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Family stages kidnapping of son to teach him about "stranger danger"


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Guest submarines

And I mean, I can see one person sort of thinking about it, but 4? None of them thought it wasn't the greatest thing to do? Even that co-worker?? I'm so glad there are charges against those idiots!

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Guest submarines

I saw that yesterday!!!  What were they thinking???  I could (maybe, kinda, sorta, in a way)explain away the "kidnapping" but the undressing and putting him in the basement part and the gun and the bag on his head and the...  :huh:  :blink:  :scared:  :eek:  :mad:  :(

Exactly. The idea of a staged kidnapping--well, at least I can understand a really stupid person thinking there was some merit to it. But the extent that they went with it? And 4 people thought it was a good idea? No words.

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I'm with the PP who is amazed that there were 4 people in the same location who were all crazy enough to think this was OK.


Maybe they have made up this unlikely story to try to cover for what they knew was abuse.


But still - four adults.  Someone should analyze their water supply.

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That is just like how the father on Arrested Development would "teach a lesson" to his sons (going so far as to hire a man with a prosthetic arm so that when everything went to hell "because of the kids' actions" - we're talking ersatz swat raids and staging shoot-outs between criminals - the man would toss his "blood covered" fake arm and shriek "my arm, my arm!" to properly cement the trauma).


I can't believe someone would "teach a lesson" like that in *real life*.

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I want to cry for that kid:((((


Geez, if *I* were the officers arresting them it would be all I could do not to stage a little scare tactic myself--say about the dangers of prison and abusing small defenseless children. Probably a good thing I am not.


On the other hand, their logic and parenting skills cannot have been isolated to this event, so I am grateful that poor child now has a chance to get away from them...

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Wtf?!? That goes SO FAR beyond making him scared of strangers. Lure him into the truck and then lecture him--I could almost understand (but not condone) that. This is a bunch of really sick individuals.

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i was upset when one of those news shows staged some much milder scenarios (with parents' consent): asking on the phone if the parents were home, would you help me find my puppy, knocking to see if they would answer the door when alone, and so on. They had one guy knocking on this kid's door; he was super persistent and I think even calling out that he needed help, please open the door, etc. 


The kid did everything he was supposed to do, but you could tell he was really scared. I thought that went beyond the acceptable. This is completely nuts and I certainly hope they are put under CPS supervision (at least). 

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Crazy doesn't even begin to describe what they did. For a non violent person, I sometimes surprise myself: like the fleeting vision of seeing certain people in the stocks for a day or two. No, not really. But when children are mistreated like that, my imagination gets active.

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There was a story a while ago where a guy (maybe a retired police officer?) was one of those online Angels, who works to help keep kids safe from predators. He befriended a girl online by pretending to be a kid her age, and then when he knew enough info about her to find her IRL, he went to her house and spoke with her parents. Then they confronted her when she came home and explained to her exactly why she hadn't been careful enough and what could have happened. It was all good, and for a preteen or teen, it seemed like a good way to drive home a lesson about being careful. (Okay, Snopes says it wasn't actually true, but still. Reasonable example.)


This? The fake kidnapping? Horrible. Just really and truly horrible. Not even close to being a good way to teach a lesson.

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Sometimes I think these people are arrested in their development. I stole my brother's bike to "teach him a lesson" when I was 13 yo. He's much younger. I was in charge of him a lot and he kept leaving it everywhere. I also used to use bribes and terrible methods of "parenting" in retrospect. But I was 13. Like, when I was 13, that seemed like the right way to deal with a kid. These people never got past the level of big sis parenting I did when I was barely a teenager. Sigh.

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I have friends who did a "reality" show on Animal Planet a few years ago called Meet the Preppers: My Pink Pistol.  On it, they staged a kidnapping of a couple of the kids.  It was the idea of the producers and of course the film crew, who by that point had been around every day for 3 weeks and had become friendly with the kids, was filming the whole thing so the kids were never scared or thinking they were actually in danger.  It was more of a game using some of the skills their parents have taught them.


The thing is, some people watch a show like that and don't think about how staged it is.  They think it's a great idea and replicate it and instead of kids having fun for a TV show, they end up doing something that seriously scars a kid for life.  The feedback my friends got after the show aired really shows that many people think "reality" shows are truly real and could totally contribute to people doing stuff like this.

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I read about this yesterday.  If that's their idea for teaching stranger danger, one can only assume they've got other piss poor ideas for teaching life lessons too. That poor kid.


I think they're abusive nut cases -- the "teaching about stranger danger" is just a ridiculous excuse.


They're freaks and I hope the child gets a better home.



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So for the rest of his life, he will remember that his family treated him like this, and then he was taken by acquaintances at school and the police to live with complete strangers (foster family) who treated him kindly.


Anyway, he's in my thoughts. I hope he goes to a loving foster family for the time being.



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