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Crazy things my teacher did (s/o bringing placenta to class)


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The teacher I had for 9th grade health (or maybe 10th) would pull out spermicide and use it as hand lotion.


My 9th grade social studies teacher kept a collection of paddles in a cupboard in the back of his classroom. By then it was illegal to use them, but he used to pull them out, explain how one was more painful than the other, and then go on to tell us stories about paddlings he inflicted and how much better behaved the students were then. Despite that, he was a really good teacher and the only class in all of school that I got a good basis of geography in (he made us memorize maps).


My 10th grade bio teacher had a collection of dead animals throughout the classroom. It was rather creepy. He had a freezer in the back storage room, which was rumored to be full of carcasses of dead animals he studied, though I have no idea if that is really true.

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In 8th grade I had a teacher that would tell us all about her drunken episodes. Sign stealing, clubbing. The works. I think this is the same one that threatened to run us over with her car if we ever registered to vote Republican when we were 18. There was one band teacher that was the stand throwing type. Every single practice would wind up with her locking herself in her office in tears bawling. In high school we had one teacher that would get caught having teA with female students a few times a year. Nothing was ever done because he was also the basketball coach and we made state champs almost every year. A 7th grade teacher used to talk to her stapler, trash can and other supplies. She named them all and would cry if you stapled your papers too hard because you were abusing Bobbie.

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I had a great precalculus teacher with the driest sense of humor. I loved her. One time, she worked an example problem on the board, and after explaining it, erased it. One student wasn't paying attention and asked to see it again. The teacher passed her the eraser.


In my senior year, someone decided it would be fun to constantly pull the fire alarms for drills. We had several per day. We were in AP English when one went off, but they quickly came on and said to disregard it. One guy had quickly jumped out of his seat at the first sound of the alarm and looked a little silly when they cancelled it. My teacher said, "Premature evacuation?" :lol:


The journalism teacher/school paper mentor was so laid back that we joked he was a pothead. Who knows? He also passed out books but we never cracked them once.

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My seventh grade English teacher brought a group of us, all girls, together, to tell us that she belonged to a coven, was a witch, and we should join. She gave us reading materials and objects and pushed it a bit throughout the semester.


My ninth grade science teacher was having an affair with the 14 year old girl who sat next to me. They were married during the following summer.


My eleventh grade chemistry teacher was stealing everything he could get a hold of. He was discovered later that year with a house and garage full of AV equipment, electronics, etc. He was fired mid year. We had learned no chemistry, as he spent the time telling tales from his war experiences.


My grades 10-12 French teacher was having affairs with various boys over the years. He was brutally murdered in his home by one of them my senior year. Of all of these unscrupulous folks, he was by far the best teacher, loved French and the French people, offered a depth and enthusiasm we all appreciated.


These things took place between 1969 and 1975. There was much more.

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This thread is hilarious. All the band directors I have known were at the very least baton throwers. and stand tossers at worst. My teachers were all pretty normal, I suppose. My health teacher was a coach and fully expected and appreciated that I let the lead basketball star copy off my tests. All my others were decent and some even great at teaching.

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We had a married teacher having an affair with a student too. He left his wife and kids and married her as soon as she graduated. He paid for her to have implants and then she left him. Somehow, they got an annulment, so she can say she's not divorced.


My physics teacher would scream at anyone interrupting his class. Like office aides delivering messages to people. He would also throw things....small things like erasers, not chairs. He didn't throw them at people though.


My biology teacher would say "read chapter x and answer the questions at the end" and then sit and read his newspaper. He would send someone to the library to get him a different newspaper for each class period.


My 5th grade teacher was just evil. My mom started working at the school years later and wanted to know why I never said anything about how evil she was. But really no one would have listened to me. Seeing her as an adult, she wouldn't look me in the eye.

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My fourth grade teacher was hilarious. If a student's desk was messy, she would drag it into the hall, throw the papers in the air, and yell, "Happy New Year!" We had one particularly gassy classmate and she hung a sign above his desk that said, "Toxic Area, Wear Gas Mask." Lastly, there was a student being paddled in the principal's office. Somehow, the intercom throughout the entire school was turned on and we could hear the entire incident over the intercom. One of the kids asked if we should go tell the office and she says, "No, this is too good to turn off."


