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Purity balls (dances)


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Ew. This is some sick, twisted parenting and theology. What a way to make sexuality and sex MORE important in a teen's life. IMO, it is spiritual abuse. Ironically, it objectifies women and reduces young men in character and care. Why not a ball - come as you are - to celebrate math scores, sports performance, music, art....... But, no. Instead focus on virginity.




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Gag.  That is so creepy.  Amazingly, even creepier than I had imagined, now that I've seen the pictures and read the quotes.


Whenever I see articles about these things, I wonder what they do with girls that have been the victims of sexual assault.  Does God magically give you back your virginity?  Do you hide the assault so you can pretend you're still "pure"?  Do you have to sit home while all the other girls go out and marry Jesus or whatever?  The whole thing is messed up for so very many reasons.  Not the least of which is that boys can seemingly be as impure as they want before marriage.

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Aside from the fact that this is incredibly creepy...like REALLY creepy, to me, it's horrible theology. Um, married to God and daddy is your boyfriend? So wait, you are cheating on a deity? You've got a little something going on on the side, with your father of all people? And what, when you actually get married some day, you are just going to dump God, get divorced because you found someone else? Can they hear themselves saying this stuff? I'm Christian. I get the point of waiting until marriage. But they have taken that and then distorted and twisted it until the actual point is lost. And in it's place is some weird twisted theological nightmare that minimizes marriage and makes an idol out of fathers. Stop messing up religion please. Have a father daughter dance. Talk to your kids about why you want them to wait for sex until marriage. Give them pretty jewelry. Don't mix them all up and then call it religion.

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I have only heard about these on the internet.  I don't know that I know anyone who did this.  Certainly no one tried to get us to do this and I don't think I knew any families in the last ten years who had any prescriptions against kissing before marriage- that is rather extreme.  My church promotes abstinence and so did the other churches we attended but no one ever had daughters pledge anything like this and it was abstinence of sex, not abstinence of holding hands or having a kiss.

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Gag.  That is so creepy.  Amazingly, even creepier than I had imagined, now that I've seen the pictures and read the quotes.


Whenever I see articles about these things, I wonder what they do with girls that have been the victims of sexual assault.  Does God magically give you back your virginity?  Do you hide the assault so you can pretend you're still "pure"?  Do you have to sit home while all the other girls go out and marry Jesus or whatever?  The whole thing is messed up for so very many reasons.  Not the least of which is that boys can seemingly be as impure as they want before marriage.


Google secondary virginity. 


Even if you had sex willingly, you can become a born again virgin or something, and be pure in the future. So I imagine the same is true for girls that have been assaulted. 

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I'm not against the idea of purity rings for boys or girls but 'gifting your virginity to your father' is disturbing. The whole thing is odd but I find it offensive this whole shebang just focuses on girls. There are so many other, empowering ways to encourage and lead children (not just girls) to respect their body.  God is our Holy Father not my daughter's boyfriend.....just no.

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Doesn't it make not being "pure" even more enticing. I would think the hyper focus on "pure" would have the opposite effect.


If the focus is on life goals in academics, sports, other then no one is worried about being "unpure" 'cause well, their time is occupied with healthy kid pursuits.

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I have no issue whatsoever with young men or women making a personal choice to wait until marriage. But what the heck does one's father have to do with that decision? It's creepy and inappropriate.

My dad told me he'd knock me into kingdom come if I had sex. Which, obvs, is not an appropriate thing to say. But I believed him, that there'd be big and horrible consequences if I had sex.


I think the purity ball thing is just as wrong, just wrong in a different package.


I do think parents should be guides to their kids about sexual choices. But not like my dad or these dads.

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Gag.  That is so creepy.  Amazingly, even creepier than I had imagined, now that I've seen the pictures and read the quotes.


Whenever I see articles about these things, I wonder what they do with girls that have been the victims of sexual assault.  Does God magically give you back your virginity?  Do you hide the assault so you can pretend you're still "pure"?  Do you have to sit home while all the other girls go out and marry Jesus or whatever?  The whole thing is messed up for so very many reasons.  Not the least of which is that boys can seemingly be as impure as they want before marriage.


It doesn't have to do with a flap of skin. It has to do with an attitude and obedience to God.  So yes, you can commit yourself to virginity even if you've been assaulted or even made mistakes in the past.


