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Curious, do you set an alarm and get up ahead of your dc's

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Not that I get to sleep in at all :lol: but I do not set an alarm. I get up when my little one gets up. I am finding now though that by the time I get the kids fed, me showered, dishes done etc. that a lot of the morning has gone by. I'd love to do the dishes at night but by the time I get the kids down I do my school work and visit the boards for a little adult conversation.


I'm cringing at the thought of getting up earlier, and worry the alarm will wake my little guy, but it would be better if I had some of that stuff done before they got up.


Just curious as to how you do it :bigear:

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I absolutely must get up first. It's a thing with me. My dh is my alarm clock, and the darling man wakes me with a hot cup of espresso every morning. :001_wub:


If you need to get up earlier, maybe you could get an alarm clock with a volume setting so you can avoid waking the kids.

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I generally get up 1- 1 1/2 hours before the kiddos (they generally get up at 7:30). I like having the time to take care of the animals, unload the dishwasher, get a start on laundry, and check my email and this board before they get up. If I am really motivated, I even shower and get dressed! When I originally started getting up this early, it was also so I could exercise, but well you know, there is this board ;)


I personally find that our day goes much smoother, when mom gets up earlier.



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My dh leaves the house at 6am and wakes me before he goes. I roll out of bed and do yoga first thing. It's a great way to start my morning and although I loathe exercising, yoga makes me feel ready to start the day. The boys wake up right around the time I'm finishing up. They eat breakfast and do my morning chores while chatting with them.

I find that waking up early isn't so bad. Plus I take b vitamins to help with my energy levels in the morning. Oh, and let's not forget the caffeine!


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I get up when dh gets up, which is way before the kids.


They used to get up earlier, but never as early as dh.


I love having time to myself in the morning. I feed the cats, check in online, do yoga and/or qi gong, and generally have my own personal time.

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Oh, yes. From 5:00 until they wake up (7:30 or later) is my sweet, peaceful time of the day. I do my devotions, exercise, and get much of my thinking work done during this time. I love it. With five boys, the activity level in my home is incredible and I must have the time in the morning to have any peace and quiet in my life at all right now.


Did I mention how much I love that time?

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I absolutely must get up first. It's a thing with me. My dh is my alarm clock, and the darling man wakes me with a hot cup of espresso every morning. :001_wub:


If you need to get up earlier, maybe you could get an alarm clock with a volume setting so you can avoid waking the kids.


My dh is my alarm clock too, but there is no coffee involved. He gets up early and I like to get up with him so that I can have my quiet time, exercise and have some alone time before the kids get up. I'm not naturally a morning person, but I love my early morning time!!

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I set an alarm and get up a few minutes before dh needs to get up so that I can wake him up, iron his clothes, set out his medicine and cell phone, etc. I would really like to get more sleep, but I also want to give dh a good send-off and let him know that I appreciate his hard work. I do like getting up before the kids, though. I need some time to myself (even if it is spent cleaning and doing laundry) before I have to be the one answering questions, making decisions, preparing food, etc. I chat with dh on his cell phone while he drives to work, then I usually check my e-mail and these boards, and if all goes well I do some laundry and straighten up a bit.

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I have to get up before the kids. I learned my lesson.


Things the kids have done while I slept:


Filled their sippy cups with maple syrup


made me coffee or tea.


"do experiments" using flour, powdered sugar, cocoa powder and every spice in my spice drawer. The end result of the "experiment"? Yucky Water.


A few weeks ago, I woke earlier than the kids but was still in bed and I heard my son say to my daughter "how about we make some Yucky Water?" That was my cue to get up NOW! :lol:

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I would set an alarm at 6:00 am if I didn't have an eager to play dog (puppy b/c he's not a year old yet) sticking a toy in my face between 5:30 am and 6:30 am every morning. Sleeping in for me is being able to sleep until 7:00 am, which is a very rare incident.