My ninth grade literature teacher was convinced there are too many good books to read, so we just watched all of the movies instead of reading any books.


I think it is awesome!!!

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Are they pronounced differently? I always thought they sounded the same, just spelled differently.


Well, I sure think so. Ah-ron (or possibly Ah-run) and Air-in (though I'll take Eh-rin, I pronounce it the former way - but either way, not the same). I know lots of people pronounce them the same, but it's a pet peeve of mine (after an entire childhood of people asking me "isn't that a boy's name??). So cut it out, ya'll. ;)

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My fourth grade teacher never called us by name. She assigned us a number at the beginning of the year. She would call out a number to answer a question, we lined up by odds and evens, and we put our number on our papers for grading. I don't think she knew our real names.


My computer science teacher gave a lecture on linked lists while walking on top of the students' desks. During the entire lesson, a voice from the ceiling would solemnly intone, "If you teach it, they will..." (like the movie Field of Dreams). The best lesson i've ever recieved on a very boring subject. At the end, a graduating senior started crying, stating she would miss him so much. His expectations from his students were high. He was known for walking laps in his classroom with apedometer strapped on. He had a cot in the supply closet for sleeping. He was a favorite teacher among the students. Crazy teachers can sometimes be the best teachers.

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we had chalkboards when I was at school. In the science class the science teachers had the duster tied to the wall by a long string. if someone in the class was not behaving or paying attention the teacher would hurl the duster at them and then reel it in again. All the science teachers did this.


I had an English professor in college who had a hate-hate relationship with chalk. Whenever his chalk broke he would wheel around and chuck it toward the class. He didn't aim at anyone, but we quickly learned that it was best to attend that class wide awake.



There was a science teacher I had in the 9th grade who let us watch Bill Nye the Science Guy almost daily...he was pretty cool except he took points off for using an eraser. Then there was the history professor I had my freshman year in college who would sit in the edge of his desk and rock...which caused the desk to squeak...I had to drop that class so I could keep my sanity!


My U.S. history prof would come to class wearing a trench coat and fedora, and then lecture while leaning weakly against the side wall. Except when mentioning the word "conquistadors." Then he would jump up and shout that word all excited. It was best to be awake in that class, too.



But speaking of good teachers who are actually mean - a retired science teacher told me that she met Bill Nye once, and she thought he was incredibly rude, especially to kids. So, while the DVD's are great, you probably wouldn't want him as your teacher IRL.

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My 2nd-3rd grade math teacher would also throw erasers, rap hands with rulers, and beat kids over the head with their math books for acting up in class or not doing their homework. This was in German public school in '79-'80. I was a good student and usually escaped her wrath, but I still remember getting hit in the face with a chalk board eraser from across the room one day. That woman had incredible aim. From a purely academic standpoint, she was an excellent teacher. But the way she treated kids was atrocious.


5th-7th grade, I attended a highly competitive school (also in Germany). There was so much pressure to succeed academically that we had a rash of suicides and suicide attempts among our classmates in 5th grade. It was an incredibly sad time. To my knowledge, the school did not make any changes as a result of these suicides.


My senior year in high school, I was attending a small American high school for expats in Germany. The 1988 summer Olympics took place that fall, and the principal of our school had a huge crush on Olympic diver Greg Louganis. She was glued to the TV during most school hours, and whenever Louganis was about to come on, she would call everyone out of class, and gather us all together to watch him dive while she made inappropriate and embarrassing comments. Why the other teachers thought this was ok I will never know. But, in their defense, she was 6.5ft and 300lbs and had a nasty temper. With someone like that in control of your employment I guess you let stuff slide. Ms. Principal was very disappointed when Louganis came out a short while later.

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I was once saved by the nice Chem teacher from the mean Chem teacher. He told me I would have been eaten up by her. When she got mad at them she yelled that they were "Stupid monkeys", and, it wasn't said in a joking way.


