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Help me cut the iPhone cord

Lady Florida.

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I'm ready for a smart phone upgrade. My iPhone 4 is almost 3 years old, and the battery doesn't seem like it will be good for much longer. I always thought I'd upgrade to a newer iPhone model, but I've decided to go Android instead. 


Cost is a factor, but I can put off upgrading if I decide it's worth saving up for a more expensive phone. So far I'm considering the Samsung S3, S4 if I can find a deal, or the HTC One. I'm leaning towards Samsung over HTC because of the sd card and replaceable battery. 


Any other brands or models I should consider? The only brand I won't buy is Pantech. We've had more than one Pantech phone screen go black before our upgrade time. Once, would be a fluke. More than that, and they lose my business.



Will I be happy with "yesterday's" software if I get the S3? I know there are rumors it will eventually get a software update, but I'm not going to buy a rumor. If the S3 software would make me happy and not wish I had a later version, I'll be okay with that. I'm not one who has to have the latest bells and whistles or I would have upgraded long before now.



ETA: Our carrier is AT&T.

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My DH had the same idea as you. He switched from his iPhone 4 to the Samsung S3 in March. Since then, he has had to get a replacement because the camera just decided to quit on the first one. On the current one, the battery will not charge unless the cord is at a certain angle, and the phone is not moved at all. Even the tiniest bump and the phone will stop charging. He is saving up to switch back to the iPhone, except this time the 5. 


I am not too impressed with the S3 anyways. I feel like the interface is not as intuitive as the iPhones is. I switched to the iPhone in October, and I am never going back!!

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Well . . . this is just my opinion with absolutely no experience to back it up, so take it FWIW.


I have an iPhone 5, which I purchased in March as my first smart phone.  At the time, after doing diligent research, my choice was between it and the Samsung Galaxy S4.  So if I were looking to switch right now, I'd probably go with the S4.  I went with the iPhone because (1) it's supposedly easiest for first time smart phone users and (2) I liked knowing if I had a problem I could take it to the Apple store and either get it fixed or replaced on the spot.

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You do know that the Android has its own market that one could also refer to a "baby leash."


My son has a Nexus 7 tablet and we are chained to the Android/Google market for apps/games.  


If you are talking about music or movies, well, we use Amazon for music and the Flixter App for movies.  Did you know that BOTH of those are available for Android and Apple?  So, we can still share music and movies between devices.





Surely there's someone out out there who likes their Android phone and has a suggestion? I truly don't want another iPhone. I hate iTunes and I'm tired of Apple's baby leash.


I appreciate the attempts to keep me on the dark side, but your cookies aren't working.  :lol:


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What is it you are wanting to do?  I am not trying to be snarky, it is just that I went on vacation last week and everyone there had Androids.  I didn't see them doing anything with theirs that I couldn't do, although I will admit the map is much better (I think the iphone 5 fixed this but I have a 4.)


I also will admit that I like the larger screen on the Galaxy and even have considered a Galaxy Note 3 when it comes out.


But I am worried I won't be able to figure it out!  The iphone is just easy for me.



It's not quite the same, plus you can do things to an Android phone without having to jailbreak it first.


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I'm of no help. We are just starting to think of upgrading to iPhone 4 as AT&T is offering the 4s free with a 2yr contract extension.

We actually just switched our teens from Androids to iPhones with this deal. It is actually saving us $90/month over the plan they had before. So, I'd definitely investigate all options thoroughly before making a decision. My eldest went through 4 or 5 Android phones-the screen would go out, then the camera would go out, then there would be some other issue. The other issue she had is, yes, you have access to more apps and such *BUT* they aren't vetted as much. This means a LOT of them don't work properly.

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My sister has an S4 and really likes it.  I found when I played with hers that some of the "cool" things, like eye movement detection, only work sporadically.  She likes the swipe keyboard and doesn't care that much about the rest.  It's very thin, and the screen is big.  I'm just not a fan of the operating system, or that you have to change phones to upgrade it.  


My husband has a Nokia Razr and loves his phone.  I hate it.  HATE.  He does like the larger screen, but for me that's not a plus because I have small hands. 


Still, thought I'd share some of your experiences with you.  As for me?  I really like my iPhone 5. 

