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Has anyone else FINISHED Christmas shopping?


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I'm feeling like a bit of a freak right now. I hate shopping in December, things are always sold out, and I order a large majority of the kids gifts online these days, often from overseas (I'm in Australia)  so I have to consider postage time. Also, DD2s birthday is 8 weeks before Christmas, and DD1s is 6 weeks after it, so birthday gifts have to be planned alongside Christmas gifts and the first of those need to be bought in October. 


I begin Christmas shopping in October, and aim to have it done by the end of November. If it's December and it's not done, I begin to panic! I think I bought the final items last night, woo! *celebratory dance*


Is anyone else an early bird? Am I a total freak for shopping so early?


Disclaimer, this is immediate family only. We don't do many gifts outside immediate family anymore, but of those we do none have been bought yet as we're waiting for the special Christmas items and packs to come out and will probably get some of those seasonal things. 

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We used go on the earlier side.  Now, if we 'go' at all, it could be any time in Oct-Nov.  Generally, though, it's November or early December.  Sometimes finances just work out in a way that December is the earliest we can do it; other times we may be waiting to see if a big ticket item has a Black Friday special, and order it online then.  


When we go, though, it's never very close to Christmas.  We also don't shop at 'normal' times - last year we went on a Wednesday afternoon/evening.  I don't remember *when* it was, but I'm thinking it was late November/early December.  


Also, we don't buy for anyone except our immediate family.  Which is nice.  :)  

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Yes I have mostly, just some laybys now to finish paying off but I count those as done as they are already selected.


DH has been unemployed for the last 6 months so I had to start really early to make sure we had things by getting something every paycheck. Could not afford one big shopping spree like I usually do.

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Fingers are in my ears and I'm singing 'La la la la la la la'.  â™ª ♫ ♪ ♫  


No gifts purchased.  No list started.  Not many ideas to go on.  I'm kind of jealous of you guys & I really need to get moving.  


I really needed to hear that someone else hasn't started.  I'm no good at this. When the kids were little I did well...but now I just...well, let's just say buying gifts for people is not a love language I relate to. 

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No you are not alone. I don't shop Thanksgiving weekend so I try to be almost done by then, if not I also go in panic mode. Yes, almost done. Missing some gift cards here and there, stuff I'm not to worried of not finding pass the black Friday mayhem. I'd say I'm 95% done?? Oh, and I also start around October, but in the past have bought Christmas presents as early as June :)

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I'm mostly done.  We usually do food in the stockings so I'll get that later, but we bought the extended family gifts in January in Mexico and delivered them this summer.  I got board games for the boys when they were on sale earlier this year.  Dh always freaks out a bit a day or two before Christmas and goes shopping, but that's not my problem.

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Mostly finished. I do the bulk of my purchases online (and they're all done and almost all finished arriving).  Pretty much all I have left are stocking stuffers (candy and what-not to pick up next time I'm alone in Target).

ETA: I hate shopping during the holidays and I despise crowds.  I'm pretty much the grinch...except I love Christmas and our house is already decorated (inside....I don't decorate outside until after Thanksgiving.  Don't want the neighbors to think I'm a nut.)

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I did already buy Christmas pajamas. I didn't want to make them this year like I have the last couple of years and I remembered the struggle to find two pairs that were different but sort of the same so the boys could have ones that went together.


And I'm already doing Christmas making of stuff... But otherwise... NO.


However, Abba, you're not alone. I know of other people in your tribe of early shoppers.

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This is the first year I've done everything in advance. I've even wrapped most everything at this point. The niece and nephew's gift are wrapped and just need to be sent. The Christmas cards are ordered.


It's really fun having the bulk of the work done. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to figure it out.




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I have my children done with a few things put away in case we get a foster or two.  Most everything I buy for them is either on sale or clearance or both.  A local toy store went out of business in early summer.  I bought snap circuits, legos, games and other toys 50-75% off.  Each fall our local B&N has a huge clearance section where I pick up a few things.  I also use the coupons that Toys R Us and B&N send out each month allowing me to take 20% off of one item.  By doing this, the savings really add up and I'm able to purchase nicer toys than I would otherwise be able to.  I keep 3 boxes in my attic that are for gifts only.  If I do over shop then what ever is left over goes towards their birthdays.


For Christmas I only have 6 adults left to shop for and they mainly will be receiving gift cards. 

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Fingers are in my ears and I'm singing 'La la la la la la la'. ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫


No gifts purchased. No list started. Not many ideas to go on. I'm kind of jealous of you guys & I really need to get moving.

Lol! I thought you were humming "fa la la, fa la la, fa la la!"... now that song is stuck in my mind :)
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Done except for shipping the books I bought for my mom. Her other present was ordered online and will be shipped directly. She is the only person I'm shopping for this year. We have never been big into the gift thing, mainly just doing stockings. But as we will be taking a family vacation again this year during the holidays and flying home on Christmas day, we will not even do those. I'd much rather buy experiences than stuff.

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I don't even have lists yet from the boys.


Honestly, they NEED  some clothing items, and they have to go with me to try those on.


Oldest needs a laptop but we told  him he should start the CC program first to see which computer would be the best fit, so his gift won't come until after Christmas.