She was a research scientist who decided she would make more by teaching and it was a second career for her.

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No murderers or affairs (that I know of) but according to other students the pottery teacher had them making bongs and the guy who was suppose to catch kids leaving the school was high.


In 5th grade I argued with a teacher who insisted that evolution was fact, not theory and she hated on me the rest of the year. When lice went around school I got it (other kids did, too) but the day I stayed home because of it she told the whole class why I was home (she didn't do it with any of the other kids) and my ONE friend that year shunned me after that.


In high school I had a math teacher who played the "Celebrate good times, come on!" song every.time. we had a quiz or test. I had a history teacher who was obsessed with Frank Sinatra. We had "Sinatra Mondays" every Monday where we listened to one of his songs and listened to facts about his life. There were Sinatra questions on all the tests that we got extra credit for. My other history teacher loved hot actors and would kiss the tv screen when one showed up on one of the movies she was showing us. The health teacher gave us the final at the beginning of the year and if we passed with a 90% or better we got an automatic A and acted as the teacher's assistant for the year. I was SO bummed I only got a 89%.

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I have a recent story. The head of maintenance at our local high school is now a convicted terrorist. He was a union leader who used his powers to bully and intimidate people. He planted bombs in their cars if they didn't do what he wanted. He is now serving life in prison. The superintendent at that time tipped him off that the police were investigating him and he probably knew some of what was going on but did nothing. He quit after so he wouldn't be fired. Then he got a job in another state and shortly quit after because he got caught hiring a person into a principle position who was not properly licensed and credentialed.



I heard a story about this guy on NPR.

I thought then that was so bizzare, one could not possibly make up something like this!

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A female gym teacher who had a temper and was a sadist. She beat a student with a shoe on his head, made a girl who had fallen and split her chin open (needed stitches) continue running, yell at a kid "you are the dumbest of them all". Lovely lady.


A male gym teacher in 3rd grade. His rule was that camis/undershirts were forbidden under gym clothes and he would inspect and look down the girls' shirts. I can't believe nobody raised h***.


An alcoholic high school chemistry teacher who had a bottle of "lemonade" in his prep room nobody was allowed to touch. He took sips periodically.

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In high school, the bio teacher would offer students extra credit if they ate a mealworm. You could get more points for (my memory may be faulty here) tying a string around a cricket, swallowing it, then pulling it back up. My husband remembers the string as around a mealworm. He ate it. He also says his memory is that it was an assignment, but you could do an alternate assignment of a paper (if so, that's what I did... I remember going to the library instead of being in the bug eating class that day).


I would have taken Latin in hs, but a friend who was a grade ahead did... and then the Latin teacher had a nervous breakdown. He said she gathered them all around one day and asked them what they'd do if a friend needed help and then cried. I took German instead as Latin wasn't offered when I got there.

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I don't know what This American Life is. Is that a newspaper or magazine? It could very well be possible that was the story. I mean hopefully this isn't something that happens often!


"This American Life" is an excellent human-interest focused radio show on NPR, usually on the weekend. I have about 40 of their podcasts downloaded. I remember listening to the story the PP referred to. It does sound very similar, and I certainly hope it was the same person. I would hate to think that story could repeat itself!

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I had a 5th grade math teacher that had a really big belly and he wiggled so much when he wrote on the chalkboard. He would be working out a math problem on the board and his belly would erase everything. Don't feel sorry for him-- he was MEAN! lol


In middle school we had a lesbian health teacher and she flirted with my best friend like CRAZY. It was really creepy.


My band teacher sent me to the principals office because I giggled out loud. Not kidding. I quit after that, lol.


We had a science teacher that was horribly mean and he had a ton of animals in his classroom. He had this massive iguana that he would let walk around in class and he would list all of the ways it was dangerous as it walked under the tables by our LEGS. My friend was horrified and dreaded that class.


Same teachers father subbed for him and he cussed a student out.


Pretty sure my 7th grade social studies teacher and my 8th grade english teacher were getting it on. Both were married. She got pregnant the year I had her. He quit not too long after that.


Man, my high school was surrounded my corn fields ya'll. I could go all day.

