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Keeping butter tubs & other "handy" containers...


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We've run out of those ziploc square food containers.


I kept a plastic ice cream container after I washed it out...and I'm worried I'm headed toward the land of "hey..this will be good for something" land...you know what I mean? I know this is how it starts...YIKES!


How many of you guys keep jars and containers from the groceries for storage?

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I keep the glass jars for my boys science experiments.  My boys are currently dyeing their golf balls in glass jars that used to hold pasta sauce.  My boys use the empty  small margarine tubs as boats in the bath tub. They use the empty yogurt tubs for washing their paint brushes.  I have some Gerber baby food jars that my boys use often for their science experiments too.


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I keep some, but not all.


I teach middle school science at co-op, and certain glass jars and certain sizes of plastic containers are really handy for that.


Also, I do a lot with plants, and certain sizes of plastic containers are handy for that.


Pretty much everything else gets recycled.  And I never clean out gooey containers like nut butter jars -- they just go into the trash.

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My mom has a huge stack of cool whip containers. 


I do keep certain ones, like the food-safe gallon buckets that my raw honey and coconut oil come in.  And the big "store up-side-down" ketchup bottles with the valve.  They are the best for honey, maple/pancake syrup, and  homemade salad dressings and ketchup.  I keep my jars from Bubbies Sauerkraut to store my own sauerkraut in when I finish a batch.


Oh, I also keep those rectangular plastic salad mix containers - dd6 likes to keep bugs in them, and they also make good snack mix and popcorn containers.


I don't buy cool whip, or I'd probably have a few of those, too (just in case)   :).

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I only reuse glass. I buy my local store's brand of salsa because the jar is so perfect for reusing. I make sure I have a lid for every jar and if they don't match up then I toss the lidless ones. Occasionally the boys put them in the recycling by mistake but I don't care. I can get an new one as soon as we use up another salsa jar. And I have a designated space for them. Once it is full then I don't keep any more.

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My mom has a huge stack of cool whip containers. 


I don't buy cool whip, or I'd probably have a few of those, too (just in case)   :).


When my grandmother died, we found about 75 Cool Whip containers stacked neatly in a cupboard. I don't know that she ever used them (and I really don't know when she managed to put away all that Cool Whip...must have been her secret vice), but she was prepared.

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I save containers. It drives my husband nuts, but we always recycle most of them when we move, and that's often enough that he doesn't go crazy. I don't keep odd sizes that won't stack with everything else, and we are dedicated leftover users so we need the containers, but we also eat what's in them quickly so they don't clutter up the fridge. I also reuse ziploc bags, but I probably shouldn't admit to that. I still can't throw them away after living in places where they were too precious to just be used once.

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I've moved away from plastic and now only use glass containers.  They seem to last longer and are prettier. 


Thinking about this, it is rare that I have a plastic container with a lid.   I think the only thing I buy in plastic is yogurt and they have peel off lids. 

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I only keep the glass jars that seem like they'll have a useful life in our home, especially those that are compatible with a Ball canning jar lid. All the plastic gets recycled.


My MIL has a cabinet in her kitchen that is full of random yogurt/margarine/whipped topping containers with no lids and one opens it at one's peril. Avalanches are virtually guaranteed, and you have to jerry rig some kind of lid for them.

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We re-use these for craft and hobby storage.  Usually if we're short on something we'll ask around or buy a container specifically for our purpose (same with shoeboxes, we collect those also).


We don't eat many things that come in these tubs or jars, because if I'm going to use a convenience food it's coming with table service LOL.  I'd just as soon eat out if we're in convenience food mode!



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I keep some plastic containers for storage of some refrigerated foods/leftovers, and quart size yogurt containers for the bathtub. I keeps some wide-mouth salsa and peanutbutter jars for making freezer jam - saves the canning jars for real canning. I have a set shelf for it and once it's full, they get tossed again.

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I reuse the 1 lb Faye Greek yoghurt containers. They have tight fitting clear lids, and I can see the contents. Perfect for traveling, camping, hiking, since they are light weight (who wants to lug glass containers in her backpack up a mountain?) and not a loss if they get damaged.

I also save large pasta sauce glasses with a measuring scale on the glass; they are perfect for storing rice, powdered sugar, lentils etc.

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Due to BPAs, I don't keep most plastic. However, those one gallon ice cream tubs sure come in handy. We mix summer time slushy beverages in them (ie, marguerite mix) and keep them on hand in the summertime. Also, we fill them with water and use them to keep ice chest items cool.


But most plastics get tossed. MIL and great gma have/had kitchen cabinets full of cool whip containers!

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Oh!  Some of the larger plastic containers, I also save for when I give food to others. That way I don't have to worry about if they return the container or not.  Bake some cookies and want to give some to the neighbor?  Throw it in one of the disposable containers!

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I keep the plastic containers that my coconut oil comes it.  They are solid white (label comes completely off), screw lid, about 2 cup size and fit my spice drawer perfectly.  I use them for dry ingredients like corn starch or flour.  


I save and give used egg cartons to my egg selling friend. 


I only like to use clear glass to store food in my fridge or we would loose track of it.  




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I don't reuse for food storage (I use pyrex glass for that), but we do save the rare microwave dinner plastic dishes/trays for crafting (especially paint and glue) and the clear pint and quart take-out containers with lids are perfect for storing homemade playdough.

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I am even tossing Tupperware right now. The old stuff just doesn't work anymore. The plastic is all ripped up and the lids don't fit tight enough.