I very rarely get time alone b/c my ds4 has set his internal clock to when Mommy gets up so he's up at 6:30 am every morning and will come wake me up if I've somehow slept through our dog's pleas for play (including sticking his wet nose in my face, whimpering and the like).

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No... no... no...!


My oldest (almost 9yo) is an extreme early bird... like wide-awake at 5:30 (going to bed later only makes him cranky, and this has been his nature since early baby-hood). He has his morning routine, sometimes he even starts on school work (my FAVORITE days!), he makes his own breakfast. The rest of the family eats around 7:30am.


If my son sleeps past 6:30, it's because he's sick....


My other three have a natural waking time of about 7:00-7:30.


If I were able to get to bed at say, 8:30 (yeah, right!), I could get myself up by 5:00am -- but if I'm in bed at 8:30 I'm the one who's sick:tongue_smilie: (and if I do have to get up well before 7:00am it's a bad, cranky day... I have to get my sleep. Plus, these darn hormones kick in and next thing you know I'm the one falling asleep during school:lol:



So, nope. I don't have to, I don't want to, and no one is gonna make me:001_tt2:

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I use an alarm to get up 30-60 minutes before my dc's typically get up. That gives me time to shower, do my morning devotions, and generally get myself awake and in gear for the day. Twice a week I get up even earlier (5:30AM) for my TaeKwonDo class. I have a hard time getting up so earlier some days, but it's a great way to start the day and I'm always glad I went.


During the summer I don't use an alarm, but I don't care so much about getting going then. School starts back up again in two weeks, so I'll start using it again.

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I have a weird thing with time--I can usually tell the time within, say, 3 or 4 minutes, without looking at a clock (Amaze and Amuse your friends! lol). I can also tell myself what time I want to awaken and can nearly always wake up within a few minutes of that time. So, no, I don't use an alarm very often.


I do have to make sure I'm up before ds16 goes to school, however, so I tend to set an alarm on Mondays, or if I've gone to bed very late. I let my others sleep as long as they need to, which is usually until about 7:30 or 8 for dd, and about 8 or 9 for ds18. That will all change this year, tho, as it's back to work for me, and dd8 is off to public school. I'll get up before her to send ds16 off (he has to leave for the bus at 6:40 or so). This year I'll probably just stay up and get ready for work myself, then I can focus on her.


I think it's nice to be flexible with rising time--I really wish the public school (high school) would start later, because my son ( and most other kiddos) really doesn't get enough sleep, having to start so early and go against his body clock.

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Not that I get to sleep in at all :lol: but I do not set an alarm. I get up when my little one gets up. I am finding now though that by the time I get the kids fed, me showered, dishes done etc. that a lot of the morning has gone by. I'd love to do the dishes at night but by the time I get the kids down I do my school work and visit the boards for a little adult conversation.


I'm cringing at the thought of getting up earlier, and worry the alarm will wake my little guy, but it would be better if I had some of that stuff done before they got up.


Just curious as to how you do it :bigear:



My kids are older, ages 18-9. 1 of my 5 kids gets up before I do, the other 4 are preteens or teens, and of course would sleep all day if I let 'em. It is so much easier for me to have older kids than when they were little. But I do miss those sippy cups, wet cold morning kisses, footie pajamas and all that.


Our family is different, though. I call us "Type B" because we get up late - like 8:30-9AM and stay up late (kids go to bed at around 11pm, dh and I go to bed at around 12:30am or 1am).


There's no right or wrong here. Just morning people and type b's. heh

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No. Absolutely not. When I am able to stay on my sleep schedule I sleep between 11pm and 7:30 am. When it is off there are nights I don't go to sleep until the wee hours of the morning, sometimes even 4 am. When dd was little I was able to nap with her so I wasn't falling asleep in my lunch. now when those nights happen dd knows to get up, watch TV or play computer, eat cereal or microwave breakfast and wake me up no later then 10 am.


Now, dd generally doesn't get out of bed until 8:30 so she has anywhere between no time fending for herself to about an hour and a half.