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My seventh grade English teacher brought a group of us, all girls, together, to tell us that she belonged to a coven, was a witch, and we should join. She gave us reading materials and objects and pushed it a bit throughout the semester.


My ninth grade science teacher was having an affair with the 14 year old girl who sat next to me. They were married during the following summer.


My eleventh grade chemistry teacher was stealing everything he could get a hold of. He was discovered later that year with a house and garage full of AV equipment, electronics, etc. He was fired mid year. We had learned no chemistry, as he spent the time telling tales from his war experiences.


My grades 10-12 French teacher was having affairs with various boys over the years. He was brutally murdered in his home by one of them my senior year. Of all of these unscrupulous folks, he was by far the best teacher, loved French and the French people, offered a depth and enthusiasm we all appreciated.


These things took place between 1969 and 1975. There was much more.


My goodness! That is so sad..

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My goodness! That is so sad..


Sad that one of his victims stood up and defended himself?!?! Not that I think he should have been murdered, but I have a hard time coming up with some sympathy for the guy. The word "affair" usually implies a consensual relationship, but one cannot have a consensual relationship with a kid. He was a pedophile.

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To this day I can not erase the memory of one particular biology professor detailing the cycle of arousal. It was an appropriate topic - I think we were studying histology and were at the reproductive system. Anyways, she had this funny way of writing with her back to the board with her eyes closed. So she was facing us, writing about this, drawing things and getting more worked up as she talked (but with her eyes closed). It sounded like she was going through the cycle herself as she lectured on it. It was so weird because she was a very nice woman who wasn't generally weird, but we were all scarred by the experience.


I had a 10th grade chemistry teacher who did random experiments to try to impress us (especially a few guys in the class - he truly seemed like one of those guys who was a dork and thought this was his chance to get in with the cool guys). He then re-did the experiments on days he was being watched/judged by the administrative staff. We also took one whole week off of doing anything under the guise of "mole week" where we celebrated the value of a mole (and got extra credit for bringing in anything that had "mole" in it... guacamole, "mole" in one golf, etc.).


My first year algrebra teacher was so bad that she'd be working a problem on the overhead and just turn it off and have us do our work because she couldn't finish it. And she graded based on EFFORT, not on getting it right. So for her class, if you TRIED to do the problems on a test you got at least a C. I think I can thank her for my parents transferring me to a different school the next year. :)


My higher algebra/trig teacher made us all calculate how much money we would have in our retirement accounts if we started investing right away. It was mind boggling and I still think of him and how well he made the point of early vs. late on that front.

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These stories are crazy,


My elementary school gym teacher used to line everyone up and then lead us around the playground, making stops at various pieces of playground equipment, on which he would write with chalk things like, "Girls are dumb, boys are smart." or "Boys are better than girls." And then all the boys would cheer, and we would move on, looping around the playground in a single-file line until he stopped to chalk his next misogynistic epigram on the monkey bars.


Boggles the mind, it does. I don't hink it ever even occurred to me to mention it to my parents, of course.

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This is what is shocking me about this thread. How many kids just don't tell their parents what is really going on at school :(


My parents knew everything that I posted about. They had to pick and choose their battles. My mom was able to be vocal about one of the things I listed but no one really knows she was the one who was vocal. I can't say more than that.


Dd talks to me a lot about school and what goes on and I also find myself having to pick my battles. It's not always easy but you can't take it all on at once. I take the most important and go from there.

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To this day I can not erase the memory of one particular biology professor detailing the cycle of arousal. It was an appropriate topic - I think we were studying histology and were at the reproductive system. Anyways, she had this funny way of writing with her back to the board with her eyes closed. So she was facing us, writing about this, drawing things and getting more worked up as she talked (but with her eyes closed). It sounded like she was going through the cycle herself as she lectured on it. It was so weird because she was a very nice woman who wasn't generally weird, but we were all scarred by the experience.


