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So upset...could use some hugs


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I went outside (in the mid-90 degree heat), this afternoon to mow our lawn, and discovered that our neighbors had left their dog out, with no water and no shade. He was dead. I've never seen something so cruel before. I feel just awful...what a horrible thing to happen to any living creature.


And we're supposed to finish school...trying to pull myself together (and wait for the police to show up).

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We called the humane society first, just in case it was still alive (which we really doubted, but we wanted to give it a chance). They told us to just call animal control, which we did. The police haven't been out yet, but they said they might want to take a statement from us. There are some other neighbors out there now, obviously also trying to call animal control (I can tell from the way they can't figure out the phone system for our police department, because we sure couldn't!).


This has been a terrible way to start the week.

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My sil's dog died from heat stroke. He had wrapped his leash/chain? around a pole and couldn't get to the water dish or into the shade we suspect. My in-laws feel just horrible about this. It is very sad and a harsh lesson to learn. I hope this was just a very bad mistake and not typical of your neighbors.

There is a slim chance it is a tragic mistake. I hope it is that.


Either way, I am very sorry for The dog and MrsMommy.

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I had to tell the children, once I realized that there would probably be a police officer at our door. My oldest daughter is a wreck (she loves all animals so much!), and my oldest son is very angry. My middle daughter doesn't quite get it, which I think is a blessing, and my younger son will hopefully not find out (he has autism and goes to the public school, and I don't think he could grasp any of it).


We've not had direct problems with these neighbors, but we have suspected them of mistreating the dog in the past, and contacted the Humane Society once before. Not that it did much good. :(

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Thank you for taking the time and effort to deal with this. I'm so sorry that you had to do it. :grouphug:


This is the second animal cruelty story on here within 24 hours.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!  Edited to add:  I'm not upset with everyone posting these stories -- it's a great way to vent to other adults without upsetting your kids -- I"m upset that we all seem to be running into so many people who are either stupid or cruel around animals.

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Thanks, everyone. I can't believe how drained I feel. I mean, this wasn't a nice dog (which is probably because it wasn't treated nicely), that had scared me on more than one occasion with how aggressive it was. I still can't believe anyone could be so cruel. Even if I didn't like the dog, I never wanted to see it suffer like that. Now if I could just stop seeing the poor thing laying there...

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Thanks, everyone. I can't believe how drained I feel. I mean, this wasn't a nice dog (which is probably because it wasn't treated nicely), that had scared me on more than one occasion with how aggressive it was. I still can't believe anyone could be so cruel. Even if I didn't like the dog, I never wanted to see it suffer like that. Now if I could just stop seeing the poor thing laying there...


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Yeah, the animal control guy came out first, took a lot of pictures, and then he called the police to come. They took my statement, and one from the other neighbor who called.


The animal control guy seemed pretty upset about it; the owner didn't seem like she cared at all. What is wrong with people?!?

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I'm so sorry the dog suffered, too.  I know there can be extenuating circumstances when things like this happen, but to hear that the owner wasn't concerned at all is very sad. 


An almost identical thing happened to me a long time ago.  My neighbor's vicious-acting dog was tied to a tree in the front yard, and I found it dead on a very hot day.  The neighbor had hired another neighbor to watch out for the dog during the day, but the neighbor was too scared of the dog to get near enough to untangle him from the tree so he could get to his water.  It was horrible. 


Many hugs to you and your family~

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