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Since there's talk about Christmas, what do YOU want this year?

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I want a Kindle and a huge, huge Amazon gift certificate so I can use it.


My house wants a Roomba.


My kitchen wants a new stove with 2 ovens.


My laundry room wants a new washer and dryer.


My yard wants a huge gift certificate to the nearby garden center so it can be encircled by blueberry and other edible bearing fruit and nut bushes.


My yard also wants a yard man.



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I'd love a gift certificate for a house cleaning service for a year. :D


Short of that, a roomba might be nice. Last year was a huge splurge year for me. I asked for a pretty sparkly ring to celebrate our 30 year wedding anniversary. I got it for Christmas. Love it, love it, love it.


Dh is getting a White Mountain electric ice cream maker this year. I don't know why he hasn't gotten one before.


Don't have a clue what to get my mostly adult boys.

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I want someone else to get all the decorations out, put them up, and then later repack them and haul them up to the attic, and not ask me a single question about where things go.


I want the meals to cook themselves.


I want everyone to absolutely adore what I buy or make for them. Especially my father, who is hard to think of things for.


I want my parents to come and to actually enjoy it and seem happy.


I want both of my sisters to come, but I want them to sleep at my mother's house, and I want them to be happy to be here (and there). I want them to love the food.


I want it to be really cold in the morning, but I would like it to be pleasant enough for my family to go on a nice long hike like we did last year.


I want my oldest son to drive home from college safely, arrive in good spirits, relax and enjoy his time, and seem passionate about his school work.


I want my younger boys to play their violins at the Christmas Eve service, and I want them to play beautifully and with joy.


I want everyone in my family to enjoy good health and high spirits.


I want to feel like Christmas is a holy holiday and to feel that I have entered into the spirit of it instead of spinning my wheels for a month trying to please everyone (I realize this is partly under my control, but I want it to be easy!)

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Louis Vuitton bucket purse

leather sofa, chairs for TV room

move DH's "office" out of bedroom and into another room


Christmas in Europe


a peaceful day where all the children are loving, kind, gracious and not fighting...:lol::lol::lol:


Hey, a girl can dream! (Ladies, don't hold your breath b/c none of these wishes will be granted by my genie :))

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I want snow!!!!!!


We haven't had a really good snowfall in at least 3 years!!!!


As far as purchases go ... I would love a new refrigerator!! Our icemaker needs to be hit with a hammer at least once a week, so it'll continue to make ice! I've been drooling over this 26cf stainless steel, freezer on the bottom, french door refrigerator at Lowe's for 8 months now. But....alas ... my hubby says I don't need to pay $2600 for a new fridge when ours works fine (after you hit it with a hammer, that is) :glare:

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This year we want to skip the gifts and take the kids to Disney. Crass commercialism, I know, but I get all sentimental every time I hear "When I wish upon a star..." and I have to get my Disney fix every few years.

What dates are you going? We received a massive discount (approx 35% off), but the dates don't work for us. Maybe the special is still running? It would be a great way to spend Christmas---saving money at Disney (LOL) :)

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I want to participate in a Master Naturalist program (fee involved) that lasts for 10 weeks on Wednesday from 9-3pm this Spring. Not only is there the fee involved, it's the time on Wed. that I would be gone and dh would have to take care of the kids. It's a HUGE gift. The fee is due in January so I'm considering this a Christmas gift.


I want a SLR camera, but this probably won't be feasible.


I want a nice recycling bin area, clean canteen, lightweight hiking pants, exercise clothes, a gift certificate to my favorite clothing store, and a few baking items like a french bread loaf shaper. Gift certificate to a major bookstore would be nice too.

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I want to go back home to SoCal for Christmas and see my family! :grouphug: I haven't seen them for 2.5 years and I am beyond homesick. My husband's teaching contract ends in February, but this semester is his last to teach, then all he has to do is turn in grades, then he's done in time for Christmas vacation. So I'm hoping the seminary will let us go a little early since other professors are gone for vacation.


Besides that, though, I'm sure I can think of something that has to do with Mac computers, updated camcorders, coffee, and Bath & Body Works! :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, I'm weird, I know, but I think I have "issues" from my childhood about this. And it's taken me years and years to finally help my darling family understand my hang-ups and respect my wishes. So, nowadays I usually get some small tokens from the kids and get donations made in my name to various charities I like.


That's good for me.


With that said, we recently made the decision to buy me a stupidly expensive and luxurious car (well, at least compared to the used economy cars we usually have. It won't be delivered until the end of October/beginning of November. So, since my birthday is in that general time period, we've decided to call it my birthday present . . . for, like, the next 10 years. And I'm planning to try and convince everyone that it counts for Christmas, too.


Edited to add: Oh, okay, if we're being totally honest, here, what I'd really, really, really love is to be able to adopt a dog. But, unfortunately, that's not possible, since our lease does not allow it. So, I'll settle for my car.

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What dates are you going? We received a massive discount (approx 35% off), but the dates don't work for us. Maybe the special is still running? It would be a great way to spend Christmas---saving money at Disney (LOL) :)


Wow- was it Orlando or California? I'm starting to lean toward CA since the airfare is much less. With 5 of us travel is getting to be so expensive.

We're shooting for the week after Thanksgiving but no reservations yet.