I received my purity ring on my 21st birthday (just happened to be the day the church I was at performed the ceremony). Quite a special day indeed. There were three girls and one boy that made the commitment that day.  So at least in our church, it was not a girls only thing. We also didn't promise our purity to our earthly fathers but, rather, our Heavenly Father (ie God). Because only He can know if you are keeping your promise.


You don't need a ring or a dance to make this promise. You can make it in the privacy of your heart. But the support of others who know what you are trying to do can help.

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It doesn't have to do with a flap of skin. It has to do with an attitude and obedience to God.  So yes, you can commit yourself to virginity even if you've been assaulted or even made mistakes in the past.


I received my purity ring on my 21st birthday (just happened to be the day the church I was at performed the ceremony). Quite a special day indeed. There were three girls and one boy that made the commitment that day.  So at least in our church, it was not a girls only thing. We also didn't promise our purity to our earthly fathers but, rather, our Heavenly Father (ie God). Because only He can know if you are keeping your promise.


You don't need a ring or a dance to make this promise. You can make it in the privacy of your heart. But the support of others who know what you are trying to do can help.


So, why not a sacred pledge about not gossiping? Overeating? Never smoking cigarettes? Jewelry would probably inappropriate for greed, but maybe some other symbol?


Why the focus (always) on "sexual sin" and never with the same urgency.

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Yuck! This disgusts me on so many levels. I sure wish religious people didn't have that hyper-focus on sexuality and young girls. Sex and morality are not innately tied together. When I was a Christian I always felt so much guilt for actions of my past, when I became an atheist I realized that those particular actions had little to do with who I am, though they taught me some valuable lessons. I want my kids to wait until they are mature, responsible, and ready, but it also want them have healthy, happy sex lives when that time comes, without guilt. Tying all that together in such a perverse way almost absolutely ensures future sex issues, guilt, frustration, etc. It also seems to set up an easy out for if daddy happens to be a pervert.

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So, why not a sacred pledge about not gossiping? Overeating? Never smoking cigarettes? Jewelry would probably inappropriate for greed, but maybe some other symbol?


Why the focus (always) on "sexual sin" and never with the same urgency.


Actually our pledge included more than sexual sin.

So yes, Those are definitely things to be concerned about as well.

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So, why not a sacred pledge about not gossiping? Overeating? Never smoking cigarettes? Jewelry would probably inappropriate for greed, but maybe some other symbol?


Why the focus (always) on "sexual sin" and never with the same urgency.

I think these balls are bizarre and would never want to participate.


But to answer your question: I think the focus is on sexual sins because sex can transmit terrible diseases and result in a pregnancy. Sometimes the diseases are life changing (infertility) and always the baby is life changing in a HUGE way. The consequences of sexual sins can be a terrible toll on someone. Not that a person can't turn it around to be wonderful, but it can also be terrible. (Having a baby at 15 is a rough, rough road to walk, even if it turns out wonderfully in the end.)


Also, the sex drive is soooo strong. So, you have the desire for sex, a wild barely tamed desire, but if you give in to this desire the consequences can be disproportionately severe.


I believe that is why there is such focus on it. I think it's a way to try to keep people from giving in to the desires before they are ready to take on the consequences.


That's my take on it from a purely logical point of view.

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Gag.  That is so creepy.  Amazingly, even creepier than I had imagined, now that I've seen the pictures and read the quotes.


Whenever I see articles about these things, I wonder what they do with girls that have been the victims of sexual assault.  Does God magically give you back your virginity?  Do you hide the assault so you can pretend you're still "pure"?  Do you have to sit home while all the other girls go out and marry Jesus or whatever?  The whole thing is messed up for so very many reasons.  Not the least of which is that boys can seemingly be as impure as they want before marriage.


Elizabeth Smart has actually spoken a lot about how the whole "used goods" philosophy to "virginity above all" harmed her and made her feel worthless when she was abducted and raped.  




"When Smart spoke at a Johns Hopkins University panel last week, she explained one of the factors deterring her from escaping her attacker: She felt so worthless after being raped that she felt unfit to return to her society, which had communicated some hard and fast rules about premarital sexual contact.

“I remember in school one time, I had a teacher who was talking about abstinence,†Smart told the panel. “And she said, ‘Imagine you’re a stick of gum. When you engage in sex, that’s like getting chewed. And if you do that lots of times, you’re going to become an old piece of gum, and who is going to want you after that?’ Well, that’s terrible. No one should ever say that. But for me, I thought, ‘I’m that chewed-up piece of gum.’ Nobody re-chews a piece of gum. You throw it away. And that’s how easy it is to feel you no longer have worth. Your life no longer has value.â€"


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The ones that Doug Phillips attended with his daughters really creeped me out.  I read two reports by journalists from local papers and gagged.


