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Christmas tree poll (because we all like to talk about Christmas before it's even Halloween)

Southern Ivy

To get or not to get a tree  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I get a new Christmas tree or wait?

    • Get new tree
    • Wait until it's on sale
    • other

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Last spring, our basement flooded. Our pre-lit Christmas tree was stored down there and it got ruined, so now we need to get a new tree. Due to allergies, we can not have a real tree, so that's out of the running. 

We will not be home for Christmas day as we go to dh's family's celebration. My family used to come to our house for our after-Christmas celebration, but due to work schedules, we will be going to them instead. 
Now, I'm thinking about not doing a tree this year and waiting until Hobby Lobby has them discounted pretty good after the holidays. 

What would you do? Go ahead and get a tree and set it up, even though we won't be home for a good chunk of the end of December? Do without a tree this year and get it on sale after Christmas? 

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We bought ours at Hobby Lobby several years ago and they were on sale before Christmas- like two or three weeks before.  It was 60% or 70%  off.  We tried buying one after Christmas the year before but there was nothing left except Charlie Brown trees. You know, the ugly ones that look especially fake. 


I think retailers are really trying to unload stuff before the holidays now....I can rarely even find good Halloween candy the day after Halloween. 

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I got one a couple years ago from Walmart that was about 40 bucks.  Pre-lit.  Pre-assembled so I had to do almost nothing.  Yeah, it's not as huge as the one we had before, which took  two hours to assemble.  But I can put it up and take it down in less than five minutes.


Buy a tree now.  Get one that makes your life easy.

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A couple years ago, I had the very same plan: get a Hobby Lobby tree on sale after Christmas.  Then, I walked into Costco and saw their absolutely beautiful, pre-lit, programmable LED, easy-to-assemble trees for half the price of the HL trees.  I bought one ($250) and have loved it!  (by programmable, I mean you can change the LEDs to shine all white, or multi-colored, and you can adjust the flash modes to different settings, from fast twinkle to slow twinkle to solid ON).  Shop around.

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I would have a hard time not having a tree.  But in your case I might just make a paper one on the wall with my kids for this year - they buy on clearance after xmas.

I am going back and forth on this, but I think I would feel like Scrooge if I didn't have a tree. 

I did think about a paper tree for my daughter. 



I voted to wait, but in the end you really have to respect what DH wants.


DH couldn't care less about trees, decorations, etc. He laughs at me and my desires to decorate. He just doesn't get it, so he says it's up to me. 


We bought ours at Hobby Lobby several years ago and they were on sale before Christmas- like two or three weeks before.  It was 60% or 70%  off.  We tried buying one after Christmas the year before but there was nothing left except Charlie Brown trees. You know, the ugly ones that look especially fake. 


I think retailers are really trying to unload stuff before the holidays now....I can rarely even find good Halloween candy the day after Halloween. 

That's good to know. About 10 years ago when my parents bought one, it was after Christmas for 60-70% off. That's what I was waiting on, but if they're going to do it before Christmas, then I may go ahead and nab one then. 

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A couple years ago, I had the very same plan: get a Hobby Lobby tree on sale after Christmas.  Then, I walked into Costco and saw their absolutely beautiful, pre-lit, programmable LED, easy-to-assemble trees for half the price of the HL trees.  I bought one ($250) and have loved it!  (by programmable, I mean you can change the LEDs to shine all white, or multi-colored, and you can adjust the flash modes to different settings, from fast twinkle to slow twinkle to solid ON).  Shop around.

We don't have a Costco, but we have a Sam's Club. I'll look there as well.


DH would love a programmable tree. I hate colors, he hates white, so we "fight" about what is better. I have a feeling if we got one like that it would be an all out "change the colors war". haha 

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We bought ours at Hobby Lobby several years ago and they were on sale before Christmas- like two or three weeks before.  It was 60% or 70%  off.  We tried buying one after Christmas the year before but there was nothing left except Charlie Brown trees. You know, the ugly ones that look especially fake. 


