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I have the mumps!

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I have the mumps. I'm in shock. I started with a sore and swollen cheek on Monday but thought it was dental. The dentist said my teeth were fine. He thought it was my parotid gland either clogged or infected or a slight possibility of the mumps. I called my doctor's office and she practically laughed at me saying there was no way I have the mumps. I went to urgent care. He said I have parotitis and said it was most likely and infection or I have sjorgrens but took a blood test. The swelling was down a bit Wed but I'm on Prednisone and Norco so that probably helped some of the pain and swelling. I got a call tonight saying I have the mumps! I'm on Embrel for an auto immune disorder and it lowers my immune system so that's probably why I got it. I'm so bummed and worried my family will get it.


Update: I don't know how to tell the number of a specific post but I have a few more questions further down. I would appreciate any suggestions. Also thank you for the hugs and warm wishes. I appreciate it. I know things could be much much worse but I definitely didn't plan to start 2015 this way and I'm a bit bummed.

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Bummer! So sorry! If your family members are vaccinated and not otherwise immune compromised, hopefully they will not get it. Hope it resolves quickly for you.


Oh, and I had the mumps when I was 8 months old. Yeah, back when doctors made house calls. He came and looked at me and said, "This baby has the mumps!" I guess I got through it okay. My poor mama...

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I have the mumps. I'm in shock. I started with a sore and swollen cheek on Monday but thought it was dental. The dentist said my teeth were fine. He thought it was my parotid gland either clogged or infected or a slight possibility of the mumps. I called my doctor's office and she practically laughed at me saying there was no way I have the mumps. I went to urgent care. He said I have parotitis and said it was most likely and infection or I have sjorgrens but took a blood test. The swelling was down a bit Wed but I'm on Prednisone and Norco so that probably helped some of the pain and swelling. I got a call tonight saying I have the mumps! I'm on Embrel for an auto immune disorder and it lowers my immune system so that's probably why I got it. I'm so bummed and worried my family will get it.

Wow... That's really strange.    Hope you heal quickly!

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Yes my kids are immunized. They had two shots. I believe they started doing that in the 80's. I'm in my 40's so I believe I only had one shot. I'm assuming that I got it since I'm on a biologic drug that suppresses my immune system.

That sounds logical to me. I don't know your location, but I have recently heard and read that there were some pockets of Mumps outbreaks in the US.

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I had the mumps during Christmas break of my freshman year at college. That was not a fun vacation! My mom swore that I had been immunized. I hat a titer test done before I got pregnant, and I had no immunity to measles, so I had a vaccination before I got pregnant (measles was going around about that time). Hope you get feeling better soon!

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A friend caught it years ago, her children were small and and their immunizations were up to date. She was the only one in the family that caught it and they never figured out where she got it from. 


She said it was excruciating and she wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I am sorry you are dealing with this and I hope your recovery is swift and uneventful. 

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A question for those of you who had the mumps, although I think most of you who did had it as a kid. My symptoms started out as fairly severe pain in my cheek/jaw area. It hurt to chew and open my mouth etc. I had no other symptoms except my usual tiredness, which I assumed was due to my AS. I've felt run down and achy all week but again this is pretty normal for me. The pain was actually better for a bit on wed and Thursday, although I am on Presnisone and pain killers for something else. Last night the pain started to change and go lower on my jaw and neck. Today my throat and ears hurt and feel clogged. My body aches have really increased as well as my fatigue.


Everything I have read online says that the swelling usually lasts about 5 days and things should start improving. It seems strange that I actually feel worse now than I did when it started on Monday. Do you remember the progression of your illness?

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Mumps is miserable!  I'm so sorry.  And we are seeing a lot more of it in the ER lately with kids not getting their MMR.  If your kids are fully vaxed (and it worked), they'll be fine.

About 15% of adults with mumps will develop meningitis, so if you're having neck pain and stiffness (can't lie on your back and lift your neck so that your chin touches your chest), fever, fatigue, headache, or any combination of the above symptoms, get back into the doctor and make sure you're not developing that complication.

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We had a neighbor kid about 15 years ago who was vaccinated for Rubella (they had the shot records to prove it) but got it anyway. Sometimes that happens.  She couldn't walk for a few days but the doctor said it wasn't really a big deal.  We also had a chicken pox outbreak during a summer vacation music camp at church when my older kids were little.  The handful of kids that got it were up to date on their vaccinations.  Other kids up to date didn't get it. Nothing in life is 100%.


