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Have we talked about Alecia Pennington?


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The desire of Elisabet and others to assume that the parents must not be at fault is exactly what I mean about closing ranks. These are *our* people therefore we don't want them to have done this abusive thing. But they seem to have pretty clearly done it. And it's on us to keep homeschooling legal and safe to say, no, this is wrong.


The sister's statements make it clear that the parents will cooperate when they want to. Just sick.

I am NOT closing ranks. These people are not my people. I doubt I'd ever associate with them if they lived near by.


I can believe anything, but that doesn't make it so. I want FACTS.


If these people don't do birth certs and SS cards for their infants, that's 100% fine by me. (I have siblings who didn't get birth certs and such until adults and I didn't get mine until I needed it at 16. We also were told not to say the pledge of alliegence in school unless we wanted to. I wasn't home schooled and my parents were not religious or anywhere near off the grid living.)


If this legal adult decided she wanted to move out and live with grandparents, that's also fine by me. The hazzard of free will is our kids don't always do what we think best or even just good for them. The way it was handled was sneaky and unkind, but kids can be like that too. I'd be hurt and feeling betrayed if I was the mom bc of how they went about it.


I can certainly believe that her parents are evil abusive turds who terrorized her to the point she had to leave like that. I have not seen evidence of it yet, but I can believe it bc I know people can be like that.


But the bottom line is she does not need her parents to get her documentation. That's total crap if she was born in Oklahoma or Texas. It is harder and takes several months, but she doesn't need them or a lawyer to do it. I have family that's done it in both states.

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So do you. You seem awfully invested.


Why are you so sure the parents must have committed fraud against the IRS? Have you found anything online to back it up. I am in Texas. Criminal and civil proceedings are online. I found nothing against them.

Online is PDF file of the legal judgment dismissing Mr. Pennington's petition to have the IRS request to examine bank accounts of the Anchor "alleged church" quashed. Mr. Pennington's lawsuit was dismissed by the judge on more than one basis.


As I found this document easily, so can others.


Edited to correct a mistype.

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I don't think schools require proof of citizenship or birth records either. If so, how do all the illegal residents get their kids enrolled?


Or is it only white kids who have to show records? (I would think not?)


So to me, this is not a home school issue. Tho of course that's what everyone pounces on.

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But the bottom line is she does not need her parents to get her documentation. That's total crap if she was born in Oklahoma or Texas. It is harder and takes several months, but she doesn't need them or a lawyer to do it. I have family that's done it in both states.


Shenanigans.  I posted what is required above, and the document that has to be from within 10 years of her birth will likely need to come from the parents.  Shockingly most 10 year olds don't keep accurate records for themselves. 

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texasmama, on 12 Feb 2015 - 2:21 PM, said:



As a person of religion, a homeschooler, a Texan, and a mother, I am standing as FAR away from this crazy family as possible.  They are lawless and not following the Biblical admonition of "rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's".  They do not in any way, shape, or form represent me or my family.  I have more in common with Sadie.  (Hi Sadie!  :D)


If the two older siblings of this girl are male, that is likely why they are allowed to have driver's licenses and college educations.


The mother's vague talk of thinking that maybe a birth certificate was filed and offers of help to this young lady are disingenuous, at best.  I trust that this will get sorted out in the legal system, and she will get what she needs, even if it takes a court order to force the parents to produce it.


She is likely the child who rebelled, and this is not tolerated in the family.




the fact they refuse to assign gender to the "two older siblings" ever (even the sister's post refers to them as "siblings"), inclines me to believe they are boys, but don't want to admit it.

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I don't think schools require proof of citizenship or birth records either. If so, how do all the illegal residents get their kids enrolled?


Schools do ask for birth records which could be birth certificate or passports.  The schools also ask for immunization records or parents/guardian signed waiver for vaccinations. They also ask for the contact details of our children's doctor and dentist.


The schools do not ask for proof of citizenship.



Plenty of foreign born in my area.  School admins are used to looking at all kinds of passports.  They also want three proofs of residency one of which have to be property tax or rental agreement, and two utilities bill.

