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I realize the cost of groceries has been rising, but I'm starting to get annoyed.  Yesterday I noticed the price of butter at our Bottom Dollar has risen by more than 50 cents a pound.  They no longer carry the large block of cheddar I was buying for about $5.  Now I'm paying almost $5 for a block that is half the size!  I guess I'm just venting.  It makes me feel so helpless.    

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Ugh. I know. One reason that food can jump in price is seasonality. Supply and demand. Feed costs can be less in the summer for cows so milk is often cheaper.


After reading Animal Vegetable Miracle, I'm trying to incorporate more seasonality to our diets. This means that right now, I'm starting to buy apples and put up applesauce for the winter. I'm also making tomato based stuff and filling the freezer with fresh corn. Its so much less expensive to store this stuff when it's cheap.


It is hard though when you are trying to cut corners to have to bypass a sale because you just don't have the extra funds to stock up. Then you HAVE to buy that item when it's more expensive.

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Ugh. I know. One reason that food can jump in price is seasonality. Supply and demand. Feed costs can be less in the summer for cows so milk is often cheaper.


After reading Animal Vegetable Mineral, I'm trying to incorporate more seasonality to our diets. This means that right now, I'm starting to buy apples and put up applesauce for the winter. I'm also making tomato based stuff and filling the freezer with fresh corn. Its so much less expensive to store this stuff when it's cheap.


It is hard though when you are trying to cut corners to have to bypass a sale because you just don't have the extra funds to stock up. Then you HAVE to buy that item when it's more expensive.


Yes!   Especially the bolded.

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I just started making a list of items and price changes in the past 6mos-1 year. Like OJ. Store brand half a gallon used to cost 1.98, now 2.68 (local Kroger store used to but the gallon on sale for 2.50 sometimes, not any more). Butter 1 pound is now 3.40 versus 2.80. And the list goes on. Eggs were .99/dozen, now $1.89.


I started the list because DH couldn't believe how much grocery costs have gone up. (Last time he did all the shopping was when I was on bed rest with the twins LOL).

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I'm really upset because I should be beginning my canning, dehydrating, freezing of the harvest soon and the accident has left me without the stamina I need to be standing and working that long. Feeding three teens is not fun! I am going to employ their assistance but even that is going to be tiring for all of us because once the wheelchair ramp and bathroom remodel is done so we can move home, I will need the other two boys to help me care for their brother and all three are high schoolers, C is a senior, so we can't take time out of the school schedule. I just have this sinking feeling about winter food prices and since we try to eat as much organic produce as possible, I feel I need to make my usual "putting up the harvest" happen.


Hugs to everyone that is struggling with rising prices.

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I was in the store two days ago and looked at coffee but was unsure if dh was out so didn't buy any. He was, so I went back yesterday and the price had jumped more than $1 overnight. Lately I've felt I can't really budget my groceries well because I'm unsure of costs. I'll keep track and think I know exactly what I will spend but when I start shopping I notice the prices have changed.

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This is why I am really focusing on a price book and stocking up on sales. Knowing prices and looking for sales is about the only way to keep on top of it.

I really like the idea of a price book. I am going to get started on one.


If you live in the midwest, you should search around and see if you can find a Mennonite Bulk Food Store. These usually are typically 25% less sometimes more and especially on dairy products, herbs and spices, baking supplies, and canning supplies. We rarely do better on meats although their meats tend to be fresher.


I always recommend that families stock up on their spectacular organic rice and dry beans. Even if you blow a lot of that months budget on a 25 lb. bag of each, you cannot beat brown rice, beans, and some salsa with a small salad on the side for filling up the hollow legs of teenage boys!

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It is frustrating, isn't it? What really annoys me is when they keep the same price for a product, but shave a few ounces off! :glare:



Of course lately they have been doing both! My family loves frozen baby lima beans (I know we're weird) and my analysis of grocery costs from March 2013 showed I was paying $1.09 for a one pound package. Now they are $1.89 and the bag has 12 ounces. Same store, same brand. 


I know prices go up but this means the price per ounce is double what it was then. Yikes!

