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Dad claims land to make daughter a princess


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Hmm. Not really sure what I think. On one hand, it seems kind of cool that in the 21st century, there is still any unclaimed land and that someone could make a trek for it. On the other hand, I find it rather.... I'll leave it at "extravagant."


Curious about what others will think.

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Well, I'll give him points for keeping promises.


But now what? Assuming the two countries let him keep the land, is she to be married off to a rich and powerful Egyptian or a rich and powerful Sudanese chap?


They've got a bit to learn about politics if they think naming it the Kingdom of North Sudan was a good idea too!


Crazy guy. 


Edit: Shouldn't they have called it a principality instead of a kingdom? (Why am I nitpicking over something so silly?)


Another edit: I'd have thought the village in Serbia-Croatia would be a better pick than this bit of sand between Egypt and Sudan.

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If this is what he's teaching his daughter to expect, she's in for a world of hurt when she meets the real world. He means to express his love for her, but this extreme indulgence is not setting her up to be satisfied with the life she's likely to live.


And as for asking others to call her "Princess" ... no way. We don't have royalty in the United States.

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Umm, what about being honest with his daughter when she mentioned being a princess? Or just doing what the rest do, buy the child dress up clothes and letting her pretend? My DS went through a cowboy stage at that age, but I did not buy him a horse and a gun. 


Yes.  THIS.  What is wrong with just using your imagination and explaining that we can't always get what we want in this world?  I mean, what kind of teenager is this child going to be if this is "given" to her now?????


{and that's not even getting into the appalling/horrifying/INSANE political aspects of this}

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Seems like a bad idea to me, but I wasn't bothered until I read this:


Nevertheless, Heaton has requested that his daughter be addressed as "Princess Emily," so that she will always "be reminded of my love and the lengths I will go to fulfill her every wish."



Call her Princess Emily? :huh:


"the lengths I will go to fulfill her every wish"? :huh: 



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Dh is fascinated by these micro-countries that people try to set up in various places.  He read some book about them.  They're not recognized (except by each other) but some of them make their own coins and passports (that aren't accepted anywhere) and things like that.  Usually the motivation is sort of libertarian (they don't like the government of other countries) or just plain eccentric, but this is a nutty new one. Also, usually they actually go live there, so I don't know if this can really count. It's just bizarre.  And like everyone else is saying, motivated by a really unhealthy parenting.

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That dad might be really sorry he did that. She has a castle built into her bedroom, he traveled far and wide to claim land so she can be a princess...and she's only 7.   How is he going to top that from here on out?    Man, I would love to see what he does for her Sweet Sixteen. 

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That dad might be really sorry he did that. She has a castle built into her bedroom, he traveled far and wide to claim land so she can be a princess...and she's only 7.   How is he going to top that from here on out?    Man, I would love to see what he does for her Sweet Sixteen. 


That'd be about time to marry her off so she can produce an heir, eh?



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Putting aside the obvious issues of politics, colonialism, etc. aside,  I think it is kind of sweet in an over the top bizarre way.  

I find the assumptions of what this little girl is/will be like rather bizarre, too.  



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Shades of Veruca Salt.


Oompa loompa doompety doo

I've got another puzzle for you

Oompa loompa doompety dee

If you are wise you'll listen to me


Who do you blame when your kid is a brat

Pampered and spoiled like a siamese cat

Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame

You know exactly who's to blame


The mother and the father


Oompa loompa doompety da

If you're not spoiled then you will go far

You will live in happiness too

Like the Oompa Loompa Doompety do

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Putting aside the obvious issues of politics, colonialism, etc. aside,  I think it is kind of sweet in an over the top bizarre way.  

I find the assumptions of what this little girl is/will be like rather bizarre, too.  



The little girl is probably sweet as can be. But over the years, having Daddy fulfill her every wish might turn her into a spoiled teenager. Come on, he is asking people to actually call her 'Princess'.   

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The little girl is probably sweet as can be. But over the years, having Daddy fulfill her every wish might turn her into a spoiled teenager. Come on, he is asking people to actually call her 'Princess'.   

Yeah.  It just doesn't seem like a good start for a kid.


And, she's only 7 and this is her 15 minutes of fame.  It's all downhill from here.

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The little girl is probably sweet as can be. But over the years, having Daddy fulfill her every wish might turn her into a spoiled teenager. Come on, he is asking people to actually call her 'Princess'.   


It might but it also might not.  So he asking people to call her princess.  She wants to be a princess.  Maybe I am missing something here but I don't see it any differently then another nickname being bestowed on someone. A true princess is not a spoiled, vapid airhead.  


I find some of the things being said on this thread about a little girl whom none of us know kind of mean spirited.  

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It might but it also might not. So he asking people to call her princess. She wants to be a princess. Maybe I am missing something here but I don't see it any differently then another nickname being bestowed on someone. A true princess is not a spoiled, vapid airhead.


I find some of the things being said on this thread about a little girl whom none of us know kind of mean spirited.

I don't think anybody is saying that, or making assumptions about what a young 7-year old girl is like RIGHT now. Of course this isn't her fault!

It is about the horrible message something like this sends the girl, a horribly problematic (at best!) parenting style, and the ultimate repercussions the mentality of the parents can have on that young girl.


