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Has anyone trained themselves to be able to read in the car?


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Okay, this is probably both a stupid question and incredibly wishful thinking, but I get very nauseated any time I try to read in the car for more than a minute or so, and I'm wondering if there is any way to remedy the problem because long car trips would be so much less boring if I could read or watch a movie instead of just sitting there listening to music. (I don't enjoy books on tape.)


I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions anyone might have. :)

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I can't always read in the car, but I am able to on the interstate. I lean my seat back just a little and then hold the book in front of my face instead of looking down. It tends to work better if I'm reading aloud vs to myself. I've only been able to do this in the last couple years. I get carsick really easy so I absolutely can't do this if its hilly, the roads curve, or if the traffic is stop and go.



The girl known to get carsick while driving.

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I used to get carsick but I have gotten better at reading in the car. I have to be focusing on the text and not the outside scenery. I still tend to get headaches if I'm not careful, but I can now knit in the car successfully :)

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I didn't train myself but I used to get nauseated trying to read in the car and now I don't. I have no idea how or when it changed. 


Do you have a smart phone and if so does using it have the same effect on you as reading a book? Maybe you could read online or play a game on your phone (or even a tablet but you'd either need a data plan or would have to do offline stuff).

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Reading in the car has never bothered me, but I'm wondering if you used a Kindle and made the font very large if it would help? That way you wouldn't have to focus so closely?

This is how I can (sort of) do it. I still can't keep at it for hours, but I can read for twenty minutes intervals.

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Do not risk your vision!    Discuss this with your Ophthalmologist.  Stepson's first wife had a Detached Retina (?) because she was studying for university classes, while commuting to/from school?  I think that's what her problem was.   PLEASE talk with your Ophthalmologist.  Personally, I do not think it is without risk, to read in a moving vehicle, land or air. I would never do that.

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My husband gets quite sick in the car (and on rides and any number of moving things!), while I don't .  Half of our children take after him and the other half after me.  Those who get carsick cannot seem to get over it, no matter what they do.  My husband has tried for years.  He does know that he can look at a map or read something short if he is sitting looking straight ahead, and for only about 3-5 minutes.  So, he has learned what his limits are, but it doesn't change. 


We used to take a lot of roadtrips when all the kids were homeschooled, and the plan was to work on schoolwork while we were in the car.  That did not happen, given our situation!

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Do not risk your vision! Discuss this with your Ophthalmologist. Stepson's first wife had a Detached Retina (?) because she was studying for university classes, while commuting to/from school? I think that's what her problem was. PLEASE talk with your Ophthalmologist. Personally, I do not think it is without risk, to read in a moving vehicle, land or air. I would never do that.


How would reading in a moving vehicle be risking a detached retina? Any kind of study to back this up? Sounds like coincidence and fear mongering.


Wish I could help, op, but reading is honestly the only way I can ride in the car and NOT be carsick :/

It's why I am almost always the driver :p

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