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My idiot BIL....


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No update...


He is still preaching that the end is coming.... I'm still worries for them... and so are the in-laws... come to find out, they hadn't read his book and had no idea that he was talking about all of this.


They do now, and are worried as well. But there is nothing else we can do at this point... we still have a few more weeks until "the end".

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I was raised to mind my own business and keep my mouth shut, so I understand you wanting to stay out of it, but you must say something.


It doesn't need to be confrontational. Talk to her with a tone of voice like this is the first time you have pondered these thoughts, and you want to help. Do not act like you pity her, or are embarrassed to talk about it. Do not let-on that think her man is an idiot and everyone on your message board does too. Offer practical help and help her make a plan, if possible. Even if she is upset today, she will respect what you said, and thank you later.


Making warning phone calls will take ten minutes. You don't have to tell them your name. Muster up the courage to get it done.



In the long run, you have nothing to lose by speaking up. If anything bad happens you'll feel ashamed of yourself for keeping quiet

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I've seen the graphic of the tetrad. (every six months over two years totaling four full lunar eclipses (re: blood moons) approx. on Passover or sukkot.)  I've also seen the one that shows the  sequence of partial lunar eclipses and other blood moons that lead up to the tetrad and follow the tetrad. iow: the tetrad is NOT "it".  the symmetry is unusual and very interesting.  (especially as it is 18 different lunar events that take place over eight years.)   https://luke923evangelism.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/graph-8a.png  HOWEVER - those freaking about this tetrad ignore the partical lunar eclipse and full eclipses (re:blood moons) that lead up to - and succeed this tetrad. they are part of the pattern and the pattern doesn't end until January of 2019.


do I believe in the second coming? yes.  do I think the second coming is going to be this month? no.  do I think it's going to be in jan. 2019?  most probably not.  am I running off to hide in the hills? no. I am just trying to be the best person I can be - and really, that's all any of us can do.


my opinion of the graphic?  it's interesting from an astronomical viewpoint (my dad had a hobby of astronomy, so I picked up some of that.)  and a religious view.


OP you can show your loved one the graphic, point out it is 'not' the whole pattern, and also report your concerns to the police.  I would be afraid someone whose worldview/identity is so wrapped up in something happening will do something "to make something happen"  aka: phenomenally stupid, when it's just another day.

the men in white coats are here to help you . . . . .



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it was the very last few days of the month that the world was going to fall apart... at least according to a couple people I know on FB and a couple pastors preaching this stuff.  We haven't hit that point of the month yet.  Yeah, I looked it up.  The blood moon that is apparently the big deal on is the night of the 27/28th.

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I think it was the very last few days of the month that the world was going to fall apart... at least according to a couple people I know on FB and a couple pastors preaching this stuff.  We haven't hit that point of the month yet.  Yeah, I looked it up.  The blood moon that is apparently the big deal on is the night of the 27/28th.


I agree.  I think the blood moon and eclipse is supposed to happen this weekend.

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the eclipse is sunday evening.  on the west coast - it will start just after 5pm. before the sunsets.  sigh.  it doesn't end until after 10pm.  (mid point is 7:47 PDT) supposedly we'll be able to see something.  if the clouds cooperate.  why should they?  they rarely have in the past . . .

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the eclipse is sunday evening.  on the west coast - it will start just after 5pm. before the sunsets.  sigh.  it doesn't end until after 10pm.  (mid point is 7:47 PDT) supposedly we'll be able to see something.  if the clouds cooperate.  why should they?  they rarely have in the past . . .


You can watch on Slooh here or NASA here if you aren't able to see it in person. Last time I caught a glimpse before the clouds ruined everything, and I didn't get to see it in totality.

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Sorry! I've been SO busy... again *please* don't quote...


So far, we have heard *nothing* from him about the fact that his claims have yet to happen.


He took off of work on the 15th, because the end of Jade Helm was supposed to be important.




I was able to talk to my other sister in law- who had no idea that he actually took off of work... she has been calling/talking to her sister frequently during this time- she has been posting on FB... but so far, nothing from BIL about the lack of apocalypse...


At this point- I have no clue what he's thinking, but I hope he's starting to realize that he went off the deep end, and is swimming back to shore, lol.


No news is good news, right???

