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What's your opinion on fancy pocket jeans?


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I think they are fine for everyone. I saw some this summer on denim capris at Dress Barn. They were marketed to older women as well as younger by the display.

The issue I have with most jeans is that the back pockets, however decorated, sit too low on many women, giving them less of a lift than a well-placed pocket can.

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Not my style. I prefer to keep the bling off my backside!


I think that if the style and fit of the jeans are just right, embellished pockets are fine. Unfortunately, I often see the pockets as the last straw on an already poorly cut, ill-fitting pair of pants.

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I love mine!  I have two pair and they are my favorite.  I avoid "mom" jeans as they just make my rear look really long, and the bling jeans give me better proportion.  I am 42 and have gotten a lot of complements on them.  I am looking forward to cooler weather so I can wear them more.

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I don't really like them for myself though I see other women wearing them and think they look fine if they fit well.   In general though I don't like sparkly clothes and to be honest, I'll be glad when that trend (sparkle in general) dies down.   I guess I am just drab, LOL.  I also don't have a butt I want to call attention to.  :)

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They're popular around here for all ages.  But, hey, we're usually behind the times regarding fashion.


I'm not a huge fan because I don't want sparkle on my backside -- I tend to not be a fan of sparkle clothing. Plus I think it looks like I'm going to gouge our couch or something with the crystals, which would be incredibly mortifying ("yes, those slash marks are courtesy of my butt").  

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I think they are cute for any age. Mine have a little bling to them. 


Just a warning though, be careful when sitting down in your kitchen chairs. The rhinestone buttons on the back have caught on the chair numerous times in the process of sitting down and scratched the heck out our black chairs. You can certainly tell where I sit, LOL



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I am neutral on them for other people, but I do think they are not for every occasion. But, some people have a style that is 'not everyday' and more power to you if you do! :thumbup1:


I don't wear them because I am a classic pear. I don't need any more attention back there than necessary, thank you very much. I am also petite so I tend to stay away from patterns, embellishments and bling because they often overwhelm me. When I say overwhelm,  I mean in a visual sense. I do not become emotionally overwhelmed by a large floral print.

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I don't like them.  I think kids/teens/even college kids can get away with whatever, but they look ridiculous on anyone over 30.  However, that's just my opinion and  I'm not a fashionista so take that for what it's worth.


I also want to echo the warning about choosing where you sit wisely.  My friend ripped the heck out of my leather couch with her blingy butt, and I have scratches on my wooden kitchen nook from another.  Also, do not do a TJ Hooker-style hood slide in them as they will scratch the paint on your car--  a lesson my son's friend learned that the hard way.

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I think they are for the younger crowd. Some young adults can get away with them. My dd loves them because they are fancy and pretty, but she won't wear them if she might be around the horses or needing to sit much that day because she says anything decorative on her back pockets is uncomfy to sit on.

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I don't like them.  I think kids/teens/even college kids can get away with whatever, but they look ridiculous on anyone over 30.  However, that's just my opinion and  I'm not a fashionista so take that for what it's worth.



I have years left under 30 so I'm going to assume I can wear these until they are out of style. :p

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I love my jeans. The fancy pockets aren't the reason I bought them, but if one can't have a diamon hard tush, it's nice to at least have a faux diamond studded tush.


The only clothes I own are everyday clothes. Jeans = everyday clothes to me. Regardless of fancy girly pants pockets. *shrugs*


I don't believe people get too old for things.


At almost 40, I am not too old for long hair, eye shadow, boots, bikinis, cute jeans, great sex, late night movies with my husband, spicy food, wrestling in the floor with my babies, playing pranks on my teens...


If growing older "gracefully" means being a boring sedate demure fuddy-duddy, count me out of caring if I grow old gracefully. I've never been particularly graceful anyways. It's not very realistic to expect it at this stage. ;p


Until this thread and gave absolutely zero consideration to my jeans pockets. Much less to whether I was too old for them.

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Any style that is similar to the hand-me-downs that I had to wear as a child that were ten years out of style or more at the time is not something that I enjoy wearing now, even if everyone else on the planet seems to have simultaneously had one of those Men in Black flashy treatments done on their brains such that they now declare all those previously-shunned styles to be "cute."


So it's a "no" for me on blingy rear-ends and contrasty seam stitching on jeans.  I've already been there and done that.

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Any style that is similar to the hand-me-downs that I had to wear as a child that were ten years out of style or more at the time is not something that I enjoy wearing now, even if everyone else on the planet seems to have simultaneously had one of those Men in Black flashy treatments done on their brains such that they now declare all those previously-shunned styles to be "cute."


So it's a "no" for me on blingy rear-ends and contrasty seam stitching on jeans. I've already been there and done that.

Oh yeah, I am always amazed that things that looked awful the first time around always seem to come back with a vengeance and much fanfare.

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I like them as long as they aren't worn with super-casual attire.


I think they need just the right outfit:  mellow shoes, a classy top, decent jewelry, and a classy bag.


Any time you've got sequins or ornate embroidery I think you've moved into the kind-of-dressy category and that your accessories should reflect that.

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I think they are cute, but I find them uncomfortable to sit down in. They also rip my cloth seats in my van, so dd will not be getting any until she learns how to sit properly with them on, no more sliding into the seat!


What is wrong with bling jeans? Did I miss something?

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I do not like jeans with embellished pockets on men, particularly those over 40. Sorry, but it just screams "mid-life crisis" to me.

or "gay"... 
Either of which are fine, actually, so long as that's the look he's going for.  ;)


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