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No way will I get all of this, but here are some items:


Tickets to a show (actually, I know we're getting this -- it's our family gift)

One or two cloth tablecloths or table runner (to match some specific dishes we have)

Cork placemats

A new (smaller) desk; I could really use a new chair too

Modern style sugar/creamer set

Nice (Egyptian cotton, high thread count) sheet set & extra white pillowcases

New pillows

Coffee spoons (I've been searching for a specific type for years & still haven't found them...)

Gym membership

Perfume/lotion set is always good (makeup too)

Another Alessi funky kitchen item to go w/ all my others (this is a tradition that my mil & I started many years ago)

The year-long movie pass that my parents always give us

A class, perhaps (I've been looking at a glass fusing class at the local art center or perhaps an outdoor landscaping class)

Mah-jongg set

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All cork, or cork lined, like Pimpernel placemats?

I have two sets of Pimpernel, and I love them.


Thanks for the link!


I'm looking for all cork. We have a set of all cork ones but one has a big burn mark on it (after dh put a really hot pot on it & left it). :glare: I love that set of placemats, so I'm hoping to find some more that are very similar.


We also have a set that must be like the Pimpernel ones & I like those too. So easy to clean! I'm definitely going to be looking at the designs on the link you sent -- something from there may be going on my list too, lol. :D

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What would I like the most? To get my house ready and sell it, but I won't have it ready on time--this has been a 3 year project, and my health has always made it impossible. I have a lung disease that is acting up again, so I'm back on steroids, and unable to do anything.


What am I wishing my fam would give me? An exercise bike! Since I can't do a lot outside (lung thing), I'd love to be able to exercise inside!


What do I think I'll get? Nothing. My fam doesn't really do for me. But, they usually do something for my daughter, which is the most important thing to me, so I'll be happy :) !

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I always have to make a list for my MIL/FIL, so I'm trying to get an early start on it.


What's on your wishlist? I am not sure yet and looking for ideas.




What I really, really want this year is for my DP to NOT waste $100 getting me presents I didn't want. That's all we budget for each other, and he has a rule against getting me what I ask for. (It has to be HIS idea.) URGH! This is the one thing I would change about him, if I could change anything. I don't want things I don't want! Nothing irritates me more than having him spend $100 on things I'm going to get rid of the same week.


Last year I attempted to arm my oldest with good ideas -- marzipan, a sterling silver rune necklace from the hippie store, a day planner with moon phases, the newest REM CD -- but I got chocolate, a fimo necklace, a wall calendar, and a Neil Young CD. I don't like chocolate. This year, I'm going to put the objects in the child's hands when his father isn't looking, push the child in his father's direction, then turn down another aisle and pretend I don't see the item under the other stuff in the cart.

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Well, you never know these days what i'll end up - various reasons.


I turn 40 4 weeks before Christmas....


• iTouch

• lens for my camera

• pocket camera

• new DSLR (update)

• Cinema Monitor (23" for now, they might update before then)

• Mac Pro (hey, it's my dream - get out :P)

• landscaping for the yard

• in-ground pool


and everything else i forgot! LOL!!

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No. 2 I would love to get a Wii Fit.... but I fear that I maybe saying the same thing next year!!! They are so HARD to find in stores and online without paying outrageous $$'s on ebay etc.


No. 1 My best Christmas present would be to have my husband home this year to celebrate this special day. My dh has missed the last 2 because of work and it looks like he will miss this one too!!:eek: My dd misses her daddy while he is away, especially when he misses the holidays and birthdays...



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A few out of print books (they're under .50 on Amazon)




a new house!!!! We're praying to start all the paperwork on buying our first house next week - it would be incredible to spend Christmas in our first home!


And I'll have to look up what this Kindle thing is that everyone's asking for....never heard of it?????

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This year we want to skip the gifts and take the kids to Disney. Crass commercialism, I know, but I get all sentimental every time I hear "When I wish upon a star..." and I have to get my Disney fix every few years.


We did this last year. We didn't buy presents for our immediate family. Instead, we went to Disney in January. We liked it so much, we're doing the same thing next year - only this time it's a Disney Cruise. (Did you know the ship's horn plays "When You Wish Upon A Star?" I tear up just thinking about it - can you imagine how I'll be crying like a baby when we're actually on the ship??) We'll continue the tradition - but probably not Disney every year!


I want a watch that will record mileage, pulse, time, calories etc.


Oh - me too!!! I'd also like one of those IPod/Nike running gadgets. I'm asking for one for my birthday.

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Haha! I just got one of my Christmas presents yesterday!! Yeah, I know, it's a bit early. I left dd home with daddy for the weekend (first time ever!) and went road tripping with my brother. We went to the Big Merino, which was one of my life ambitions, because it's always been closed when I've been past on the bus and guess what we found in the souvenier shop? A book (exciting enough) about the "Big Things" of Australia!!! So he bought one for me, and one for himself :D :D :D

Dh will get me a couple of dvds because they have captions and I like to watch movies with him. I think it's less about me, and far more about them having captions so he can watch them. I'd rather he bought "Teaching the Classics" for me, but he wouldn't want to watch them...

Oh, a house would be nice. Even just a rented one. There's a strong possibility we'll be moving the week after Christmas.




Edit: You know, you've got me thinking. I really want a comprehensive book on Australian gum tree identification book. One with nice photos instead of line drawings so the pic actually looks like the tree. I've got a few books on dyeing with gum leaves and which variety will produce which colours, but I only know about 4 different types, and that's only by their common name.

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