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I don't *think* this is political...


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Well, if this is about who I think it's about, the fact that his wife is standing by him and has publicly forgiven him helps "redeem" him in the eyes of many people.  Depending on who he is running against, voters may feel that he has the better platform, so they're willing to look past his indiscretions if it means they'll get a candidate who will push for the issues they care about.  Many people completely disassociate a politician's private affairs from his or her ability to perform in office.  Putting "affairs" and "ability to perform" so close together was completely unintentional.  ;)


Personally, I think the guy is a complete douche.  

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Because for some people a candidate's personal life is personal and not the issue in the election or they are voting against the other candidate or naked picture guy is, to them, the lessor of two evils.  


Wow, politics sure sounds inspiring and inspirational!!!!


But it is what it is.  

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Guest inoubliable

Because his sex life is none of my business. Or anyone else's outside of who he's actually having sex (or sexting) with. 

His politics and policy are what are being voted on. 

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I don't know specifically who you are referring to but I couldn't vote for someone like that. Personal lives have a funny way of spilling over into public life. Character is character is character.

That's my view too. I don't see how someone who is a liar and cheater in private is going to be a person of integrity when holding public office.

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Guest inoubliable

I don't care about a politicians sex life unless they are a pedophile and/or a convicted sex offender.


As it should be. 


I don't recall this sort of outrage (not the OP. In general, I mean) with Mark Sanford. Not that I care more about what Sanford did than Wiener. Just think it's a little funny that people are all riled up over Wiener today and those same people were quick to point out that Sanford's "moral transgressions" were between him, his wife, and whatever deity they believed in. 

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Because some people feel like his sex life is irrelevant to his ability to be a good politician. He can be a legitimate douche and still good at his job, I imagine.

I don't think I can go that far. If someone can lie and cheat on his wife, what makes me think he won't lie about other things? Integrity matters.

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Ok. I get it. It must just be me. I have the same problem with celebrities.

It's not just you.  Of course I have no idea what their marriage vows were.  Maybe they didn't vow to forsake all others, etc. 


I do believe moral failings matter, regardless of the political party.   (Moral failings in this case being unfaithful to one's spouse.  Sexting being included in my definition of unfaithful.) 

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Because his sex life is none of my business. Or anyone else's outside of who he's actually having sex (or sexting) with. 

His politics and policy are what are being voted on. 


Well, in this particular case, his behavior may indicate something about his inherent intelligence and common sense (or lack thereof.) Aside from the fact that he seems to have way too much interest in taking semi-nude photos of himself and sending them to strangers, he was dumb enough to get caught for it... AGAIN. :rolleyes: I mean, seriously, shouldn't he have learned his lesson after getting caught the first time? Is the man dumber than a box of rocks, or does he just have some sort of narcissistic s*x addiction thing going on?


I wouldn't vote for him because I think he's a complete moron. I also have a political opinion about him, but I know it's against forum rules to talk about that, so I won't go there.

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the same women marry the guy who they cheated on his previous wife with - and then they are surprised when after he marries them, he cheats on them with a new honey.  critical thinking skills are lost.


politics aside - it says a lot about their personality - and it ain't pretty.

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As it should be.

I don't recall this sort of outrage (not the OP. In general, I mean) with Mark Sanford. Not that I care more about what Sanford did than Wiener. Just think it's a little funny that people are all riled up over Wiener today and those same people were quick to point out that Sanford's "moral transgressions" were between him, his wife, and whatever deity they believed in.


To be honest, I had no idea who we were discussing. My outrage is muted by a general sentiment of, "gee. Another lying, cheating, good for nothing politician? *yawn* no news there." I don't care more about any of them. I'm equally disgusted by the whole lot of them most days.


And I'll give that I don't think most of them are lying to their wives. I think their wives tend to care more about social position and finance than where their husband beds down.


ETA: and then there's the moron factor as Cat noted. A major lack of common sense and critical thinking skills combined withh self destructive behavior is not exactly a ringing endorsement for my vote.

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I think this thread is political.  


I find that often when a person agrees with the politics of a candidate they downplay their transgressions, but when it is someone from the other party they do the opposite.  

no this isn't political.  I can think of people in my party I completely disrespect, and have, and will criticize.

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As it should be.


I don't recall this sort of outrage (not the OP. In general, I mean) with Mark Sanford. Not that I care more about what Sanford did than Wiener. Just think it's a little funny that people are all riled up over Wiener today and those same people were quick to point out that Sanford's "moral transgressions" were between him, his wife, and whatever deity they believed in.

Well, now you " know" someone who was outraged about both. And I know other people who were as well- people who either identify as Republican or conservative. Sanford not only had an affair, he disappeared and showed instability by his actions. Personally, I think Sanford's actions prove that he is unfit for office and I was disgusted to see that he is back into the game.