I had a 10th grade chemistry teacher who did random experiments to try to impress us (especially a few guys in the class - he truly seemed like one of those guys who was a dork and thought this was his chance to get in with the cool guys). He then re-did the experiments on days he was being watched/judged by the administrative staff. We also took one whole week off of doing anything under the guise of "mole week" where we celebrated the value of a mole (and got extra credit for bringing in anything that had "mole" in it... guacamole, "mole" in one golf, etc.).


My first year algrebra teacher was so bad that she'd be working a problem on the overhead and just turn it off and have us do our work because she couldn't finish it. And she graded based on EFFORT, not on getting it right. So for her class, if you TRIED to do the problems on a test you got at least a C. I think I can thank her for my parents transferring me to a different school the next year. :)


My higher algebra/trig teacher made us all calculate how much money we would have in our retirement accounts if we started investing right away. It was mind boggling and I still think of him and how well he made the point of early vs. late on that front.


This story made me laugh so hard I had to run to the bathroom! :leaving:


Super hilarious!

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In Catholic high school, we came into our Marriage and Family class to find Sr. Mary's desk lined with every sort of birth control device and proceeded to whip each one out and say what it was and what it does. What a ride that class was!!! :lol:


Same school - one of the teachers was fired and brought up on charges for "doing" nearly the whole football team. No wonder they all liked to take her "Children's Lit" classes...

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All the talk about teacher/student affairs reminded me of my algebra I teacher. He completely creeped me out. I was struggling and my mom told me I should stay after class and ask for help. I begged her not to make me do that. He was creepy! My mom went to parent/teacher conferences about a month later and told me to NEVER stay after class after she met with him. She hired a tutor the next week.


We later found out that years before he had married a former student, just out of high school :tongue_smilie:.

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Oh my. Where do I begin? We had a history teacher who rambled about his family, church activities, anything but history, and when I went in after school to confront him about it (which shocked him because I was rather quiet) he defended himself by saying he was trying to "make history more interesting". Yeah, but, um. You hardly ever talk about history.


Another teacher was an alcoholic and we could smell the liquor on his breath during class. He was supposed to be our adult sponsor for our junior class play but he kept leaving the auditorium during practice. Gee, I wonder what he was doing??? Then he called off the play because he said WE weren't showing enough interest. A few times a random kid would miss practice, but really HE didn't want to mess with it. He'd rather sit home and drink.


Still another male teacher would make comments about the boys and even give them shoulder rubs. Ewwww. When my older brother was in school he told me a friend who'd gone in on a Saturday to work on a project was the subject of this teacher's "advances" and left in a hurry. The teacher was married with kids, too. There was a kerfuffle about some x-rated photos he'd taken and left in a certain place. They were discovered by a good friend of mine.


HOW these teachers stayed is beyond me, but they all did. For YEARS.

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I had a few weird teachers. My first grade teacher hated me for some unknown reason. I had to sit right next to her desk even though I had never acted out or misbehaved in class. One day she stepped into the hall and a lawnmower outside the window had thrown a rock through the glass. We all screamed and it was a miracle I wasn't cut (I was the only one near the window due to the odd seating arrangement). She grabbed me and started screaming, asking what I did. The lawnmower guy ran in to see if anyone was hurt, so she finally let me go. I was terrified. My mom sat in class and watched her for the following week, and the teacher finally laid off me a bit.


My fifth grade teacher started off normal, but by the end of the year she changed. It was like a midlife crisis, even though she was probably only in her 30s. My mom later told me this teacher ran off with a younger man, leaving behind her husband and toddler.


In 7th grade, one of my mom's friends started teaching algebra at my school and I ended up with her. One day I accidentally called her by her first name in class, out of habit since that's what I had known her by before. She lost it on me, even though I apologized. She refused to answer my questions or call on me for the rest of the year. My mom tried to talk to her about it and it ended their friendship.


My high school teachers were all pretty normal. We did have a security officer that was a jerk. Rumor was he was forced to resign from the police force some years before, but no clue if this was true. If you were one of the "art kids" you were instantly suspect and he would harass you nonstop. If you were male and an art kid he would call you a f*g. After I had graduated, but while my sis was still in school, he lost it on one of the boys who turned him in for all this. He cornered the kid after school, off school property, and attacked him. The kid ended up with a broken collar bone and the security officer ended up in jail.