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Vent away. The subject of the price of groceries (and everything else) is concerning to say the least. We are in the process of trying to plan for the future pertaining to the care of my mother as she ages. The crazy price of everything has forced us to stop and regroup. We are also trying to think down the road to the next generation (DD's children). I honestly believe there will be more families (2-3 generations) living together instead of adult children moving out/purchasing their own homes.

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I'm with you. I get frustrated with myself when I go over budget, until my husband reminds me that I'm working with the same budget I was working with two years ago, but prices have climbed rather drastically. Given, it's a generous budget, from what I hear, when you throw in even ONE food allergy (that wasn't "there" when the budget was made), it makes me frustrated.

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It's crazy for certain. We are having a way too mild summer in Michigan, not enough hot days, so produce is not ripening. If it continues, the bumper crops of veggies and fruits that normally keep produce prices down will not occur and autumn harvest prices will jump.


It is also affecting feed grain crops. We hadsuch a nasty spring that everything went in ate to begin with and now not enough heat. It very well may lower the yield on grains which will cause another jump in winter feed prices. This causes many livestock producers to slaughter a bunch of stock. If that happens, meat will go on sale and you better stok up because in the spring supply will be low and prices will shoot up again.


If you happen to run on a huge sale of eggs, you can buy several dozen and freeze. Scramble them well, add a scant pinch of salt, fill ice cube trays, freeze, then put egg cubes in freezer containers. One cube is generally the equivalent to a grade A medium egg when baking or scrambling/making quiche.

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I'm really upset because I should be beginning my canning, dehydrating, freezing of the harvest soon and the accident has left me without the stamina I need to be standing and working that long. Feeding three teens is not fun! I am going to employ their assistance but even that is going to be tiring for all of us because once the wheelchair ramp and bathroom remodel is done so we can move home, I will need the other two boys to help me care for their brother and all three are high schoolers, C is a senior, so we can't take time out of the school schedule. I just have this sinking feeling about winter food prices and since we try to eat as much organic produce as possible, I feel I need to make my usual "putting up the harvest" happen.


Hugs to everyone that is struggling with rising prices.


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I realize the cost of groceries has been rising, but I'm starting to get annoyed. Yesterday I noticed the price of butter at our Bottom Dollar has risen by more than 50 cents a pound. They no longer carry the large block of cheddar I was buying for about $5. Now I'm paying almost $5 for a block that is half the size! I guess I'm just venting. It makes me feel so helpless.

Yeah, how 'bout bread? It is shrinking. It was already annoying when the shortened the loaves, but I could still get full-sized loaves at "THE large warehouse store." But now the actual size of the slice is *tiny*. Dh said he does not care what it costs; buy bread that is normal-sized.

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I'm with you. I get frustrated with myself when I go over budget, until my husband reminds me that I'm working with the same budget I was working with two years ago, but prices have climbed rather drastically. Given, it's a generous budget, from what I hear, when you throw in even ONE food allergy (that wasn't "there" when the budget was made), it makes me frustrated.

We had not adjusted our food budget for years, and it was shocking to realize that prices have risen so much that we are spending much more for about the same amount of food.

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I'm really upset because I should be beginning my canning, dehydrating, freezing of the harvest soon and the accident has left me without the stamina I need to be standing and working that long. Feeding three teens is not fun! I am going to employ their assistance but even that is going to be tiring for all of us because once the wheelchair ramp and bathroom remodel is done so we can move home, I will need the other two boys to help me care for their brother and all three are high schoolers, C is a senior, so we can't take time out of the school schedule. I just have this sinking feeling about winter food prices and since we try to eat as much organic produce as possible, I feel I need to make my usual "putting up the harvest" happen.


Hugs to everyone that is struggling with rising prices.

Oh, faith! That would upset me, too! I love canning (well, honestly, I don't love it while

I do it, but I love the sight of Mason jars full of home-grown food). If you lived near me, I would do a canning party!

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Yes, definitely up.  I like this time of year because I can pretty much cook from the garden and meat from the freezer that I buy on sale, but I cringe anytime I have to buy groceries.  I bought two bags of ordinary groceries yesterday (milk, hot dog buns, citrus fruits, lemonade concentrate, sale canned goods, sale frozen pizzas, etc.), and it was $50 with NO MEAT.  I had a fit.

