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Broken Needle in Leg

AFwife Claire

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So my almost 16-year-old son was doing pushups on the floor.  He came down hard on his knees when he was done, landed on a needle (?Not sure how it got on the floor?!), which jabbed into his thigh right above his knee and broke off.  The broken off part (a few mms, we think) is in his skin, fairly deeply.  Soooo . . . any ideas?  We can't see it.  It is somewhat painful, and he can't bend his knee fully.  Going to our (military) ER is not an option right now because in rush hour traffic it would take forever, plus we are expecting a "snow squall" in the next 2 hours, with bad driving conditions.  We thought about soaking it, although he'd have to be in a full bath, since it's on the front of his leg.  I will take him in tomorrow for sure, if nothing happens before then, since I have to go for a well-baby appointment for the 4 month old anyway.  Never a dull moment . . .

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Okay, we went ahead and got Tricare authorization to go to a civilian urgent care. Dh was on his way home, so as soon as he got here, he picked up ds and they are there now. Poor kid--such a totally random thing! I am praying it comes out easily! He was pretty freaked out.

I'm so glad to hear he is getting medical attention.


I feel so sorry for him, though -- I hope the piece of needle comes out easily. :grouphug:

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Well, this whole thing has definitely not been easily remedied!  Urgent care couldn't deal with it, so they sent him to a local ER.  That ER doc didn't feel comfortable attempting to get it out, so he consulted with an ortho surgeon.  They wanted to admit him and do something tomorrow, but dh decided we would rather ds be at Bethesda, so they left, came home and picked up food and a bag for ds, and they headed off to Bethesda, since rush hour was over and the snow had passed.  They are there now, and I guess we'll see what they want to do.  I suppose doctors there are experienced at getting tiny pieces of metal out, since that's where wounded warriors go?  Such a crazy, freak accident . .  who would ever have thought doing push-ups would be so hazardous to one's health?!

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Well, this whole thing has definitely not been easily remedied! Urgent care couldn't deal with it, so they sent him to a local ER. That ER doc didn't feel comfortable attempting to get it out, so he consulted with an ortho surgeon. They wanted to admit him and do something tomorrow, but dh decided we would rather ds be at Bethesda, so they left, came home and picked up food and a bag for ds, and they headed off to Bethesda, since rush hour was over and the snow had passed. They are there now, and I guess we'll see what they want to do. I suppose doctors there are experienced at getting tiny pieces of metal out, since that's where wounded warriors go? Such a crazy, freak accident . . who would ever have thought doing push-ups would be so hazardous to one's health?!



What an ordeal? Poor kid!


Did they do any imaging? Is it in a tricky spot?

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Oh my goodness! I had no idea it would be so complicated to get a little piece of metal removed!


I hope your ds isn't too nervous. I know I would be a wreck! :(

Plug your ears if you're squeamish...


That is why I am wondering if the needle entered at an angle and maybe is stuck under the patella.


OK, you can look now...

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An orthopedic surgeon was in the ER, so he is going to take a "stab" (haha, I crack myself up) at getting the needle fragment.  If he can't get it out right away, then it looks like they will schedule ds for surgery tomorrow in the actual operating room.  All for a piece of needle.  I don't think it's under the patella though--I'm pretty sure it is just down in the thigh muscle above the patella.  Lots of blood vessels and nerves there though . . . gah . . .

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Ortho doc couldn't get it out.  And there are no OR slots for a non-emergency surgery tomorrow, so the surgery isn't going to be until next week.  He's coming home with his leg in a big immobilizing brace so he can't move it, so that should be fun.  He's bummed about missing basketball practice/game, as well as rugby practice, and the next CAP meeting, since it's a PT night, and he's the cadet in charge of PT.  I still can't believe this has turned into such an ordeal, and now it's lingering on into next week!

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It is absolutely ridiculous that they can't find a way to schedule him in sooner than that! :angry:


Is there another surgeon/hospital you could use instead? It would be worth a bit of traveling to get it done sooner.


I am so sorry this has turned into such a nightmare! :grouphug:

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It is absolutely ridiculous that they can't find a way to schedule him in sooner than that! :angry:


Is there another surgeon/hospital you could use instead? It would be worth a bit of traveling to get it done sooner.


I am so sorry this has turned into such a nightmare! :grouphug:

No, we are Tricare Prime, so we have to use the military treatment facility, unless Tricare authorizes something (like an ER visit, which they did previously).  But they wouldn't authorize a non-emergency surgery somewhere else.  What can I say--it's the government.  It is a nightmare though, for sure.  I am highly irritated!!

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Something similar happened to my mom when she was crawling around on the floor with ds17 when he was a babe. She put her hand down and thought she was stabbed by a needle, but when I found it in the carpet, less than half was there.


It hurt like crazy, but she didn't believe anything was in there until she saw the Xray. Hand surgery is delicate, so they did have to work into a surgeon's schedule. They just don't want to hack in and damage anything else. I think it was about a week.


Despite the surgeon's reassurance, I was completely freaked out by the wait. It all turned out completely fine. They assured me that they can tell by the Xrays if it's more important to do it immediately or wait and do it right (so it's good you took him right away!)


So sorry that he has to be immobilized, that is so miserable for active teens!

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