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Here's a kick...Has anyone ever told you (your dh) that you resemble a celebrity?

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Years ago. Let me rephrapse that. YEARS AGO!...it was not particularly uncommon for people to tell me that I looked like Sigourney Weaver. I never really got it. But, it happened fairly often, in comments offered by complete strangers, so I guess it was real enough.


Who do/did you (your dh) resemble?

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It's not true, and she's not what she used to be, and I still do not look as good as she does even today, but about 15 years ago, somebody at work told my dh he thought I looked like Kathleen Turner.


Truly, it was just the figure fullness and the highlights. lol But it's fun thinking that for one moment in time I was hawt to someone besides the guy who married me. lol

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My dh has been told that he resembles Anthony Quinn. However, I think dh has a much kinder face. No scowl.


My dd has been compared to Cher. But again, I think she is much prettier than Cher.


My oldest son has that dark hair-mustache-goatee look of Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Caribbean.


My daughter thinks I looked like Mara Wilson (?) when I was young.

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When I was younger, my grandmother always told me I looked like Valerie Bertenelli.


Then, when I visited Malaysia, several people said I looked like Lady Di!! Right....sure!!


My dh looks like Matt Damon, with dark hair. And I looooove how Matt Damon looks!! :001_wub:

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When he was younger, my dh was told he looked like David Bowie.


I used to date a guy who looked like Richard Gere.


Just last week, someone told me she loves my new hairstyle and it's very Sandra Bullock. I like Sandra Bullock, so it was cool being told my hair looks like hers.

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Most of my life, people have told me I look like Jodi Foster. Especially during the 'Silence of the Lamb' days because I was still wearing contacts and had long hair similar to hers. Never thought much of it until she landed on the cover of 'People' as one of the 50 Most Beautiful Women in the World.


Yep, I surely do look just like her. ;)


Someone mentioned the similarity just three or four weeks ago.


If she ever needs someone to play an older and slightly (:D) heavier sister, I'm there.

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Y'know, I've been told--more than once, I might add--that I'm the spitting image of that woman who played Kaylee in Firefly. :001_huh:




But seriously...all through my life I've been told that I look JUST like [fill in the blank with speaker's aunt, niece, or cousin]. Apparently there's some freckled, redheaded relative type of which I am the perfect embodiment.


Woohoo. :glare:



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Me: At various times, I have been told that I look like John Denver (yes, really!), Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha from Bewitched), and Priscilla Presley.


DH: He has been told that he looks like either comedian Ray Stevens or Bob Denver (Gilligan)!


And ER hears all the time about how much he looks like Scooby Doo's friend Shaggy!

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In highschool I was told Audrey Hepburn, in college Julia Roberts. Having kids and breastfeeding has made me lose too much weight and so I don't look like that anymore. When ds was 2 or 3 I had several people tell me that he looked like Heath Ledger or Matthew Mcconaughey. He's almost 5 now and I haven't had anyone say anything recently about it.


I just wanted to add that dh is hispanic and people always think he is Polynesian or Middle Eastern instead.

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When I was in high school people used to say that my twin sister and I reminded them of Jennifer Gray from Dirty Dancing, but I never saw Dirty Dancing, so I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not?


Some of dh's coworkers think I resemble Claire Danes, but I don't think so at all, and again, I'm not sure that would be a compliment?


Dh has been likened to Dave Matthews. In fact a group of teenagers in a restaurant once were convinced that he was Dave Matthews and he was just denying it because he didn't want to be bothered by fans. He has also been compared to Mel Gibson. I just think he looks like himself.

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Years ago. Let me rephrapse that. YEARS AGO!...it was not particularly uncommon for people to tell me that I looked like Sigourney Weaver. I never really got it. But, it happened fairly often, in comments offered by complete strangers, so I guess it was real enough.


Who do/did you (your dh) resemble?



Well, when I was 15, I had 2 different guys at different times (who did not know each other and lived in different parts of the state) tell me I reminded them of Bo Derek. Now, that's weird because I have always had dark hair. I thought there must be something to it, since 2 people told me ;). They were probably just trying to get in my pants:glare:. When I was in my 20's people said I looked like Sigourney Weaver.

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My dh gets every super hero: Superman, Batman, Mr. Incredible, Buzz Lightyear, even Dick Tracy (depends on the commentor's age)! This happens on a regular basis. It is not unusual for us to have young ladies bat their eyelashes and tell him he looks just like a super hero. :glare:


I get Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, a young Jackie O, and sometimes Elastigirl...:D

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