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Butter and cheese are the big price increases I've noticed this year. I used to be able to find butter on sale fairly routinely--$2.50 per pound was a decent price, but several times a year I could stock up at $2 per pound. I had a bunch in my freezer. As my freezer supply has dwindled, I've eagerly watched for a sale--no sales. The price is now something like $3.79 per pound. That is a huge increase. Cheese also--those 2 lb bricks used to go on sale routinely for $5 per brick, and once in a while $4 per brick. They're now about $7 per brick and the few-and-far-between sales might bring it down to $6. AND limit you to only 1 brick at that price. Local grass-fed beef is also up--$6 per pound now where last year was $5.

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Yeah, I read that dairy products have gone up (mainly bc we are exporting more). Pork will also be up bc of a disease that killed alot of pigs. Beef is definitely up, but I don't know why.


Beefs up because the drought in the West for a couple years made producers sell out large portions of their herd. It takes about 18 months for a steer to reach slaughter weight, and many producers sold out huge numbers of mama cows too. So there's just not as many cows in the market.


It's been a record year for beef producers.

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If you like fish, look at tilapia. It has been a really good price, less than a dollar per fillet when purchased in a bulk bag.  I do one fillet per person rolled in a little rice flour, sprinkled with lemon, and low heat pan fried in coconut oil. We do rice, green beans, and salad to go with it. It is cheaper than making a hamburger at $3.49 a lb for bulk 80/20 ground beef. I sprinkle some parmesan on the rice and the boys love it.

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If you like fish, look at tilapia. It has been a really good price, less than a dollar per fillet when purchased in a bulk bag. I do one fillet per person rolled in a little rice flour, sprinkled with lemon, and low heat pan fried in coconut oil. We do rice, green beans, and salad to go with it. It is cheaper than making a hamburger at $3.49 a lb for bulk 80/20 ground beef. I sprinkle some parmesan on the rice and the boys love it.

That sounds yummy! It's going on the menu next week.

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I managed to haul myself around the Mennonite store with mom this afternoon and while still cheaper than any of the grocery stores, still prices are up. Last August I could buy a roasting chicken for $1.29 a lb. Today it was $1.89/lb. Canning jars, lids, and rings not bought in bulk were up, but the huge bulk packages were 47.00 for 360 regular lids and 50.00 for 360 wide mouth. We blew a wad. We bought two sleeves of each. We reuse rings until they get too dented or rusted to risk it. Yah...$200.00 on lids. But, between mom, myself (when healthy), and mil we do put up a lot of veggies for winter and make pasta sauce and salsa as well. I use my salsa as taco and enchilada seasoning...just run through the blender and mix withj ground beef or shredded chicken. Dh's commercial brand that he insists on when my salsa runs out is almost $3.00 a can. I make it for about 89 cents a pint.


I am slowly investing in tattler rings and lids. They are reuseable and have a guarantee. They are almost $1.00 each on amazon, but over the long haul as I expect to be canning for another 30 years or until I completely give out, LOL, should more than pay for themselves, less waste too since no one around here takes lids for recycling.


I wasn't in the market for cheese and still cannot walk around for a long time, so I didn't make it to the dairy section to find out where prices were on staples like butter, cheddar, and sour cream.





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I've noticed cheese go up a bit. I don't buy much beef so hadn't noticed that going up. Chicken is way cheaper than it used to be. I can buy boneless, skinless breasts with the yucky stuff trimmed off for $2.99/lb most weeks, at Kroger. Produce is a bit cheaper than a year ago. Canned and boxed goods are about the same (some higher, some lower, so it balances out). Sea scallops have gone way up, shrimp is pretty stable. Overall, our budget has increased but we buy more organics and healthier options so it's hard to tell how much of it is truly due to rising costs.

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I've noticed cheese go up a bit. I don't buy much beef so hadn't noticed that going up. Chicken is way cheaper than it used to be. I can buy boneless, skinless breasts with the yucky stuff trimmed off for $2.99/lb most weeks, at Kroger. Produce is a bit cheaper than a year ago. Canned and boxed goods are about the same (some higher, some lower, so it balances out). Sea scallops have gone way up, shrimp is pretty stable. Overall, our budget has increased but we buy more organics and healthier options so it's hard to tell how much of it is truly due to rising costs.