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So whose responsibility are they ? I can only think 'the government' and that non-registration of homeschooled children is a loophole that should be closed.


I can see that some homeschoolers lobby against such minimal oversight, and so maybe they are responsible ? 


I do wish the media - and Homeschoolers Anonymous - had the nuance to see that there is no one monolithic 'homeschool community' and as such, the problem cannot be a general homeschool issue.  And that's why I object to HA having things on their site like a special 'Guide to Abuse for Homeschoolers'. I don't need their guide. And plenty of ps parents do.


Perhaps it's more of a state's issue and responsibility.

Some will point to this as an example of the "cons" of no oversight with homeschooling, though it is not the responsibility of the local or state educational association to see that birth certificates are filed.  Absent overt abuse or neglect, parents have great latitude in the way they rear their children. 


The issue here is over control by these parents and the absence of taking basic measures to make the children's lives easier, like filing birth certificates.  If the parents do not wish to claim the children as dependents for tax purposes (particularly since they are avoiding paying taxes), then the children don't need SSN from birth on.  But do file a birth certificate, folks.  Your kids can then get a copy of it and file for a SSN when they have need of it.  Not filing birth certificates is foolishness and has nothing to do with any legitimate religious views.

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Schools do ask for birth records which could be birth certificate or passports.  The schools also ask for immunization records or parents/guardian signed waiver for vaccinations. They also ask for the contact details of our children's doctor and dentist.


The schools do not ask for proof of citizenship.

Yes.  In addition, proof of address to establish residency within the school district is required.  This may be as simple as a lease agreement or a utility bill.

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Reading this article on Patheos will give you a good feel for what it was like living inside that house. It is all about CONTROL. This article has plenty of direct, in context quotes from Lisa Pennington.





ETA: The daughter obviously did not like living under the parents' terms, so she moved out. Just what any adult should do in that situation.




I am glad I read this article, because I have an adult living at home, and it makes me think carefully about what we've done AFA "requirements" and such.


Whew. I'm really glad we charge rent. I do expect some help with chores, etc., but oh my, what the Pennington's "require" is just controlling crap. I mean, ok on borrowing the car, but telling your adult kid what time to get up? Seriously? Yikes.


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I am glad I read this article, because I have an adult living at home, and it makes me think carefully about what we've done AFA "requirements" and such.


Whew. I'm really glad we charge rent. I do expect some help with chores, etc., but oh my, what the Pennington's "require" is just controlling crap. I mean, ok on borrowing the car, but telling your adult kid what time to get up? Seriously? Yikes.



Telling them what time they get up and having input on how they spend their money. **shudder**

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Guest submarines

Reading this article on Patheos will give you a good feel for what it was like living inside that house. It is all about CONTROL. This article has plenty of direct, in context quotes from Lisa Pennington.





ETA: The daughter obviously did not like living under the parents' terms, so she moved out. Just what any adult should do in that situation.

They don't parent the way I do, but even then, the only aspect that I found to be controlling was that they require their adult children to get up at a certain hour and give consequences if they don't.


Are most here disagreeing with how an adult child living at home should be treated, especially the authoritarian, religious parents? I'd be surprised.

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Her FB page. And she would have to have a legal name to do a legal name change....




Plus..while she took the time to post this letter she or the grandparents typed up, she did not bother to post the copy of the letter she claims she has from vital statistics stating there is no birth certificate.

Um. One of my friends changed her FB name to Wreckit Ralph for several months...

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Look, I'm not saying that we personally have to take responsibility for this sort of abuse, any more than every Muslim should have to apologize for Islamic terrorists or every Christian for the Westboro Baptist Church or every American for having given the world McDonald's. Of course not.


On the other hand, it *is* a homeschool problem. It's homeschool kids who are most vulnerable to this sort of abuse - by far. And it's by virtue of being homeschooled that makes them so vulnerable. I think we have to acknowledge and recognize that.