The event mimicked a wedding. Dads were dressed in suits or tuxedos, the girls wore white wedding style gowns and carried flowers. They walked an aisle to traditional wedding music, met their fathers at the front, and made vows. One of the vows literally was, "I pledge my sexuality to my father." I nearly puked. That's so unhealthy I can't even wrap my brain around it.


The fathers placed a purity ring on their daughters' ring fingers. The whole thing was officiated by clergy, and the girls and fathers signed a pledge as well that was made to look similar to a marriage certificate. When I get back from launching with the rocket team, I'll check my hard drive and see if I saved the article so I can post it here.


Our dd chose to wait for marriage. She was, ever the practical medical person, very keenly aware of STD's and had seen too much as a medic! LOL, when her hubby proposed she told him Yes provisionally. He had to get blood work and be examined by his doctor - a certificate of full, STD health being required! I don't think he had chosen to be active either, but she wasn't risking anything. She did likewise for him.

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She was, ever the practical medical person, very keenly aware of STD's and had seen too much as a medic! LOL, when her hubby proposed she told him Yes provisionally. He had to get blood work and be examined by his doctor - a certificate of full, STD health being required! I don't think he had chosen to be active either, but she wasn't risking anything. She did likewise for him.


I have an adult friend a few years older then me. She has had many, many men in her life. When she finds one she is interested in she gives him two weeks to provide the various paperwork proving he is good to go otherwise nothing happens. 

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Elizabeth Smart has actually spoken a lot about how the whole "used goods" philosophy to virginity above all harmed her and made her feel worthless when she was abducted and raped.  




"When Smart spoke at a Johns Hopkins University panel last week, she explained one of the factors deterring her from escaping her attacker: She felt so worthless after being raped that she felt unfit to return to her society, which had communicated some hard and fast rules about premarital sexual contact.

“I remember in school one time, I had a teacher who was talking about abstinence,†Smart told the panel. “And she said, ‘Imagine you’re a stick of gum. When you engage in sex, that’s like getting chewed. And if you do that lots of times, you’re going to become an old piece of gum, and who is going to want you after that?’ Well, that’s terrible. No one should ever say that. But for me, I thought, ‘I’m that chewed-up piece of gum.’ Nobody re-chews a piece of gum. You throw it away. And that’s how easy it is to feel you no longer have worth. Your life no longer has value.â€"


This makes my heart bleed. God bless that young lady!


That said, I spent just a few months in a fundamentalist school in which this was exactly the kind of thing that was constantly hammered into the girls. You are WORTHLESS if you are raped or consensual sex. On top of that, the pastor preached to the men that if their wives were raped, it was acceptable to divorce them based on adultery because the Bible didn't say that the adultery had to be consensual.


I am so sick of the hyper active obsession with virginity. It's so damaging to so very many people.

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I think the entire idea of purity balls and rings is creepy - but we do teach sexual purity and abstinence (although not in the same capacity as this, by a long shot - there will never be any "pledging" of virginity from my daughter to her father, lol.

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I think these balls are bizarre and would never want to participate.


But to answer your question: I think the focus is on sexual sins because sex can transmit terrible diseases and result in a pregnancy. Sometimes the diseases are life changing (infertility) and always the baby is life changing in a HUGE way. The consequences of sexual sins can be a terrible toll on someone. Not that a person can't turn it around to be wonderful, but it can also be terrible. (Having a baby at 15 is a rough, rough road to walk, even if it turns out wonderfully in the end.)


Also, the sex drive is soooo strong. So, you have the desire for sex, a wild barely tamed desire, but if you give in to this desire the consequences can be disproportionately severe.


I believe that is why there is such focus on it. I think it's a way to try to keep people from giving in to the desires before they are ready to take on the consequences.


That's my take on it from a purely logical point of view.

I think there's also Augustine and his idea of Original Sin and the pastoral epistles of (maybe) Paul. I was just reading 1&2 Timothy and Titus last night for my lay (should i say no pun intended?:D) ministry course and there's an emphasis on "purity" there that's likely at the root of a lot of this stuff. I don't embrace it myself but it's there.


