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Aside from a laptop, what device is most used by your teens?


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My kids share laptops (mine is included in the sharing, UGH!  lol) and they haven't had a recent version of any device like an iPod, iPad, tablet, etc.  We can't break the bank, but think our 15yo and 17yo need something for the reading, writing, music-listening so they will leave my stuff alone.  LOL


What do you (and your teens) suggest?  Dh was considering Kindles...

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After their laptops, my 14 year olds are both use their iPod touches the most.  In fact, their old ones are starting to go bad and they requested new ones for Christmas.  If they do a lot of reading and writing, I'd recommend something bigger like a tablet, or an Ultrabook like this one: http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-X205TA-DH01-11-6-inch-Laptop-Dark/dp/B00OBA5AZU/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1416611785&sr=1-1&keywords=laptop



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Samsung phones but that's probably because we just got them. For music and portability (ex: during exercise), they used ipod touches for a long time. One had a Kindle for quite a while for reading but she just bought herself a 10" Samsung tablet. Now she uses that mostly for reading & homework. My other teen has an iPad Mini & still uses that when he wants the larger screen. It just depends on what they're doing at the time.


I'm a longtime Kindle fan but went to a Nexus 7" tablet a couple years ago after I dropped & broke my Kindle. At the time, the Nexus had more features for the price. I really like the screen size for reading & the fact that it's small enough to be somewhat portable.

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DD, preferred her iphone 3 until it died and is requesting an i4. DS rarely uses anything but his computer or xbox but will occasionally use our "school" ipad mini, he even gave his phone back to us because he never used it.. Neither like my old android tablet, it's to big. if you're wanting video I'd say minimum screen size is a mini tablet but my eyes are getting old.

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Ipads for my teens, though they don't both have iphones. They got them because their school is requiring it for tech in the classroom integration. So now hey use ipads more than anything else for school applications and many social/personal uses.

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I'd recommend an iPad mini.  You can get the Kindle app for it, and that takes care of the Kindle.  You can put it in a purse, take it on a trip to keep in touch via email, watch movies on it.  We got my daughter a keyboard case to go with hers ($30 on Amazon), and she could even type school essays on it in a pinch.


But, I do agree with others that iPhones (or smartphones in general) are probably used the most besides the laptop.  But, then you have to pay the phone plan, data plan, etc, and that can become pretty pricy.





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We have an IPad Mini that gets used by all of us but honestly it is the Kindle Fire that gets the most use. Every single day for audio books, Immersion reading and regular book reading and other things.  


DD14 has a phone, but she primarily uses it to listen to music or watch education material in her down time.  Like right now she is watching a documentary on lions.  She will text us or call us if she is out at an extracurricular but mainly it is used as her music player and for watching documentaries.

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Ds20 has never asked for or wanted a tablet, smart phone, e-reader or ipod.  He only uses his laptop.


DD16 has a Galazy tablet that hasn't been touched in a year, an iTouch that she used daily until she got her Samsung S4 phone, now she is thinking about selling her iTouch because she rarely uses it.  She only uses her laptop for homework.  So, of the choices for her smartphone or iTouch.


Dd8 uses her Nabi tablet all the time.  She



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We are huge android fans here, I am not a fan of proprietary systems like Apple or Windows.

Eldest uses her Samsung 10" tablet more than anything she's ever had.  I admit to coveting it a great deal. ;)

Although the Kindle Fire HDX is a "boxed in" android system, which normally I would also not be a fan of, youngest loves hers.



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My kids share laptops (mine is included in the sharing, UGH!  lol) and they haven't had a recent version of any device like an iPod, iPad, tablet, etc.  We can't break the bank, but think our 15yo and 17yo need something for the reading, writing, music-listening so they will leave my stuff alone.  LOL


What do you (and your teens) suggest?  Dh was considering Kindles...

Ipod Touches here. 

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ds#1 ---iPad or iPhone --- He also has an iPod touch, but hasn't used it much since getting his iPhone.

ds#2 --- iPod Touch or Samsung phone (he'd prefer an iPhone, but got the Samsung as it was all he could afford)


Neither of my boys have a laptop.  They use the family iMac or our ancient Acer netbook when they need a computer for homework.


dd --- her new Asus Transformer Book (convertible notebook tablet)  or her Samsung phone.  Dd loved her old Acer netbook that she used all through uni, but it was dying & when XP was no longer supported she up-graded to the Asus Transformer Book.  She wanted something that used windows, was about the same size as her old netbook, & had USB ports.  When her old non-smart phone died a few months back she up-graded to one of the cheaper Samsung smart phones so that she could check her emails, etc when she was not near WIFI as she travels a lot for work.  


None of my dc are interested in getting a Kindle, while I LOVE the Kindle Paperwhite that I got for Christmas last year.  



When thinking what is best for your dc I would look at how they would use the device most often.  If they would be reading books most often, get a Kindle Paperwhite as it is so much easier on the eyes when reading for long periods & you can easily read in bright sunlight & the battery lasts much longer than a tablet.  If they will be using the device for writing / schoolwork, I would look at getting a tablet that could use a work processing app like MS Office 365 or Apple Pages.  You can get bluetooth keyboards to use with most tablets.  If they are into gaming, look for what device would best fit their favourite games.  If they want something to carry with them for music, surfing, emails, etc  look at a smart phone.  An iTouch would work as well, but as they are in in their mid to late teens a smart phone would give more options as they begin to spread their wings.





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IPad and IPhone. We got our teenage daughter her ipad for Christmas last year and she has used it a lot for school as well as pleasure. We will eventually do the ipad shuffle and upgrade one to give our younger son one when the time comes. I have had my iPad for 2 years now and it is a permanent need for me now.

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