And this is just one example of why I stepped back from political support of almost anyone not local. Money and influence, smiles and lies are what make the political world go round.

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the same women marry the guy who they cheated on his previous wife with - and then they are surprised when after he marries them, he cheats on them with a new honey.  critical thinking skills are lost.


politics aside - it says a lot about their personality - and it ain't pretty.


Extremely offensive to all the posters here who say they don't choose their candidates based on what they do with their private parts (so long as it isn't a crime). That is a pretty awful comparison for people who just disagree with you.



As a sidenote, I think Weiner is a word I can't write here. He seems like a pretty awful husband with some addiction behavioral issues and in general, I'm not a fan of many of his views. I just don't think that excludes someone from being a good politician. JFK and FDR would tend to disagree, among others. As for the dishonesty, please do find me an 'honest' politician. I'd much rather one who is doing a legitimately good job but is dishonest about cheating on his wife than one who is 'honest' (ie hasn't been caught yet doing something wrong) but not good for his position.



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If you can lie to your spouse you can lie to anyone. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on. If you can't be faithful to the person your sharing your life with I doubt you'll be faithful to those you are supposed to be representing.


I don't have the same relationship with my husband as I have with my city council member.  Unless my husband is my city council member but that is not the case for most of us. 


Plenty of people have private lives I disagree with or messy divorces who do excellent work in politics.  I don't think my legislator's marriage impacts his job any more than I think my plumber or doctor or seamstress need to be a good spouses to do good work for me.  

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I know most politicians are dishonest in some way or the other, but dishonesty to one's spouse makes me think differently about them. I've know one big time politician up close and personal. He had his faults but none of them involved his family or close friends. I just can't overlook adultery. I won't vote for someone who has cheated on or lied so publicly to their spouse regardless of how they lean politically.

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How in the world could anyone vote for a married candidate that was caught TWICE sending naked photos to women?? Once could be argued as a mistake. TWICE is a real moral failing.


I agree with you. My DH wouldn't. We are almost always on opposite sides politically. But I could not vote for someone who cheated and/or acted so stupidly. I want to have at least a modicum of respect for the political candidate I vote for.

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Extremely offensive to all the posters here who say they don't choose their candidates based on what they do with their private parts (so long as it isn't a crime). That is a pretty awful comparison for people who just disagree with you.



frankly - it was a commentary on women who have affairs, marry the guy and are then surprised when he cheats on her. what was her first clue?  maybe that he cheated with her?  but oh, no that was different. or so they tell themselves. 


I have no respect for anyone who will cheat on their spouse.   It's less about the lack of morality - and far more the lack of character.  if they take their own marriage vows so lightly, there is no line they won't be willing to cross and rationalize it away (if they want what's on the other side badly enough) .  they have proven they are not trustworthy, that they do NOT have the courage of their convictions, and shouldn't be entrusted with any position of "public trust" that they can use for their personal advantage. 

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What kind of egotistical idiot does a bad thing, gets caught big time, nearly ruins his career and marriage, and then does the same thing a few months later??


This is for any gentleman reading. If you are texting a girl and she asks to see your junk or wants to take the relationship to a new level because she saw your junk, you are either being played or dealing with a dude. Women don't work that way. Very few women read PlayGirl magazine.

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no this isn't political. I can think of people in my party I completely disrespect, and have, and will criticize.

I agree. I think there are scoundrals, cheats and liars on both sides of the political aisle. There are also a few honest politicians (maybe, unless they're good at hiding their shenanigans ) on both sides, too. I don't believe one political ideology has the corner on integrity.


On a side note, I don't suppose anyone saw the Drudge headline on all that last night. It was pretty bad. Funny. But bad.

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My thought is that one shouldn't make assumptions about other peoples' marriage vows. It would be a more sure political death to come out and say one is in a consentually non-sexually-fidelitous marriage than for the occasional "indiscretion" to slip.

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Weiner is unbelievable. I happen to agree with his politics and think he's unelectable at this point.


Then again I thought Mark Sanford was unelectable. He took "having an affair" to new heights. I mean WOW. Used state money, disappeared out of the country without being reachable... And then a few short years later elected to the US House. The mind boggles.


Maybe the key is to ditch your old wife and marry the new floozy?

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Let she who is without sin cast the first stone, is what I say.  Many well respected politicians have done worse.  George W Bush had a DUI which is unforgivable to me.  Clinton is obviously a terrible husband who lied to Congress.  Reagan sold weapons to our enemy.   Depending on your political leaning, at least one of those guys is probably highly regarded, and they all did worse things than philandering.

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My thought is that one shouldn't make assumptions about other peoples' marriage vows. It would be a more sure political death to come out and say one is in a consentually non-sexually-fidelitous marriage than for the occasional "indiscretion" to slip.