Of course by there I mean "purity" as a favorable trait or virtue. I'm not sure Paul would look so favorable on the pledges and balls that make a public display of the idea or distract from more fundamental notions of how to live a Christian life. I'd also wonder if the pledge to only marry one, even if you'd been widowed, was part of the purity pledge as Paul was pretty keen on that in those same epistles as well.

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Aside from the fact that this is incredibly creepy...like REALLY creepy, to me, it's horrible theology. Um, married to God and daddy is your boyfriend? So wait, you are cheating on a deity? You've got a little something going on on the side[/size], with your father of all people? And what, when you actually get married some day, you are just going to dump God, get divorced because you found someone else? Can they hear themselves saying this stuff? I'm Christian. I get the point of waiting until marriage. But they have taken that and then distorted and twisted it until the actual point is lost. And in it's place is some weird twisted theological nightmare that minimizes marriage and makes an idol out of fathers. Stop messing up religion please. Have a father daughter dance. Talk to your kids about why you want them to wait for sex until marriage. Give them pretty jewelry. Don't mix them all up and then call it religion.[/size]


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I think these balls are bizarre and would never want to participate.


But to answer your question: I think the focus is on sexual sins because sex can transmit terrible diseases and result in a pregnancy. Sometimes the diseases are life changing (infertility) and always the baby is life changing in a HUGE way. The consequences of sexual sins can be a terrible toll on someone. Not that a person can't turn it around to be wonderful, but it can also be terrible. (Having a baby at 15 is a rough, rough road to walk, even if it turns out wonderfully in the end.)


Also, the sex drive is soooo strong. So, you have the desire for sex, a wild barely tamed desire, but if you give in to this desire the consequences can be disproportionately severe.


I believe that is why there is such focus on it. I think it's a way to try to keep people from giving in to the desires before they are ready to take on the consequences.


That's my take on it from a purely logical point of view.

I appreciate the logical and practical answer. I don't personally believe that is the psychological or sociological reason - although it may be the reason offered.


Many behaviors tied to character (which in my secular world view sex before marriage isn't necessarily a character issue) have profound life impacts. But I have never seen the focus and interest in those as I do sexual "sin".


I think it is a direct result of the ickiest of patriarchy.

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This disgusts me. I grew up in a southern conservative family. Abstinence was preached, PREACHED. I found myself pregnant after dating my now DH for four years. Although most now would say, eh, you should have just married sooner or you were responsible and knew you wanted to have a relationship with him, etc... the teachings of my youth scarred me. I felt dirty and shameful even after marriage. I understand why abstinence is taught. I get it. Totally. I get it. However, it hurt our marriage. When a beautiful thing is painted so horrific and sinful and never taught about how beautiful it is after marriage, there is bound to be issues.


Eta: we are great now. Just first few years were rough. I dealt with some emotional baggage and guilt.

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Gag. That is so creepy. Amazingly, even creepier than I had imagined, now that I've seen the pictures and read the quotes.


Whenever I see articles about these things, I wonder what they do with girls that have been the victims of sexual assault. Does God magically give you back your virginity? Do you hide the assault so you can pretend you're still "pure"? Do you have to sit home while all the other girls go out and marry Jesus or whatever? The whole thing is messed up for so very many reasons. Not the least of which is that boys can seemingly be as impure as they want before marriage.

Growing up in a church that embraced the purity movement, (back before the balls were popular), and being repeatedly assaulted in that church, I can answer this one. You absolutely hide the assault. Because if people find out they will judge you impure and know that you are not a "good Christian". The other reason to keep it hidden is the risk of being assaulted again by someone who holds the belief that your value is now less.

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I appreciate the logical and practical answer. I don't personally believe that is the psychological or sociological reason - although it may be the reason offered.


Many behaviors tied to character (which in my secular world view sex before marriage isn't necessarily a character issue) have profound life impacts. But I have never seen the focus and interest in those as I do sexual "sin".


I think it is a direct result of the ickiest of patriarchy.

You are probably right. I can't imagine why anyone thinks these purity balls are a good idea. They're sooooo creepy. I was just trying to think of why this has been such an issue for so many (hundreds of?) years? The only thing I could think of is the fact of a pregnancy. A baby is such a game changer.