I think retailers are really trying to unload stuff before the holidays now....I can rarely even find good Halloween candy the day after Halloween. 


I agree with this. I rarely see the post-holiday sales you used to see. 


My kids would be heartbroken not to have a tree (it would be the Christmas they remember most clearly, I guarantee it!) so I would definitely look for a pre-holiday sale and go for it. 

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I voted get the tree and agree with others that you should be able to find a decent sale BEFORE Christmas (and probably won't find much afterwards). For me, the tree brings pleasure the whole month of December--it wouldn't matter at all if there were any Christmas day celebrations in my home in making my decision. I love a peaceful evening of reading by the lit Christmas tree and I usually get at least a couple such evenings during the month!


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One year I bought a $30 tree at Target on Black Friday weekend. It was cute and did the job, although it didn't last more than one year. Still cheaper than a real tree though, and something like that could get you through until after Christmas when you could buy a nicer one on clearance.

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One year I bought a $30 tree at Target on Black Friday weekend. It was cute and did the job, although it didn't last more than one year. Still cheaper than a real tree though, and something like that could get you through until after Christmas when you could buy a nicer one on clearance.

I would do something like this rather than go without a tree.

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You could make a felt tree and felt ornaments for DD to rearrange.


Or look for a table top tree (only 2-3 ft tall) until the post sales.


We also have what you might call evergreen swag that we put over some doorways that we wrap with lights. Ornaments can easily hang on those.

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A tree is important to me, so I would never forgo a tree, but when I had a destructive toddler underfoot, one year, our tree was up for less that 24 hours. LOL  


I can see why it makes sense, but you may want to just watch sales before the holidays,  They may not be much more expensive before, rather than after.

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A Christmas tree is very important to me, just the tree and lights and I'm happy. Last year, we were so busy leading up to Christmas that we only put lights on the tree. It was so easy to put up and take down that we may do the same this year. As much as I enjoy a tree, I would wait until Black Friday at least. A nice tree can be expensive.

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Was it the whole tree that was ruined, or just the pre-strung lights? If the tree was salvageable, I'd buy a couple strings of cheap lights and string them on the old tree for this season. Then I'd buy a new tree once they're on sale.

We chunked it months ago. It was almost completely submerged and pretty well ruined. (It was over 10 years old anyway and in desperate need of replacing.) 

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Last Christmas was our first in our new house. We gave our old tree away before we moved, and I wanted to spend the money on Christmas dinner (my first time hosting) instead of a tree. We ended up borrowing a 3-ft. tree from my parents, and waiting to buy a tree until the after Christmas sales. I found a $100 tree at Home Depot for $25, so I think it was worth waiting.


Another solution might be to hit yard sales or Craigslist to see if you can find an inexpensive tree to get you through this year, then get a nicer tree when they go on clearance.

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One year I bought a $30 tree at Target on Black Friday weekend. It was cute and did the job, although it didn't last more than one year. Still cheaper than a real tree though, and something like that could get you through until after Christmas when you could buy a nicer one on clearance.


:iagree: Our basement flooded a few years ago.  We got a $20 tree at a craft store on Black Friday.  It wasn't great, but it filled the void for a short period of time.

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A couple years ago, I had the very same plan: get a Hobby Lobby tree on sale after Christmas.  Then, I walked into Costco and saw their absolutely beautiful, pre-lit, programmable LED, easy-to-assemble trees for half the price of the HL trees.  I bought one ($250) and have loved it!  (by programmable, I mean you can change the LEDs to shine all white, or multi-colored, and you can adjust the flash modes to different settings, from fast twinkle to slow twinkle to solid ON).  Shop around.