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My husband also gets up way earlier than I do, so I am trying to have him be my alarm clock. I try to get in the shower as soon as he is done in the bathroom. Being a night person, this is a challenge because I often stay up too late at night (its quiet and I am awake). As much as I hate getting up early, I have to start. I need a shower before we start school (for me its way better than caffiene) and prefer to have one without interupptions:001_smile:

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For the last 2 months or so I've been getting up at 5:30 to run. Dh gets up with me most times. Then we come back to the house, I make him coffee, we watch the news a bit and he gets ready while I pack his lunch. Ds8 has been going to bed between 10 and 11 all summer and getting up between 8-9. I dread getting him back on schedule for school to start next week. I will try to get ds to bed early enough that I can get him up at 7:00.

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Not that I get to sleep in at all :lol: but I do not set an alarm. I get up when my little one gets up. I am finding now though that by the time I get the kids fed, me showered, dishes done etc. that a lot of the morning has gone by. I'd love to do the dishes at night but by the time I get the kids down I do my school work and visit the boards for a little adult conversation.


I'm cringing at the thought of getting up earlier, and worry the alarm will wake my little guy, but it would be better if I had some of that stuff done before they got up.


Just curious as to how you do it :bigear:


I aim for 6 a.m. I make it about...30% of the time, maybe? But like you, I notice that my days go SOOOOO much better if I'm up before the kids. I find that it makes the difference between feeling in the driver's seat and feeling in front of the headlights for the day. I'm working on making it a regular occurrence because I'm a real night owl. But I very much prefer being up earlier to get a head start on the day.

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No. Absolutely not. When I am able to stay on my sleep schedule I sleep between 11pm and 7:30 am. When it is off there are nights I don't go to sleep until the wee hours of the morning, sometimes even 4 am. When dd was little I was able to nap with her so I wasn't falling asleep in my lunch. now when those nights happen dd knows to get up, watch TV or play computer, eat cereal or microwave breakfast and wake me up no later then 10 am.


Now, dd generally doesn't get out of bed until 8:30 so she has anywhere between no time fending for herself to about an hour and a half.


Ah, a woman after my own heart :D

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I get up at about 5:30. I set an alarm, but I usually wake up before it goes off. I don't do this for homeschooling reasons, I do it because we have an acre of veggies and I get my best work done out there sans kids. I'm hoping to keep it up after the garden shuts down for the winter, but we'll see.

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For the last 2 months or so I've been getting up at 5:30 to run. Dh gets up with me most times. Then we come back to the house, I make him coffee, we watch the news a bit and he gets ready while I pack his lunch. Ds8 has been going to bed between 10 and 11 all summer and getting up between 8-9. I dread getting him back on schedule for school to start next week. I will try to get ds to bed early enough that I can get him up at 7:00.


I'm so sorry, this is completely OT, but Scarlett, this made me laugh out loud. For some reason, I think I actually imagine you as Scarlett O'Hara, and the idea of Scarlett getting up at 5 a.m. to run anywhere...it just struck me as completely hilarious. I think we all need to post pics of our real faces at some point!

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I'm so sorry, this is completely OT, but Scarlett, this made me laugh out loud. For some reason, I think I actually imagine you as Scarlett O'Hara, and the idea of Scarlett getting up at 5 a.m. to run anywhere...it just struck me as completely hilarious. I think we all need to post pics of our real faces at some point!


Ok...since you asked..

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I'm cringing at the thought of getting up earlier, and worry the alarm will wake my little guy, but it would be better if I had some of that stuff done before they got up.



You could try contacting your local deaf society to find out who sells deaf technology. My life improved a great deal when dh bought himself a vibrating wrist watch. The watches are definately "boy" watches, but you can buy vibrating thingis to put inside your pillow case. They won't wake your little guy up.



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My kids do the kitchen in the evenings. We don't go to bed on a messy kitchen.