Sorry you got it. Hope you feel better soon.

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Sorry but I have another question. I really didn't think I had the mumps especially since the nurse on the phone practically laughed at me when I told her the possibility. The doctor I saw at urgent care also thought it was something else. Now I realize that rhe prednisone and pain killers I was already taking might have masked some of the symptoms. Yesterday I went to physical therapy before I got the results and before my throat started hurting and I started feeling worse. I'm used to feeling run down and achy so I didn't really think too much of of.


i have an appointment on Monday that I will have to cancel at the last minute since they aren't open on the weekend. I will tell them I am sick but should I tell them I have rhe mumps? I've been going there for years so they are almost like friends. I feel so bad that I exposed them to mumps. On one hand I don't want to cause them to worry since there is nothing we can do about it now but I'm also worried since one of the therapists is pregnant, although she never works on me and we weren't close. They sanitize their tables well although I did use some stretchy bands that they don't clean. My dh doesn't think I should tell them since there is nothing I can do about it anyway but I'm not sure if that would be wrong. I feel so bad exposing them to the mumps and wish I didn't go there yesterday.

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I would tell them so they can monitor symptoms. You didn't know you had the mumps and if it were me, I'd appreciate the heads-up.


Sorry but I have another question. I really didn't think I had the mumps especially since the nurse on the phone practically laughed at me when I told her the possibility. The doctor I saw at urgent care also thought it was something else. Now I realize that rhe prednisone and pain killers I was already taking might have masked some of the symptoms. Yesterday I went to physical therapy before I got the results and before my throat started hurting and I started feeling worse. I'm used to feeling run down and achy so I didn't really think too much of of.


i have an appointment on Monday that I will have to cancel at the last minute since they aren't open on the weekend. I will tell them I am sick but should I tell them I have rhe mumps? I've been going there for years so they are almost like friends. I feel so bad that I exposed them to mumps. On one hand I don't want to cause them to worry since there is nothing we can do about it now but I'm also worried since one of the therapists is pregnant, although she never works on me and we weren't close. They sanitize their tables well although I did use some stretchy bands that they don't clean. My dh doesn't think I should tell them since there is nothing I can do about it anyway but I'm not sure if that would be wrong. I feel so bad exposing them to the mumps and wish I didn't go there yesterday.

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Yes, you need to inform them. Mumps can cause problems in a pregnancy. The woman will need to speak to her OB and inform him/her that she was exposed.

I feel awful. I also exposed my bil pregnant girlfriend on Christmas. Of course this was 4 days before I had any symptoms so chances are low that I was contagious. I just wish I stayed home yesterday. I really doubted that I had mumps but the initial nurse I spoke to on Tuesday made me feel stupid for even considering it. She said there was no way I had the mumps.

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Not only should you tell them so they can further monitor your condition, they need to let their staff know that people really can still get the mumps. That nurse that laughed at the thought needs to gt up to speed on reality and she needs to work on her people skills.

Oh the nurse that laughed was at my general practitioners office not the Physical therapist office. I had physical therapy yesterday before I knew I had the mumps.


I'm going to see my general practitioner on Monday to follow up on the mumps. I was actually diagnosed at an urgent care clinic. I had called my regular doctor first bit they couldnt see me that day and that nurse was sure it couldnt be the mumps.

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I had the mumps during Christmas break of my freshman year at college. That was not a fun vacation! My mom swore that I had been immunized. I hat a titer test done before I got pregnant, and I had no immunity to measles, so I had a vaccination before I got pregnant (measles was going around about that time). Hope you get feeling better soon!

Martha do you remember how long it took you to recover? I'm on day 10 and still feel miserable. The pain and swelling keeps on going up and down. The worst right now is the fatigue. It might be worse because I have an autoimmune disease already but this is crazy. I've basically been in bed all week. I get up for a short time to do something like laundry and it wipes me out. I'm no longer considered contagious so that is good but I have no energy to do anything which stinks since my college daughters are home and I want to spend time with them.

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Sorry you have the mumps. No fun. I don't have any tips for you. 


I had the mumps when I was a little girl, but I still remember how sore my face was and trying to eat. At least I know I'll never get them again. And now the same for you....you're safe for the rest of your life. :)

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