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What strange things are you addicted to?


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A&W Rootbeer.  I swear - it is the best ever and I LOVE it and crave it.  And apparently I'm not the only one (there was a discussion one day at a party I was at.)  It is Caffeine Free - who knows why it would seem to be addictive....


Chocolate, Sugar (Brown Sugar in particular)

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What do you do with the Asian house plans? Look at them and fantasize a dream house?



Did you travel to Korea or live there?

Re: the house plans - yeah, pretty much.  To get to sleep at night I have to 'daydream', so to speak - sometimes I daydream about a pretty Asian house.  Sometimes I daydream about other things.  Lol!  

In all practicality, though, I would like to incorporate some things from them into a house if we decide to build one.  I guess I didn't specify - traditional Asian house plans.  Modern ones look similar to what I see everywhere.


I've never lived in Korea.  I've not traveled there, either, other than a layover where we went into Seoul for a few hours.  :)

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 I drink tea all day long without guilt.



I drink at least 5 -7 cups of decaf black tea with a squeeze of lemon (no sugar) daily. I tease my kids by sporadically calling out, "Hey, guess what time it is?" To which they groan "Tea time..."


Minimalist blogs, de-cluttering websites and such. I find the "after" photos and the "we got rid of everything" stories very energizing!

(Not 'organizing' sites - I dislike those.)


Checking my Amazon cart and mentally sorting my next book purchase from the 'saved for later' list.

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Pinterest.  Runts Candy.  Pringles.  Running.  Time Alone.  Reading in Bed.  Morning Coffee in my Life is Good Cup.  Flossing my Teeth.  Weight Lifting.  Self Improvement Books.  Trying to Grow Sunflowers.  The House smelling Good (i.e., candles, sprays)

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These boards :) Though I'm never giving up the addiction. I need you guys too much!


researching homeschool curriculum


The Great British BakeOff shows on youtube. {thanks for telling me about them!}


I have no other hobbies

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Dr Pepper. Even more fun cherry Dr Pepper from my neighborhood Sonic. Mmmmmm....


Stargate--an old addiction,but still my favorite.


chapstick--the blue kind


Buying books! At least I read most of them! :)




I'm a sugar addict, but in total denial so don't mention it to me.


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These boards :) Though I'm never giving up the addiction. I need you guys too much!


The Great British BakeOff shows on youtube. {thanks for telling me about them!}


These for me, too!


 And coffee. And knitting podcasts.  And knitting, of course!

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Dr Pepper....


This!  Fortunately, I kicked the habit over a year ago.  Life isn't the same :sad:  I'm not they type of person who can have just one every so often.  Nope.  None for me, ever.


researching homeschool curriculum


And this.


YouTube.  I don't watch TV so I justify my time on YouTube as being better than TV.  Still a giant time suck. 

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I listen to Sci-fi shows before bed each night.  I have seen my favorites so many times, I don't watch them, they just run in the background on my laptop.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I restart them to and go back to sleep.  Right now, as I type this, Star Trek Deep Space Nine is running the background (For my fellow Trekies....Tears of the Prophets, the episode where Dax dies).  


I have sooooo may addictions:


My lip balm addiction is Burts Bees flavors like cherry, or a Moisture Stick.  


I have Sjogrens (auto immune that attacks moisture glands) so I drink liquids constantly.  I have so many drink addictions! My drink is a black and white mocha from Starbucks or a Coke with crushed ice at work. Coke with fresh lime from Mexican restaurants. I have a Seriously hard time passing by an A&W restaurant without buying a root beer from there; Good thing it isn't in my city!  Sometimes when I eat out, I pick what I want to drink and chose the restaurant based on that instead of food.  LOL


I love North Face Jackets.  I have no less than 8. I have a very, very hard time not buying one when I see a new color I fall in love with. Not heavier coats, just light layering jackets.  I have purple, blue, turquoise, green, tangerine, berry, white, burgandy, soft pink etc...... I wear one almost daily. 


I could go on and on but I will stop there.

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The Forum Game!


Office supplies.


Chocolate (but that's therapeutic, right?)


Books, but those are as vital as air.  Seriously.


Flavorful and savory food.  Today we are meeting DH for lunch at the local Vietnamese noodle shop.  They are really hard to beat.


Eating iceberg lettuce pieces from a bag as if they were chips.  Really, they crunch, and taste better in the hot summer!


Flannel shirts, but only men's.  The women's shirts never have enough shoulder room or arm length for me, and I like my sleeves loose enough to roll to below the elbow.


Elbow-length sleeves.


Shirts that don't ride up to my chin if I lift my arms above shoulder height.


POCKETS in women's clothing.  Actual FUNCTIONAL pockets.


Going barefoot most of the year.  Non-flip flop sandals that stay on my feet.  Comfy sneakers.


I am addicted to NOT wearing high heels.  I fall off of any heel taller than 1 1/2".


T-shirts that fit, look good, and aren't very snug.


The Great Courses lectures.


Turning everything into a lecture *ahem* learning opportunity with my kids.


Murder mysteries, but the less grim ones.


Terry Pratchett.  Jasper Fforde.  Martha Grimes.  J. A. Jance.


Music:  George Winston.  Alex Wong.  Jake Shimabakuro.


Really cheesy old monster movies -- I'm talking Godzilla being a guy in a rubber suit, not CGI.  Things like "The Crawling Eye".  No graphic gore.  Lake Placid is about my limit, though it really is a piece of work!


Disaster movies, especially improbable ones.  Given this and the above, yes, I am simultaneously appalled and mesmerized by Sharknado.


Spoofs!  Yes, Sharknado, but also Al Sherman, Wierd Al can't-spell-his-last-name, Ray Stevens, Spike Jones.


I'm sure there's more, but I have to go teach my kids now.


Fun thread!

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Coffee-Mate Coconut Creme creamer. I know that it is a horrible, vile creation that doesn't contain "real" food, but I can't drink my coffee without it. It is one of my last hold-outs in the bad for you, artificial foods category. Also, Jif peanut butter. I just can't quite get down with natural peanut butter. I've tried so many times.


Vegas-style solitaire on my phone. I have a hard time stopping until I've won a game.

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Reading on my kindle / always knowing where my kindle paperwhite is (it is within about three feet of me at all times if it isn't in my hand)


A good pen (that doesn't skip) and a small notebook


(I really feel weird if any of the above three are not with me - like a trinity that must not be broken, LOL)


Jeans that fit with functional pockets

Bright tennis shoes

The color red...I am drawn to it irresistibly

Good coffee

Nutty bars (there is just no point bringing those home - they won't make it)

My husband's chicken salad...I could live on this

Biking instead of driving everywhere - these long MN winters are tough to wait through


Fun thread!

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