Middle just needs clothing, he just got a new guitar, so he doesn't need much.


Youngest needs pretty much nothing.


DH and I don't exchange gifts, unless we really want or need something.  I have told him I want a new espresso machine since my broke last year and I really miss it.  But I will pick it out and order it myself.


We don't get extended family much.   We write a check to DH's dad's memorial fund each year instead of gift giving.


I usually make bath bombs for friends or fudge.


That is it.  



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The last of my boxes are coming in the mail today. I have a few homemade gifts to complete, but I've got all the supplies stocked up. The only thing I need is wrapping paper since I finally used up the stash last year. The only thing left to do then, is to kick back by the fireplace and relax.

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I really needed to hear that someone else hasn't started.  I'm no good at this. When the kids were little I did well...but now I just...well, let's just say buying gifts for people is not a love language I relate to. 


This is so me! I don't speak the gift language and I don't understand it. I hate to shop. I hate to think of presents. I don't receive presents for Christmas (or any other time). Everyone knows I'd prefer they spend their money on my kids or save it for themselves. 


I will buy my kids presents at Christmas. If it weren't for Amazon, I think I'd give up presents already and just give out money. I know. It's bad, but fortunately, gifts aren't the Love Language of anyone else in my family either.  :leaving:

Edited by Momto2Ns
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So far I've knit each--dh and 3 dc--a pair of socks and gotten all dh's gifts. (They get done early thanks to a Christmas in July crafting challenge in one of my Ravelry groups. Otherwise it will be like a few years ago when one person got 1.5 socks with the needles still in it.) Ds2 asked for a backpack and I told him to send me a link to one he likes, so hopefully that will be done soon. And I got dh a couple small things. Other than that I'm still putting together a list. But we have 2 birthdays between now and Christmas so those are taking priority. Most likely all gifts will be ordered online anyway and I'll only shop for stocking stuffers.

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FINISHED? Are you kidding?


So far I have bought:


a couple of stocking stuffers

one present for one kid

Right there with you. I will finish on Christmas Eve.


I tried shopping early one year. I just kept shopping until Christmas Eve and ended up with way too much stuff.

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Dh will be home all next week. We will shop on Mondays, wrap on Tuesday and then enjoy the rest of the week.

I have a few handmade things done, and I will be sewing for the next month, but our store shopping will be done by thanksgiving. I love it that he wants to be so involved As it is a big job with the size of our family .

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I'm feeling like a bit of a freak right now. I hate shopping in December, things are always sold out, and I order a large majority of the kids gifts online these days, often from overseas (I'm in Australia)  so I have to consider postage time. Also, DD2s birthday is 8 weeks before Christmas, and DD1s is 6 weeks after it, so birthday gifts have to be planned alongside Christmas gifts and the first of those need to be bought in October. 


I begin Christmas shopping in October, and aim to have it done by the end of November. If it's December and it's not done, I begin to panic! I think I bought the final items last night, woo! *celebratory dance*


Is anyone else an early bird? Am I a total freak for shopping so early?


Disclaimer, this is immediate family only. We don't do many gifts outside immediate family anymore, but of those we do none have been bought yet as we're waiting for the special Christmas items and packs to come out and will probably get some of those seasonal things. 



Finished? Uh, no.  DH's company is one of the few that still gives a bonus.  It's based on profits and, most years, generally covers our Christmas expenses.  So we've gotten in the habit of doing ALL our Christmas shopping in one weekend.


I make a  color coded spreadsheet, the morning of the deposit, I order everything that is online (a solid 75%+) and then that weekend, DH and I make a date of it and get everything else and stocking stuffers.  So, nope, not yet.



We have several Christmas birthdays.  I consider it quite an accomplishment that I've missed giving birth on Christmas FOUR times - December 23, December 23, December 28, and January 4. :D

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We have several Christmas birthdays.  I consider it quite an accomplishment that I've missed giving birth on Christmas FOUR times - December 23, December 23, December 28, and January 4. :D


Lol, my mother in law wasn't so fortunate, her youngest of 8 was Dec 25th :P That was an interesting Christmas apparently. 


However, TWO on Dec 23 is pretty impressive!

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Finished, I haven't even started. :w00t:


You know what is really bad, I drew names last Thanksgiving for our advent calendar swap and have had all year to get it ready. I am starting today and we give it on Thursday. 25 gifts in a creative way. Not just boxed. Uggh...shoot me!

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All 3 of my kids have December birthdays, so I normally start shopping for birthdays and Christmas in October.  I'm even closer to being finished right now due to a hysterectomy being scheduled next month.  I have a couple more things to get and I'll be finished.  I'm aiming to be finished next week.      

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I have most of it done, but some of DD's stuff will wait until after her birthday gifts finish coming in. She has a lot of fairly small things on her Amazon wish list currently, and I suspect she'll get some of them for birthday, so rather than having to return, I wait and hit "move to cart" as needed.


My three nieces are waiting until I talk to their mom and see what they are into this year. Either that or iTunes cards for everyone. It was so much easier when they were little, but at 14, 11, and 10, toys aren't a big deal anymore.



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