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What did labor feel like to you???


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Well title says it all :) You would think I would know this but I was induced with dd1 and that was 5 years ago. I have had so many Braxton Hicks contractions with this baby. I live about an hour and 15 minutes from the hospital so I don't want to go if its not real labor (been there done that twice so far).

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It felt like I was going to die. Seriously. Worst pain ever. Hence the two adoptions that followed. I'm not kidding.


I know lots of people have a much easier time of it and I am truly jealous.


As to how one knows if the contractions are real or just BH... I wouldn't know. I was induced and went immediately into hard labor.

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Lower lip being pulled over head? lol


Not that bad.


I did it naturally except the first time, when I had a little something in the IV--Demerol or something?

Hated that.


Contractions were strong waves of pain, not sharp, but sort of all-encompassing. I felt they could get away from me if I didn't concentrate and breathe.


I went to the hospital when I was dilated 6 cm with the first baby, but at 4 with the others--I think my pain tolerance went down.


Be sure you are very well hydrated and walk around--if they subside when you drink a lot of water, they are BH.

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Cramps (like menstrual) and back pain. The back pain was more excruciating than the cramping. To be frank, I had a difficult time knowing I was in labor. With all three children, I went into labor before my schedule c-section date, but it was tolerable until I was pretty far along. I had a hard time knowing the difference because I had experienced cramping and back pain for most of my last months during pregnancy. The only way I could finally tell was that it was coming in waves that could be timed. Until I was already well situated in the hospital for a while, it actually wasn't bad.

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Labor felt like menstrual cramps. The difference was that it was not a constant pain - the contractions came in waves with periods of relief in between. Granted, the periods of relief got shorter and the pain more intense as labor progressed. It wasn't that bad for me. I had five natural deliveries. Breathing techniques and focusing on something in the room (even a spot on the wall) are what got me through.

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My contractions were very strong and painful. I went from nothing to baby in about 2 1/2 hours with one and 1 1/2 hours with another. The one that took 4 hours wasn't as intense as fast. My first took 11 hours but it took awhile for things to get going. My sister had bad Braxton-Hicks contractions with the last 5 for up to 6 weeks. They were frequent and painful, but they weren't regular. I can't tell you how many times she'd call to talk when she had contractions. She'd tell me when they started and I'd keep my eye on the clock. Real contractions should be regular and gradually (or in a fast labor more quickly) get closer together. If it goes from 4 minutes to three minutes to five minutes, it is probably BH even if they feel just like real contractions. I say probably because I am not a medical expert. At all. But I've been told that real contractions are regular.

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I only went into labor once, so take this FWIW -- mine felt like mild to medium menstrual cramps.  They were nowhere near as bad as I expected.  More annoying than anything.  The only way I clued in was that as time went by they came closer and closer together.

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Mine were different. In two labors (including a twin one), I had Braxton-Hicks type contractions that never really hurt until I was between 9-10 cm. dilated. The first pregnancy, I went to my check-up and he told me I was in labor. When they began monitoring my contractions at the hospital, I was only feeling about every third one. From what I had been told in my childbirth classes ("you'll know!"), I would not have gone in on my own until I was almost 10 cm. In the second BH one, with twins, I never really "hurt" though I could certainly tell that the contraction was firm--basketball firm. The contractions continued to vary length between them all day as far as I could tell. I was on the phone with the doctor off and on all day, and when I started feeling some pressure, he told me to come in. I was 8 cm. at that time. The other two pregnancies, one I was induced, the other, my contractions were distinct and painful, though not unbearable with relaxation and breathing techniques.


After my first pregnancy, I was always nervous when BH contractions started, because I couldn't tell the difference. So yeah, several false alarm runs to the hospital just in case.

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For me, real labor was different in that I felt aching in my back, and downward pressure. The longer you labor at home, the more smoothly your birth will go at the hospital. Hang out as long as you can. Even a short labor should leave you plenty of time to get to the hospital.


ETA: my last 3 labors were 4 hours each. By the time things really picked up, I still had well over an hour to go. The longest I have ever pushed was 20 minutes, the other being about 5-10 minutes. 

If your labor is going to be under an hour of serious labor, you aren't going to make it to the hospital anyway, and you would be better off staying home than chancing delivering enroute. 

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I'd lie down or (better) get into a warm bath or shower and see if they let up. If they don't, and get stronger and closer together, there's a good chance it's labor.