I get up before everyone, but I don't set an alarm- yuk. I just go to bed early enough that I have had enough sleep and I wake up naturally. For me, thats about 10pm-6am. I get the kids up at 7am.


I also have an afternoon rest/nap.

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Ok...since you asked..[ATTACH]418[/ATTACH]

Oh, you and your 16-inch waist are simply stunning. And is that a green velvet dress I see? :lol:



Though I love my dc more than life itself, I'm not very happy on the rare occasions when they get up with me. :glare:


Oh my goodness, yes. Nothing drives me crazier than when I actually manage to get myself up at 6 a.m., get my coffee going, and get myself all settled in on the couch to work...and then CLICK! I hear a bedroom door opening :glare:


You could try contacting your local deaf society to find out who sells deaf technology. My life improved a great deal when dh bought himself a vibrating wrist watch. The watches are definately "boy" watches, but you can buy vibrating thingis to put inside your pillow case. They won't wake your little guy up.




You could also check your cell phone. I think my Razr and DH's Blackberry have alarm features that vibrate.

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No alarms here, unless it is an extreme necessity. I hate hearing alarm clocks go off, and I doubly hate waking to music.


Before kids, when I had a job or was in school, one of my cats always woke me up a few minutes before the alarm went off. After kids, didn't need an alarm.


If I want to get up early, I just tell myself what time to wake up and that works the vast majority of the time.





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My kids do the kitchen in the evenings. We don't go to bed on a messy kitchen.


Oh, please tell me we'll get there. I *hate* waking up to dishes in the sink, but my kids are little and waste a ton of water when they wash, and dh prefers to do dishes in the morning...the dishrag sitting there all gross in the bottom of the sink, the scummy water...*shudder*. I just do it myself most of the time, but when you're home for three squares a day and snacks and have no dishwasher...well, you want some dish washers!

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I am NOT a morning person; I am VERY MUCH a night person. Dh's job has taken him away more nights than he's been home for our entire married years, so my peace and quiet are at night after dc are in bed.


When they were babies, I got up when the baby woke up.


When they were little, they were not allowed to get out of bed before I did -- probably around 8 (I don't remember exactly).


Once they got older, they got up at 6 or 6:30 BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO. Are they truly related to me????


Now, I set the alarm so I get up and get going on my day, and don't waste the morning. There is one child whom I have to wake up for breakfast on occasion, but not often.


I don't know where they get it from.:)

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The DD and DS4 wake at 6 am. I'm trying to wake up at 5 am so that I can start on the eliptical machine and shower before the others wake up and throw me off track. I do like that the kids wake up at 6. We get alot more school work done and it free's up our afternoons so that the kids can go outside and play and I can actually relax a little. The kids are in bed by 8 and I am in bed between 9 and 10. If I didn't go to sleep early then I wouldn't be able to wake up at all. The alarm would go off and I would sleep right through it.

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Oh, please tell me we'll get there. I *hate* waking up to dishes in the sink, but my kids are little and waste a ton of water when they wash, and dh prefers to do dishes in the morning...the dishrag sitting there all gross in the bottom of the sink, the scummy water...*shudder*. I just do it myself most of the time, but when you're home for three squares a day and snacks and have no dishwasher...well, you want some dish washers!


I sympathise!

You will get there! We haven't really implemented the "all the dishes alternate weeks" thing until this year, although they have been doing plenty before then. Of course your kids are too little!

I do recommend somehow doing dishes straight after meals as a habit. I mean, you have to do them some time- postponing doesn't get rid of them, and it is nice to wake up to a clean kitchen. But, you have younger kids than me- sometimes you just do what you have to do to get through. It does get easier. :)

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If I didn't have that time to myself I would snap.

I get to have coffee, read the Bible and do devotions, check email, read the boards and work out. I also feed all the pets and make dh's lunch.

I almost never go to bed unless the dishes are done, I can not face that mess in the morning.

It wasn't easy at first but now I wake up early to an internal alarm clock.

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