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Anyone else buy next year's curriculum already?

Mommee & Baba

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Being australian means I can't shop sales or second hand very often, most my curriculum comes from a single huge rainbow resources order to save on shipping costs. We run a jan-nov school year and I make my order around september so I can include christmas gifts from their toys and books. So I probably order just as early as you do, just on opposite semesters

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Distance Learning Father here.  Yes, I have begun buying 8th grade textbooks for DD. One arrived 2 weeks ago, two will (hopefully) be delivered today (Math and Social Studies: 59 cents for the 2 textbooks, plus shipping), and I am looking at the textbooks for English and Science.  There's also a Workbook required for English, that's available "new" at a very low price, and several novels, which may or may not be available free, from Amazon, for Kindle, or, at very low cost. I suspect the English textbook is involved in a "price war", between several Amazon Sellers, so I am waiting for that one to drop. The English textbooks seem to be available, "New", at very low prices, in contrast to the prices for other textbooks.  GL

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I've only picked up one thing, thanks to Ebay. I'm undecided about a lot of things, which is unfortunate as things go sale it seems right about now. I'm trying to hold off until the homeschool conference in April I can preview several different items.

and of course there's a complete lack of funds. that helps curb my purchasing power :-) hopefully we'll will be filing taxes this week.


for the last school year I was completely done the previous November. :-)

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Pretty much all ordered here!  Should arrive this week!!  :)  The only thing left on my list is the next level of TT, which I'll probably order in the next few days.  Now that we've found some "loves" for curriculum, I tend to order much earlier.  Some of the things for next year we will end up needing to finish out this year too - like AAR and TT, so I had to order them early.  Figured I might as well decide on the other stuff too and save on shipping.

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I haven't ordered a thing.  I'm breaking into the real estate business so funds are tight.  I am trying to wait as long as I can, but oh, it's hard.  I still have a few books that I need to order for the end of this year. :blushing:  Thankfully, several of the books I purchased last year are for multiple years.

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It hasn't all arrived, but I have made all my purchases.  This is very early for me.  But I have been eyeing MCT for 2 years, and it is finally time to try it out.  I also am going to have to choose between continuing with WWE4 or using the MCT writing, or some combination.  I wanted to have plenty of time with it before we started.  And then my dd8 will be moving to the next level in TOG next year, and I wanted to see those books before I make too many plans.  I also need to review the TOG writing portion to see what, if anything, I want to use from there.  With so many choices to make, I needed my stuff early.  

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No, you're not crazy; I am almost finished with my purchases already too.  Mr. Q had a big sale in January, and so did History Odyssey, so I bought next year's history for my son.  I also scored some big sales on some lit guides at amazon, so I bought those and noticed that the geography book and the Kindergarten workbook I wanted were also on sale, so I bought those too.  Oh, and I got the writing stuff from PHP that I wanted for my daughter back when they had the 40% off sale on Cyber Monday.


I need a few small items, some of which will be Kindle books, but really, I think the only big item I need is a complete Singapore 4 set for my son, and I'm waiting for our tax refund (any day!) for it.  And I need to get DD's history program, but I won't do that for a while, maybe not until their September sale; I want her to work through what she has first a bit more to see if it's really the right program for her.


Last year I started buying around this time and then had plenty of time to peruse and plan and all, so that was really nice.  I even had time to put together stuff for my preschoolers, and that's been really helpful this year.

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I am on a strict montly budget (which I've already broken for February  :blushing:  ) so I have to spread out the rest of my purchases.  I have mostly what I need.  I still need to buy BA 3B and up for Morgan and whatever I decide to use for Algebra for Shannon, but that's all I really need.  No doubt I will continue to buy things, however. . . . :001_tt1:  (always wanted to use that emoticon!)

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Phew!! So glad I'm definitely not crazy. I knew several did purchase around this time too but I've never been more certain on what we're using that everything has been purchased before Spring.


This afternoon I bought the last of everything. Of all years...this upcoming year was the most expensive one. I've ditched the used physical books for curriculum and purchased ebooks/PDF. It's just more economical for us to print from our laser for the student work texts instead of using our ink hog HP to make copies of work text pages to make use of the books for more than one child! I'm going to be listing up all our physical books of student work texts for certain curriculum and simply replace them with eBook/PDF format! Having an iPad has changed my need for teacher manuals in physical form.

