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Know any "famous" people?

Miss Peregrine

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Not a friend, but when DD2 was born, I got a package of baby clothing out of the blue from Michael Stipe.


That one baffled the heck out of me until my aunt mentioned she'd bought stuff for us off eBay.


I don't imagine it was THE Michael Stipe, though. I can't quite imagine he does much ebaying of baby clothing.

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We met Gerald Ford when we visited his church.


We introduced ourselves and shook hands and he says his name. I looked at him and asked, "Really?" Really, he says. I laugh. There was a much younger couple nearby and they were confused. The wife says, "What? Is that someone famous?" :svengo:

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Not so much a 'famous person' but character... My husband and I were having something notarized a few years back. The notary was giving my husband a hard time due to my name. (Gets old having a 'famous' name) Tables turned, however, when the notary had to sign his name "James T Kirk"...and he was born before the show aired.

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Okay....this is REALLY funny!


A friend years ago told me that her parents names are Patricia and Angus Nest. Not funny yet?


Well, they were somewhere, where they were called up with lots of people waiting around. And when they were called the room roared.


You might want to say it out loud-


Can Mrs P. Nest and Mr A. Nest please come to the reception area.


True story! :-D

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Yes, I have several in my family! Gabe Kaplan, Marvin Kaplan, Gary Cooper, Bradley Cooper, Jason Long, Shelly Long and Jessica McClintock.


And how funny, just as I'm getting ready to hit "add post", Gabe Kaplan (the actor) was just shown on America this Morning! Freaky!

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My older brother is David Bowie.


When people would see our last name, my sister and I were always being asked about our brother David.  For a long time we just thought everyone knew our brother!


18 years ago when David Bowie the singer turned 50, my brother got a drunk dial call from some woman in Australia who *really* wanted to wish the singer a happy birthday.


My brother is a college professor and on occasion people will take his classes just because of his name.  People sometimes do a double take at his name when he presents linguistics papers at conferences.


FTR, the last names are not pronounced the same.  David Bowie the singer took his name from the Bowie knife (we are related to Rezin Bowie who invented it and his brother Jim Bowie of the Alamo who popularized it), but pronounced it differently than the family last name and how the knife name is pronounced.

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For actual famous people, one of my brother's best friends is the producer and director of MTV's Teen Wolf


And for the not-so-actual famous people, my other brother's name is Timothy Leary.  Yep.  (And no, he was not named after the real Timothy Leary, though we always used to tease my mother about it whenever somebody would ask.)

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I know a man in probably his early thirties whose name is John Wayne and he goes by it. I might be tempted to just use John but he must like it :)

My dad's name sounds like John Wayne if you're aren't listening closely, especially on the phone. More than once he's been accused of pranking the person on the other end of the line :).

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Not their actual names, but both Richard Nixon and Elvis came to my wedding reception. I didn't know until we got back from our honeymoon and I looked over the guest book. "Elvis" eventually fessed up, but we'll celebrate 21 years next week and still don't know who signed Nixon's name. We had some guesses, but no confirmation.  :)

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I share a name with a high-up executive of a world-renowned publication, and because I got ourname@wellknownemailclient first, I receive email for her all the time. I know what committees she's on, where her child went to winter break camp, where she'll be volunteering tomorrow night. She knows I know, too, because I tracked down a correct email address for her and told her, and she responded. That was four years ago, but I still get some emails. I've considered getting a new account, but it's mine, darn it. I can't just set up a filter, because there's no unifying information. I usually can't tell whether one is for her or for me until I read it, unless the location is in the subject line. Thankfully, I don't get many anymore.

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I share a name with a high-up executive of a world-renowned publication, and because I got ourname@wellknownemailclient first, I receive email for her all the time. I know what committees she's on, where her child went to winter break camp, where she'll be volunteering tomorrow night. She knows I know, too, because I tracked down a correct email address for her and told her, and she responded. That was four years ago, but I still get some emails. I've considered getting a new account, but it's mine, darn it. I can't just set up a filter, because there's no unifying information. I usually can't tell whether one is for her or for me until I read it, unless the location is in the subject line. Thankfully, I don't get many anymore.


I am assuming it isn't Anna Wintour, because I can't imagine her volunteering anywhere.

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