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Does your dog cover himself up with blankets?


Does your dog cover himself with blankets?  

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  1. 1. Does your dog cover himself with blankets?

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I don't have any dogs that will do that now, but my old doberman used to. He is not longer alive, but he would crawl into his bed and push all the blankets off and then adjust them so he could pull them when he went to lay down. It's was a hilariously long procedure.


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Both our dogs want under the blankets, but want their personal assistants, (aka the people), to help them with it. There is nothing more pitiful than sad basset eyes. I tell my kids that not even on their cutest day can they compete with the guilt trip factor in those sweet, sad hound eyes!


(One of the dogs likes to lay on a pile of pillows plus be covered with the blanket. She is a total mess that one!)

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Voted no. Can I train my short-haired dachshund mix to do this? :p He sleeps in a crate (with bagel bed) and I have him in a sweatshirt these days because he gets cold (we don't heat the house at night due to the cost). He elaborately arranges any blanket I place in his bed but never crawls under it. Night temp will drop another 10F inside in winter. I tried a portable heater (not directly) last year but it was still extremely expensive. I'm contemplating a fleece-lined sweatshirt just in case but will that overheat him?

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My bigger dogs (standard poodle and border collie/great pyranees mix) do not, though the poodle loves to lie on soft stuff. He will even curl up to sorta fit on a cat pillow!


My little dog (10lb toy poodle/mini schnauzer mix) will snuggle into blankets, pillows, and people. He gets cold and wears sweaters all winter. He got possibly the worst combination of coats--half long poodle hair and half undercoat, not nearly enough to provide proper insulation.

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Our dog has an old quilt on the floor. He will dig, re-dig, adjust, etc. until it is just right. Then he crawls under a fold and takes his nap.   Sometimes, he'll be on our bed in the morning buried under a fold created when we kicked off the blankets in the morning.

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No, but he will sleep upstairs in the winter and downstairs in the summer. He's a greyhound mix, so neurotic and delicate. He prefers soft chairs and sofas to the floor. It has to be chilly to get him off the couch and upstairs on my bedroom floor. Sometimes he'll nap in sunbeams, but blankets would freak him out and send him running.

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Not only does he do this, if he finds that his bed is not in a place as warm as he'd like he'll happily move it. He's dragged his bed close to the heater moving it a little at a time if he thinks someone is watching. He's also stollen the bed covers off the person in the bottom bunk, many times over if he doesn't feel, as a dog, he has enough. When scolded he simply went to the child's dirty hamper & retrieved towels to cover himself up with.


Seriously, if it wasn't so funny he'd be outside sleeping!

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Voted no. Can I train my short-haired dachshund mix to do this? :p He sleeps in a crate (with bagel bed) and I have him in a sweatshirt these days because he gets cold (we don't heat the house at night due to the cost). He elaborately arranges any blanket I place in his bed but never crawls under it. Night temp will drop another 10F inside in winter. I tried a portable heater (not directly) last year but it was still extremely expensive. I'm contemplating a fleece-lined sweatshirt just in case but will that overheat him?

Draping a heavy blanket over his crate would help stop drafts and build in heat.


Neither of our dogs cover themselves, but both will happily snuggle under the covers with me or DS.

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My daughter's dog does!  They got him from a shelter;  they think he had been living on the streets for a long time.  When they first brought him home and showed him a little blanket/rug type thing to sleep on, he pulled it up over himself instead.  Little sweetie!

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Our deceased Morkie always burrowed under blankets when she was cold.


Our chihuahua is always under a blanket, even when it's 100 degrees outside.


The Labrador does not, but she likes to lay on top of blankets, especially freshly laundered blankets when she is covered in mud.


Our Morkie puppy is just discovering the joys of blankets on chilly nights. He hasn't burrowed under yet, but I have a feeling he will start before too much longer.

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I had a Boston Terrier that would always be under blankets. She would paw at the afghan on the sofa, pull it down and then curl up under it. She would also find her way under the blankets on our bed, and my cat would sit on top of her. She was under the blanket, the cat was on top of it. I thought it was just a coincidence at first, but then I would find the cat on top of her all the time. I guess it was part of her kitty world domination plot.