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Maybe they're still thinking it's going to happen and trying to spend their last days together as a family? It all seems so grim and depressing. I really hope they're all ok. I would be so worried if this were my family.


ETA: Oh I misunderstood and thought the sister had called but not gotten ahold of anyone and no one had heard from them.

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It wasn't clear in your post.  You said other SIL had called and... nada.  That made it sound to me like no one had been in contact with any of them.  


I wouldn't call the cops over someone believing something word.  I *would* and *have* called the police for a welfare check when someone has mental health issues and hasn't been seen or heard from in several days.  Unfortunately he had passed away.

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My Dh did, in his emails... (My DH is such a rational, and logical, and intelligent human being, lol, thank god for him!)




I feel so much better after venting though you guys- thanks a bunch! It feels so good to hear other people validate your frustration!


ETA: Lisbeth- 

(quote edited down so that none of the details are included but you know which post I'm responding to)


It sounds like your DH is good at handling his brother's crazy. It's always good that there's someone who can do that. I have a BIL who as far as I'm concerned deserves a medal, because he manages a household with his wife (my sister) and her PTSD and depression, and his wife's twin sister (my other sister, obviously) and her bipolar disorder and all that comes with that, and provides a stable influence for the 3 kids in the household (1 his, the other 2 niece and nephew). He's also good at ignoring the crazy from other corners (like my bipolar sister's in-laws, and my dad, who has decided that because BIL and biopolar sister don't presently work outside the home, but rely on BIL and sister's VA benefits and other sister's social security as widow/caregiver, they are slacker losers not worthy of any support or consideration, and not welcome in his home). 


My sisters, however, are not dangerous-crazy. Nor are they given to conspiracy theories. 


I also don't think tattling on him to the school would be appropriate. It's up to the school and whether he does his job properly, whether his issues should influence his employment. IF he started spouting crazy to the students and there were complaints and the school ignored it...well, that's on the school, and not the responsibility of his extended family. It sounds like the last thing his wife and kids need at this point is to lose their breadwinner's livelihood.


Not to mention that such an occurrence could well tip an unstable person over the edge. Not something I'd be inclined to do as family. The priority there is what's best for the family.

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I was just thinking of your BIL and I actually feel sorry for the guy if he truly believes the crazy end of the world thing. He might be a wackadoodle, but think of the stress and worry this must be causing him. :( I hope this experience teaches him a lesson about believing everything he hears -- although that is probably just wishful thinking on my part.


Your poor sister. How does she seem to be handling it?

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In the past few days, he has posted stuff about the Shimita (sp?) and the Pope's (the anti-Christ) visit and "what's coming" and then she comes along and "likes" whatever nonsense he has posted...


But that's all they have posted... it's been pretty quiet as far as end times are concerned. She has posted random recipes and stuff today- so at least I know she's alive... and her mom and sister have been keeping in touch... so I guess everything is fine?


Today is the last day he has off of work, and I guess today was supposed to be "the day" or whatever... so hopefully by now, he realizes he's been an idiot... though I doubt it.


He did present at his church about all "his" findings a few weeks ago, and has been SO vocal about it online and through emails that I wonder what the next week or two will hold... I hope he just lets it go....


It's taking every ounce of strength and maturity I possess, plus siphoning some extra maturity from DH, to not write BIL an email to rub his wrongness in his face... but I would hate for that to cause any ripple effects on to SIL and the kids.


I shouldn't be so mean.... but good gravy....

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Being wrong will just be an opportunity to recalculate and start the whole process over.  Uh oh.  I'm thinking of Harold Camping's many predictions...


Till it shock becomes too much. Camping had a stroke only a few months after that last time he was wrong.

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Till it shock becomes too much. Camping had a stroke only a few months after that last time he was wrong.

Yes, he did, but boy did he milk it for years first. I didn't know he had such a following till his company started buying from DH's company. Wow. DH had to visit several locations and it was eye opening. Prior to that experience, I thought HC's followers were few and far between. People you'd hear about on the news maybe, but not real. If that makes sense. I was shocked.


OP, I hope this is the end of it for your BIL.