I've come around on this issue. I used to feel like I wanted "the media" and the public to realize that this was abuse, not homeschooling. I'd still love for the public to realize more clearly that homeschooling is diverse and different. However, I've come to believe that homeschooling, for some families, is part of the abuse.


It's also made me change how I feel about homeschool regulation. I don't know what the right regulation would be to help kids, but I don't think "nothing" is the right answer. Some small level of checks and balances on homeschooling - certainly registration so the government at least knows how many students are being homeschooled is something I've come to believe in strongly. If Alecia Pennington had lived in a state where registration only was required and her parents had followed the law, that, right there, would at least be a tiny legal document for her to begin with. I think homeschooled kids also need to have the legal right to request their educational records.

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I would not mind simply registering with the local school district. I'm not interested in anything more than that, though. And I doubt that homeschooling oversight would have helped Alecia except as a legal trail of her existence. Her problems stem from parenting philosophies. We have no information about her schooling.

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HSLDA weighs in.


"HSLDA Senior Counsel Jim Mason learned of AleciaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s story soon after her video was posted. He contacted her and offered to help. As of this time, Alecia has not taken HSLDA up on the offer.


We understand that conflicts between parents and their adult children can be complicated, and that we likely do not know all of the facts in AleciaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s situation. But we do support homeschool graduatesĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ right to have an identity, get a job, and fully participate in society. In over 30 years of defending homeschoolers, we have never seen allegations like the ones in this situation.


We encourage homeschool graduates who encounter problems with documentation, diploma validation issues, or discrimination in employment or postsecondary education to contact us for assistance. We want to help if we can."

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Slight t/ j....my XMIL lost her birth certificate when she was about 70. She had used it her entire life for all sorts of things.....she was receiving social security by the time she lost it. She moved from AR to LA and when she tried to,get a drivers license they wanted to see her bc. ( this was part of the anti terrorism laws passed). So she tried to get a copy....she had been born in caddo Parrish LA......but no record of the birth existed. Her parents were dead.......there was no one left to attest to her birth. To this date she has not been able to get a bc issued...she kept her AR drivers license since she can't get a LA one.



I looked into it as best as I could....she was adopted but was secretive about it....I always wondered if she was a black market baby and the bc she had was a fake.

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They are being investigated by the IRS for not filing taxes.

When the parents file their federal tax, don't they have to include children and the children's SSN in the filing? Won't it be fraud by omission?

This news reminds me of the Shadow Children series my older read many years ago even though the context is different.


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MY dad was born at home and has no birth certificate.  When he applied for social security, he was told a baptismal certificate would do.  But when he went to the church where he was baptized, there was no record of his baptism.  As he was walking out, he thought it might be under the Polish spelling of his name, and there it was, so he was able to get his baptismal certificate that way.


If a person had neither certificate, sworn testimony from a midwife or other person would allow a judge to grant them a delayed certificate, as will family Bible records that record births/deaths/marriages.

Slight t/ j....my XMIL lost her birth certificate when she was about 70. She had used it her entire life for all sorts of things.....she was receiving social security by the time she lost it. She moved from AR to LA and when she tried to,get a drivers license they wanted to see her bc. ( this was part of the anti terrorism laws passed). So she tried to get a copy....she had been born in caddo Parrish LA......but no record of the birth existed. Her parents were dead.......there was no one left to attest to her birth. To this date she has not been able to get a bc issued...she kept her AR drivers license since she can't get a LA one.

I looked into it as best as I could....she was adopted but was secretive about it....I always wondered if she was a black market baby and the bc she had was a fake.


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I am NOT closing ranks. These people are not my people. I doubt I'd ever associate with them if they lived near by.


I can believe anything, but that doesn't make it so. I want FACTS.


If these people don't do birth certs and SS cards for their infants, that's 100% fine by me. (I have siblings who didn't get birth certs and such until adults and I didn't get mine until I needed it at 16. We also were told not to say the pledge of alliegence in school unless we wanted to. I wasn't home schooled and my parents were not religious or anywhere near off the grid living.)