I agree with the bolded: shop around. You can often use coupons to get a discount or even find a great price at a place like Costco or Walmart. I'd get one now after shopping around. ;) But then, I set up a Christmas tree right before we MOVED last year. Lol. DH was all, "But it's one more thing we have to pack!" And I was all, "It's Christmas! We need a tree! Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

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We fight over trees here. DH wants a real tree. But no one remembers to water it, and I don't want to add another item to my to-do list. I prefer fake trees - so easy. 


So last year we made a book tree - just laid down books on the floor in the small circle shape and just kept piling books in smaller and smaller circles. I think someone used a 4-H trophy as the star. Add lights and presto - a unique (except you see them on Pinterest) tree! We loved it, but be sure to only use books you won't need in Dec! Great way to make sure the bookshelves get a complete dusting vs. just the front too!

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:iagree: Our basement flooded a few years ago.  We got a $20 tree at a craft store on Black Friday.  It wasn't great, but it filled the void for a short period of time.

I HATE Black Friday, but if we were going to be in town for it, I would brave the crowds to get one this year. 

Pretty sure DH would never speak to me again if I made us travel 10 hours back home with a new Christmas tree in the car. haha 


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Seeing that your daughter is 3 I would look for a really good tree and wait for sales.

Ofcourse in the meantime I would go to Joann fabrics and get a small tree that is like $4 and small ornaments and let Dd decorate it.

That way you can wait for a sale and still get a tree.

I am sure she would love to decorate it esp with the small ornaments you find.

We did this once and now (9 years later) both my kids still have their miniature trees.

They love decorating it even though they are both teenagers.

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I voted "other" because I think you could find a decent sale before Christmas (Black Friday?), and because I can't imagine not having a tree.


Just read the comments and saw you will be out of town...you should still check the online sales. We got one from an online sale one year (Target) and it had free shipping.

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I voted get one now, so your husband has one.  But then my husband re arragned the furniture in the living room this weekend in prepperation for the christmas tree.  (Second christmas in this house and we had no living room furniture then.  So every house he gets to prep and plan. (Insert my eyeroll here).)  He swears it is not going up till closer to Thanksgiving.  Thank god he is traveling two out of the next three weeks, or I probably would not believe that...


Four or five years ago, we had a freak snowstorm in NYC/NJ/Long Island on Oct. 29 getting six plus inches at my house.  They closed bridges and cancelled Sleepy Hallow as well at that huge Jack  O'Lantern Blaze in Hudson Valley, both of which we were supposed to do that day.  So since our plans were cancelled, and there was snow on the ground, the agnostic Jew decided it was the perfect day to put up the christmas tree. (insert another eyeroll here).  Two days later, on Halloween, it was like 70 degrees.  


So yeah, with crazy husband's in mind, I'd just go buy a tree and be done with it. 


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Seeing that your daughter is 3 I would look for a really good tree and wait for sales.

Ofcourse in the meantime I would go to Joann fabrics and get a small tree that is like $4 and small ornaments and let Dd decorate it.

That way you can wait for a sale and still get a tree.

I am sure she would love to decorate it esp with the small ornaments you find.

We did this once and now (9 years later) both my kids still have their miniature trees.

They love decorating it even though they are both teenagers.

That's a good idea. 

My biggest reservation with not having a tree is that dd loves the tree and plays with her ornaments every year, constantly rearranging them. She would love her own tree. :) 


I voted "other" because I think you could find a decent sale before Christmas (Black Friday?), and because I can't imagine not having a tree.


Just read the comments and saw you will be out of town...you should still check the online sales. We got one from an online sale one year (Target) and it had free shipping.

With as much as I buy online, you'd think I would have considered this. It never occurred to me to buy a Christmas tree online. I will definitely check it out on Black Friday, then! 


I voted get one now, so your husband has one.  

DH would be perfectly happy with a stick as a tree.

He honestly doesn't care. He helps put up the tree to appease me. lol 

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I wonder what he'd do if I asked for this tree. I mean, it's only $1200 for seasonal use.  :huh: 

HAHA, I texted him that I found the perfect tree. He said for that price, it had better have presents delivered for the next 10 years. I'm thinking that means "no"?