Even if you give the father the benefit of the doubt...just a man motivated to do something special for his sweet girl, it was sooo poorly executed.


And I just don't see it in that innocent and naive of a light. The cynic in me sees this as a narcissistic 'keeping up with the Jones', very public show the world I am the best dad in the world kind of thing. And giving the guy attention for it just plays into the whole debacle.



But then again, maybe I just don't love my dd enough😄When we took her to Disney this summer we waited in sweltering lines for hours to meet princesses (after paying ridiculous amounts of money for the priveledge!). She only got to buy ONE dress at the BB boutique so had to make a choice, and I drew the line at paying an additional $175 to have her hair and makeup done. Although I did relent on the tiara to crown her as princess for the day, now I guess I will always have to wonder if she will doubt my love for her! Counseling. I had better start saving now, I guessðŸ˜

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It might but it also might not.  So he asking people to call her princess.  She wants to be a princess.  Maybe I am missing something here but I don't see it any differently then another nickname being bestowed on someone. A true princess is not a spoiled, vapid airhead.  


I find some of the things being said on this thread about a little girl whom none of us know kind of mean spirited.  


I think any mean-spiritedness is being directed at the dad. 


But then I am a person who wouldn't even buy my daughter a t-shirt that said "Princess" on it.     (General dislike of t-shirts with words.) 


My negative reaction to the stunt is not logical but emotional.  I think it's an odd thing to do.  It looks like something someone does to get attention.  (I think a pp mentioned that.)   Who knows if the kids like the attention they are getting?  Who knows what the girl's brothers think of it - I guess they are princes now but no one is talking about them.


The political implications are a bit lost on me - I don't know anything about the area in question, don't get how someone can just claim an area of land.  I should think it could be really offensive/insulting to any people who live there or in the vicinity.    It also looks like another thing to add to the "stupid things clueless Americans do" file. 


OK, I just read this article and it sounds a little better, as they are talking about making some humanitarian efforts.  But who knows really. 

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The political implications are a bit lost on me - I don't know anything about the area in question, don't get how someone can just claim an area of land. I should think it could be really offensive/insulting to any people who live there or in the vicinity. It also looks like another thing to add to the "stupid things clueless Americans do" file.


OK, I just read this article and it sounds a little better, as they are talking about making some humanitarian efforts. But who knows really.

From what I understand, there are two areas in a dispute between Egypt and Sudan, with various treaties going back over many years. Each country gets one of the disputed lands. So neither Egypt nor Sudan wants to claim the bad piece, because that mean tacitly giving up the good piece to the other country. That the land is 'unclaimed' does not mean that it was up for grabs.


From HuffPost:


And why is Bir Tawil unclaimed in the first place? According to Atlas Obscura, an 1899 treaty says Bir Tawil is the property of Sudan and, in return, awards Egypt a piece of land called Hala'ib, which is much larger and more resource-rich than Bir Tawil.


A 1902 treaty, however, gives Halai'b to Sudan and Bir Tawil to Egypt. Because both countries want Halai'b, they each recognize only the treaty that awards Halai'b to themselves. To this day, neither will claim Bir Tawil because doing so would mean they recognize the other country's claim to Hala'ib.

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The little girl is probably sweet as can be. But over the years, having Daddy fulfill her every wish might turn her into a spoiled teenager. Come on, he is asking people to actually call her 'Princess'.

Yes. Well. Prince William expects everyone to call his wife a Duchess. *shrug*

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The political implications are a bit lost on me - I don't know anything about the area in question, don't get how someone can just claim an area of land.  I should think it could be really offensive/insulting to any people who live there or in the vicinity.    It also looks like another thing to add to the "stupid things clueless Americans do" file. 


Maybe you should ask a Native American. They've been pondering this question for about 300 years now. :/

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Yes. Well. Prince William expects everyone to call his wife a Duchess. *shrug*


Even under British rules, she could never (I believe) be a princess in the 'Princess Emily' style: that's reserved for those who are born royal.  The nearest she could get would be 'Emily, Princess of North Sudan'.



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Even under British rules, she could never (I believe) be a princess in the 'Princess Emily' style: that's reserved for those who are born royal. The nearest she could get would be 'Emily, Princess of North Sudan'.



Yes, but my point was simple at some point someone decided to call themselves king/queen/prince/princess without being born into it. Otherwise there'd not be any today. It always starts with one person deciding to take a title.

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Yes, but my point was simple at some point someone decided to call themselves king/queen/prince/princess without being born into it. Otherwise there'd not be any today. It always starts with one person deciding to take a title.


Oh, yes indeed.  There's no special romance to the ancient titles.  A large proportion of the ancient UK titles were handed out by the early Norman kings as prezzies to those who had supported the invasion.  One would have hoped that those days were gone, however.....


Scandals apart (human nature apart) titles these days go to retired politicians and others who might contribute something to the House of Lords (which is now a largely appointed chamber).  This is an interesting list of the backgrounds of the current lords and ladies.



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Yes.  THIS.  What is wrong with just using your imagination and explaining that we can't always get what we want in this world?  I mean, what kind of teenager is this child going to be if this is "given" to her now?????


It's crazy.


But, my immediate thought on reading people's comments was -- people will do the same thing with gender. . . Transgendering their children because of some whim on the child's part. And then they expect everyone to accept and act normal.  :confused1:

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