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S/O: Name what you are thankful for here


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This is NOT to step on the toes of the Vent forum.  I am not holier than thou and I have a LOT to vent about, but for my own negative propensity, I need to balance it with positive or I can dwell on the negative.


So, even if you aren't feeling it.......name SOMETHING you are thankful for.


Here is mine:


I am thankful we are all alive and relatively well.  As I watch the news and hear of so many tragedies, I am thankful we are all still here.



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There are far more things that I'm thankful for than I could ever list here - far more that I'm thankful for than I'd vent about too.


A great hubby

Great kids

Great place to live (planet, country, local all included)

A job I enjoy

Mostly decent health

The future

The past




There are vent-able things, but I see no reason to dwell on those.

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I actually thought the same thing after reading later replies in the thread. In some ways I'm really lucky. That doesn't belittle my struggles but I need to remind myself how good I have it sometimes.


I'm thankful that, despite our struggles and his emotional issues, I have a husband who truly does love me under all that hurt he carries. I'm thankful that he has no real desire to sit around doing nothing after work or go out with the guys on the weekend, he WANTS to be an active father and he wants to spoil me and take care of me. He makes some big mistakes but he also treats me and the children in a way, most of the time, that is very special. I hear some others describe their marriages and I'm thankful ours looks very different. Our low points may be extreme, but our high points are just as extreme. I suppose I don't mind our life of extremes too much.


I'm also thankful to live in a country that, while many people may call it socialist, has a health system and social security system that means I will probably never need to worry about money when illness strikes, and, while money can get tight, I never need to worry about not affording food and electricity and the other basics of life. Sure, our system can be misused and we have bludgers, and we have low income earners, I grew up under the poverty line, but even if dh lost his job tomorrow, we would not need to worry about food or heat or basic health, and that's before considering any of the many charities and community programs for things like interest free loans for necessary whitegoods or the winter drives for blankets and heaters. I never fully appreciated our 'socialist' system until I realized that even in countries like america, one if the richest countries in the world, not having food or electricity or medicine were true possibilities for more than a few families. I can no longer take that for granted.

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I'm thankful for my wonderful, mess making, keep me crazy busy family. I'm thankful for books that challenge and entertain me. I'm thankful for friends and family that seem to love me so dearly despite my numerous and obvious flaws. And I'm thankful for my husband who works so hard to provide for us.

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I have a tremendous amount to be thankful for, and thank God for it every day. This is not bragging. None of what I have is because of my superiority in any area. It is all an unearned blessing.


I have a husband who loves dd and I and who works hard at everything he does - at work and at home. Sure, he does get cranky at times, but I have to remember that I am no candidate for the Pollyanna Pure Perfection prize either. My daughter is a beautiful young woman with a quick mind and fun sense of humor. "Teenagerism" is a passing phase and we will get past it eventually. I am fortunate that my aging mother lives next door. I am able to do the things I need and want to do for her without having to factor in a long road trip or expensive air travel to reach her.


Although our old farmhouse is worn and in constant need of repairs, we live in a place that many come to as a vacation destination. We are very fortunate to get to live in this beautiful place every day. I love the view out the window by my desk - I get to look out on approximately 3,000 acres of undeveloped forest land., not another house to be seen on 3 sides of my house and only 2 homes visible on the 4th side. I am blessed by the antics of the many animals that surround my home - both wild and domestic. They are amazing to watch and many seem so loving and companionable toward us.


I have my struggles, not enough energy, the whole perimenopause package, mild arthritis, and a limited budget to work with. But I think my family has a very high quality of life and all our needs are covered. As are most of our wants. I am very thankful and I enjoy my life.

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I'm thankful (in theory) my DH won't be deployable for the next 4 years and we get to see how normal people live day to day as a complete family and that we are still so in love that this prospect excites not deflates us lol.



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I'm thankful (in theory) my DH won't be deployable for the next 4 years and we get to see how normal people live day to day as a complete family and that we are still so in love that this prospect excites not deflates us lol.

((Hugs)) that is awesome!


Thanks for being a military family!

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DH for sure. That man rocks.


My piano...I know tht sounds crazy,but for me a piano is an extenson of my hands!


Finding a new to us used vehicle that gets great mpg and will last a long time and yet, affordable.


DH's new job, well one year old job, wher they care about families so he works 50 hrs. a week instead of 80.


My son in law. He has been a precious addition to our family this year.

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This morning's special treat was walking on the beach with my husband and seeing a pod of dolphins.  Pure magic!


I'll admit jealousy with this one... ;)


I'm having a good time in (public high) school this morning and connecting with kids, etc, (on break now, obviously), but there's no comparison to a beach and dolphins...


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I am thankful for so many things...


~Our home. While I complain about it & all that is wrong with it, we very very easily could have been forced to be homeless or live in a shelter.

~That we never have to worry about food. Thankfully there is a safety net there, and coupled with a store policy we get more than we need.

~Ebay. Because of Ebay, I am able to stay home & care for myself and dd without trying to run myself ragged & ending up sick working a regular job.

~A great neighborhood where everyone knows everyone & looks out for each other. When we looked at houses so many in our price range were in terrible neighborhoods. Thankfully we found a great one.