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I'm with you -- the iPad has totally made a difference to me as well.  I don't even print everything; I just have the kids write directly on the iPad, and I print a handful of samples.  And it opened up options that I wouldn't have considered if I had to print everything -- Mr. Q and his 900 pages comes to mind.

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I'm with you -- the iPad has totally made a difference to me as well. I don't even print everything; I just have the kids write directly on the iPad, and I print a handful of samples. And it opened up options that I wouldn't have considered if I had to print everything -- Mr. Q and his 900 pages comes to mind.

Yes, I don't even print everything anymore either! We also have appletv so I use my iPad as my blackboard and mirror it to our living room tv! It's made our homeschooling journey a more pleasant & relaxed one.

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I have a good bit already on the shelf...

I am looking forward to that! My older two are very different, so their math programs are too. Last year, this year, and next are some intensive buying years for me, and then I will start to reuse a lot as my littles get bigger. I think odds are pretty good that five children will not need five different programs in everything every year -- DS1's math should work for someone else down the line, I hope, and so should WWE, SOTW, etc.

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We do a summer start and I like to have my books in hand early so that I can plan out the year and get it into my scheduling spreadsheet. So far I've gotten everything I know I will be using except for one Usborne book, which I plan to buy at an Usborne party a friend is hosting.

I have to fully decide LA for 2nd grade. I already have writing. We'll continue to do read alouds and have him read to me. I'm fairly certain that we'll continue what we're doing for spelling. I don't know if I want to add in grammar for 2nd grade or wait until 3rd.

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I'm working on it.  :)  We buy with our tax refund as well, so I usually start looking in February and order no later than March (I look for as much as I can used and cheaper up until the beginning of March, then I make my orders to get everything I want).  

The only thing I pick up later are books for reading and supplemental stuff - because I know I can find most of them really really cheap at the used book sale at our convention.  :)

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If you don't mind ,could your share what curriculum have you done with for next year?Thanks.............

I've been scouting ebay and amazon for super cheap bju stuff and bought the workbooks on a sale that I heard about here.  Just one word of warning - make sure you know what something is worth, what condition it's in and what edition you want.  There is lots of overpriced, old stuff.  Also the used stuff on amazon can be good, but sometimes I've discovered after I bought something that it was no longer available.


I don't think I'll find CLE stuff used cheap enough to make shipping worthwhile.

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I have a good bit. We still need:


AAR Level 3

Maybe AAS Level 1

Boys and girls of Colonial Days

Stories of the Pilgrims

God's Wonderful Works

Handwriting workbook

Singapore 2A materials (we will start 1B in the fall)

Singapore Essentials K Book A


I think other than that we're good. We might buy a Bigger guide for when we start 2A though.

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The money is not really an issue for me, but I have a hard time passing up a great deal. So I check thrift stores often and watch the Amazon Marketplace listings. When I want a little retail therapy, I will splurge on cheap used textbooks on Amazon. In the last couple of months I have completed my set of Math in Focus textbooks (grades 1-5) and I just ordered the six "Writing in Action" manuals published by Loyola & K12 (grades 3-5). The Math in Focus books were about $5-7 each and the WIA manuals were about $5 each (including shipping).


For my kindergartener, I really shouldn't have to buy much else for the elementary years. Some things I have bought ahead (MiF, Writing in Action, Adventures in America, K12 literature), some things are being passed down from my older son (Mr. Q, RSO, and MPH science, SOTW and History of Us, LOE, lots of lit units), and some things I have printed from Teacher Filebox. If we like LLTL 2 as much as I think we will, then I will buy the future levels, and I may keep buying Horizons math to supplement MiF.


My 6th grader is more difficult because he has some learning challenges and every year it is my first time using the curricula at that grade. There is simply more trial & error involved. I get $$ to spend on curriculum for him, but it's not available until July. So I research, make lists, download samples, and plot it out on a spreadsheet. I am firm on history, pretty sure on math, waffling on LA/lit and science.

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Now that I own all my TOG year plans and all but the R books I have a lot less shopping to do.  A good portion of our schooling is now done using materials I have already on hand and just need things like SM workbooks, so I don't have that excitement anymore. :(  Now most of my money is spent on high school.  :scared:  I do have my wish lists up and running and will start placing orders next month for those things that I still need.

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