If this legal adult decided she wanted to move out and live with grandparents, that's also fine by me. The hazzard of free will is our kids don't always do what we think best or even just good for them. The way it was handled was sneaky and unkind, but kids can be like that too. I'd be hurt and feeling betrayed if I was the mom bc of how they went about it.


I can certainly believe that her parents are evil abusive turds who terrorized her to the point she had to leave like that. I have not seen evidence of it yet, but I can believe it bc I know people can be like that.


But the bottom line is she does not need her parents to get her documentation. That's total crap if she was born in Oklahoma or Texas. It is harder and takes several months, but she doesn't need them or a lawyer to do it. I have family that's done it in both states.


 She has been to courts multiple times.  The judge have said that she MUST have her parent's signature as proof.  They have been unwilling to provide that proof since last October.  She has been working on this for 5 months.  She needs three pieces of documentation and only has two. 

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The whole "our parents are perfectly willing to give her the signatures she needs if she'll just come talk to them" is so insane.


If it's the right and necessary thing to do (and of course it is), why attach a condition to it?  I don't tell the library that I'll return their books if they'll just give me some free office supplies.  

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MY dad was born at home and has no birth certificate. When he applied for social security, he was told a baptismal certificate would do. But when he went to the church where he was baptized, there was no record of his baptism. As he was walking out, he thought it might be under the Polish spelling of his name, and there it was, so he was able to get his baptismal certificate that way.


If a person had neither certificate, sworn testimony from a midwife or other person would allow a judge to grant them a delayed certificate, as will family Bible records that record births/deaths/marriages.

Yeah this was how I remembered what she was told....unfortunately she had none of that. I found her on the 1930 census...listed as infant daughter, born on January 1, 1930. I now believe her bd was made up.
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I wonder if a lawyer can somehow compel the third piece - or maybe it would be a judge, if they took the parents to court.  


I'm curious if this will be the eventual outcome. But I'm not sure if, without a law compelling them to do so, they can be forced to. The whole legal dead zone it puts her in is scary. I mean, she doesn't exist.

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I'm curious if this will be the eventual outcome. But I'm not sure if, without a law compelling them to do so, they can be forced to. The whole legal dead zone it puts her in is scary. I mean, she doesn't exist.

Maybe I've watched too many cop shows but the midwife seems to be the weak link here.  If she is licensed, then she should have filed the birth record and broke the law by not doing so.  If she is not licensed, then she broke the law.  So trade her signature in exchange for immunity on this issue!  At least that's how it would work in Law and Order. . . 

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Maybe I've watched too many cop shows but the midwife seems to be the weak link here.  If she is licensed, then she should have filed the birth record and broke the law by not doing so.  If she is not licensed, then she broke the law.  So trade her signature in exchange for immunity on this issue!  At least that's how it would work in Law and Order. . . 


I wish everything in life could wrap up in 42 minutes like Law and Order.


I keep wondering if the midwife had any kind of license. I'm guessing no, but that's pure speculation.

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I have a feeling that now that this has blown up all over the internet, the parents will sign whatever they need to sign as quickly as possible to get this over with. Given their issues with the IRS, as well as the father's standing as a CPA and attorney, they cannot be enjoying this media scrutiny. Lisa Pennington has taken down her blog (although there are plenty of people posting screen shots of some of the more out-there posts) and she also closed her etsy shop (which apparently involved lots of free labor from her daughters). 

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I'm curious if this will be the eventual outcome. But I'm not sure if, without a law compelling them to do so, they can be forced to. The whole legal dead zone it puts her in is scary. I mean, she doesn't exist.


And if a judge does order them to sign the papers, no doubt the parents will rant to the media about how our totalitarian overlords compelled them against their will to violate their religious beliefs or something.  :001_rolleyes:


Such a mess.  If they didn't get the birth certificates for privacy reasons, I'd say that was a big, fat fail.  Of course, if they were so concerned about privacy, the mom probably shouldn't have plastered pictures of herself and her house and all the details of her life all over the internet.

