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Hearing footsteps at night


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Two nights ago I had a strange experience. Our house is one level, with a basement. 16yo ds is the only kid at home and his bedroom is in the basement. Dh and ds had both gone to bed. I was in the bedroom next to ours reading, so I wouldn't disturb dh with the light. It was a little past midnight and I heard definite footsteps walking across our wood floors. It sounded like it was in the living room going into the dining room. My bedroom door was open and these rooms are very close. I immediately got up, turned on the light, and looked in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and hallway. Nobody there, nothing out of place. Weird. I went back to my reading and a few minutes later I heard footsteps again. It sounded exactly like when my dh walks across the wood floors with his shoes on. I got up right away and looked again, but saw nothing. Dh was in bed. I went downstairs to ds's room. It was dark and he was in bed, and said he hadn't been upstairs recently.


I never heard any outside doors open or close, and I would have if anyone had gone in or out. My bedroom door was open and there were no other doors between me and the front and back doors. Anyway, they were locked.


The next morning I told dh about it and he said he had heard footsteps too. That freaked me out. But maybe he heard my footsteps when I got up to check on things.


It was just very odd.

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Do you have a pet? At night our cat's steps sound exactly like a human's. It's scary when we're all downstairs and we hear walking upstairs. Or when he walks by my closed bedroom door (which is on the main floor). I'm usually convinced someone has broken in and is walking around. 


I hope you have a pet...if not, what's the next logical explanation? A poltergeist? 


Sorry- I know it's super scary to hear something like that. 

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Do you have a pet? At night our cat's steps sound exactly like a human's. It's scary when we're all downstairs and we hear walking upstairs. Or when he walks by my closed bedroom door (which is on the main floor). I'm usually convinced someone has broken in and is walking around.


I hope you have a pet...if not, what's the next logical explanation? A poltergeist?


Sorry- I know it's super scary to hear something like that.

No, we have no pets at all. My dd had a cat but she's married now and the cat lives with her. And anyway, these were not cat footsteps. Much too loud. I don't know the explanation. I've heard footsteps before, years ago, and checked to make sure where everyone was. All in their beds asleep. Once I even heard piano keys bang. We didn't have any pets at that time.

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Rats in the air ducts? They use the same cadence as people when walking.




Aaaand I'm sure that was...highly comforting. :lol:

Seriously doubt it is rats. We had mice years ago but haven't seen any for a very long time. I know what they sound like running around in between the two floors, and it was nothing thing like this. These footsteps were only about fifteen feet or so outside my open bedroom door. My dh was just now walking across the wood floor and it sounded just like what I heard night before last.

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Around Christmas, my dmil complained that ds1 was playing his guitar too late at night. Which was entirely possible. But after talking to ds1, he said he hadn't even opened his guitar case yet. She heard it for a few more nights and then it disappeared. She decided it was her beloved husband wishing her Merry Christmas.


So maybe a happy ghost checking on on his happy home.

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I'm sorry! I hope you do get a good night's sleep. Last night I didn't hear anything and I slept pretty well. I just keep thinking how weird it was.

I kid. Kind of. We were staying at my grandparent's cabin (just me and my kids, in the dark scary woods) and one night I heard a door open and slam and little footsteps. Dd2 was in the habit of doing that and then coming into our room, so I waited for her to walk in... she never did. So I got up to see where she went and I found her fast asleep in bed. I was really freaked out and didn't sleep the rest of the night.


The only thing I can figure is that I dreamt the part about the door slam and footsteps because everyone else was asleep. Nevertheless, I have decided I will never ever go to the cabin without DH ever ever again. Never.

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The ghost of past owners? I'd be immediately checking if anyone occupying the house ever came to harm by foul play.... :laugh:

One family owned this house before us. They built it. They had three teenaged boys. I don't know of anyone who died or was harmed here. Obviously I don't know all that might have happened here. We've lived here 20+ years.


However, we did read a few months ago that one of their sons died. He was in his 30's. Now I'm creeping myself out. I need to go to bed, with dh. I can use my book light to read. :-)

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Is it an older house? I would assume it is the wood floor settling. Maybe the cold has brought it on?


That being said, I've had the same thing happen. I was staying with a friend in a very old house and heard someone walk up to the bed I was sleeping in. The sound of the footsteps had actually woken me up. I asked the next morning if anyone had been in the room and was told no but that other people staying in the house had similar experiences.


The piano thing happened to me, too. That really, really freaked me out as I was home alone. The piano was in the basement which was essentially a storage room. Shudder. (Many strange things happened in that house.)

