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Suggestions to do on non-Thanksgiving day


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This year is going to be strange.  Most of our extended family couldn't get together on Thanksgiving day for various complicated reasons, so we've opted to do the traditional dinner the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I can't bear the thought of cooking up a turkey and all the fixings twice, once for just 5 people.  So I am trying to figure out what to do on that day instead.  I'd like to go to Mass at 10:00 and then maybe maybe have some kind of special brunch afterwards.  Do people go to the movies on Thanksgiving?  Are theaters open?  What to do to make the day fun.  I am afraid everyone will find the day depressing.  I'll have two teenagers, a 20 year old and a husband at home all that day.  


I also thought about maybe volunteering at a soup kitchen or something, but I haven't gotten any further than that.  I wonder if they don't get flooded with volunteers on Thanksgiving Day.

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I've been contemplating something similar.  We've never had extended family for TG (for boring and sad reasons), and I'm not really feeling the whole "fix a giant turkey dinner" thing.  For one thing, we cook at home all the time, including turkey (I bought a bunch on sale last year, so we've been eating them from the freezer about 1x per month).  I'm not really all that big a fan of turkey, to me it's not majorly different from chicken, it just takes a long time. 


So, we're pretty much decided that we're going to see the new Hunger Games movie on TG day.  Whether or not I cook that day will depend on what time the showing is (because the theater is 45 minutes from our house).  I hadn't thought about going to mass.  I'll have to check mass time for that day, it's a good idea, thanks.  I'm also thinking of calling around and seeing if anyplace has take out that day.  I had posited the idea to my husband of a restaurant TG, but most places would be about $120+ for our 4, and he wasn't liking the idea.  I'm also wondering about just going to some of the sales that I guess stores will be having (which would be an outing for us, because we hardly ever go shopping just to look at stuff).   The other thought I've had is a board game day, but that's hard because my kids are 17 and 5.

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We watch the Macy's parade in the morning and either play family games or go to a movie that afternoon. We watch Christmas Vacation on Thanksgiving night, always.  We start decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving also.  That weekend we start a family puzzle. It's fun to sit around and talk while putting it together, and snacking the whole time just makes it even better. 


BTW, Theaters are open. For the past 6 years or so we have gone to the movies on Christmas Day too. It's usually pretty crowded. 


Our soup kitchen needs no volunteers on Thanksgiving - they usually fill those slots early. But last week the Salvation Army was asking people to take a 2 hour shift on Thanksgiving- I bet it's a heavy donation day but harder to get people to take a shift. 


Would your teens like to make a gingerbread house? Bake cookies to give to friends?  Learn to play a card game like Tripoley where they can bet pennies? 


I don't think your family will be bored- if they enjoy being together, just plan a few things and enjoy a relaxed day. 

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I love going to mass on Thanksgiving day!! For me, that's the best way of giving thanks :). Ask dh and the kids? What would they like? Movies? Hike? A formal brunch but less formal dinner? Or they do want a formal dinner? Doesn't have to be turkey. Ham? Roast beef? Salmon? Do they like board games? Would they like to go for a drive somewhere in the afternoon? What about decorating for Christmas, with dessert and movie after? Working on a big puzzle together? Just some ideas...

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We just do normal "day off" stuff on a holiday that we're not celebrating.  Go for a hike, to the movies.  Options may be limited because some places are closed, but not everything.  If we're behind on raking, that's what we'd do.  I wouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving twice in one weekend either.  But the actual day is not that important. 

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On years we've been home, we have: 
done breakfast or brunch
eaten at a nice hotel's Thanksgiving buffet (usually need reservations)
eaten at Cracker Barrel (need reservations, but a decent Thanksgiving meal)
gone to the movies (Get your tickets as soon as the theater opens, go enjoy your day, then get to the theater EARLY for the showing. It will be packed.)
played board games 
gone out to see Christmas lights

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Our Thanksgiving is always 'just' the four of us and is never depressing!


What do you normally do on Thanksgiving day? Can it happen with five people? Or be shifted? For example if you normally play a game that needs ten people can you play a game for five?


If you have a 'share what you're thankful for' tradition that can happen twice.


On other Thanksgiving threads people have shared that they cook 'favorite foods' for Thanksgiving which has always sounded like fun.

Edited by happi duck
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Our local zoo has a special Thanksgiving Day program called 'Feast for the Beasts' in which members are invited to come to a special tour with food treats for all of the animals, mid day.


