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2016 New Years Resolution: Decluttering and related, will you join me?


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Any system, KonMari or Flylady, or whatever works for you...   Just starting out for 2016, or continuing onward...


Can we support each other in our endeavor?


I started with KonMari, but haven't gotten very far, and want to continue with it.


At the moment I feel I have a worse mess of ____ all over the floor.   The one thing I can say about that is that I have to love something a lot to make me want to put it back somewhere carefully rather than just toss it in the Good Will box.

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YES!!! I really need to do this. I don't really have a system though. Tried fly lady once and about went crazy due to he amount of emails she sent. I haven't taken the time to read KonMari yet. I would like a system though. A simple, yet effective, system. Any ideas?


Otherwise I'm definitely in. I need the accountability and something more than myself to keep me on track.

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I'm in.


My current plan is to get thing to as minimalist a point as possible in the living areas of the house, with things not currently in use (out of season clothes, schoolbooks we will need next year) stored in the garage and a couple of spots in the house.

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I'm in. I have been getting rid of huge amounts of stuff over the past few days. I am having to go through each shelf and drawer before I can get around to Konmari, get rid of the garbage and useless stuff before I ask if each thing sparks joy. t's like layers of decluttering. And then there is organizing what's left. All of it takes so much time and chunks of time of at least 2 hours. I do keep a donation bin to use whenever I come across anything on a daily basis.

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I'm in...


Taking a deep breath.  Dh mentioned that my baby will finish his senior year this May and it's a good time to go through my homeschool stash/library/just in case books.  I'm already in the middle of going through my closet, and getting rid of shoes and clothing is much easier than my books.


I'm an old Flylady fan, but very much a KonMari want to be.  (Flylady never made me think very much or very hard; KonMari, well sparking joy is a new concept for me.)

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I just found out about KonMari recently and finished reading the book yesterday.  It's a bit overwhelming to think of going through ALL my stuff over the next 6 months or so, and makes me think that I'll give up before then, but I'm eager to go through my clothes and papers, even though I'm pretty sure the papers will take forever. I tried Flylady years ago and the emails were just too much.

Edited by Ellyndria
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I'm in!


The last 2 days I've been working on my bedroom.  December really trashed it.  We had visitors over, so all odds and ends got shoved there.  Christmas packages opened and wrapping got done in the bedroom.  It was crazy.  I got all the recycling and garbage out and it feels sooo much better. 


My goal is to get the whole house decluttered, in case we do put the house back on the market this spring. 

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I'm in. I KonMaried my clothes and books this fall but then stalled out. I don't think I'll do a full KonMari declutter as sometimes it makes more sense to me to do a room rather than a category. I'll do more of a hybrid. I started cleaning out our spare (i.e. junk) room yesterday. The plan is to finish that today and then start sorting Christmas decorations tonight. I want the decorations down and put away by this weekend but some of them need to go. If I get the spare room done first I'll have an empty sorting space as I go through the rest of the house.

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I'm in.


One of my current priorities is tackling the paper clutter.  I *LOVE* paper, and hate almost all electronic replacements.  I have made progress with shopping lists, thanks to the Echo.  I've made *slight progress with the S Note app, but it hasn't replaced my physical note jotting compulsion.  So I still have spiral notebooks, clip boards, note pads, legal pads, binders, graphing pads, piles of print outs, and multiple kinds of planners in my car, in my bedroom, in our school area, in my purse...  I've started consolidating, but it's going to be a long, drawn out, painful process.  But I'm looking forward to the results!


I'm also working on better ways to get rid of free stuff.  Facebook isn't working, and the 40 minute drive to the Salvation Army means things sit around way too long before collecting enough to make the trip.  I'm disappointed by how much winds up just getting tossed in order to get it out of my way.

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 I'm disappointed by how much winds up just getting tossed in order to get it out of my way.


For us, we have to pay for each garbage bag we toss.  Which is an issue in itself.  Waaaah! 

(but I know what you mean.  I really need to stop bringing 'stuff' into the house)

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I'm in, I really need to keep decluttering.  I did really well for a month or so and hauled out many vans full of stuff to Goodwill and the dump but never got the project done.  I had to take a break for college application (which I still haven't finished my counselor's letter so I can't get on DS too much for not writing his essays either) and then some family stuff has kept me busy elsewhere.  I'm still waiting to actually read the KonMari book.  I'm down to number 84 on the waitlist so I'm hopefully I will see it in the next month or two (When I put in the request in September I was 584). I need the inspiration to continue ruthlessly purging.

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I've been working on hoarder teen son's bedroom. We've made major progress despite him not really letting very much go. I'm also working on getting the Christmas stuff packed up, getting out all the packages and boxes, and finding places for the new stuff that came in. We didn't have a lot of gifts this year so that part is easy. I should probably get rid of some of my Christmas stuff because I don't use it all, but I'm not ready to tackle sentimental stuff right now. It's getting boxed up and put in the crawl space.

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I'm in!


I'm usually quite good with decluttering, so we don't have that much stuff, but this year I really want to go as minimalistic as possible. I'm even ready to get rid of books. :svengo:


Or I'm possessed by an alien, that is also possible :lol:.

Edited by Tress
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I'm in :) I'm hoping to do the full Declutter365 this year. I've found their facebook group really supportive and full of ideas I need to tweak things when I've worked on it this year. It has the little by little, step by step and community I enjoy. 


In year's past, I've done the New Years Cleaning Challenge which worked well at first, but I found trying to do a full room each week, week after week, led to burnout and it doesn't have the steps by steps for the trouble areas I struggle with, but I know lots of others who love it and do it to refreshen their house each year. I've also tried the January Cure which leads into Weekend Projects which I still have as it has a lot of hints, but a lot of it is not relevant to us. 