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When the sun hits the siding on my house, it causes the siding to expand which sounds just like someone walking on the creaky floor upstairs. If I'm not paying very close attention, I would think someone was walking around upstairs. No one is there, it's just the expanding siding creaking and sounding exactly like footsteps on the creaky floors.


I wonder if it's a heat/cooling thing that happened and made something expand/contract?

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Is it an older house? I would assume it is the wood floor settling. Maybe the cold has brought it on?


That being said, I've had the same thing happen. I was staying with a friend in a very old house and heard someone walk up to the bed I was sleeping in. The sound of the footsteps had actually woken me up. I asked the next morning if anyone had been in the room and was told no but that other people staying in the house had similar experiences.


The piano thing happened to me, too. That really, really freaked me out as I was home alone. The piano was in the basement which was essentially a storage room. Shudder. (Many strange things happened in that house.)

Our house is less than thirty years old. I need to go to bed now and stop reading about every one else's scary stories! I hope you all have a good night.

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Probably a perfectly logical explanation.


I recommend a dog. We have a creaky house that even sometimes sounds like someone is talking somewhere in it, and I love that my dog does not alert to the creaks as he would to a trespasser so I know just to ignore the noises if he does.

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My sister kept hearing creepy noises and then one day discovered a homeless lady was living in her basement!

This happened to us when I was a teenager. We lived in the top floor apartment and could hear footsteps in the attic at night. My mom finally went upstairs to see what it was and it turned out one of the neighbors let a homeless man up there at night.

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My house is 15 years old and I hear the boards creak like someone is walking around upstairs when I am alone.  It sounds just like the sound dh makes if he gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom.


Dh used to travel for work and I was off work with a back injury while the kids were in school.  I have spent many, many hours alone in my house, so I have figured out most of the odd sounds.


The walking sound....is just the floor boards popping/rubbing/creaking against each other as they cool down in the evening.  It does it later in the night in summer time and earlier in the winter (but only if the sun is out and warms up the outside of the house). The series of boards rubbing/popping against each other in succession, makes the 'walking' sound. I used to think that dh got of out bed most nights, but then I realized, that he got up very seldom.....it was just the boards that were making the noise.  It is Always the same sound, in the same area. 


When there is a rapid temperature change (summer storms are the common cause here), I will hear a single, loud 'tang' sound that is very similar to a piano sound.  I think it is a piece of metal on the house that must warp and pop when it cools off too fast.My guess, is that it is the fresh air vent in the garage or the gutter drain (both are in that area).  I know it isn't the piano, only because the sound comes from an area that it is in on the opposite side of the house, in a completely different room from the piano. If I am upstairs and don't hear the direction it comes from, it absolutely sounds just like someone on the piano, banging down one time, on a combination of notes. 

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About the crazy lady living in the basement - my sister's house was an old Victorian (actually she and her dh bought it from our parents, so it is the house I grew up in) and it has one of those outdoor cellar doors that are sort of built into the ground.  Even though they always had it locked, somehow the lady had broken in.  The house is right across from a big old church and the crazy homeless lady often stayed in the back of the church so my sister knew her and would often chat with her (though the lady wouldn't respond 99% of the time.  She obviously had mental issues).  She often gave her change or food.  Anyway, when my sister realized that she was the reason she kept hearing weird noises, she didn't tell my brother in law because she felt sorry for the lady and knew he wouldn't let her stay.  That is until the lady started coming up into the house and raiding the fridge.  Then my bil noticed and objected to it!


He couldn't believe my sister was letting a, as he termed it, batsh*t crazy lady live there.  He had visions of being murdered in their beds or her setting the house on fire or something.  

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About the crazy lady living in the basement - my sister's house was an old Victorian (actually she and her dh bought it from our parents, so it is the house I grew up in) and it has one of those outdoor cellar doors that are sort of built into the ground. Even though they always had it locked, somehow the lady had broken in. The house is right across from a big old church and the crazy homeless lady often stayed in the back of the church so my sister knew her and would often chat with her (though the lady wouldn't respond 99% of the time. She obviously had mental issues). She often gave her change or food. Anyway, when my sister realized that she was the reason she kept hearing weird noises, she didn't tell my brother in law because she felt sorry for the lady and knew he wouldn't let her stay. That is until the lady started coming up into the house and raiding the fridge. Then my bil noticed and objected to it!


He couldn't believe my sister was letting a, as he termed it, batsh*t crazy lady live there. He had visions of being murdered in their beds or her setting the house on fire or something.

How did the bil get the lady to leave and make sure she didn't sneak back in?