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What is it you are wanting to do?  I am not trying to be snarky, it is just that I went on vacation last week and everyone there had Androids.  I didn't see them doing anything with theirs that I couldn't do, although I will admit the map is much better (I think the iphone 5 fixed this but I have a 4.)




 I simply want more choices. And I never ever want to deal with iTunes again. I like the way Chrome runs on Android devices. I like intents. I like the way Android works with Gmail. I like that I can tweak the OS if there are things I don't like (there's an example of the Apple baby leash - they won't let you touch the OS).



We actually just switched our teens from Androids to iPhones with this deal. It is actually saving us $90/month over the plan they had before. So, I'd definitely investigate all options thoroughly before making a decision. My eldest went through 4 or 5 Android phones-the screen would go out, then the camera would go out, then there would be some other issue. The other issue she had is, yes, you have access to more apps and such *BUT* they aren't vetted as much. This means a LOT of them don't work properly.


We'll have the same plan with AT&T that we currently have so there's no advantage to either phone there. Actually, it will cost a bit more no matter what I choose. When dh and I first got our smartphones we got 200 mb of data each. Now the smallest amount we can get is 300, and they will no longer grandfather us in. Ds already has 300 because he got his phone later. Thanks for the info on the Android phone screens. 


My sister has an S4 and really likes it.  I found when I played with hers that some of the "cool" things, like eye movement detection, only work sporadically.  She likes the swipe keyboard and doesn't care that much about the rest.  It's very thin, and the screen is big.  I'm just not a fan of the operating system, or that you have to change phones to upgrade it.  




That's a pretty cool feature, but I can see it being something you play with at first, then hardly ever use. Oh well. The S4 is likely out of my price range anyway. I haven't seen any deals. I've used Android tablets, so I'm familiar with the OS. I know a phone is somewhat different, but at least I do have some experience with Android.

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Surely there's someone out out there who likes their Android phone and has a suggestion? I truly don't want another iPhone. I hate iTunes and I'm tired of Apple's baby leash.


I appreciate the attempts to keep me on the dark side, but your cookies aren't working.  :lol:


I got nothing.  I heart Apple.  


But I will send you a sympathy card.  :)




FWIW, Best Buy just had a special deal - free upgrade to a 5.  No charges at all.  They'll probably run it again.  But if you don't want Apple... I got nothin'.

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What do you mean that you need wifi to make calls at home and iphone doesn't have that capability? 


Do you mean you only use your phones' plan to run internet at home?


what plan are you talking about?


I have an S4 and dh has the Note. We love them. We couldn't do an iPhone because we need the WiFi to make calls at home and the iPhone doesn't have that capability. I really like Google Play vs iTunes (which I still have to deal with due to dds iPod).


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What do you mean that you need wifi to make calls at home and iphone doesn't have that capability? 


Do you mean you only use your phones' plan to run internet at home?


what plan are you talking about?




We have practically zero coverage at our house, so most of our calls get dropped using the cellular coverage. When we're at home our phone calls are made through our home wifi. There's actually a setting on the android phones for it. The iPhones do not have it yet as far as I know.

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Dh hates his Android. One problem they tend to have is you are continually being automatically updated as updates come out. The problem is that they will update your phone past its capabilities. Apple doesn't do that. They will only update the phone to the point the phone can handle it. Dh's phone is constantly malfunctioning due to those updates his phone is too old to handle. (From the Verizon rep. All the smart phones but iphones have this problem.)

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Both dh and I have old (we bought them in Dec of 10) Android phones by Motorola.  We are verizon users since when we lived near you, FloridaMom, we couldn't get any other service reliably other than Verizon on our island.  Anyway, we will be updating soon and stay with Android.  I don't want to get into Itunes and yes, I do like it that I can use Google, I can use Firefox,  I can use whatever I want.  We are all due for upgrades so I am listening to reviews here.

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Oh and we have had zero problems with our Droids, except that now that it is so old, the battery is getting worse and the screen is not always responding as fast.  Neither of us have ever had any problems with upgrades which are done regularly and haven't messed us up at all.  And we are at least two full versions behind the new ones.

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I totally understand your hatred of iTunes... DH has a 4 something for work (he almost cried and used several expletives when they took his blackberry), downloading files to it was a pain. He had some mp3 files he needed to transfer to it. With an android, you just plug it in to your computer and copy and paste. Not apple, you have to go through itunes... WHY :glare: ?? :cursing:

Basically apple wants you to only buy files from them and only use itunes..(but they have been doing this since the 1st apple computers so I am not surprised).I'm rather sure you can not side load apps, right?

