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S/O Princess Bride... are there any other movies "everyone" has seen, but you haven't?


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A Christmas Story

The Princess Bride (maybe I have seen it, but I don't remember it/didn't care for it if I did)

Pretty much anything pre-late 90s that was considered popular.  My grandparents weren't fans of the movie theater for quite some time - when I hit high school I started going to the movies, and shortly thereafter they started going, too.  My grandma used to go with me sometimes, and my grandpa occasionally.  Now they will go with friends or by themselves, but not often - they just aren't movie people.

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pretty much any romantic comedy that EVERYONE says I have too see and that I'll love it.  You'd think after knowing me for so long they'd figure out I'd rather get a stomach bug than be subjected to those movies


I'm with ya.  I don't care for rom-coms at all.  I've seen my fair share for various reasons, but let me pick the movie and it will be sci-fi or action.  :D

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I've never watched A Christmas Story  ^_^


I wish I had never watched A Christmas Story.  I think I am the only person who has seen it and hated it.


I have never seen:

The English Patient


The last couple of Star Wars movies


I did recently see The Notebook (and I thought it was only OK.)

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I wish I had never watched A Christmas Story.  I think I am the only person who has seen it and hated it.


I have never seen:

The English Patient


The last couple of Star Wars movies


I did recently see The Notebook (and I thought it was only OK.)

I have never seen these. I did try the Notebook and just couldn't finish it. Did not like new Star Wars either. I do love A Christmas Story though. It maybe because I used to watch with my brother when we were young!

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Oh! Just remembered I've never seen the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. I remember my older sister having the series on VHS in a place of honor on her bookcase, but I never got around to watching it myself.

A serious hole in your classical education, my friend :D


As for me-- Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Goonies.

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I wish I had never watched A Christmas Story.  I think I am the only person who has seen it and hated it.


I have never seen:

The English Patient


The last couple of Star Wars movies


I did recently see The Notebook (and I thought it was only OK.)



I hated A Christmas Story too.  It ranks up there in my top 3 of kill-me-now movies.  The others would be Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.


I've never seen:


Most Nicolas Spark movies (with exception to A Walk to Remember)

Autumn Rush

The Godfather

Shawshank Redemption

Schindler's List (and pretty much any other war-time movie)


And probably lots of others.

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I'm with ya.  I don't care for rom-coms at all.  I've seen my fair share for various reasons, but let me pick the movie and it will be sci-fi or action.   :D



Sci-fi, action, or horror are my genres of choice.  And pretty much any comedy but rom-coms.  I'm really not a picky movie watcher.  I truly love movies and have a great appreciate for all aspects of what it takes to get one made. Even dumb b movies are great because you can sit and make fun of them the entire time. But rom-coms are just a waste of 2 hours for me.

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I never saw Top Gun. I think I was in jr. High when it was out.

Me neither.  I was born the year it was made but it was one of those movies that everyone I knew had seen a million times and loved.  My dh(4 years older than me) quotes it regularly to the point where I can tell him "Umm you know I haven't seen that movie." Without him having to tell me what movie the quote is from.

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I never saw Top Gun. I think I was in jr. High when it was out.


I finally watched this sometime in the last 10 years or so.  DH LOVED it when he was a kid - apparently he literally came home from school every day and watched it (they had recorded it when it was on TV, apparently).  He insisted I just HAD to see it.  :lol:

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I hated A Christmas Story too.  It ranks up there in my top 3 of kill-me-now movies.  The others would be Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.


I've never seen:


Most Nicolas Spark movies (with exception to A Walk to Remember)

Autumn Rush

The Godfather

Shawshank Redemption

Schindler's List (and pretty much any other war-time movie)


And probably lots of others.


I have never seen pulp fiction.  Not my kind of movie.  Dh made me watch Kill Bill with him once.  Hated it as much as A Christmas Story.


But I am going to suggest you watch Shawshank Redemption(since based on this short list we have similar taste in movies).  I had no interest in seeing it when it came out.  Movie about criminals-pass.  I did watch it a couple of years ago and I can honestly say it is one of my favorite movies.

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So shoot me, but I have seen and DID NOT LIKE It's a Wonderful Life.  Love Jimmy Stewart (Harvey, anyone?  The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?) but not this one.


I also despise all versions of A Christmas Carol, including Dickens' original.


I also can not tolerate any version of Silent Night, Away in a Manger or Jingle Bells, though I adore Christmas and nearly all other aspects of it.



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I also despise all versions of A Christmas Carol, including Dickens' original.


have you seen the muppet version?  Kermit and piggy as the cratchets, and Michael Caine as scrooge.


My fav jimmy stewart movie is the Philadelphia story.  it's also his best actor Oscar.  lots of witty repartee.  cary grant, Katherine Hepburn.

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I have never seen pulp fiction.  Not my kind of movie.  Dh made me watch Kill Bill with him once.  Hated it as much as A Christmas Story.


But I am going to suggest you watch Shawshank Redemption(since based on this short list we have similar taste in movies).  I had no interest in seeing it when it came out.  Movie about criminals-pass.  I did watch it a couple of years ago and I can honestly say it is one of my favorite movies.