All I know is that I get SO FED UP with the bizarre things Christians do that is so far from what Jesus was about, like these purity balls. Drives me a little bonkers. I was just trying to consider what would even prompt these actions. I still think the basic idea is that sex=pregnancy and sex is so difficult to resist, so how does someone resist in order not to become pregnant. The purity balls are a bizarre extreme or twist on a healthy education about the risks of sex before one is ready for the consequences.


Obviously, you would teach both boys and girls, but boys can always get a girl pregnant and then bow out of the picture. The girl doesn't have that option, unless she opts for abortion or adoption. For some, that is not an option. So, I guess the focus started more with girls because the consequence is greater.


I'm talking in circles. I'm just saying bottomline that I can understand why there is a focus on sexual sins over other sins, BUT these purity balls take it to a distorted level.


And then I don't understand the hullabaloo over gay "sins." That's where my argument falls apart. There is no pregnancy in gay sex, so why the hyper focus on it? Probably because our sex drives are generally so strong that we react stronger over sexual topics than other topics. Then again, the drive to eat and drink is probably the very strongest drive (unless you hear about that mouse that could touch a lever that gave it an orgasm vs a lever that fed the mouse--didn't the mouse starve to death because it only wanted the orgasm and stopped eating? Or is that all confused in my mind?)

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I know everyone already knows this, but this is a very extreme portion of the uber-conservative church.


There are those who are raised to believe in waiting til marriage to have sex, and they were taught in a totally non-patriarchal, non-shaming, manner, and grew up not scarred about it whether they chose to follow that path or not. Granted, in those circles, the boys were just as much taught as the girls, and there was no such purity ball nonsense.


And we aren't all like that. Again, I know everyone knows that. I just get so annoyed - not with you guys - but with those who try to pretend they represent all Christians with ridiculous practices. They give everyone else a bad name.

Like I said, I know you guys know that.... I guess I'm just venting. :)

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I know everyone already knows this, but this is a very extreme portion of the uber-conservative church.


There are those who are raised to believe in waiting til marriage to have sex, and they were taught in a totally non-patriarchal, non-shaming, manner, and grew up not scarred about it whether they chose to follow that path or not. Granted, in those circles, the boys were just as much taught as the girls, and there was no such purity ball nonsense.


And we aren't all like that. Again, I know everyone knows that. I just get so annoyed - not with you guys - but with those who try to pretend they represent all Christians with ridiculous practices. They give everyone else a bad name.

Like I said, I know you guys know that.... I guess I'm just venting. :)

I agree mostly with this.


However I have noticed that the purity business has made serious inroads in mainstream Christianity over the past two decades. Churches in our area that are not considered uber-conservative are involved in purity balls/purity ring ceremonies to a point that it is seen as mainstream. Those of us whose churches don't participate or who find it off putting are considered liberal. (To get the proper effect you have to say it with this hiss of disgust that makes it clear we are walking the heretical line between "real Christians" and those lost to "worldliness".)

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Growing up in a church that embraced the purity movement, (back before the balls were popular), and being repeatedly assaulted in that church, I can answer this one. You absolutely hide the assault. Because if people find out they will judge you impure and know that you are not a "good Christian". The other reason to keep it hidden is the risk of being assaulted again by someone who holds the belief that your value is now less.


I couldn't let this kind of suffering get lost in all the comments without a big :grouphug:

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The youth pastor at our church taught the kids that S*x was a wonderful gift........between a husband and wife.  He said it was like a fire.  Within proper boundries fire is a good thing---to cook with, heat homes, enjoy a campfire, etc. but without the proper boundries fire can be very bad---housefires, wild fires, people burned, etc.


I though that was a good way to present it.  Within the protection of marriage it is a wonderful gift to be enjoyed by the couple.  Outside of marriage it can cause pain and hurt (including molestations, assults etc-=--which are NOT blamed on the victim), life long consequences of STDs, possibly a pregnancy before they are ready, and a much great chance for hurt.  This would include things like p*rn, child abuse, erotica, etc.

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I agree mostly with this.


However I have noticed that the purity business has made serious inroads in mainstream Christianity over the past two decades. Churches in our area that are not considered uber-conservative are involved in purity balls/purity ring ceremonies to a point that it is seen as mainstream. Those of us whose churches don't participate or who find it off putting are considered liberal. (To get the proper effect you have to say it with this hiss of disgust that makes it clear we are walking the heretical line between "real Christians" and those lost to "worldliness".)


The more mainstream it is, the more opportunities open up for someone to make money.

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