ETA: I agree with strawberrymama. The longer you can labor at home, the better. And yes, I agree with the PPs -- it feels like bad cramps, lower back pain, downward pressure. When you are actually pushing, it feels like a very large, painful bowel movement. And when it's all over, it feels like heaven. :001_tt1:  Don't forget that part! Good luck.

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I could tell labor was beginning in the very early stages with all 3 of mine.  I would have light twinges that I felt inside that were very regular.  I just knew it wasn't Braxton because Braxtons were more like my belly would get really tight and then release.  Over the hours these twinges would become more painful until it was actually hard to walk.  That's when I headed to the hospital.  Most of all, the regularity of the twinges was the key to knowing labor was coming on.

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Cramps. I was in labor for 3 days with John, in tears for the last day.


With Mary it was just one. My husband insisted we go to the hospital. I said it was false labor, but he insisted. When we got there I was 4 1/2 cm. He gets to be right once in a while.  :lol:

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Moderate to severe menstrual cramps.  I always feel them down low, and although I'm always worried about knowing if it is time- it always makes me very aware- oh yeah, this is IT!  ( : 


Watch for the increase in severity, closeness, duration, pressure etc.  Good luck!

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I'm not ok with those saying to labor at home when she is so far away from the hospital. Its not fun being at end stage labor in the car...


OP are you at your due date? My early labors were identical to BH contractions. Once things got going, I barely made it to the hospital with both dc! I will add with dc#1 I went early on to the hospital, but when they put me to bed, things slowed down, they sent me home, then we barely made it back to the hospital.


If it were me, I would pack my bag, and drive to the hospital, and wander nearby, or in the waiting area. At worse, you will get an outing. But it will put you close if things ramp up.

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I'm not ok with those saying to labor at home when she is so far away from the hospital. Its not fun being at end stage labor in the car...


Yeah, this concerns me a little too. I lived about 45 minutes away from the hospital with both of mine. Now, to be fair, my deliveries were not exactly "normal" in that I started dilating for unknown reasons at about 28 weeks, slowly progressing from there. If you're starting from zero (ETA: I just saw your post that you're 3cm), you certainly have more time, but an hour and 15 minutes is a looong ride.


My doc tried desperately to induce me at 36 weeks with ds, but the hospital refused to admit me until 37 weeks. By that point, I was at 6cm. If my water had broken at home, I would have had him in the car. One of the office nurses told me at my postpartum check-up that at one of my last prenatal visits, she'd overheard the doctor mumble to himself, "I don't know what's keeping that baby in there..." I guess for that reason I'm pretty much always in the "better safe than sorry" camp.


Good luck, OP! Hope you'll share some pics when baby arrives!

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My labor was in my back, so that's how I could tell. Braxton Hicks were in the front, real labor was when I could feel it in the back. I will second the person who cautioned laboring at home as long as possible since the ride to the hospital is long. Our house was 45 minutes from the birth center. My dd3 was born in the front seat of the car, caught by DH after he pulled over to the center turn lane. Even if our daughter had managed to wait until we got to the birth center, that was the worst experience of my life - trying to sit in a car during the late stages of labor was excruciating.

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Beginning labor and BH fell the same to me...like mild to very hard period cramps. 


Ways to tell them apart: 


Drink a glass of water.

Go to the bathroom.

Cool down or warm up...whatever you need to be a comfortable temperature. 

Rest. Sit down. 

Find someone way to relax and ignore them (if you can). Warm bath. Television show. Listening to soothing music. Knitting. 


If you still have them after 30m get a timer and time them. Get a sheet of paper and write down how long they last and how long in between as well as a number 1-10 grading the pain involved. This way you can see if they are regular (labor is regular..it lasts 30 seconds-2 minutes but usually no longer, it gets closer together) and if the pains are getting stronger. BH is not regular. A pain can last more than a few minutes. The times aren't regular. It's really unfocused. 


I had a lot of Braxton Hicks for all 4 of my boys. The entire 3rd trimester was full of BH.  :glare:


If they stick around it might be wise to give dh a head's up, but unless he is far away or you give birth very quickly you probably don't need to ask him to come home. If it is labor, most people stay in this stage for awhile. And if there's anything worse than wondering if it's BH, it's trying to explain to someone else that you don't know if it's BH or if the baby is coming soon or what is going on while you're in pain just strong enough to make you irritable.  


