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My dh is having his liver transplant surgery right now! Please send prayers and good thoughts. AMAZING UPDATE IN POST 713!!!


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Dear Catwoman: Thank you for the Update in post #713.  Prayers answered.  I will continue praying for your DH and the doctors and nurses and everyone who is taking care of him, including you and your son.  Take it one day at a time. None of us know if we have another 20 minutes or another 20 years.  Gentle virtual hugs are on their way to you, from Colombia. Lanny

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SO happy for you! And so impressed with your husband's attitude! My ex husband had a kidney transplant and well,  I don't think he has the same attitude. Of course, there is a reason he's an ex. 


You have a great man there, who is doing everything right, as are you. Only thing I'll suggest is to contact a local church and ask if he can be put on the list to receive the Eucharist at home? And have a priest visit and pray for him? I think he could even have the rite of annointing of the sick (it's not "last rites" and doesn't mean you are dying, that's a myth). Adding spiritual healing to everything else you are doing can only help, and might help with his attitude and hope on the days when things are hard. 


Hugs! So happy!

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So very glad for this good news!  Very glad. And your dh sounds like a very special guy. The way you described his motivations as being for his family but also for the donor---very selfless motivations that will take him a long way. Expressing gratitude by doing one's best to heal is awesome. I hope the road ahead is as smooth as possible and will continue to pray. 

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