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I went to an almost all white school and one of the teachers would make racial jokes about blacks, as long as there weren't any African American students in the room. Ugh.


A journalism teacher whom everyone really liked took a group of kids to a competition out of town on a weekend. On the way home she bought beer for them to drink in the car! This was just told to me by an old classmate I visited while we were swapping stories.


One of our high school English teachers couldn't spell her way out of a paper bag.

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Here are my additions:


3rd Grade: Great teacher, but she would throw chalk, erasers, or shoes at you if were talking in her class or misbehaving. I got very good at ducking.


5th Grade: Social Studies teacher was horrible. She would have us go around the room and read a paragraph aloud from our textbook. One day she called on a boy to read. He really struggled, stammered, sounded out words, and mispronounced words. He made it through one sentence and she stopped him. She asked him what was wrong with him that he couldn't read. Was he stupid? Then she called on me to read because, she told the class, "she will do it right". I did not want to read. I felt so, so sorry for that boy. After that day, he would make himself vomit before her class so that he could go home or go to the nurse's station until that class was over. :crying:


8th Grade: English teacher had serious prescription drug issues. She spent most of our class drugged out with her head on her desk while we watched movies. On the days when she did finally rouse herself, it was actually a great class. She only "taught" that one year.


Jr. HIgh P.E./basketball coach caught some high school boys dipping tobacco in the bleachers and spitting the juice on the floor. He made them lick it up.....and swallow it for their punishment. :ack2:


High school:


World history teacher would wake students sleeping in his class by banging a rock on a metal chair over their head. He was a fab teacher though!


AP Calculus teacher was currently taking calculus at the local college to become certified. She had no idea how to do calculus, so another student and I taught the class. He was really good at math and would figure out how to do the problems using the examples in the book. I was really good at explaining it, so before class each afternoon he would tell me how to work the problems and I would teach the class referring to him if there were any questions. Our "teacher" sat on the front row and took notes.


English teacher stared at our feet when teaching and talking to us. One day we all switched shoes. He was livid and stormed out of the room.


Home Ec teacher was sleeping with most of the high school baseball team and past teams and future teams. All of the students knew and just laughed about it. The boys bragged about it. They called it being in Ms. XXXXX's Club. Why none of us said anything I have no idea? :confused1: Finally she got fired over it (10 years after I'd graduated) because she became less discreet about her club's activities.

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Home Ec teacher was sleeping with most of the high school baseball team and past teams and future teams. All of the students knew and just laughed about it. The boys bragged about it. They called it being in Ms. XXXXX's Club. Why none of us said anything I have no idea? :confused1: Finally she got fired over it (10 years after I'd graduated) because she became less discreet about her club's activities.


This wouldn't have happened to be in Orange County CA, was it? Sounds like what happened at my high school.

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"I had a music teacher who would have students sit on his lap while he made goat sounds. Yeah, I do not know what to make of that."


This almost caused me to choke to death on my Kit Kat.


I was laughing my way through this whole thread, but this one is definitely in my top 3. It's bizarre, creepy, outlandish, funny, and entirely inappropriate all at the same time. Doesn't get much better than that! :smilielol5:

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This wouldn't have happened to be in Orange County CA, was it? Sounds like what happened at my high school.



Nope, little tiny town in Arkansas, but I'll tell the folks back home we have something in common with Orange County. They'll be so proud.. :D

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We had two male teachers who had affairs with girl students. One of them resigned. The other stayed on for many years.


Our 8th grade social studies teacher was awful...the typical guy who is a teacher so he can coach sports. We had a very dry textbook that was about countries/cultures of the world. He used the book and did ZERO to make it the least bit interesting, and it could have been. He showed a lot of movies in class and then would run them backwards if we asked him to. He also picked his nose all.the.time. Did he forget we were there and would see what he was doing??? Yuck.

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My seventh grade math teacher had only previously taught at the college level and had very high expectations for middle schoolers. She had the brilliant idea of a game called Kilo where we could earn points for being good. When we got to 1,000 points we would win a pizza party. The highest amount of points we had all year was 10. We ended up at negative 450 or something.


