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When did you stop getting pimples?


When did you stop getting pimples?  

151 members have voted

  1. 1. When did you stop getting pimples?

    • I never had pimples
    • I stopped when I was under 20
    • I stopped when I was under 25
    • I stopped when I was under 30
    • I still get them
    • Other

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Other. I didn't really get them much as a teen, but pretty much stopped in my 20s. Then, when I was pregnant with my second son when I was 29, my skin went crazy and my face is a painful mess all the time ever since, worse during ovulation and period time.

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I still get them and I'm 33. My skin is *mostly* clear so I'm not complaining. I only ever get them along my jawline or on my neck, of all places, and then usually around the same time every month.


I had pretty bad acne as a pre-teen that cleared somewhat during my teen years. I've had it on and off again, to lesser degrees, as time goes on. My skin was always absolutely beautiful when I was pregnant. It was one of my favorite things about pregnancy!

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41 and still get a few pimples a month.


I never had more than a few a month until I was 25. Then from 25-30 i had a very hard time with my skin. They went away (except for a few a month) when I got pregnant with dd and it has been about the same ever since. The ones I get now tend to be on my jaw and neck, no where else on my face.


I had a GP tell me when I was about 26 that my acne would get better when I got pregnant, he was right.

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Do you still get pimples or have you stopped?  I got them until I was about 40.  My daughter still gets them a lot and she just turned 25.  My mother even gets one occasionally and she is 75.


I never had a major pimple problem, maybe a couple a month until I was about 45. Then I started getting multiple tiny ones regularly on my forehead and around my nose and mouth, especially in winter??? Dairy fat was a major factor. Until last May, when I took a super strong  antibiotic to get rid of an awful sinus infection. Wa la! No more pimples since then.  Crazy, but I'll accept it. Hopefully they won't return.

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:iagree:  with Donna! BTW, who are the three voters who have never had any pimples? :toetap05:


I will be turning 46 next month and I feel like I have had more pimples as an adult than as a teenager. The dermatologist put me on an antibiotic which I am supposed to take twice a day for 30 days. The problem is, I keep forgetting to take it :o . This specific med is a pain since I am not supposed to have vitamin d while taking it (no excessive exposure to sunshine, no dairy products). Ugh.

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I"m 44 and still get them at certain times of the month.


It sucks trying to find makeup that works for break-outs and wrinkles. :glare:



yep. Me, too. I'm 47.



I never had a major pimple problem, maybe a couple a month until I was about 45. Then I started getting multiple tiny ones regularly on my forehead and around my nose and mouth, especially in winter??? Dairy fat was a major factor. Until last May, when I took a super strong  antibiotic to get rid of an awful sinus infection. Wa la! No more pimples since then.  Crazy, but I'll accept it. Hopefully they won't return.



I am 43 and still get a couple each month. I think it is hardly fair to have wrinkles and pimples on the same face.



:iagree:  with Donna! BTW, who are the three voters who have never had any pimples? :toetap05:


I will be turning 46 next month and I feel like I have had more pimples as an adult than as a teenager. The dermatologist put me on an antibiotic which I am supposed to take twice a day for 30 days. The problem is, I keep forgetting to take it :o . This specific med is a pain since I am not supposed to have vitamin d while taking it (no excessive exposure to sunshine, no dairy products). Ugh.


Relating to all of the above:


I was having monthly breakouts on my forehead mostly. I was sure it was hormonal and perimenopause related. Then I started using Cetaphil, the gel, normal-oily type, and my monthly breakouts went away immediately and never came back. Now I think there was a bacterial issue that, for some reason, flared due to monthly hormonal changes, but taking care of the bacteria with a product that cleaned my face better addressed the problem. Prior to this, I always used a gentle face wash, thinking it was necessary for my dry skin.

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I've had one or two every year or 2 since I was 13 or so. From 8-11, I had bad skin. Clear after that. I have never worn much face make up. Powder in my early teens. Never any foundation or concealer or anything. 

Eta: I have very dry skin. I use natural moisturizers. I have noticed that some stuff from a bottle will break me out.

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Got them as a young teen, but not terribly.  Got them more in college than before, but they mostly cleared up and stopped by my mid-20's.  Then I got a few monster ones while I was pregnant.  I don't want to be gross, but we're talking pimples on pimples.  When my mother was pregnant with me apparently she had one so bad it had to be surgically removed.  Anyway, none since then, but going from my mother's experience again, I have them to look forward in my near future with the approach of menopause. 

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I cannot remember the last time I had one. I never had much in my teens. As an adult I would get one once a month, during my cycle. I haven't had a period in about 20 months now so I haven't had any in this time. I cannot remember if I had any in the few periods I had between pregnancy 3 and 4. I think perhaps in the small number of periods I've had since my first pregnancy 10 yrs ago I've gotten a few pimples here and there but not every month like before pregnancy.

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I never had much of a skin problem until I was in my 30s. Turns out I have a subtype of rosacea that does pimple-looking bumps. So here I am, way old, and having to deal with...bumps. The best treatment for me is Finacea, which, with my insurance, costs me $35 every six weeks. o_0

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