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I think that Alecia will come out ok in the end.  I'm more concerned that now the grandparents are banned that no other children will have "as easy" an opportunity to get away.  ("As easy" is in quotes because I recognize that it wasn't easy for her at all but it could just be so much more difficult for the others to escape - other than marriage.  Most of these sorts of families seem to be ok with kids marrying - esp. if it is to someone who wants to perpetuate their beliefs and lifestyle.)  

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I think that Alecia will come out ok in the end.  I'm more concerned that now the grandparents are banned that no other children will have "as easy" an opportunity to get away.  ("As easy" is in quotes because I recognize that it wasn't easy for her at all but it could just be so much more difficult for the others to escape - other than marriage.  Most of these sorts of families seem to be ok with kids marrying - esp. if it is to someone who wants to perpetuate their beliefs and lifestyle.)  


The only good thing is that many of the older kids probably know their grandparents' full names and possibly phone numbers. If an adult child were to choose to leave and determined to do so, he could just walk away and make a phone call. (Hopefully, however, he would have learned something from his sister and stashed his birth certificate in his pocket before doing so.)

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I think that Alecia will come out ok in the end.  I'm more concerned that now the grandparents are banned that no other children will have "as easy" an opportunity to get away.  ("As easy" is in quotes because I recognize that it wasn't easy for her at all but it could just be so much more difficult for the others to escape - other than marriage.  Most of these sorts of families seem to be ok with kids marrying - esp. if it is to someone who wants to perpetuate their beliefs and lifestyle.)  


I feel bad about the other kids losing access to the grandparents, too. :(


As for marriage, the 24 year old daughter is still living at home. She says that when she's saved enough money she plans to move out, at which point she plans to date, against her parents' wishes. The mom has posted on her blog about training her daughters to be meek and submissive and to subvert their own needs to their husbands' needs. I'm wondering how the daughters can ever save up enough money to move out and be able to date while their parents are controlling their every move? The oldest is 24 and has never lived away from home or been on a date? I can understand why Alecia moved in with her grandparents, if she saw that as her fate.

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I feel bad about the other kids losing access to the grandparents, too. :(


As for marriage, the 24 year old, Grace, is still living at home. She says that when she's saved enough money she plans to move out, at which point she plans to date, against her parents' wishes. The mom has posted on her blog about training her daughters to be meek and submissive and to subvert their own needs to their husbands' needs. I'm wondering how the daughters can ever save up enough money to move out and be able to date while their parents are controlling their every move? The oldest is 24 and has never lived away from home or been on a date? I can understand why Alecia moved in with her grandparents, if she saw that as her fate.


Being 24 does have some advantages. She is old enough to file FAFSA (federal student aid). Maybe she could get into a local/regional college and live in a dorm?

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Farrar, on 12 Feb 2015 - 6:26 PM, said:Farrar, on 12 Feb 2015 - 6:26 PM, said:

I wish everything in life could wrap up in 42 minutes like Law and Order.


I keep wondering if the midwife had any kind of license. I'm guessing no, but that's pure speculation.

I'm guessing "no" too.  it would explain her NOT registering the births. (reports are in texas - midwives are required to be registered as such) it would be especially telling if she registered any births she's attended.  does she hold to the same religious beliefs as the penningtons?  you know, the really out there ones (that are political) like "not registering births or getting SSNs"?

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I've been trying to figure out what I would do if I was her lawyer. (This is so not my area of law.) Maybe sue the local registrar for the birth certificate, just so you could subpoena the dad as a third party witness. If the dad refused to testify, he would likely be disbarred. (As an attorney he is considered an officer of the court and is expected to respect the judiciary.) Being disbarred as an attorney could easily put his CPA license in jeopardy. Of course we can hope that a strongly worded letter from her lawyer will bring the same outcome. It would certainly resolve things more quickly.

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The only good thing is that many of the older kids probably know their grandparents' full names and possibly phone numbers. If an adult child were to choose to leave and determined to do so, he could just walk away and make a phone call. (Hopefully, however, he would have learned something from his sister and stashed his birth certificate in his pocket before doing so.)