My high school personal finance teacher (a coach) thought it was hilarious to talk in a really offensive asian accent while teaching.


The art teacher in charge of my study hall my junior year was vocal about not liking smart kids. My favorite was when I showed up for study hall one day to study for my physics test the next period. She told me we weren't studying that day and she needed us to move tables for PTA conferences instead. I told her I would just go to the library because I really needed to study. She refused, and when I stood my ground I was sent to the principal who promptly apologized and let me study in the library the rest of the year.


I also had a Spanish teacher who didn't like smart kids, because he had a beef about not being in the advanced class when he was in high school. Our "treat" at the end of the semester was to watch this freaky version of La Pastorella about a motorcycle gang of devils chasing and trying to kill the baby Jesus. The second day I told him I was bothered by watching it and wanted to be excused to the library. He made me stand in front of the class while he lectured everyone about how "some people" try to ruin things for everyone else and "some people" need think they are better than everyone. He then asked in front of everyone whether I still wanted to leave and was surprised that I said "yes".

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Oh, another gem: My university Philosophy teacher was one of those icky absent professor types who rarely bathed, had crazy afro hair and dressed very weird. One day he was writing problems on the board and the front of his pants were wet. A student in the front row whispered, "Your pants are wet" and he looked down and then said, "It happens all the time when I go to the bathroom quickly - I don't wear underwear to sop it up" :scared:

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Reading these reminded me of one repressed memory. I did have an English teacher who was fixated on finding fault with me. I had an excused absence one day to take care of some passport concerns and he apparently went nuts looking for me at the school insisting that I was playing hooky The headmaster called me in when I got back to campus, asked me what was going on with this teacher and excused me right then from ever being in his class again. I never did figure out what his problem was with me.

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I probably should not tell this story; for a couple of reasons. It involves a school official, not a teacher. And reflect badly on me. But, when I was in Junior High School, I had a lot of problems going on at home ... alcoholic father, sick sister, barely enough food, and self-esteem issues of my own.. Plus, I was in a tough intercity school with a lot of wild things going on. Most of the students were what we called "hoods" or "greaser" back then and I was a kind of flower child. Anyway, I discovered if I didn't go to school much and just went in on tests days and a few others, I could get a least a B, so that's what I did. I skipped school all the time. Of course, the school didn't care if I was passing, they were upset that I wasn't in school. So, we got a call and visit from the Truancy Officer. He didn't look like I thought he would and he kept reminding me of someone, although I couldn't think who. He started out asking me why, when I was such a smart student, did I want to skip school - to which I answered, "It's boring and the students are going nowhere." He then asked me if I was ever mistreated. I said, well, a few times but mostly I just don't fit in there. Well...the guy burst into tears in my living room and said, "Do you know my son, Chris? He's in your class." Well, yes, come to think of it, I realized I did. He was a short nerdy guy that people sometimes laughed at. So I said, "I don't know him well." And he started telling me about how his son got picked on ^ hated to go to school. He kept crying the whole time, saying he just didn't know how to help his son. His school work was failing. Did I have any advice? I was pretty much in shock but later, I did make friends with Chris, as a result. He was a nice boy and we never skipped school together. He is a lawyer now.

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This thread is interesting!


My additions:

Our 5th grade male teacher loved to comment about and took great interest in the physical development of his female students...ick. He could be distracted from giving a test if the boys brought up spying on the high schoolers who 'got busy' at the local reservoir. The teacher would ask very specific detailed questions about what the boys saw when they spied. I don't think any of us thought to tell someone.


I had a chem teacher who meant well but all he did was keep telling us how hard he worked at making overhead projector sheets for us (it's how he lectured). It was weird. He got ill and for months we had a parade of subs, none of which knew anything about chemistry.


dh also had a violent band director who threw stands etc and even threw dh's instrument across the room once. dh saw him as an adult and this guy told him "I always hated how talented you were". :huh:


My best teacher was my french teacher. One of the guys in our upper level class loved to write song lyrics on the chalkboard (in English). One day he was writing out "My girl"...our teacher started humming, then singing and we all joined in, some doing backing vocals all of us dancing...it was the closest I've ever come to living in a musical.

