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Creepy new cover pic for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


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or like it's about JonBenet Ramsey.  The text says that it focuses on the children but it focuses on one child - and not even a major one.  

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According to the article I read, Penguin denies it is either Violet Beauregarde OR Veruca Salt. Well, then, what the heck is she? An Oompa Loompa?!


Willy Wonka's secret love child, conceived with his estranged lover. She's back and she wants her factory.


I would read that.

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Willy Wonka's secret love child, conceived with his estranged lover.

I have a hard time believing that Stepford Wife sitting next to the blonde girl would get involved with Willy Wonka!


But if Penguin is saying she is neither Violet or Veruca, and is obviously not Charlie or Willy Wonka, what on earth is she doing on the cover? Why not put a picture of, say, a penguin or something? I just don't understand the point. And she looks like a Child of the Corn to me.


ETA: Okay, I found this from the Independent:


The child is not supposed to represent Veruca Salt or Violet Beauregarde, two spoilt girls from the book, but the “twisted†family relationships portrayed in the 1964 novel.


The new cover shot, by Sofia Sanchez and Mauro Mongiello comes from a French fashion magazine feature called “Mommie Dearestâ€.


I found the photos at http://noirfacade.livejournal.com/217055.html



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or like it's about JonBenet Ramsey. The text says that it focuses on the children but it focuses on one child - and not even a major one.

That was exactly my thought! So very creepy.

This isn't the JonBenet picture I was thinking of, but pretty close. Yuck:(



ETA: this one...http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/jonbenet-ramsey/images/31618279/title/jonbenet-ramsey-photo

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That is really gross.  Makes you wonder if some ped*philes were involved in doing that photo shoot and selecting that.  Ick ick and more ick.

I found the other photos published together; they were all pretty creepy -- the theme was "Mommy Dearest." It also shows the photo before it was cropped.

(I linked it before: http://noirfacade.livejournal.com/217055.html )

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This is a terrible shame. I wouldn't be surprised if sales dropped. I wonder what the process was for choosing a photo from that theme (I saw the pics that Stripe posted). None of them say Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to me. There was nothing wrong with the original illustrations. I thought they fit the wacky books much better.

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