I wish you the best!

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braxton-hicks can feel like real labor - they just don't progress labor/dialation.  it's your bodies way of getting things ready.


I had one where I started having bh by six months.  even had contractions I had to breathe through.  then when the big day arrived, I had HOURS of "pre-labor" before things really started.  otherwise she was my easiest labor because it was intense only for a very short time.  she did change her mind about the delivery - after she'd crowned! and didn't want to come out.   my dr. threatened her with forceps (didn't use them) and I bore down even between contractions to keep her from retreating.  


some questions to ask yourself

are the contractions getting stronger over time?

are they getting closer?

how's your back?

how's your bottom?

can you feel the baby moving down?

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I have all back labors.  The first two took 15-17 hours.  It hurt.  The third one took 2.5 hours. I had BH for several days, but it was very clear when labor started up .  I tried not to yell, but didn't quite manage.  I could not sit down or lay down.  My dh though we were in for another long day, but I was insisting on going to the hospital.  Baby was born less than an hour after we got there.

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OP, I was one of the people who said to labor at home as long as possible, but I misread your first post. I thought it said "15 minutes" and somehow missed the "hour and" before that! If your contractions are regular and getting closer together, are not slowed by a bath, resting, a drink, etc., I'd head to the hospital soon.

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Each one was different.  With youngest I had back labor and so the pain in my back was way worse than any I had elsewhere.  The biggest thing that I noticed different between BH and real contractions was the location of the pain.  Which BH it was an over all tightening/uncomfortable/sometimes crampy feeling.  With real contractions the pain was localized mainly to my cervix.  I got the tightening of course, and with back labor I felt it more in my back than cervix, but with the 2 I vaginally delivered the focal point of pain was right there.  With first I had a section before contractions started after my water broke.  I guess that was the other difference too, 3 out of 4 of mine labor was signalled by my water breaking and contractions didn't start for days afterward.  The 2nd one they ruptured me at 4 cms but then the pain was pretty much localized.

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With my first I had some mild cramps and my stomach felt a little upset. I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch and I called to tell her I didn't feel all that well so I didn't want to eat at the Mexican place we usually went to.  She asked a few questions and then told me I was an idiot and I was in labor. Went to the doc because I didn't believe her and he quickly sent me across the street to the hospital.


The thing is, I never progressed beyond that level until they added pitocin.  I could have stayed home for days probably. I know because the same thing happened with my next two pregnancies. So it was probably a good thing I went to the doc. 


Over an hour away from the hospital? I'd call the doc just to be sure.   Good luck!!! Bet you can't wait to meet her!

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Baby's head can plug the leak if you are up and about.  Try laying on your side for a bit and then get up, if you feel another gush/leak get the sitter for Cali and head for the hospital.  Personally it sounds like it is time to me and given the long drive to the hospital I would be enroute.  The last thing you want is to wait to long or be driving when the the really hard contractions are hitting and you have no way to move or get relief.

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This thread got long, so I didn't read it all...


I had two natural deliveries, one just short of six hours, and one just short of 3. My first one, my baby had very obviously dropped, and I knew when I lost my mucous plug. My contractions were not painful until I'd already left for the hospital, but I had "a feeling" that I needed to get in the car and go--it was an abrupt change in my feelings, but no idea why. I had just told hubby he could hop in the shower, and then I told him to forget it and get out the door. I had been laboring for about 2 hours by then with no pain, just pressure. The contractions didn't go away with drinking water, and my water broke partially after a while (leaky, not a gush). The pain slowly increased, and by the time I reached the hospital, the baby's head was engaged in my pelvis (it hurt to sit), so I was glad to be there. I very quickly had a hard time walking because the baby was low. I did labor standing up and climbing onto an off of the bed--the doula said he must have been coming out at an angle from the maneuvers I used to relieve pain.


Labor #2 I had one bout of false labor. A big drink and laying down made it go away. I was worried because my mom's labors were cut in half from the first to the second, and she had little pain until the end of her labors either. When I did go into real labor, I woke up to my water breaking--it ruptured completely, and I gushed. Things sped up more quickly with that labor, and we were in the car within 15 minutes. This time, the baby was not engaged in my pelvis, but he came faster anyway. I didn't have the pain upon siting or walking that I had with my first. When he was ready to come out, he descended very rapidly with no warning.