Shawshank Redemption is a fantastic movie! I know very few people who have seen it and not liked it (minus teenagers who have no attention span for what they deem slow movies)



Maybe I'll have to give it a shot.   I don't like slow movies either, unless it's one with a plot or characters I'm actively interested in and am willing to tolerate the slowness.



So shoot me, but I have seen and DID NOT LIKE It's a Wonderful Life.  Love Jimmy Stewart (Harvey, anyone?  The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?) but not this one.


I also despise all versions of A Christmas Carol, including Dickens' original.


I also can not tolerate any version of Silent Night, Away in a Manger or Jingle Bells, though I adore Christmas and nearly all other aspects of it.


I didn't like It's a Wonderful Life either, but after 20 years it's grown on me a little after DH has insisted on watching it every single year.  I just roll my eyes and try to focus on something else.  He reciprocates when I want to watch White Christmas.


Is Jimmy Stewart the one that did Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? I did like that movie, and Adam Sandler's version too, even though I don't care for Adam Sandler in general.



have you seen the muppet version?  Kermit and piggy as the cratchets, and Michael Caine as scrooge.


My fav jimmy stewart movie is the Philadelphia story.  it's also his Oscar.  lots of witty repartee.  cary grant, Katherine Hepburn.


I don't like the muppets.  :leaving:



Oh, another movie I've never seen - A Miracle on 34th Street

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I finally watched this sometime in the last 10 years or so. DH LOVED it when he was a kid - apparently he literally came home from school every day and watched it (they had recorded it when it was on TV, apparently). He insisted I just HAD to see it. :lol:

The phrase "Talk to me, Goose" is said no less than one a week in our house.

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This might get me kicked off the board but the only Jane Austen novel based movie I've seen is Clueless, which probably doesn't really count.


I think it counts, I thought it was actually a decent interpretation of Emma. :lol: IMO if one was talking about the more loved books such as P&P, MP or Persuasion it might be different. :lol:

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I have not seen many of the popular movies of the 1980s. That was my decade of many small children and little time or money. And we did not yet have a home video option. In terms of popular culture, the 80s was my lost decade.

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I haven't seen any of the Fast and Furious movies and plan to keep it that way. (I've also never seen Duck Dynasty, but there are heaps of TV shows I don't watch.) I never saw Avatar either.


I've seen the first, second (I think), and the most recent one (only because it was part of an all night drive in marathon.  These movies fall under the category of movies no one EVER needs to see but are entirely entertaining because of how much you can make fun of them while watching.  

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I wish I had never watched A Christmas Story.  I think I am the only person who has seen it and hated it.


I have never seen:

The English Patient


The last couple of Star Wars movies


I did recently see The Notebook (and I thought it was only OK.)


I hate A Christmas Story too.  Dh really likes it but I refuse to watch it again.


I've also never seen:

The English Patient


Revenge of the Jedi or the last two of the first three movies.  IOW - I've seen the original Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and The Phantom Menace.

The only Nicholas Sparks movies I've seen is Nights in Rodanthe and it was only because that's what was playing when oldest dd was going to see a horror movie with some friends.  It was AWFUL. 

I've never seen any Jane Austen book based movies, except evidently Clueless (which I didn't even know that about it).

I've never seen It's a Wonderful Life in its entirety.

I've never seen Shawshank Redemption but I love the story.

I've never seen Schindler's List.


I'm sure there are others.

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This might get me kicked off the board but the only Jane Austen novel based movie I've seen is Clueless, which probably doesn't really count.


Same here.  I didn't even know that Clueless was (very loosely) based off one of her books until a few months ago.  I haven't read any of her books though so please nobody quiz me on which book it was.  LOL



I haven't seen any of the Fast and Furious movies and plan to keep it that way. (I've also never seen Duck Dynasty, but there are heaps of TV shows I don't watch.) I never saw Avatar either.


I haven't seen those either, which is odd b/c I like car/action movies.  Must be someone or something I don't like in them. 


I haven't watched Duck Dynasty either, which is actually surprising b/c DH loves shows like that. He must watch it when I'm not home.

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Many, many of those already listed. Not much of a movie person as a rule, and the DH would just as soon not see but one movie a year.


Probably the one that gets me the most strange looks from family and friends is my complete refusal to see the new version of The Hobbit.

I love that book. It's my favorite. I don't want it ruined.

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I see a few people have mentioned The English Patient. I did see it & thought it was lovely, just beautiful to look at (cinematography). But, I didn't like the story or characters at all. I felt the same way about the book -- Ondaatje writes beautifully, but I didn't like the story or characters at all in book form either. (However, his book The Cat's Table is wonderful & I recommend it as much & as often as I can.)

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So shoot me, but I have seen and DID NOT LIKE It's a Wonderful Life.  Love Jimmy Stewart (Harvey, anyone?  The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?) but not this one. Yes, I am totally with you on this one.  DH is still mystified but I truly detest that movie.  It's only slightly better than A Christmas Story.


I also despise all versions of A Christmas Carol, including Dickens' original.

I agree except the Muppet version.

I also can not tolerate any version of Silent Night, Away in a Manger or Jingle Bells, though I adore Christmas and nearly all other aspects of it. And here is where we part ways.  :D


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