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Our Shih Tzu has a twin size fuzzy blanket that she drags around with her everywhere she goes. It's hilarious to watch her since she's so tiny compared to the blanket - it looks like a lot of work. She's quite insistent about having it with her though. At night, she sleeps in a canopy bed that my mother bought her (she's one of the spoiled grandchildren) and the blanket has to be on her bed along with her favorite Minnie Mouse stuffed animal.

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Voted no. Can I train my short-haired dachshund mix to do this? :p He sleeps in a crate (with bagel bed) and I have him in a sweatshirt these days because he gets cold (we don't heat the house at night due to the cost). He elaborately arranges any blanket I place in his bed but never crawls under it. Night temp will drop another 10F inside in winter. I tried a portable heater (not directly) last year but it was still extremely expensive. I'm contemplating a fleece-lined sweatshirt just in case but will that overheat him?

You could put a blanket over his crate. Or get one of the enclosed, furry pet bed igloo things. I got one for a cat who loves to sleep under blankets but kept nearly being squished on the couch by a kid. HomeGoods usually has a whole aisle of fancy pet beds for cheap. :)


Our new puppy may turn out to be a blanket snuggler. We've never had a short-haired dog before. Our late golden retriever had super thick fur and loved cold floors. She would go lie in the bathroom under the a/c vent or on top of the vent in the den.

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The chihuahua does, the lab doesn't.  The chihuahua sleeps in bed with dd and will literally lay his head on her pillow with the blankets tucked around him.  All on his own- dd doesn't set him up that way.

Same here. 



Chihuahua - yes, he sleeps under blankets or finds a blanket to curl up and arrange into a nest. 


Golden Retriever - no, he mostly sleeps on the cold, tile floor. 

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Tinkie hides under my pillows-I need to get a video of her rooting under and then just totally disappearing LOL hilarious....Both our girls sleep under some sort of cover-and if Tinkie's blanket isn't on the bed she can't settle for the night-she will pace the bed until you put her blanket on her spot at the foot of the bed....Jezzie usually gets under all of the covers and sleeps right up next to me....Sometimes Tinkie will too....Our girls are a riot!

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I have dachsies.   Of course they burrow under the covers.  lol  

The shorthairs will usually stay far within the depths of the blankets, while the long hairs will usually have to have a nose/head/backside sticking out for temperature regulation.  

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My dachshund spends a great deal of time under his blanket, usually while sitting in my lap. When we rescued him, we tried crate training him. That was impossible. He howled like crazy and the only thing he would accept was to sleep in bed with me, deep under the covers next to my legs. He can burrow under a blanket on the sofa by himself, but he prefers me to cover him. He paws at my leg until I cover him. He's so spoiled. I did research it one time because it seems like he would smother under the blanket all the time but I read their lungs are especially large since they are burrowing animals.

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Thanks for answering my question! We already have a fleece blanket over his crate (had it from day one to help him feel more secure in the crate) so hopefully he's good to go. I'll get a thicker one too just in case. Thanks again!

We are even going to drape a moving type blanket over the chicken coop tonight, it is supposed to drop down to 23 tonight and I'm hoping it will block the bitter cold wind.

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My dachshund absolutely does. He'll take however long it takes to get those covers too. It's hilarious to watch but I can't bring myself to watch long. I have to have some sympathy for the little, nearly legless guy.


:lol: Absolutely crazy watching mine too. He is part dachshund and I think the min pin side of him gave him 0.5 inch more leg length than his fellow doxie counterparts. :) I wasn't really a dachshund person before I adopted him but now I'm a complete convert. So much heart in so short (and long) a dog.


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I had a Boston Terrier that would always be under blankets. She would paw at the afghan on the sofa, pull it down and then curl up under it. She would also find her way under the blankets on our bed, and my cat would sit on top of her. She was under the blanket, the cat was on top of it. I thought it was just a coincidence at first, but then I would find the cat on top of her all the time. I guess it was part of her kitty world domination plot.

This is my dog Porky with the cat Kitters on top of her.



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