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One of my pastors posted this on FB yesterday: â€ª#‎DealoftheDay‬ (for tomorrow): all the End-Times books on the significance of Blood Moons should be 75% off.   When someone posted that we don't know yet, he responded by saying, "you're right, we don't know yet. the books may be only 50% off."   :lol: 



On a more serious note, I'm sorry your BIL believes that the end is coming.  Hopefully the fact that we're still here today will ease his worries and make he reevaluate his beliefs.

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I'm pretty sure it's supposed to end TODAY. At least that's what I heard.


From what I could gather from Hagee's weirdness as well as a couple others saying this ushered in the end, it's the beginning of the end.  Armageddon is about to happen.


(Looks out window...)


Looks pretty much like the world is moving on just as always ;P

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And if you can't trust the man standing outside the store, who can you trust? ;)

I know. ;)


It was so funny. The guy was all in suit and dressed to the nines. DS looks at him and says" who wants to go wearing that. Everyone knows that when waiting for the world to end you are supposed to be in comfy wear as it could be a long wait." The lady behind us about choked on what was in her cup.

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Hasn't anyone mentioned to him, "no one knows the time or the hour?"  There is little to do  to prepare even if it was today or tomorrow but be faithful.


I actually feel sorry for your brother in law.  On the one hand, like Cat said, just imagine HOW stressful this is for him because he *really* believes it. :(  Then the embarrassment and confusion that must follow today.  :(

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Hasn't anyone mentioned to him, "no one knows the time or the hour?" There is little to do to prepare even if it was today or tomorrow but be faithful.


I actually feel sorry for your brother in law. On the one hand, like Cat said, just imagine HOW stressful this is for him because he *really* believes it. :( Then the embarrassment and confusion that must follow today. :(

Yes, it has been brought up, and disregarded...

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Well, fb's down, so maybe it's beginning....


Seriously, now is the time I'd be concerned. He may be facing a lot of humiliation after standing up to sell his predictions to a crowd. 


FB being down could be considered a good thing.


the internet being down . . . . panic in the streets!


(dd has a t-shirt that has a checklist for what to do if your server is down.  commit seppuku is checked off.)

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Really, it must be terrifying to think the end is here. Hope he gets help.

My mother was raised to think that the end times were upon us and lived in mortal fear of a series of bullcrap dates her mother believed. Finally, she hit 20 and was like "mom, you've been saying this for years and we are all still here. You're crazy." She went off, joined a different church and married someone from a more sane family. Ironically, as a child I thought the world was in peril due to my parents' political activism/beliefs (we were all going to die in a nuclear confrontation or accident). Thankfully, I have eschewed both political and tenuously religious proscribed end times rhetoric and finally broken that cycle. :P. My aunt was not so fortunate and as I mentioned a long time ago in this thread has previously gone as far as bankruptcy from spending like there's no tomorrow to try and save people before the apocalypse. Her kids are all really messed up.

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Reminds me of a roommate who was terrified of Y2K. She couldn't believe it when she looked out the window in the morning and life seemed to be chugging along as usual.

I knew a woman who was prepared for Y2K. A married couple she was friends with also believed it. They had over a year's supply of food, high fencing all around their property, guns, etc. They were prepared for total worldwide chaos.


Certain people seem to almost *want* something dire to happen. I've heard the same woman warn of other horrible things (though not the blood moon thing).

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And if you can't trust the man standing outside the store, who can you trust? ;)




How many more days do I need to prepare things for school?  Is the 3rd "the" point or "a" point?


I've given up basic things like vacuuming my house.  Dust bunnies ought to have a chance in the end times too...

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This is all just so sad.  We have a WMR (well meaning relative) that is so terrified for our souls right down.  Dh tries to talk sense, but you can hear the fear in her voice on the phone.  WMR got in touch with someone at a local church (that is related to someone that the family knew from way back) to pay us a visit.  She must have put lots of effort into finding someone.  I do not have pleasant thoughts about the shysters that are stirring up so much fear in people  :mad:

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Certain people seem to almost *want* something dire to happen. I've heard the same woman warn of other horrible things (though not the blood moon thing).


This is definitely true. I know people who pray for end times every day because in their opinion the world is beyond hope.

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I got paid to help "fix" the Y2K "problem" on a military base.  We all knew the odds of anything actually going wrong even without the patches we had to deploy were slim to none.  Very few of the computers on that base has the year problem and most of those were not hooked to the network.  But the government paid a fortune to "fix" it anyway.

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