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My physics teacher would scream at anyone interrupting his class. Like office aides delivering messages to people.


My 9th grade biology teacher did this. She also refused to let students summoned to the office to leave her class. She also could not operate the VCR, and would get really angry about it until she finally let a student help her ten minutes later. This happened every time she used the VCR. We all felt sorry for her daughter who attended our school and was in our class.


I've completely blocked out 5th grade. I can picture the teacher, though I can't remember her name. She was short, morbidly obese, and had straight, black, stringy hair. She only wore black. She was always unhappy and frowning and angry. I cannot remember a single thing we studied or a single project done from that year. I can't remember how the classroom was set up, or even if we sat at tables or desks that year.


I had an art class in 9th grade that was a joke. The teacher was a drunk. We had exactly 5 simple assignments for the 18 week semester, the first being to construct a basic color wheel with six colors. I finished all of the assignments in the first two weeks of class; he used them as examples while I slept the rest of the semester...and never took another art class.


My chemistry teacher's favorite answer to any "why" question was to shrug his shoulders, palms up at shoulder height, and say with a lisp, "That's just the way it is."


My American history teacher hated the military and all students in JROTC. I was in JROTC. It negatively affected my final grade in class.


My 8th grade PE teacher called me Joan the entire year. My 9th grade ROTC teacher called me Diane the entire semester (I transferred in mid-year.) I corrected them numerous times before giving up and accepting my new name. My classmates even tried to enlighten them. Neither one of them ever called me by my correct name.


My 3rd grade teacher made us walk up and down the hall until our lines were PERFECTLY straight. The fact that I had a severe ankle injury and could barely walk did not excuse me from this exercise.

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I went to a Catholic K-8 school.


In 3rd grade there was a girl who, along with me (a newcomer in 3rd grade to the school) was being tormented by the other kids. We were friendly with one another.


This girl finally started to cut school because of the bullying. Her mother was called in and it was decided she would not be returning. While the mother was in the office, some fool decided to have this poor girl go to the classroom to clean out her desk.


The door opened in the middle of class and she slipped in. Immediately, Sister R. began to yell at her . . . "Well, here's the truant girl! Come here, girl!" It was horrible. The girl burst into tears and ran out the door with the cruel nun chasing her down the hall. I never saw my friend again and Sister R. did not return the following year.


So many of the stories I have read here in this post are just awful. The bullying I experienced and witnessed in grade school is one of the top reasons why I homeschool. I am so grateful to be able to!

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Have to add a story of a great teacher.


A requirement for my masters was a statistics class. On the first day of class I snuck in, dreading it. When it was time for class to begin this pretty, young, very pregnant woman stood up. Everyone laughed because they thought she was a student sitting in the front row.


She smirked at us and began with "You all thought you could get through this program without math, didn't you?" Groans floated through the room. She proceeded to tell us we were all going to learn and get through the class with a passing grade.


We did. I, a math dummy, excelled in that class, passed it with flying colors, and even enjoyed it. I still have the stats book! She was everything a teacher should be . . . fun, helpful and encouraging.

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I attended elementary school in the 60's and for a few years lived in a very hippyish town. All of the teachers were very laid back and casual...except for my math teacher who was a straight laced, serious guy who wore pink button down shirts and ties. He was such a misfit in the school.


In that same school I also had a 4th grade teacher who couldn't control the class. By the end of the year students had him crying in frustration in during classtime. No class should ever get to that point--he should have been replaced during the school year.


I had a high school history teacher who couldn't make eye contact with students. As an adult I'm aware of the sorts of issues that might lead to this but as a student it was very weird to have a teacher who would address individuals and the class without looking at them. She lectured with her eyes rolled back, looking towards the ceiling.

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I almost forgot about the second grade teacher I had! She would make me do EVERY single assignment twice! Why? Because she said I was too smart and did my work too quickly. Every day at recess I would have to redo my work...for no reason! My mom told her off one day and sent me to private school for the rest of the year.

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