. The headache had largely gone away by the day my BP went bad, but I still felt tired, and my eyes felt tired. I thought it was just tiredness. They weren't blurry, and there were no spots. They just felt heavy and tired.


I hope your BP will stay down a bit longer!

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Well i made it through Christmas. My blood pressure was high most of the weekend but not in the dangerously high zone! Dh was fantastic about just letting me lounge on whosever couch we were currently near and doing all of the parental jobs. He's always fantastic with that when he is available.


I've been having a crazy amount of contractions that were showing a clear pattern but they fizzled out about an hour ago.


Thank you all for the prayers. I know I have to keep monitoring things closely because of my past preeclampsia but at the moment I feel assured that all is running smoothly.

Just keep an eye on the contractions - mine did the same thing and it was maddening. I wish it hadn't also been dangerous - that was more unusual, normally prodromal labor is just obnoxious but harmless ;)


We are praying for you and your blood pressure!

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Just keep an eye on the contractions - mine did the same thing and it was maddening. I wish it hadn't also been dangerous - that was more unusual, normally prodromal labor is just obnoxious but harmless ;)


We are praying for you and your blood pressure!

I'm watching them carefully, thanks for mentioning it. The were basically only present when the baby movies, which is the norm for my pregnancies. Baby moves, irritates my uterus, and contractions starts. When baby sleeps so does my uterus apparently.

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I felt like a hypochondriac multiple times at the end of this pregnancy, but I told my mom at 28 weeks I just felt like something wasn't right and I didn't think I'd make it to full term smoothly.


I'm never doubting those mommy instincts again and you shouldn't either. They're powerful and I firmly believe God gave them to us for a reason.

My doctor gave me the choice with my 2nd to go home and wait it out or have a c-section that day. I chose the c-section because there was just something off about that pregnancy. My mother was a little shocked, but my MIL swore that if that was what I was feeling that it was best to take the baby. Mommy intuition is usually right on.


Hugs to all these mamas; know that I am praying for all these little ones!

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How are things going for you, HJ?



All is good over here.  Blood pressure is still elevated from my normal but staying low enough not to be alarming.  Baby is scheduled to arrive on Monday!  I would prefer for my water to break tonight so I could just be done because I am in a lot of pain but 2 more days isn't too bad. Thanks for checking in.

Edited by hjffkj
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Praying for you! My daughter had pre-eclampsia with her second baby at this time last year. I'm sure you've done this since you've had the issue before, but she took a supplement called Natural Calm, and it did seem to help her some. She still wound up having to be induced because her pressure just rose to such extreme levels when she would stand up; it scared the crap out of me.


She didn't want to have to have magnesium after birth, and they let her go home just monitoring her BP, resting a LOT, and continuing the Natural Calm.

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Baby boy was born this morning via scheduled csection. He had some trouble breathing at first. He's currently in the NICU getting a chest x-ray and blood run to get a better idea of what's going on. We haven't heard how he's doing but they didn't seem like it was anything major, just needed a little help getting thibga going. We should know more soon. Please pray for the little nameless man.


I'm doing fine. Surgery went well, still in recovery waiting for spinal to wear off and get pain managed because they can move me to my room.

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He is breathing unassisted now and looking good. He has fluid in his lungs but nothing they feel won't work its way out. He'll be in NICU for at least 48 hours to watch for signs of infection. Dh is seeing him now. I'll see him once I'm up and moving in a few hours. Then we'll try breastfeeding.

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well i pumped and got a whole ounce out! they have a camera pointed on him so i have been able to watch him from my room which is so nice. i just want to hold him! the should be getting me out of bed within th hour and then i will get to go be with him and attempt to nurse him

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