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How did your local paper announce the first female US presidential candidate from a major party?



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  1. 1. How did your local paper announce the nomination of the first woman for US president?

    • Front page above the fold
    • Front page below the fold
    • Not on the front page
    • With a photo of Hillary Clinton
    • With a photo of Bill Clinton only
    • With a different photo (please describe)
    • obligatory other

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In a move widely acknowledged from all sides as historic, we now have the first woman nominated for US president by a major political party. The Charlotte Observer (NC) ran a big front page story, but below the fold and with a huge picture of.......her husband. :(


Per a friend, the Winston-Salem (NC) Journal also ran the same photo, but was above the fold.


I'm curious about how widespread this is. How did your local newspaper run the story this morning?

Edited by KarenNC
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Ours was the top story (above the fold) on the front page with no pictures - but most of the story was continued on page 4 - the front page had 4 paragraphs. Headline "Clinton wins historic nod" 


Local story on refugees takes up most of the front page.


To contrast with RNC, our paper put Trump's story last week where the refugee story is - on the fold/majority of paper space. Little local story of a shooting where Clinton's nomination is today. Oh, and he has a huge picture standing with his wife on his story.

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They still make local papers? j/k.


I am unsure, but I checked the local news website's home page. There is one big local story with a big picture. The democratic nomination story is the 4th thumbnail pic down below some local stories. It has her picture in the thumbnail.

Edited by TX native
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I checked the local paper's website since we don't get a physical copy. Big featured story is "Witness explains how sex predator stalked CITYNAME boys for years." Down below that is "Bill Clinton puts a human face on his wife, the presidential nominee."

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We don't get the paper but I was curious so I looked online. IDK if it's the same as the hard copy paper, but it's the 12th blurb down, after something about local fisherman selling shark fins, local produce helping food pantries, and a cargo ship being christened. So basically, pretty low impact. No photo (also no photo of her husband, so at least there's that).

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You can find pictures of the front pages of US newspapers here, listed by state.


Boston Globe: both Bill and Hillary above the fold with headline, "Historic Nomination Complete"


Boston Herald: both Bill and Hillary (but Bill's pic is bigger!) with headline, "Hill becomes first woman in history to earn major party presidential nomination"

Edited by AddlepatedMonkeyMama
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Mine had a picture of Bernie Sanders above the fold asking that Hilary Clinton be the unanimous choice.  There was also a second picture with a placard of Hilary Clinton's face held by a 16 month old.  No pictures of Hilary inside and stories about the DNC  email uproar and Donald Trump's plan for the vets on that page.  The largest type on the front page was PLACE IN HISTORY.  Last week on Wednesday, the picture was of CA delegates in the delegate hall celebrating. The large headline was TRUMP TRIUMPHS.  The story went on to another page with no other story on it, just a large ad.  Those pictures were of NY delegation and Trump children and another of a bicycle cop dividing protesters.

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Bill Clinton gave a big speech at the DNC last night about Hillary Clinton.  Maybe they are using his photo for that reason (though that is lame....).


Our paper is just... weird.  They aren't very good at editing for grammar, and frequently re-distribute wild stories from other places in place of local news.  I wonder if they are seriously understaffed. 


Their website has a small side link: "Hillary makes history.  Here are six women who tried to do the same" (sic) and that is all.  There's no picture.  Way to belittle the moment, guys!

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Orlando paper had Hillary gets historic nomination with a picture of Bill giving his speech.....above the fold.



Jacksonville.....Clinton captures nomination headline.....tiny head shot of her....above the fold.


Tampa Bay Times...Ginormous History Maker Headline.....picture of guy holding sign.....then a picture of bill underneath. 


Naples.....Floridians relish historic moment.....big picture of Bill.....smaller picture of Hillary in different story beneath it



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The NYT, the only paper to which I have a paid subscription, has the headline "democrats make Hillary Clinton a historic choice" and then there is a picture of a few women delegates holding signs.  One of the signs says "Girl Power" because....that's what helps someone become leader of the free world, 'girl power' :001_rolleyes:


I totally understand that these signs are handed out to people on the floor in advance of speeches etc. I know that. And there was a quick call out from Hillary to girls in her brief speech/video thing they showed at the end.  But I find the whole idea of 'girl power' linked to a woman (any women) being president to be patronizing. My mild annoyance is more about the choice of picture, not the picture itself. I don't blame the delegates or anything. I am annoyed with the NYT and their lame editorial decision.