But can't help you with a phone, I only have a "dumb" phone for emergencies :laugh: .

But google play in my experience will not let you download an app that does not work on your device (mine says "this app is compatible with all your devices" or "this app is compatible with some of your devices", yes we have several android tablets/devices.)

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My dh and I  have an S3, and we love it.  I have had no issues with Android, and I can't understand what the problems are (that I hear about).  My folks have iPhones and so does my dd, and I'm not impressed. I'm not saying Adroid is better, only that I can see no advantage to an iPhone.  And honestly, I hate being tied to Apple.  I have never liked iTunes.  I find it annoying to work with, but that may be because I own a PC and not a Mac.


Maybe the newer Apple products work differently, but the iPhone 4 and 4s seem clumsy compared to my S3.


I think if you switch you will not notice a difference, unless you love iTunes.  

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Honestly, my dh has been proAndroid but he commented he might get an iPhone next.


His first android phone was replaced 4 times by AT&T until he finally just bought a different android phone. He didn't like it so got another one.....and complains about the tracking it does thru google that you can't turn off.


We dumped AT&T this year b/c we had no service inside the house, but sounds like the new deal is a good one

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I love my Samsung - I've got the Galaxy S Showcase (it's a straight talk phone). I'm an apple girl and have had apple computers since the old Apple II in the 80's, but couldn't afford the $600 for an iphone. With straight talk, you buy your phone outright, but save on the monthly. I only pay $45 a month for unlimited everything. Anyway, very happy with the Samsung Galaxy.

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I went from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S2 and have been super happy since then.  In fact, my boys have all traded their iPhones for Samsung phones.  The only family member who keeps the iPhone is my dh because he claims the apps he needs aren't yet on Android.


I just upgraded from the S2 to the S4.  That is a fantastic phone!  It's beautiful as well.  My Samsung S2 was perfectly fine and I loved it, but we needed a cheap unlocked phone to send with ds to England for the year.  So that's where my S2 will be going.  My S4 takes gorgeous pictures.  I'm certainly no photographer but this camera makes me look like a pro :)


My boys have Samsung Note 2 phones and love them as well.  I think they are a little big, but they use theirs more for internet surfing that I do.  From all my research the S4 is one of the best on the market right now.  The HTC One is also supposed to be right up there as well.  I can't offer any other suggestions because I think I've got the best LOL!  Honestly don't think you can go wrong with an S3, but if you can afford it, I'd suggest getting the S4.  It's amazing.


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Why what was the problem?



Honestly, my dh has been proAndroid but he commented he might get an iPhone next.

His first android phone was replaced 4 times by AT&T until he finally just bought a different android phone. He didn't like it so got another one.....and complains about the tracking it does thru google that you can't turn off.

We dumped AT&T this year b/c we had no service inside the house, but sounds like the new deal is a good one


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I totally understand your hatred of iTunes... DH has a 4 something for work (he almost cried and used several expletives when they took his blackberry),

That is funny, dh has a work blackberry that he hates.


downloading files to it was a pain. He had some mp3 files he needed to transfer to it. With an android, you just plug it in to your computer and copy and paste. Not apple, you have to go through itunes...

Has he tried Dropbox?

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My sympathy.  I abhor iTunes as well and I am generally a mac girl.  I am not sure Google is any better though.  


My 4 is acting up  a bit.  The battery life is not quite what I want and it freezes every so often.  But I am no help as I am thinking of downgrading to a dumb phone when this thing does give up the ghost.  I am not sure I want the internet in my pocket anymore.  


Before I had this iPhone, I had an HTC made T-Mobile MyTouch with the Android platform.  It was nice and I liked it (it was a hand-me-down from my brother). If I was intent on another smartphone, I would be in the same shoes as you.  My brother loves his Samsung Note but I think the thing cost about 3/4 of a bajillion dollars.  



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I totally understand your hatred of iTunes... DH has a 4 something for work (he almost cried and used several expletives when they took his blackberry), downloading files to it was a pain. He had some mp3 files he needed to transfer to it. With an android, you just plug it in to your computer and copy and paste. Not apple, you have to go through itunes... WHY :glare: ?? :cursing:

Basically apple wants you to only buy files from them and only use itunes..(but they have been doing this since the 1st apple computers so I am not surprised).I'm rather sure you can not side load apps, right?