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Well, I think he initially talked to some people at the church who knew the lady and were involved in trying to get her help.  BUT she kept re-breaking into the house so they did eventually call the police though my sister and bil never pressed charges or anything.  I don't know what happened to her though.  She's not at the church anymore or hanging out in the neighborhood, so . . . .  I'll have to ask my sister what eventually happened to her.  

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I hear weird noises all the time in this house - most are caused by living near a busy industrial estate/shops that my sleepy brain turns into something else. I've totally heard phantom footsteps. Honestly, one of the best things about having a lodger is my brain can attribute most of them to him now so I can get some sleep [when he was gone for the holidays, the house was strangely louder/making more noise/my brain didn't like it]. 


The worst weird house noise is this sound that is like when someone drinks from a plastic bottle too far: that plastic crinkling noise which has made me jump more than once when up late with only the kids sleeping upstairs here. My partner and lodger say it's house settling noises, but I've lived in several houses and never had one make this noise before. I hate it. 

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The ghost of past owners? I'd be immediately checking if anyone occupying the house ever came to harm by foul play.... :laugh:


How do you even check that?


DH's coworker says she has a ghost in her house and they have actually seen him and talked to him (he doesn't talk back.)  

Creeps me out.

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Oh great. I'm not going to sleep tonight after reading this.


This is why I skipped this thread last night and am just now reading it this morning.  Dh was out of town last night, as a bonus reason to not creep myself out with this stuff.

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Probably a perfectly logical explanation.


I recommend a dog. We have a creaky house that even sometimes sounds like someone is talking somewhere in it, and I love that my dog does not alert to the creaks as he would to a trespasser so I know just to ignore the noises if he does.

Dogs aren't always a great idea. When my oldest was a baby he was sleeping in his room and we were in our room with the baby monitor on. This baby monitor would light up when a sound was picked up. As we're getting settled in bed we hear what sounds like an old man voice coming from my son's room. I look at the monitor and it isn't picking up the sound. The monitor is really sensitive so I started getting creeped out so the dogs and I went in ds's and he was sound asleep. Came back in my room and we a few minutes later heard it again. It took awhile to figure it out but it was our new dog snoring. She still snores like that. It is creepy and sounds like an old man is talking to you in a whisper. It messes with my dreams too.

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No, we have no pets at all. My dd had a cat but she's married now and the cat lives with her. And anyway, these were not cat footsteps. Much too loud. I don't know the explanation. I've heard footsteps before, years ago, and checked to make sure where everyone was. All in their beds asleep. Once I even heard piano keys bang. We didn't have any pets at that time.

We had an old grand piano that would play a key on its own occasionally. A tuner once explained the mechanics of it - something to do with climate control, humidity, sudden temp change - I can't remember exactly. What I do remember was him saying, with a smile, "In case you're thinking you have ghosts - you don't!"

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Dogs aren't always a great idea. When my oldest was a baby he was sleeping in his room and we were in our room with the baby monitor on. This baby monitor would light up when a sound was picked up. As we're getting settled in bed we hear what sounds like an old man voice coming from my son's room. I look at the monitor and it isn't picking up the sound. The monitor is really sensitive so I started getting creeped out so the dogs and I went in ds's and he was sound asleep. Came back in my room and we a few minutes later heard it again. It took awhile to figure it out but it was our new dog snoring. She still snores like that. It is creepy and sounds like an old man is talking to you in a whisper. It messes with my dreams too.



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It could have been in your brain.  I remember once reading a Stephen King book while on an air mattress in my new house with no furniture.  I was extremely happy.   I heard a voice really close to me saying the exact phrase I was reading.  It was a crappy book from when King was hitting bottom with drugs, but the phrase was absolutely exactly what that character would have said in that situation.  The voice came from about 2 feet above and behind me.  It was extremely scary and realistic.  I heard that voice as clearly as I hear real people.  The only reason I didn't call 911 was that the voice would have been extremely muffled if it were real because it would have been coming from inside the garage and through an insulated wall.  Also, it exactly matched the words in the book.  But, it was so realistic I had a huge adrenaline rush and I had to talk myself down.  


My theory is that I had fallen so completely into the book and I was so happy, that my brain forgot there for a moment what was from the book and what was real, and crossed some circuits.  

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The mind is fascinating and can make you think the strangest things are real. When we first moved into this house I could swear I heard whispers in the hall at random times throughout the day and night. An older couple owned the house before we bought it, and I think one of them died at home. I was starting think maybe ghosts were real after all. I didn't tell dh because it just sounded too out there. Years later I found out that dh also heard it,and like me he didn't want to sound crazy, so he never told me. 