Chicken got more expensive here. A year ago I could buy a 10 lb bag of boneless, skinless breasts for $1.89 a lb. Now it is $2.69 in bulk and $2.89 in small pkgs.


We love sea scallops but like you have seen a big jump in price so they won't be getting those until New Years Eve!

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If you like fish, look at tilapia. It has been a really good price, less than a dollar per fillet when purchased in a bulk bag.  I do one fillet per person rolled in a little rice flour, sprinkled with lemon, and low heat pan fried in coconut oil. We do rice, green beans, and salad to go with it. It is cheaper than making a hamburger at $3.49 a lb for bulk 80/20 ground beef. I sprinkle some parmesan on the rice and the boys love it.


That sounds wonderful and I am always tempted by tilapia in the stores but my family refuses to eat it.  They call it "dirt fish" because every time we've had it (admittedly only a few times) we have all agreed that it tastes like dirt.   When we've had it it was from different stores, some fresh some frozen.  It kills me not to buy it but everyone hates it so much.  Nothing I do seems to disguise the taste. 

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I was disappointed with my grocery shopping expenditure today.  This is what I got before #2 child had almost reached his limit and it was time to go home--this means I will have to go back because I'm sure we can't live on just this next week...

For $58

4lbs bananas

8 cups of muller yogurt--I choose convenience over price for dh's lunch $6
bacon 40 oz pkg
2 bottles of apple juice
2 gallons milk yes, it was $2.68/gallon ;)
pkg of tortillas

1 lb tillamook cheese--manager special $2.99
paper towels
bottle of tylenol--generic

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I was disappointed with my grocery shopping expenditure today.  This is what I got before #2 child had almost reached his limit and it was time to go home--this means I will have to go back because I'm sure we can't live on just this next week...


For $58



4lbs bananas

8 cups of muller yogurt--I choose convenience over price for dh's lunch $6

bacon 40 oz pkg

2 bottles of apple juice

2 gallons milk yes, it was $2.68/gallon ;)


pkg of tortillas

1 lb tillamook cheese--manager special $2.99

paper towels

bottle of tylenol--generic

Oh my, hugs to you. That had to be discouraging.

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On Sunday I went to the store and butter was $2.69,  that seemed high (for what I had been paying but I've been gone for the last 3 weeks) so I picked up a couple of pounds to tide me over till I got to Costco and sometimes (but not always) they have a better price.  Went back to the same grocery store today and it's 2.99.  30 cent increase from 4 days ago.  I haven't made it to Costco yet but I suspect by the time I get there it will be $3.00 a pound there too.

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I'm really upset because I should be beginning my canning, dehydrating, freezing of the harvest soon and the accident has left me without the stamina I need to be standing and working that long. Feeding three teens is not fun! I am going to employ their assistance but even that is going to be tiring for all of us because once the wheelchair ramp and bathroom remodel is done so we can move home, I will need the other two boys to help me care for their brother and all three are high schoolers, C is a senior, so we can't take time out of the school schedule. I just have this sinking feeling about winter food prices and since we try to eat as much organic produce as possible, I feel I need to make my usual "putting up the harvest" happen.


Hugs to everyone that is struggling with rising prices.


Can you call your extension agent and see if there are any 4H students that might be willing to come and help you out with the canning, freezing & dehydrating? 

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I am slowly investing in tattler rings and lids. They are reuseable and have a guarantee. They are almost $1.00 each on amazon, but over the long haul as I expect to be canning for another 30 years or until I completely give out, LOL, should more than pay for themselves, less waste too since no one around here takes lids for recycling.


Wait. I had to look these lids up because I haven't heard of them. But now I'm confused. Do people use their canning lids only once? I have used them again and again for years. I generally only toss them if they look rusty.

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Regular canning lids aren't supposed to be used more than once because the rubber is not the quality that it once was and there is higher risk of not sealing. The last time I had 14 pints that wouldn't seal. Mom had the same problem with a batch of tomatoes so we stopped reusing.

Hmmm. Interesting. When I first began canning, my MIL taught me and I used all jars of hers. Some were undoubtedly 40 years old, though the lids may not have been. Nevertheless, they were reused for years and years. I did have more problems with faulty seals in the last five or so years. That may have something to do with it.