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How do you use index cards?

In Sidetracked Home Executives they use index cards for scheduling/keeping track of chores and such. It's sort of a rotating to do list. I like it because you think of your chores once and the cards remind you when and what to do. It also creates a place to put a random chore you think of at the "wrong" time.


It's a great and funny book as are all the books the sisters/authors wrote.

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What does the fly lady say about decluttering?  Can it be summed up in a few sentences?



(She has a web site that explains it along with her book.)


 She recommends doing one drawer or small area at a time, while you set a timer for 15 minutes.  Also the 27 item bag-boogie is an excellent tool.  Grab a garbage bag and another to donate,  and quickly gather 27 trash or items to donate into the bags.  Dump the trash, and put the donate bag in your vehicle immediately.


I'm sure others can chime in, but that's what pops into my mind.

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I'll join, too! I actually just bought a copy of KonMarie at Goodwill yesterday. I have a kindle copy, but prefer a hard copy. I think I will do a combo of Kon Marie and FlyLady's 27 fling boogie. Anything to get me out of this funk i don't give a flying fig's fat fanny about the house.

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I finished the spare room today. I put away all the stuff that had been shoved in there during the busyness of December and also cleaned out a full trash bag of trash, a grocery bag of things to pass on to my sister, and two small boxes for Goodwill. I also cleaned it well and posted a list of projects on the door for DH. Hopefully the room will be a guest room/office soon. We have a desk, filing cabinet, and a couple of bookshelves in there right now.


I finished the spare room by lunch so in the afternoon I started the kitchen. I got about half of the cupboards cleaned out so far. I have another bag and a half of trash so far and a Goodwill box started. I'm deep cleaning and re-organizing as a I declutter and it's looking great! It'll be awesome to have the kitchen done. It's the hardest part of the house!

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I started on our oh-so-tiny office tonight. I work from home, so I spend a lot of time in that office. It is really teeny tiny, and I tend to use it as a catch all when I don't know where to put something. It is absolutely the most cluttered room on the house and I know I would be more productive at work if I had a nice office.


So I started. I didn't get much done because o have no idea what to do with the stuff. But o started. That's something, right?

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Good!  I'm glad there are a bunch of people on board with this!






I got a couple bags of clothing to Good Will today. 


It feels good to have a task of my New Years' Resolution done before it is even 2016!

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I KonMari'd my clothes today!  I still need to do shoes and purses, but I will either do them tomorrow or this weekend.  But I did tops, bottoms, jackets/coats, socks, underwear, pajamas, and scarves.  I'm giving away 4 black bags of clothes and throwing away 2 white bags.  The socks and underwear I didn't want filled up 1 white bag by themselves.   My remaining socks and underwear fit in one drawer, and my remaining clothes would probably fit in no more than two bags.  


I had to hang all of my remaining clothes for now, because aside from my sock/underwear drawer, my other drawers are taken up by non-clothes junk.  So i will have to empty those drawers before I'll be able to put any clothes in them.  My section of the closet isn't very big so I hadn't been able to put all my clothes away for a while, and some were sitting in piles, so this is good.  (DH's clothes take up like 2/3 of the closet.)  Looking forward to getting rid of some shoes and boots I haven't worn in years, and clearing out the shoeboxes so maybe I will have room to store something else in there.  I purged quite a few bags/purses earlier this year but I could probably stand to KonMari some more.

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I am in a constant cycle of trying to dejunk here.  I did my bedroom and closet and it is great.  Could do more but got rid of about 1/2 of my clothes.


My issues are a super messy 27 year old (special needs), a collector 20 year old (special needs), a near hoarder/messy 19 year old (more special needs) and then 12 year old foster boy (and all of the foster care rules that say we can NOT get rid of any of his stuff he came with or got while here).  I have a serious need to go through their bedrooms but none of them want me near their stuff as they have seen me in action.

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I KonMari'd my clothes today! 


I'm impressed!!!!  


I've been doing much more narrow categories at a time as the only way I can handle it so far.  Like: just short sleeve shirts.


When I have attempted more, I get tired out (have chronic illness) and can't finish and end up going backwards.




And, to whomever asked about starting being a start...    Yup!  I agree, a start is a start! 


Congratulations to all of us who have started, or thought about starting...



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I'm impressed!!!!  


I've been doing much more narrow categories at a time as the only way I can handle it so far.  Like: just short sleeve shirts.


When I have attempted more, I get tired out (have chronic illness) and can't finish and end up going backwards.




And, to whomever asked about starting being a start...    Yup!  I agree, a start is a start! 


Congratulations to all of us who have started, or thought about starting...



I was a little worried since I have been having weird arm pain and tingling the past few weeks, but it didn't hinder me today.  However, my toes and calves got a workout with all the stretching and reaching to get stuff out of the left side of the closet and put it back.  (There are still non-clothes piles in the way of me reaching over to the left side of the closet to get stuff, thus the problem.)  I was going to stop after I pulled out all the closet stuff, but since the rest of the clothes were just sitting in various piles right there, I figured I might as well get it all done at once, just like she said.

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I'm in I have been KonMari'ing my stuff and rearranging so DH doesn't annoy me as much.


I just skimmed her book, but didn't see any suggestions for how to store my dh so he doesn't bug me as much.


What did she say?  How do I fold him up and where do I put him?


Is there a youtube for that?


:smilielol5: :smilielol5:

Edited by yvonne
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