The subject finally came up when ds said something. He heard it when he got older (he was only 2-1/2 when we bought this house). When he mentioned it, all three of us were surprised to learn that the others were already aware of our house ghosts. None of us hear it anymore, or we hear it so rarely that my idea is we all eventually got used to the house's sounds. 

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Raccoons' footsteps sound exactly like people's.  


About the idea of someone living in your basement, I'm on the board of a nonprofit housed in a dilapidated old duplex.  There is a basement underneath and a very heavy porch in front.  The basement is supposedly accessible only from a stairway inside the house.  However, a homeless guy figured out how to push the heavy facing of the porch back and forth so that it amounted to an outside entrance.  And he lived down there for quite a long time before anyone figured it out and sealed it up so that it wouldn't do that.  When this was discovered, we found iron cookware and evidence of fire down there as well.  We are all very fortunate that he didn't burn the whole place down, maybe even with him in it.

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Makes me think of a dream I had when I was young.  Remember the Kool Aid man?  (big pitcher of KoolAid drink with a happy face, that was in the commercials?!!?) 

Well, I had a dream that it was chasing me down the street.  Boom-boom  Boom-boom  Boom-boom.  And the footsteps got faster and faster....and then I woke up and I could still hear the footsteps!!  OMG!  


....and that's how I discovered the power of the sound of my own heartbeat!  LOL

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I don't know if you are religious, but this sort of thing would cause me to have my house blessed by my priest. My friend had this happen all the time at her house. I even witnessed crazy things happen with lights coming on and garbage cans spontaneously spilling over. They got the house blessed and it stopped.


I always say I'm going to do this and forget. Plus, I think dh thought it was weird. I do have holy water in the house, though.


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I sometimes hear someone say my name. It has even woken me up. And one time I woke up to someone saying it was time to get out.


I don't really believe in ghosts. But that has freaked me out. Because it seems like if I was dreaming it wouldn't wake me up.

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We live in an old house, and when the heat goes off, the duct work creaks and groans and it sounds like someone is walking around.  Hubby works nights and its a bit unsettling to hear.  


I'm not a ghost person, really.  But, we lived in a house built before 1850, and it felt like a presence was there.  I had people visit, and they also commented on it. The history of the house was super interesting--it was a funeral parlor at one time, and the spinster daughter of the builder lived there till she died in her 90s.  


Growing up, our elderly neighbor lady had passed away in the middle of the night.  A few years later, a self-proclaimed witch lived there, and her paroled bank robber boyfriend kicked her out when he became a Christian, she came around when he was gone and anointed the windows. He died that week in a freak accident.  Next person that lived there had a rocking chair that would rock by itself and she said it was a friendly old lady.


Our stairs would creak and groan like someone was coming upstairs, and I had a wild imagination anyway, which was not helped by the hellfire and brimstone, devils and demons sermons I heard as an 8 year old.  Of course it was just the house settling.  


Nope, not a ghost person.  



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The heater at my grandmother's house sounded exactly like someone walking around the house. Older home with creaky wood floors and basement. It scared the crap out of me when I was little. Since you were in a different room reading, possible sound were coming through vents or roof vent that echoed and sounded like someone walking,


Can't imagine how nerve wracking that was if you have never heard it before.

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This is why I skipped this thread last night and am just now reading it this morning. Dh was out of town last night, as a bonus reason to not creep myself out with this stuff.

Haha! I skipped it until this morning too :D


I vote for house settling noises. I live in a house with a lot of hardwood and high ceilings. Everything settles at night end echoes to make it sound worse.


Also my ice maker makes a "regular" clicking/thumping as its refilling. It could maybe sound like footsteps.

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We have a number of feral cats in the area (to keep the rats/mice down) and I have woken a few times to the sound of a them running across my roof. It sounds like a person walking except after they run across the roof they jump onto a fence and I can hear the tell-tale rattle sound from that. Sounds are more amplified at night so it could been something much quieter that during the day wouldn't even register. Our previous house always popped and cracked with the temperatures. I'm surprised we don't have more of that in our current house as it has a raised foundation and wood floors.

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I've heard and seen so many things over the years. Like I said before, lots of things happened in our last house. This house has been quiet.

However, a couple of weeks ago I was staying with my parents at my grandmother's house. She passed in July, but they stay there sometimes. Anyway, I woke up because someone kept saying, "Name, wake up!" over and over again. They weren't using my name but my Dad's. The voice was croaky and creepy and definitely coming from my right side as if someone was standing next to my bed and leaning over to speak into my ear. I don't know what it was. I remembered what I was dreaming because the voice pulled me out of it. It definitely didn't sound like an internal voice of any kind and did not make sense as part of the dream.

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