The older children have driver's license so that won't be as hard to get a birth certificate I  hope.  With all the publicity generated, maybe Gracie (the 24 year old) could escape to their grandparents too.

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In our case, I talked about stuff going on with our daughter in the months preceding her leaving. Then she moved in with "grandparents" who were not even her real grandparents, but rather birth grandparents. Currently, in a little update, she has been using drugs now and getting drunk. We got some lovely texts from her the other day where she was obviously drunk. They were not mean texts, but they were obviously the rambling of someone who was under the influence. She is now couch surfing because my birthparents got tired of her. But not before exposing her to the world of drug abuse. They still let her stay there some nights I have been told, but she mostly just couch surfs.


Thing is, we had arranged previously for her to return to college in January. We had put the money down and arranged the dorm and everything. I posted how she did not want a job. She felt she was too good for minimum wage. She got fired days before she left. We tried to contact her, she refused any contact. She contacted her brother wanting him to steal stuff from our home, but not her own personal stuff. Stuff, basically, that she could sell. She did not want clothes or such. She said her "new family" had purchased her all new stuff so she did not have needs there. BUT, we did try to reach out to her to see if she still wanted to go to college in January. Despite having left December 15, she claimed in January that she is prevented from going to college or having a job because we committed "identity theft" and stole her ID. Ok..the birth grandparents live on the same street as the DMV, just a few blocks down the road. She could walk there. Her public high school she attended, if she needed anything, is down the street the other direction, a place she could walk to. That is much further away, about a mile. The church she was baptized at and they know her at is right by the high school, she would pass it on the way to the high school. IF she wanted these documents, she can get them. PLUS, we tried to offer to give her her clothes and such. She did have a huge habit of losing her license all the time. I do not know if it is even lost or if she just doesn't want to have to go to work or school. Freeloading seems to be suiting her just fine right now. IF she actually did leave her ID here, it would be in her stuff. She refused to answer our texts or emails asking if she wants her stuff. Her brother tried to ask her. Her other brother tried to call her. She told her older brother she wants nothing from here at all. She refused to take a call from her younger brother.


But regardless, if the government has copies of this stuff and she is a grown adult, she can get it herself. This slamming video the girl made never mentioned her even trying to contact the state to see if there was a birth certificate. And I doubt the family has skipped out on using her as a deduction on the taxes all these years. There has to be a SSN then. You can order all these things online if you want. I think this girl sounds to me like she wants to lash out at her parents. I am not saying her parents are me. But the siblings could not have enrolled in college without some form of ID or vaccination records or vaccination exemptions or social security or other id numbers.


Despite my daughter's refusal to even take our offers to help, I called the DMV and looked up how to get a new license. It is not complicated at all. I sent her a link from online. But she would rather make excuses to get sympathy and money from others than just grow up and take responsibility. I wonder how long before this girl in this blog has a fundme page to support her "plight."

Elisabet, I think it is safe to say that you are reading a lot into this situation due to your family crisis and situation with your daughter.
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Artichoke, I do think that roommates have to be considerate of each other.

I admit that as much as I love my college aged DD, it is difficult to have her sleep schedule disrupt ours so much when she is home on long breaks, especially since DH and I have to get up and go to work in the morning while she sleeps in quite late, but she wakes us up late at night.  She doesn't mean to, she is not raucous, but it's just unavoidable in a one story little house with wooden floors.  We do our best to let her be, but I sometimes ask her to go in her room and stay completely quiet for a few hours once we have been in bed for a while.  If we had younger kids at home, I'd probably be a little more strict about it, but I would hope that she would Be A Good Roommate on her own, and be considerate of everyone else.  But 18 is a fairly self-absorbed age.


I had a colleague lo these many years ago whose son and DIL moved in with them for about 1 1/2 years.  He charged them rent, but he saved it ALL and gave it to them for a down payment on their first home.  I don't think they knew he was going to do that, but he planned it all along.  He felt that they needed to learn to prioritize their living expenses, and also to be assisted in saving.  It worked out awesome for them.

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