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Sx is tomorrow!


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My sleeve gastrectomy sx is tomorrow around 8am. I have to be there at 6am to check in. I've lost 10lbs in two weeks on the pre-op diet. I've been hungry a lot but I've stuck to it. Today will be the hardest, clear sugar free fluids only. Nothing but broth, crystal lite, sugar free jello, etc. I've never gone a day without food unless I had a stomach flu or something, so this should be interesting. I'm already hungry and it's only 8am. God have mercy on my family who have to deal with me today!


Anyway, just updating everyone. I've been blogging about it too, (link in signature if interested) and I've had SO many people contact me to ask about surgery for themselves, or to wish me well. My local friends even set up a meal registry for the first week I'm home. I'm really, really blessed. 


Today I'm just going to drink my fluids, do laundry, pack, and do the floors in my house. Maybe schedule an appt for confession with my priest...not sure though. I've never done that before, but it's been 6 months since my last confession I think. We'll see. 


anyway, thank you all, and prayers for a safe/quick surgery and recovery are welcome. Even more so, prayers for my family that they won't worry. 

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So, quick poll...would a sugar free slurpee count as a clear fluid? I know I can have broths, G2 Gatorade (the low sugar kind), crystal light, and sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello. Seems like a sugar free slurpee would be okay then, right?

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Good luck. :)  You'll be a lot less hungry after the surgery because of the ghrelin effect.   :) :)


Do you have a recliner to sleep in after surgery? Some people find that more comfortable.


I was a fan of Susan of Bariatric Eating's custard right after surgery.  Great yummy way to get protein.  http://www.bariatriceating.com/2015/04/11/egg-custard-perfect-bariatric-food/


Eggface has some great recipes too.http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com



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Oh, I just checked her blog and she had a short update yesterday:

In the hospital still. The fluoroscopy showed a lot of swelling around the hiatal hernia repair that has narrowed things so much that getting even liquids by mouth is extremely difficult. So I'm staying another night hoping the swelling goes down and I can start drinking enough to get off the IV and go home.



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Hi all! I'm home! They discharged me around 10pm after making it seem I'd need ANOTHER night. They put me on an antispasmodic that seems to be helping the esophogus and the diaghram to chill out so I can get some liquids down. Still no where near what I should be, but enough that I am not at risk of dehydration anytime soon, so here I am. The downside is that I have to wait and fill my pain meds tomorrow morning, but I think I'll be okay until then. I can take plain tylenol in the meantime. I'm just so glad to be home!



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Hi all! I'm home! They discharged me around 10pm after making it seem I'd need ANOTHER night. They put me on an antispasmodic that seems to be helping the esophogus and the diaghram to chill out so I can get some liquids down. Still no where near what I should be, but enough that I am not at risk of dehydration anytime soon, so here I am. The downside is that I have to wait and fill my pain meds tomorrow morning, but I think I'll be okay until then. I can take plain tylenol in the meantime. I'm just so glad to be home!


If you can sip or do sugar free popsicles, you should be O.K.  Even a little bit every 10 minutes will help.  It takes time to build up your fluid intake...that's actually really normal.  :)

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