So people should instead assume that they're lying when they apologize for betraying their spouse when they get caught and that the spouse doesn't actually mind? Is it reasonable to assume that politicians' marriage vows are exceptions to the ones couples usually take?

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Because his sex life is none of my business. Or anyone else's outside of who he's actually having sex (or sexting) with.


His politics and policy are what are being voted on.


Not sure I buy that.


If it were one incidence then I'd likely agree but it seems there was another affair after the first scandal broke and after public apologies and claims of honesty were made.


Sex isn't a public issue. Lying to the public is.

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If you can lie to your spouse you can lie to anyone. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on. If you can't be faithful to the person your sharing your life with I doubt you'll be faithful to those you are supposed to be representing.

I think a point is being missed though.


The lies weren't simply made to the spouse.


The lies were made to the PUBLIC after the first scandal broke.


The first scandal was one thing. This second affair is a whole different matter that breaks a whole different expectation of a different group of people. The act was the same. The circumstance surrounding it were completely different and its those circumstances that make this much more serious to voters.

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Guest inoubliable

Not sure I buy that.


If it were one incidence then I'd likely agree but it seems there was another affair after the first scandal broke and after public apologies and claims of honesty were made.


Sex isn't a public issue. Lying to the public is.


He lied to his wife. 


The public put their nose in his business and he had to say *some*thing. That something was "yes, sorry. I won't do it again." I think it was said mostly to get the public to go away. He had/has some issues to deal with and the general public isn't entitled to be a part of it. 


People are people. Getting voted in to office doesn't take away that things that make us human. Some of you (you, in general) might relate it to stumbling or sinning or slipping or whatever. Isn't your god supposed to judge, not you? Are any of you without any sort of lie in your past? Good grief. 

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I think a point is being missed though.


The lies weren't simply made to the spouse.


The lies were made to the PUBLIC after the first scandal broke.


The first scandal was one thing. This second affair is a whole different matter that breaks a whole different expectation of a different group of people. The act was the same. The circumstance surrounding it were completely different and its those circumstances that make this much more serious to voters.


I've been thinking about this.  I can see your point of view.  However, if you don't believe that it is any of the public's/media's business, then it could be seen as their fault for going where they should not, that they deserved to be lied to.  I'm not sure.



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Because his sex life is none of my business. Or anyone else's outside of who he's actually having sex (or sexting) with. 


His politics and policy are what are being voted on. 


I agree...to a point. If they showed great stupidity or it was being sent to unwilling participants in a harassing manner, I would draw the line there.  Quite frankly, it's hard for me to find politicians I agree with politically, so this wouldn't be a deciding factor for my vote unless it was something harassing or overly stupid.  


I don't think I can go that far. If someone can lie and cheat on his wife, what makes me think he won't lie about other things? Integrity matters.

They're politicians. I don't think it's possible for them to be honest.


FWIW, I have no idea who you all are talking about. I avoid the news like the plague, so it could very well be someone I voted for for all I know!

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He lied to his wife. 


The public put their nose in his business and he had to say *some*thing. That something was "yes, sorry. I won't do it again." I think it was said mostly to get the public to go away. He had/has some issues to deal with and the general public isn't entitled to be a part of it. 


People are people. Getting voted in to office doesn't take away that things that make us human. Some of you (you, in general) might relate it to stumbling or sinning or slipping or whatever. Isn't your god supposed to judge, not you? Are any of you without any sort of lie in your past? Good grief. 


That's a straw man. Presumably everyone looks at various traits and characteristics to judge a candidate's suitability for office—unless they flip a coin or pick the person whose name they like best.

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My thought is that one shouldn't make assumptions about other peoples' marriage vows. It would be a more sure political death to come out and say one is in a consentually non-sexually-fidelitous marriage than for the occasional "indiscretion" to slip.

There are societal norms. Being married to one person at a time and being faithful in that marriage is a norm that I assume most of society would agree with. I would expect the people who speak for "us" to adhere to those norms.

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He lied to his wife. 


The public put their nose in his business and he had to say *some*thing. That something was "yes, sorry. I won't do it again." I think it was said mostly to get the public to go away. He had/has some issues to deal with and the general public isn't entitled to be a part of it. 


People are people. Getting voted in to office doesn't take away that things that make us human. Some of you (you, in general) might relate it to stumbling or sinning or slipping or whatever. Isn't your god supposed to judge, not you? Are any of you without any sort of lie in your past? Good grief.

If we can't base our decisions about a person by their actions without being accused of "judging", how are we supposed to make decisions? Take what they say at face value??

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My thought is that one shouldn't make assumptions about other peoples' marriage vows. It would be a more sure political death to come out and say one is in a consentually non-sexually-fidelitous marriage than for the occasional "indiscretion" to slip.

wow.  that sounds like something my mother would say. but then, she was 'the other woman' in an adulterous relationship for years.

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