Since you are quite a drive, if you are reasonably sure you are in labor, maybe you could go walk around the hospital or a nearby place to shop (if it's during the day). Then, if your labor is longer, you can decide when you want to check into the hospital--they won't let you go home if your water has broken at all. This was my plan if my water broke but my labor didn't start right away. I didn't want to be given Pitocin until it was critical (my mom and all the ladies in her family tended to have their water partially break hours before contractions started).

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That's exactly how it felt when my waters broke with my 1st.  It happened early morning and took me a few hours to realise what had actually happened (I wasn't having contractions though!)


Waters broke with #3 & 4 too, and I was still not 100% sure that's what it was with #4!  Trust your instincts!  I'm in camp 'it sucks to be in transition phase in the car!'  - that's why I planned a homebirth for #4!


Good luck.


ETA - labour felt like cramps getting stronger and stronger.  I had a couple of slow starts so was unsure.  I always threw up when things got serious!  Real active labour contractions take my breath away and knock me off my feet.

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Sounds like your water broke. Given the distance to the hospital, I would start heading in that direction if I were you. My water broke with my first baby, followed immediately by contractions 5 minutes apart. Baby was almost born in the car! If you get near the hospital and things are dragging along, you can always walk, shop, or something. At least you'll be closer to where you need to be.

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Well, I had 3 c-sections, so this may not be much help lol...

BUT I did have labor... loooooonnnnnggggg  looooooonnnnnngggg labor with my first.  My water broke well before I felt anything, so there was pitocin involved, so that may not help all that much either.  (think water breaking at 3am, not feeling any contractions with pitocin - though they did say I was having them - until 5pm) My serious labor didn't start until 8am the following day, and... back pain.  That's what I remember.  Because I only really remember the beginning.  After that it was just intense pain all the time, throwing up, horrid.  It was hell.  (I had Link via c section at 11pm that night lol)

I scheduled C/s with both Astro and Pink.  I think I may have been in labor when I went in with Astro.  I was having pretty regular contractions at the hospital, but nothing horribly painful - just tightening.  It felt different than the Braxton Hicks I had with Pink, though.  The nurse commented that I may have ended up coming in that day even if I hadn't been scheduled! :)

Pink, never had anything other than the bh. 



ETA: Just caught up on the whole thread so realized this may no longer be of any help at all (not that it would have been before, either!)  :)

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HM.  It feels like someone is shoving an 8 pound bowling ball down your vagina while someone is pulling your Pelvic bones literally apart with a brace and all the tendons are stretching and tearing and plus you have menstrual cramps and your back is feeling like someone is pulling backward on it with a vice and you really wonder if you might die.


But it's all worth it.  LOL

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Well with my last child I was convinced he really came out of my ass because it felt like he did. I did break my tail bone during the ordeal so that might be why. At the point of the worst pain I actually vaguely remember the feeling. For all I know I could have blacked out. I had had an epidural, but the guy screwed it up and it fell out so really I didn't have anything. And I was not prepared for that. Luckily it went fairly quickly.

Ok I just peed myself laughing so hard at the first few words.... you poor woman, that would be prevent any other children from coming out of my body.
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Well with my last child I was convinced he really came out of my ass because it felt like he did.  I did break my tail bone during the ordeal so that might be why.  At the point of the worst pain I actually vaguely remember the feeling.  For all I know I could have blacked out.  I had had an epidural, but the guy screwed it up and it fell out so really I didn't have anything.  And I was not prepared for that.  Luckily it went fairly quickly.

LOL.  You have made my day.  I know I shouldn't laugh at this but it is just funny.

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Labor was the same for me all 5 times...horrible, felt like I was gonna DIE pain. Again, I know not everyone's is that bad, but honestly pretty much unbearable, throwing up....kind of pain. There was no mistaking it at all. My labors were all fast though and intense. I wonder why I went through it 5 times ;-)

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First pregnancy: If the window wasn't bolted shut I would have jumped out of it, or thrown my DH out of it. Worst pain I had ever felt.



Just when you thought there was no worse pain....


Second pregnancy: Cord was tied around my sons thigh and he could not extend his leg. He got hung up on my pelvic bone and the Dr literally had to cut me from one end to the other to get him out. I begged him to stitch me completely SHUT because that orifice was never going to be put to use again.


Hence my third and fourth children are adopted.  

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