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Anyone excited about Jurassic World??


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We are SO excited.  We are going to see a matinee tomorrow.  Jurassic Park is the first movie my son ever saw when he came home from the hospital.  Of course, he slept all the way through it in my arms . . . in a brand new THX theater.  He's always been a great sleeper, LOL.  But I think I really set something off in him by taking him to the theater as an infant, because the Jurassic Park movies have always been his favorites. We have the DVDs and have  seen them all no less than 50 times apiece.  So . . . yes.  We are excited. 

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Chris Pratt playing with velociraptors? Oh, yes.


But I'm not sure when we'll actually get to see it.  

Chris Pratt is what is catching my attention. I'm always convinced sequels will never be as good as the original...but going to see Chris Pratt...yeah I can do that.

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Yes, but for a different reason than most. My dog Chester's best canine friend Lola (they play almost daily) is owned by the mother of the actor who plays the young male lead. She and I have become good friends in recent months.


So I'm looking forward to seeing her son Nick in the film.



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Yes, but for a different reason than most. My dog Chester's best canine friend Lola (they play almost daily) is owned by the mother of the actor who plays the young male lead. She and I have become good friends in recent months.


So I'm looking forward to seeing her son Nick in the film.




Do you watch him on Melissa and Joey?  He's adorably goofy.

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Do you watch him on Melissa and Joey?  He's adorably goofy.


Nope. I did have coffee out of a Melissa and Joey mug at their house last week, but know nothing about the show.


His Mom says teen girls sometimes go a little koo-koo when they spot him. 



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I remember when the first movie came out, I had weird dreams for weeks. It was also a season of almost daily thunderstorms in our area (kind of rare). They were loud and angry storms. I worked on the 5th floor of a glass office complex set in a wooded environment. When the thunder rumbled through it would vibrate the glass. It didn't take too much to imagine a T-Rex stomping around in the woods as the reason for the vibrations. ;

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Yes, but for a different reason than most. My dog Chester's best canine friend Lola (they play almost daily) is owned by the mother of the actor who plays the young male lead. She and I have become good friends in recent months.


So I'm looking forward to seeing her son Nick in the film.



That's very cool. I can tell my kids that my online friend's dog's best friend's mom's son is one of the main actors. So that pretty much makes my kids famous!


Just kidding - sort of - my kids will be seriously excited that there is a connection, no matter how tenuous. 😀

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Sooooooo excited! My oldest is 12 and is finally old enough to go to movies with (cartoons don't count. Cartoons are misery.)


We re-watched the first three movies these past two weeks to get ready.


A couple of years ago Jurassic Park came back to theaters in 3D for the 20th (or something) anniversary. It was the first real movie that I took him to that wasn't a dumb kid movie. We had seen JP at home, but when he saw it in the theater he was astounded. We left the theater with him prattling on and on and on about how amazing and wonderful and awesome it was.


He caught the movie bug that day. It's one of my favorite memories with him. I waited so many years to get through all those terrible kid movies until he was old enough to see stuff I like as well.


Oh, I can hardly wait until tomorrow! A new dinosaur movie that none of us have seen before! Can't wait!!

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Excited, yes.

We'll wait a bit though. We don't like it when the theater is jammed full.

DH just texted that the IMAX they are seeing it at is only half full. I'm surprised. My guess is that the much cheaper regular theater is full.

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We are SO excited. We are going to see a matinee tomorrow. Jurassic Park is the first movie my son ever saw when he came home from the hospital. Of course, he slept all the way through it in my arms . . . in a brand new THX theater..

Ha, our boys are the same age then! We did the same thing :lol:

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I thought my ds18 was going to go with me, but he changed his mind for some reason. But DH said he'd go instead. We'll go next week during the day when there won't be a lot of people there. I don't like crowds.


I'm glad to hear it's good. My expectations are high and I hope I'm not disappointed.

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Did you see it in 3D? Was there a lot of panning the camera in a circular motion so as to make one get motion sickness? Was it mostly 3D like the Hobbit which also made me sick?


Do you regularly see 3D movies?  Only asking because I get severe motion sickness from many things, and I would never choose to see a movie in a theatre in 3D.  I don't care how much panning and landscape scenery there is, the 3D aspect itself is what makes me nauseated- not just movement.

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Haha! But really, Chris Pratt is so much more hot. You guys can see that, right? 




But that may have something to do with the fact that Chris Pratt is only a year younger than me and Jeff Goldblum is 26 years older ;-P

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We didn't see it in 3d. I'm prone to vertigo and migraines and didn't want to take the chance of getting sick. I did not notice a lot of circular panning of the camera, but I wasn't watching for that either. The 3d effects to me seemed like they would have been more things coming out towards you like when the dinosaurs attack.

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We saw the original again when it was on TV last week. It still made me scream and jump out of my chair. So yes, I'm excited to see it, but no, I won't go to the theater. I'll wait for it to come out in DVD so I can keep my blanket handy to hide behind!

That would have been handy. I saw it with my mom who gasped a few times and was quietly exclaiming oh no!

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But that may have something to do with the fact that Chris Pratt is only a year younger than me and Jeff Goldblum is 26 years older ;-P


I have no such rationalization.  Chris Pratt was born the year I graduated from high school and he's been of legal age for a long time. He's adorable. 

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I kind of want to see it for nostalgia's sake.  I saw the first one when I was pregnant with my oldest.  I was so terrified, I was hyperventilating.  That kid went on to have an 12 year love affair with dinosaurs and planned on being a paleontologist, like his idol, Paul Sereno.  He is now a senior in college, studying evolutionary biology.

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