But can't help you with a phone, I only have a "dumb" phone for emergencies :laugh: .

But google play in my experience will not let you download an app that does not work on your device (mine says "this app is compatible with all your devices" or "this app is compatible with some of your devices", yes we have several android tablets/devices.)

I've added my own files to iTunes plenty of times without issue.  I use dropbox or just put the files directly into iTunes, then sync my phone.

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Can you wait a couple months? The Motorola X is supposed to be going down to $99 on contract by the holidays. A friend picked one up, and I have to admit I'm charmed. Absolutely charmed.


I love my gs3, but I've stripped it of the the Samsung bloatware... Other than the multitasking I didn't see any value in their add-on apps, and I didn't like their UI (I use Nova Launcher instead).

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It's not quite the same, plus you can do things to an Android phone without having to jailbreak it first.

Yes, yes, yes!


And I'm another who'd rather lose a limb than ever deal with iTunes again.

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Can you wait a couple months? The Motorola X is supposed to be going down to $99 on contract by the holidays. A friend picked one up, and I have to admit I'm charmed. Absolutely charmed.

Thanks. I don't know much about Motorola phones (never even had a Razr when they were all the rage). I'll take a look. I can wait. My battery is doing that thing where it doesn't hold a charge well anymore. I'm not surprised given the age of the phone, and I thought I'd better start looking now so I can be prepared.

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Oh and we have had zero problems with our Droids,



My dh and I  have an S3, and we love it.



Don't listen to the cult members. :D You sound like an Android user already with what you want from your device.



I love my Samsung -


I went from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S2 and have been super happy since then.

Thanks everyone (including anyone I missed in my multi-quote). I know some of you think I should stick with an iPhone, but my mind is made up to break from Apple. Now it's just a matter of deciding which phone to go with.

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Google Android forums.  There are a couple that have forums for every new/newish Android on the market, and it is real people giving reviews....not websites where the reviews are biased.  That is how I chose.  I ended up staying with Motorola phones most of the time.  I seem to have the best luck with them lasting, since way back with my old Razr.  I know there are going to be those that love iPhones, but for every Android user that has had trouble, I can name one or two iPhone users that want to pull their hair out over their phones.  It is all about personal preference.


ETA---We know several S4 and S3 users that love their phones.  One was a die hard iPhone user, and is now stuck to his S4.  Galaxy Note is also one I hear people say is good.

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We have practically zero coverage at our house, so most of our calls get dropped using the cellular coverage. When we're at home our phone calls are made through our home wifi. There's actually a setting on the android phones for it. The iPhones do not have it yet as far as I know.

I love my iPhone but that sounds like a really great feature. 

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That is funny, dh has a work blackberry that he hates.



Has he tried Dropbox?

Sorry to derail, but

Ok, tell me about the dropbox option. I am familiar with dropbox on android, but DH is not allowed to install any apps on his iphone other than those pre-installed for him, even if free. So is there a way to put them on dropbox and then "message" them to himself or something??? Anyway at all to avoid itunes??? PLEASE with sugar on top?? (cause he usually calls me to figure it out when he gets fed up with it  :glare: .)


He has text messaging (whatever they call it on iphones) and their web browser (which he is not to use to go to any sites except work related, they will do random checks, anyone know how to delete that browser history? I don't have time to sit here and play with it till I figure it out).


He doesn't even have email on it. (that is why he liked the blackberry better, he could email from it). I guess his IT dept hasn't set it up for that (nor will they anytime in the near future from what I understand since his email has to have a certain level of security, which I guess iphone doesn't have. to be honest I zoned out when he was explaining it to me  :closedeyes: )


So with those restrictions, we googled an youtube video "how to transfer your mp3s to your iphone". Seemed simple enough (although I thought itunes was going to ask for my blood type before it let me install, really?? how 'bout some privacy? oh, that's right it's apple. :tongue_smilie:  ) but the "sync" button would never pop up. Is there some setting on the phone we need to change? Does it just hate it because it is a Win7 system???

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You may already know this, but you can export your entire iTunes music library (including any CDs you've ripped) to Google Play Music free of charge up to 20,000 tracks. :) And any CDs you rip in future.


ETA: This is for the OP, not the BlackBerry/iPhone questions. :)

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