~Our Bus system. While yes it takes a while, I can get almost anywhere in town for less than $4 a day.

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I'm thankful for adoption, for the innate instinct to love that most everyone has, for the ability to forgive and to ask forgiveness, for freedom, for the ability to read, for having five senses, for running water and a hot shower, for having basic needs met.  I'm thankful to be able to work at home and to give my kids a good education.  Thankful for good health.  Thankful for family and friends.  I think I'd better shut up already.....

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I can't believe I get to live the life I have.  Ten years ago I was 32, single with no prospects that interested me, and thought I'd never get to have a family of my own.  Today, I have an awesome DH, and three precious DC.  I get to homeschool them, and kiss them all a thousand times a day (if they let me!)  :wink:


I have a two week old infant snuggled up on my lap right now, and as exhausting as caring for a newborn can be, and I can honestly say I cannot get enough of this sweet girl!  I truly can't believe I get to be her mommy.  She is our little miracle.


There are plenty of things to complain about, but they all fade away in light of all I have to be thankful for.  It's incredibly humbling.


And *thanks* for a great thread!!!

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Thankful for this text...


My younger son is out of town on a band trip. I got a couple short texts and i was worried about how he is doing (long story).


Then I got this text:


"We played at an all girls school. It actually was good."


(He goes to an all boys school.)


:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:


I went to an all girls school and I remember the *energy* in there when the boys schools would come to visit. It makes me laugh.



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I have tons to be thankful for, for sure.


A wonderful DH.

Awesome, healthy kids.

Great extended family.

Live in a beautiful city.

Fantastic friends.

Money for all the basic necessities plus extras.

Medical coverage that we rarely have to use.


I could go on and on. I am definitely blessed beyond measure.

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Definitely my husband. I have some sort of undiagnosed medical condition that causes me to sleep 14 hours a day, so he picks up the slack. Every. Day.


When he comes home from a 10 hour day at 4 he gets dinner on the table (I cook it), cleans up, plays with the kids, picks up the house, and runs errands so that I can go to bed at 5. The only things I really do are laundry, dusting and clean the bathroom. He doesn't even get mad if I don't do that. He knows how tired I can be and just holds me if I cry in exhaustion or frustration.


On a side note, if I were to put something on the vent board, do you know what it would be? My husband...

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I'm thankful that my kids thank me for being their mom and putting up with them, teaching them, allowing them their mistakes. They are all making really good choices in life and usually don't ask me for advice, I am their sounding board but that's after the fact.

I'm really thankful that my 22 yr old ds is coming home next week, we haven't seen him in almost 24 months, skyped twice, email weekly, but he hasn't gotten hurt or...died. I know he had a close call.

I'm thankful I have a dh who works hard and still helps me out with household stuff. We are going to welcome our first grandchild into the world sometime in April! I am thankful for that because we thought ddinlaw might not be able to have children.

Life is really hard, we scrape by, the economy is not good for us, but I have to say, I am thankful for my family.

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I'm thankful for --



a loving husband and daughter and mother and sister and good friends.


good health.


food on the table and a roof over our heads.


plentiful books to read.




SWB for providing this board.


and did I mention chocolate?






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Today I am thankful for:


being married to my best friend


three wonderful children (who are now independent enough to allow mom an afternoon nap :P )


fabulously supportive in-laws


an awesome team of physical and occupational therapists who make a remarkable difference the lives of my SN children (and give the rest of our family an incredible level of support as well)

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Most of all, right now, I am thankful that we discovered my dd11's milk and wheat allergies. She's been called an earthquake, a fireball, a tornado, and even "my portable torture chamber". Out of desperation, a month ago, I got down on my knees and prayed for her and committed to making time each day to pray just for her. Three days later we were at the allergist because she started getting hives after eating pb&j with milk. Blood tests were positive for a wheat and milk allergy. We stopped wheat and milk and she's been a different kid. It's not perfect because we have a relationship to re-build but we're making a good start. I am in AWE, and thankful to the bottom of my heart. 


Besides the immediate effect of seeing her become calmer and less impulsive,  I'm now seeing appreciation and empathy. It's beautiful.

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I'm thankful for pretty much everything in my life.  If you'd told me this would be my life 5 years ago I would've laughed in your face.  After a bad marriage and a rebound relationship I have the most amazing husband who works hard and takes wonderful care of us, he treats me like a queen. I have a fat, healthy little toddler that lights up my life, and two big kids that thank me regularly for mothering and schooling them.  Even though I don't always love living in Hawaii, yesterday we got to take a field trip to Hanauma Bay and snorkel and see a real coral reef, and that's just awesome.  After never having gone on a real vacation in my life, my husband took me to Italy for our honeymoon, we are going to the big island in May (it's a volcano, so it's a field trip right?!) and then Thailand in October.  Going from poverty, no health insurance, a husband who didn't like to work, to this... is like I'm living someone else's life.  I will confess though, that sometimes I feel so undeserving and like it's not fair that I'm this happy, it's very unsettling sometimes, it brings me to tears regularly.

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I'm thankful for hospice and how much support they are for my mom as she sits and waits for my uncle, her only sibling, to pass away.  I am also thankful for phones so I can talk to my mom even though I am more than halfway across the country away from her.

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