But it's still a darn sight better than picture of her husband, lol. What is up with that? I understand that Bill was the person to speak last night. I understand that the nominee traditionally doesn't show up the day the nomination happens.  But, still, one would think that if the media could do anything its dig up a photo of Hillary Clinton. She's probably one of the most well known people on the planet. I'm pretty sure she's had her picture taken.


My local paper's online site has a big picture and story about a local building development. But there is a story about the nomination but it's mostly about local people who are at the convention. And there isn't a picture.


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Wow, this is not something that would ever have crossed my mind. That incredibly helpful link that someone posted above shows that almost all of our local papers have the story above the fold. A couple had photos of her, a couple had photos of Bill, and most had photos of supporters at the convention (or elsewhere). 


Fascinating (and sickening).

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Apparently we haven't come as far as we think. All those pictures of Bill just scream, "he made this possible." How that big oops got passed so many editors is crazy.



Well she got her celebrity status as a First Lady.  I doubt that on her own merits of working in an Arkansas law firm she would have become a senator from NY.  She does have her own record and I, for one, am judging her on her own accomplishments and deeds, not her husband's.  

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We don't get a physical paper, but Bill is on the home page of the online edition for his speech on Hillary, with the actual nomination as a headline to get to the actual article, with a photo of the DNC stage and the guy singing the national anthem.


Trump's photo was on the home page.

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On that newseum site, I checked out the pages of other papers in my state.  Quite a number of the ones in smaller towns didn't have any picture or even a story on the front page. I checked that all the papers were published today but they were more concerned with local news. 

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Our small local had "History for Hillary" with a picture of the delegates from the back, lots of signs and above the fold.


Our larger local-ish paper had "For Clinton, A Historic Night" with a picture of delegates from the front, above the fold although actually about 3/4 of the front page.


So, neither Clinton was in either picture.


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If anyone is in need of a lesson for a history/government class or one on media, it might be interesting to compare how the papers covered the last historic nomination http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/?tfp_display=archive-date&tfp_archive_id=082808. When I looked at our paper, it was above the fold with a big photo of Obama hugging Biden, a picture of Biden, and, .....wait for it......a picture of Bill Clinton saying that Hillary supports Obama.


The website story (not the online copy of the physical paper) for our paper shows the Jumbotron with Hillary on it, which I find odd in light of the physical copy. Our above-the-fold story was "VFW cheers Trump, a day after giving Clinton muted reception," so it wasn't that it was some real breaking local story. or that the VFW convention being in town had not yet been covered (it has). It was "a group of people support one candidate over another."  

Edited by KarenNC
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You can find pictures of the front pages of US newspapers here, listed by state.


Boston Globe: both Bill and Hillary above the fold with headline, "Historic Nomination Complete"


Boston Herald: both Bill and Hillary (but Bill's pic is bigger!) with headline, "Hill becomes first woman in history to earn major party presidential nomination"


Ok, so that link was super helpful!  I have used the Neweum before, but I have never tried this function. I love it!


So, my local paper has a headshot of Clinton (like I suspected, they aren't difficult to find) with the words "Clinton Makes History" And it is above the fold. 

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In our county, above the fold: 

Hillary Clinton Receives Democratic Presidential Nomination

(bigger)History in the Making

Then there's a big picture of Sen. Barbara Mikulski front and center.  To the left, the article headline is "Bill Adds an Emotional Boost" and to the right the article headline is "Mikulski Formally Nominates Clinton."  Both are just first paragraphs that continue inside.


The next county over---no reference to the nomination at all on the front page.

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Well she got her celebrity status as a First Lady. I doubt that on her own merits of working in an Arkansas law firm she would have become a senator from NY. She does have her own record and I, for one, am judging her on her own accomplishments and deeds, not her husband's.

While I don't think she would have ever gotten to where she is if she hadn't been First Lady first that doesn't mean Bill got her where she is. She chose the life she led and had plenty to do with getting her dh elected so she'd be positioned to advance her own life. While a husband and wife are a teamwhen, the wife makes history you don't post her husband all over front pages.


I am not a fan of her in any way shape or form. But it was a historical moment that should have been documented to show her success not who her husband was.

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From what I understand, Hillary isn't actually there yet, she'll accept the nomination tomorrow.  So it makes sense they would have a picture of Bill who did a big speech about her, rather than a stock photo of her from some random place.  I'm sure there will be lots of pictures of her after her speech on Thursday.

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