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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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Praying for you all in anticipation of the dr visit tomorrow. ***hugs***




We met some lovely Amish families at NIH when my ^dd^ was receiving experimental chemo there. They get cancer (including brain tumors). (And, fwiw, electricity is permitted for required medical equipment like iv pumps and for motorized wheelchairs, just in case you wanted to know. ;) )

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Hello, Everyone,


Thank You for praying and Please don’t stop!  God is still on the throne!


In ds' words, he didn’t get the news he was hoping for - but - he didn’t get the news he feared, either.  Hallelujah!


Three weeks ago, the five basic blood counts that we particularly watch were dangerously low, and, they found a low percentage of mutating cells in the blood smear.  The doctor was confident that “it†was back.


That same doctor today was, by his own words, surprised at ds' CBC results.  Two of the counts were lower but not significantly.  Three were higher - two slightly so - but higher is higher.  Additionally, no mutating cells were found, and this was confirmed with a smear.  The doctor did not expect any of this.  


The doctor said he expected confirmation in today’s blood work that he did not find.  He is surprised at the outcome, his level of concern has diminished, and he freely admits that nothing negative is definitive now.  In fact, these counts favor a virus causing bone marrow suppression, resulting in subnormal counts.  Viruses of this nature can take as long as three or four months before CBC’s reflect normalcy.  Near the end of the appointment, he commented, “You have a lot of people praying for you.† So, in a backhanded way, he gave God the glory for today’s results.


Here are the options:


Option 1:  A bone marrow extraction to quickly and definitively determine virus versus “it.â€


Option 2:  Weekly CBC’s to track progress.


Option 3:  A spinal tap - low on the list as ds is not exhibiting any symptoms to warrant one.


Option 4:  Transfusion to help boost things, protect his heart, and make him feel overall better.


Here is the plan:


~Transfusion. He will receive two units of blood tomorrow.  


~Weekly CBC’s.  


~Praying for guidance whether to have the extraction.


In ds' words, he is praising God for the beginning of the healing.


We are so grateful for your prayer support!  We humbly ask that you continue to pray for ds as God brings him to mind.  We are holding to the only One Who has all power.


Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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Praise God!!! I have been praying since I read this. My ds is a leukemia survivor too, and I know how scary those results were/are. Maybe it is Mono or something. It is funny how we pray for Mono now. I remember being so thankful when my ds had the flu and again when he had RSV, because it meant 'it' was not back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the latest update from this morning:



I haven't been online much because of all that is going on plus the internet service keeps crashing due to weather conditions.


Am scurrying now as we are leaving shortly for the hospital.  Ds scheduled for bone marrow aspiration this morning, which will give a definitive diagnosis.  


Hope remains; there have been some good signs; virus upon virus is still a viable possibility.


If you want to post this, that would be great, and if not, that's okay, too!  


We appreciate the prayers, good thoughts, etc., much more than we have words to say!


Gotta scoot - long drive and more weather heading our way.  Traveling safety is also a concern today!


Still holding on to the only One Who has all power!


Please continue to keep eaglei's son & the rest of the family in your thoughts & prayers.

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Thanks for the update.  


Eaglei - praying for you and your son.  And family I should add ... stress like this affects everyone.  I pray you get superb news today.  I pray for good health for your son.  God's will be done.



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