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Anyone else HATING the way they changed Yahoo mail?


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I only have a Yahoo account for the purpose of being able to access Yahoo Groups.  I don't use it for email, so I haven't noticed those changes.  But I hate what they've done to Yahoo Groups recently.  As does pretty much everyone else from what I can tell.


For email, I use Gmail.



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Are you guys still on email?! That's so last century! ;)




Maybe Facebook secretly bought out all the email providers, and is now systematically making email so painful that everyone will eventually quit in disgust and go running to Facebook. It's probably part of some big, nefarious conspiracy.   :D

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What changes? I have three accounts and haven't seen changes. Maybe I have mine set up on classic view or something. One thing I did notice recently is that it's harder to log out, which is frustrating (instead of just clicking Sign Out, you have to do a pull down and then click -- and usually it doesn't take the first time so I have to do it again. Bleh).

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You can add a different email to your Groups account, and set it as your main one. Then any emails through Groups can be delivered to that email. Mine comes through Gmail.

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I haven't had any change in at least a year or maybe even longer.  Yahoo mail is my main email thougth I do have gmail but hardly use that at all.   Anyway, I have no problems reading my emial, responding, including attachments or anything else.  So I am at a loss as to what is new?


Lucky!  I had my old yahoo this morning and by the afternoon it was different.

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Hater here too-big time. And I am generally never a hater! I can't follow threads anymore-I'm opening what appears to be an email and it's actually an entire thread that I haven't seen yet. I don't know why.


Please, how DO I turn off "conversations"? I'd much prefer to have individual emails sent as before.

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Guest submarines

After I turned off the "conversations" I'm back to being okay with it. There are font options under "Settings", but I haven't changed them because I'm okay with mine and I didn't want to mess with them. Sigh... It takes me forever to adjust to those changes. However, I *hated* it so much when this board got changed that I considered leaving, and now I'm so used to it, I don't even remember how it was before.  :lol:


Windows 8, on the other hand, I can't get used to still, after months and months. They don't drive me into irrational rage anymore, but oy, I'm not pleased with the product. 

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Guest submarines

Hater here too-big time. And I am generally never a hater! I can't follow threads anymore-I'm opening what appears to be an email and it's actually an entire thread that I haven't seen yet. I don't know why.


Please, how DO I turn off "conversations"? I'd much prefer to have individual emails sent as before.

Go to Settings (on the top right) and go to Mail Options--> viewing email. Turn off "conversations" and you'll be happy again. 

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hate, hate, hate.


Thanks for letting me know how to turn "conversations" off - that does help.


What I really want is my Classic mail back.  I avoided all the updates for years and years, even with repeated threats, until a couple of months ago when they actually shut it down and I was forced to update or not be able to log back in anymore.  Now that I've got "new mail" apparently they just update things automatically. :glare:   I was still annoyed with what to me was a "new" interface and now they've made it yet worse.  Why is it every time they say they're making things "better" it's actually the other way around?  At least those stupid tabs appear to be gone - that is an improvement.

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Windows 8, on the other hand, I can't get used to still, after months and months. They don't drive me into irrational rage anymore, but oy, I'm not pleased with the product. 

My husband was looking at getting a new computer this week and found a buyer could "upgrade" to Windows 7 if he/she didn't want Windows 8. 

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 At least those stupid tabs appear to be gone - that is an improvement.

I miss the tabs. Using them, I could be writing an e-mail and flip easily between other e-mails. Now I can only look at one e-mail at a time and if I'm writing an e-mail and want to refer to a different one, I have to save the draft, look at the other e-mail, close it, and reopen the one I'm writing. It's very frustrating!

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I think there are more advertisements. I find them very annoying, especially the bolded one at the top. My eye gravitates to it before it sees my unread e-mails because it's darker. Also, when the e-mail is opened, I don't know why it tells me who it's to. It seems obvious that if I received it, it must have been sent to me.


I find it all too busy. It's difficult to differentiate between e-mails before I open them, unopened ones aren't obvious, and there is extraneous information I don't need that just makes the screen look busier. I wish there were some way to change it back.

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I just discovered you can change the mail back to something similar to what it was before. Go to "settings" under the gear at the right side of the screen and click on "viewing e-mail". At the bottom of the screen is the choice to go to basic mail version; click on it. I did that and when I looked to compose an e-mail, I noticed I couldn't change the font type or set, bolding, italicics, or underlining. I could attach a file to the e-mail.


I think what I'll do is leave it in basic for day to day reading, but if I need to write an e-mail, I'll switch it to the new e-mail. I don't write that many e-mails, so it won't be a problem for me. I didn't know we could drag and drop attachments in the new format. Even though I haven't used it yet, I think I will like that feature.

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I only have a Yahoo account for the purpose of being able to access Yahoo Groups.  I don't use it for email, so I haven't noticed those changes.  But I hate what they've done to Yahoo Groups recently.  As does pretty much everyone else from what I can tell.


Yes, I find the changes to Yahoo groups to be decidedly unwelcome -- the changes to Yahoo mail not quite so much.




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I only have a Yahoo account for the purpose of being able to access Yahoo Groups. I don't use it for email, so I haven't noticed those changes. But I hate what they've done to Yahoo Groups recently. As does pretty much everyone else from what I can tell.


For email, I use Gmail.

This. It's ghastly.
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I miss the tabs. Using them, I could be writing an e-mail and flip easily between other e-mails. Now I can only look at one e-mail at a time and if I'm writing an e-mail and want to refer to a different one, I have to save the draft, look at the other e-mail, close it, and reopen the one I'm writing. It's very frustrating!

Yes! I miss the tabs too. I would often have a couple open so I could be specific in my replies to clients about their problems but saving the draft makes it so much harder! Not a fan at all!

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