And, it is currently still all sitting out on my dining room table being sorted.


No way I would keep any tubs of anything......


I have learned a few things about myself too......one, the lids MUST fit and fit well; two, it must be a clear container or I forget what is in there and it spoiled; three, even though Tupperware says they are the best, I now prefer the Rubbermaid set with that stores inside of each other and takes up FAR less room and the lids snap together so I don't lose them! WIN, WIN.


This is the set: http://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-7J95-Medium-Storage-Containers/dp/B0012DQ6WK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1373715389&sr=8-6&keywords=rubbermaid


So, tubs of anything.....NOPE, they are out the door as soon as I get them. I don't get many, but lately I have been making my layered dessert for several functions and it has cool whip in it.



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I keep a certain number of salsa and peanut butter jars for storage. Their mouths are as wide as the jar, so they make good storage containers and are a good size for leftovers. I keep an occasional tub to pack for ds's lunch on his job. That way, if he forgets the container, etc. there is no harm done. I use them for my lunches, too, on occasion and just recycle at work when I'm done with them. I don't currently have any. I wouldn't save them for storage.

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I am even tossing Tupperware right now. The old stuff just doesn't work anymore. The plastic is all ripped up and the lids don't fit tight enough.


And, it is currently still all sitting out on my dining room table being sorted.


No way I would keep any tubs of anything......


I have learned a few things about myself too......one, the lids MUST fit and fit well; two, it must be a clear container or I forget what is in there and it spoiled; three, even though Tupperware says they are the best, I now prefer the Rubbermaid set with that stores inside of each other and takes up FAR less room and the lids snap together so I don't lose them! WIN, WIN.


This is the set: http://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-7J95-Medium-Storage-Containers/dp/B0012DQ6WK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1373715389&sr=8-6&keywords=rubbermaid


So, tubs of anything.....NOPE, they are out the door as soon as I get them. I don't get many, but lately I have been making my layered dessert for several functions and it has cool whip in it.



I just organized a bunch of my kitchen cabinets, and except for my Tupperware modular mates, I'm pretty done with Tupperware. I recently bought a set of that Rubbermaid and I'm pretty impressed by it!


Reuse plastic butter, yogurt containers, cool whip, etc. - no.

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I have some that sliced sandwhich meat came in, dh was buying it for work for a while so I made him get the same brand so we'd have a large consistent stash. I then threw away everything that wasn't those because I hate mix-matched items. I refused to keep yogurt containers and such but DH has a stash of them in his gear for his projects. For storing leftovers, I just have the 2 shapes of the ziplock type containers (reusable yet disposable still) and then a set of tupperware containers that all use the same lid but are two different sizes for larger storage of items. I'm quite happy with this arrangement and will toss everything else out as fast as I can.


I will get very grumpy a the accumulation of glass jars too, which dh also tries to keep. But we have tons of canning jars and I am happy to use those when I need something like that. So I'm often urging out jars that get snuck into my cabinets.

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I have learned a few things about myself too......one, the lids MUST fit and fit well; two, it must be a clear container or I forget what is in there and it spoiled; three, even though Tupperware says they are the best, I now prefer the Rubbermaid set with that stores inside of each other and takes up FAR less room and the lids snap together so I don't lose them! WIN, WIN.


This is the set: http://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-7J95-Medium-Storage-Containers/dp/B0012DQ6WK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1373715389&sr=8-6&keywords=rubbermaid





I LOVE these! Having Only 2 sizes of lids is AWESOME!


I am toying with buying another set.

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I don't think I have anything plastic, but I do keep glass Frog Ranch pickle jars and Kroger organic salsa jars because their lids are plain black and interchangeable. I also keep pre-made pesto (glass) jars because they're such a cute shape to use for little gifty items/jams/whatever.

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I don't think I have anything plastic, but I do keep glass Frog Ranch pickle jars and Kroger organic salsa jars because their lids are plain black and interchangeable. I also keep pre-made pesto (glass) jars because they're such a cute shape to use for little gifty items/jams/whatever.


Oooh, cute idea! What do you put in them?

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I am even tossing Tupperware right now. The old stuff just doesn't work anymore. The plastic is all ripped up and the lids don't fit tight enough.


And, it is currently still all sitting out on my dining room table being sorted.


No way I would keep any tubs of anything......


I have learned a few things about myself too......one, the lids MUST fit and fit well; two, it must be a clear container or I forget what is in there and it spoiled; three, even though Tupperware says they are the best, I now prefer the Rubbermaid set with that stores inside of each other and takes up FAR less room and the lids snap together so I don't lose them! WIN, WIN.


This is the set: http://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-7J95-Medium-Storage-Containers/dp/B0012DQ6WK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1373715389&sr=8-6&keywords=rubbermaid


So, tubs of anything.....NOPE, they are out the door as soon as I get them. I don't get many, but lately I have been making my layered dessert for several functions and it has cool whip in it.




Please don't toss the tupperware. I agree it gets old but it's guaranteed for life. FInd a Tupperware dealer and get it replaced. I did that several years ago, and got back about 150.00 in tupperware. If they don't have the same product in their current line, they will replace it with something comparable.


I too have mostly ditched my Tupperware ( donated it) and am using the Rubbermaid sets that are self stacking so I understand.

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We save lots of different tubs. Mostly they get used for paint/glue stuff like that. Some of the big ice cream ones I will stick fruit in to freeze. We have doorstep recycling so if the stack of saved stuff gets too big it can just get recycled.

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