For years we would get up early, go to church, go to the zoo, and then head out to family Thanksgiving whereever that was that year.  If there was no family Thanksgiving, we still would have had a full day.  We probably would have stayed at the zoo longer, and then gone for a hike, and then come home and had hot cider in front of a roaring fire.  

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I have a friend whose family is small.  There are no living grandparents etc.  So, their Thanksgivings are always very low key.  They make a meal where everyone gets to pick a favorite thing and they spend the entire day in pajamas, watching movies.  It is very low key and they just enjoy being together. In fact they turn down invitations to other people's houses for a 'real' thanksgiving,

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One of our favorite memories for Thanksgiving is the year everyone else was traveling and just DS19, DD14 and myself were home.  I'm not a cook, so we slept late, went to see a movie - Theaters were not crowded! - and then came home and ate pizza.   It was the most relaxing holiday ever!


Many years, we do board games, skiing, sledding, theater movies and a movie night on Thanksgiving. 

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We do school.  We often don't celebrate Thanksgiving on the actual day since the Canadian cousins don't have that day off of work and will come down to celebrate with us on the weekend.  So we have a normal day - including school.  








Just kidding. :D

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Where do you live? Did you know that all the Smithsonian museums are open Thanksgiving Day? If that's not local to you, maybe some museums in your area are?

And you can make a reservation to eat at the cafe at the museum of the American Indian. They do a Thanksgiving meal with traditional Native American foods. It's a great place to eat and they don't normally required reservations, but do for this special meal.

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I would go to the movies. Dh and I have gone to the movies on Christmas Day together for the past 6 or 7 years. At first it felt weird but my parents are here and so we have babysitters. And the kids are always happy to be playing with their new presents. There are a lot of people at the movies on Christmas and I would assume the same on Thanksgiving. It always feels kind of festive. 


On Thanksgiving we usually go for a long walk and play board games or card games so I might also do that but just do it without the big feast.  

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Wow, I was so busy all day I only came back to this thread just now to find it has been labeled 'hot!'  I've never been considered hot in my life.  LOL.  Anyway, thanks for all the great suggestions.  We do live near Washington DC and I have never been to the American Indian museum.  I love that idea!  However, I don't know if my family would be up for it.  They are picky eaters and anyway I realize there is football game on, so I will never get dh away from the TV.  He and his brothers and father would eat their dinner on the couch watching the game.  Last year though one of his brothers died just after Thanksgiving.  So it's sad.  


Anyway, I love all your suggestions and I will present them to the family and see which ones appeal to them.  I think mass then a nice brunch (I'll haul out my waffle iron, I only do that a few times a year.)  And then I'll make soup and biscuits for dinner.  Honestly, I'd like to spend some part of the day just cleaning.  My house has finally gotten grubby enough that I would like to go on deep cleaning spree and I only get that impulse once in a blue moon!


I also really would like to see the new Charlie Brown movie.  I heard it was good.  maybe somehow before or after football?


Thanks all!  

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I would have a Joy Dinner. Each family member prepares a food that brings him or her joy. At my house, it would look like: chocolate cake, a burrito, Dungeness crab, pickles, and pizza. We would laugh pretty hard, though! And then we'd have the traditional dinner on Saturday.


I worked at a movie theater in high school and we got SLAMMED every holiday.

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I would have a Joy Dinner. Each family member prepares a food that brings him or her joy. At my house, it would look like: chocolate cake, a burrito, Dungeness crab, pickles, and pizza. We would laugh pretty hard, though! And then we'd have the traditional dinner on Saturday.


I worked at a movie theater in high school and we got SLAMMED every holiday.

For a few years we did that at Thanksgiving- let everyone choose a favorite food to have. But we never had a name for it- I LOVE the name Joy Dinner.  We're going to do it for one of the upcoming holiday meals- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or New Year's Day....I'm happy to have such a perfect name for it. 

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We're having our Thanksgiving family dinner on Friday. Usually, we decorate for Christmas on Friday. So this year we're making all kinds of appetizers on Thursday and decorating.


This is my plan. At least, as long as I can sell DH on it. We are doing to my mom's for thanskgiving dinner on Friday, and turkey dinner two days in a row seems insane. So I'm thinking turn on the parade, have a nice brunch, and decorate the house. I'm also hoping to con him into getting the tree Wednesday afternoon/evening, as I htink he gets out early that day and the place we go will be open Wednesday evening. 

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