Another ETA: Apparently, it's been too long since I've bought a tree. I'm choking at some of the prices. At least we've been saving since the flood. 

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I vote for getting a tree now.  We did not put up a tree a few years ago.  I was having a hysterectomy and wasn't going to be able to help clean up the holiday mess, so only what DH/kids put up and were willing to put away could be brought out.  We all missed having a tree that year.  Those decorations really put you in the spirit of the season.  It wasn't the same without decorations all month long.  We had to buy a new tree last year and got the cheapest one from Balsam Hill.  It is absolutely beautiful and well worth the money.  

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Because I'm an email hoarder...


Michael's was selling trees 50% off from Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2014. The 4ft pre-lit tree was regularly $49.99 and on sale for $19.99 (colored or clear lights available. In stores only). The email stated that trees ranging from tabletop to entryway to 6ft and taller were all on sale.


I did not notice emails from other stores, but it doesn't mean they didn't have similar sales.


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I HATE Black Friday, but if we were going to be in town for it, I would brave the crowds to get one this year.

Pretty sure DH would never speak to me again if I made us travel 10 hours back home with a new Christmas tree in the car. haha


Same here!!! Can't pay me to brave the crowds. And honestly, I dislike the principle of it. If anything, the past few years I have purposely refused to shop that weekend. Can't stand it, for so many reasons
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I wonder what he'd do if I asked for this tree. I mean, it's only $1200 for seasonal use. :huh:



HAHA, I texted him that I found the perfect tree. He said for that price, it had better have presents delivered for the next 10 years. I'm thinking that means "no"?


Another ETA: Apparently, it's been too long since I've bought a tree. I'm choking at some of the prices. At least we've been saving since the flood.

No way! A 9ft tree for this price??? Must be made out of gold or something. That's insane!!! I love Christmas trees, but there is a limit to my love. This tree crosses the limit :)
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If you wait till they go on sale after Christmas, it won't be a Christmas Tree, it will be Random Living Room Tree For No Logical Reason.

Ha - well I sure as heck won't be putting it up after Christmas. I'll be throwing it back down in the basement to wait until next Christmas. 


But, I think you all have convinced me to look around, especially on Black Friday (online) and see if I can find a decent sale. 

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If Michael's has any you like, I might order now with the Halloween coupon code (gets you 40% off regular price items).  :)


I personally have gotten used to just a tabletop tree, and then we use live garland on the mantel for the smell, which you don't want anyway.

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My Dad got his and ours on Black Friday at home depot a couple of yrs ago for like 8ft pre lit for $45.  I don't do black friday but he went at like 9 and said it was busy but not crazy.  Might be worth a shot.    If their are no pre Christmas deals I would do alternate decorations rather than pay full price.

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My Dad got his and ours on Black Friday at home depot a couple of yrs ago for like 8ft pre lit for $45.  I don't do black friday but he went at like 9 and said it was busy but not crazy.  Might be worth a shot.    If their are no pre Christmas deals I would do alternate decorations rather than pay full price.

I forget about Home Depot and Lowe's having trees. I just found one I really like at HD...and it's not $1,200! 

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If you do decide to wait, don't wait long, because you an everybody else doesn't want to pay a skillion dollars for a tree and so they blow out the door very fast.  


I know this to be a fact.  ::::scowl::::


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A couple years ago, I had the very same plan: get a Hobby Lobby tree on sale after Christmas.  Then, I walked into Costco and saw their absolutely beautiful, pre-lit, programmable LED, easy-to-assemble trees for half the price of the HL trees.  I bought one ($250) and have loved it!  (by programmable, I mean you can change the LEDs to shine all white, or multi-colored, and you can adjust the flash modes to different settings, from fast twinkle to slow twinkle to solid ON).  Shop around.


this year, in addition to their 7' and 9' - they have a 12'.  . . . .if I was in the market . . . .

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