But - OOH! I cannot take an activity so beautifully sustainable and now make it NOT by throwing the lids away after one use!

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Hmmm. Interesting. When I first began canning, my MIL taught me and I used all jars of hers. Some were undoubtedly 40 years old, though the lids may not have been. Nevertheless, they were reused for years and years. I did have more problems with faulty seals in the last five or so years. That may have something to do with it.


But - OOH! I cannot take an activity so beautifully sustainable and now make it NOT by throwing the lids away after one use!

I reuse my lids for dry storage but not to recan, I put in a lot of time canning & don't want to chance it. Plus since it's not recommended, I try and follow along with that rule.

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Any other Aussies reading this thread and thinking...Oh my... I'd be thrilled with those prices. ;)


We pay 3.98 for a dozen eggs here...just sayin. ;)


No matter your price rises there are many people in the world who would love to have your prices. :)

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Chicken got more expensive here. A year ago I could buy a 10 lb bag of boneless, skinless breasts for $1.89 a lb. Now it is $2.69 in bulk and $2.89 in small pkgs.


We love sea scallops but like you have seen a big jump in price so they won't be getting those until New Years Eve!


I haven't bought the larger bags but the packages of around 1.5 pounds used to average around $4.99/lb but have been $2.99 most of the time lately. The sea scallops made me sad........ they were buy one get one a few weeks ago so I got a couple of bags at $9.99/each (one pound).

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I have had a health crisis and ca no longer eat any dairy, gluten, and some things like potatoes. I was a thinnish/ normal before and now have lost *50 lbs*… Some days I just get frustrated trying to find ok food, and eat very little. Food allergies abound in our fam, and SED. Our food costs were enormous before, but now that I have to live on air and buy less dairy, etc, I think we've stayed even. I guess it didn't occur to me that it should have gone down $ wise... since I synthesize sunlight and water like a plant.  :glare:

I am a bit bitter abt my dietary probs. ;)

However, our weirdness aside, how can people keep affording this? I would suggest food storage and bulk cooking, but it takes starter budgets to build up storage, and food money is already a prob for so many. :( 

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Lisbeth, I understand! I have gluten issues big time and also can no longer eat any other grain except rice, no fruit except green apples or non sweet citrus like lemons and limes, no longer tolerate pork, and barely tolerate any beef. I get tired of cooking for them and thinking about what to fix for myself. So I subsist on little because I have very little excitement for food. Maybe 500 or 600 calories a day. It's been his way for thee years. The only thing is, I am overweight and despite three years of perpetual malnourishment have never lost a pound! Sigh.


I understand very much about being bitter about diet and food. It sucks.

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Any other Aussies reading this thread and thinking...Oh my... I'd be thrilled with those prices. ;)


We pay 3.98 for a dozen eggs here...just sayin. ;)


No matter your price rises there are many people in the world who would love to have your prices. :)

Yeah, I tend to see rising food costs here somewhat philosophically. Sort of a general realigning of costs of resources with our massive consumption of resources overall. I think a lot of US food costs have been artificially depressed for several decades by the way government has subsidized various industries, including the tremendous fuel costs involved in growing food, shipping it, refrigerating it, etc.

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Yeah, I tend to see rising food costs here somewhat philosophically. Sort of a general realigning of costs of resources with our massive consumption of resources overall. I think a lot of US food costs have been artificially depressed for several decades by the way government has subsidized various industries, including the tremendous fuel costs involved in growing food, shipping it, refrigerating it, etc.

All true, and I could see it more philosophically if Dh didn't just take a job paying so much less than he previously made, and if we weren't digging out of a hole his unemployment put us in, and if I didn't have to work within a limited budget, and if I didn't look at Ds and wonder if he is getting all he needs nutritionally.  


When I saw the rise in butter prices I thought about my cousin who used to be a dairy farmer and the conversation I had with him just before he sold out, and how little he made on milk.  Somehow knowing the whys and wherefores doesn't make it any easier to feed a family on a strict budget.  


I'm certainly thankful Dh found a job.  I know 3 families personally who are dealing with long term unemployment.  I can't even begin to understand how they are managing .  

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