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When I was little, I used to cry when I realized my mom made scalloped potatoes.


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How do you (or mom) make them that's so gross?


My MIL makes them and I'm grossed out. They have grease floating on top. And the cheese looks curdled.


I make mine with a white sauce and cheddar melted to smooth. My boys don't like them but they don't like *potatoes* so it's not the dish itself.


FWIW, it baffles me how my boys can hate potatoes. Really? My dh is almost entirely Polish. I'm Irish/Scottish/English. The pixies must have switched them at birth, too. :)

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LOL - I hated scallped potatoes as a kid. But I think the majority of them that we'd come across were made with some cream of nasty soup from a can and possibly velveta (gag). If someone actually slices potatoes and makes a lovely combo of potatoes, milk, butter, and actual cheese, that is very tasty! What really made me cry was corned beef hash from a can (gag!).


I think I was just a food snob very young. ;)


I have a daughter that doesn't like potatoes at all either including french fries. Definitely delivered from the fairies or something!

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Ok, this is the type of recipe that put me off them as a kid. Seriously - gag! And usually it had really nasty dried out cheapest ham you can find that you froze for 2 years and scraped off the bottom of the freezer




Something like this? = yummy! :)


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I know this has been discussed before, but where I grew up, potatoes and milk = scalloped potatoes, potatoes, milk, and cheese = au gratin potatoes.


My mom made scalloped potatoes which are really pretty tasteless (especially when you forget the salt which my mom did about half the time). I did like the crunchy stuff on the top when she overbaked them (again she did that pretty often too, my mom is not much of a cook) but otherwise I would consider the dish pretty yucky. On the other hand, I think au gratin potatoes are quite tasty, cheese makes everything better.

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There are many things my mother made that I now refuse to eat. Those potatoes things are one.


What about minute steaks? I have no idea if that is what they were really called, but they were all gristle. Yuck. Hamburger and macaroni noodles, yuck, double yuck.


She made great cinnamon rolls, but regular food? Not so much.

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Unsinkable--we may be long lost twins! My mom used to make them from a box. She'd toss in some spam, and mustard, I think, then bake it in a certain pyrex dish. She called it German potato salad, but I hated it. Every time I'd see that dish out I knew I'd go to bed hungry. The only thing to rival its grossness was a big pot of canned hominy. The smell of it could make me gag.



Just reading about that makes me want to gag.

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I have a daughter that doesn't like potatoes at all either including french fries. Definitely delivered from the fairies or something!



My older dd could not eat potatoes in any form--french fried, mashed, baked, chips, nothing. It was the *ONLY* food she couldn't tolerate, beginning when she was just 3yo and threw up some french fries. And then there were the years when she was vegan loved McDougall...if you don't eat potatoes, there's almost nothing left, lol.

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How my mom made them:


Slice potatoes thinly and layer in a baking dish. Smash a garlic clove and sauté in melted butter. Add milk to butter and heat to almost scalding. Remove garlic, add salt and pepper, pour milk and butter over potatoes. Bake until potatoes are cooked thru.


In my mom's defense, people loved them. Just not me.


In my defense, I was a picky eater who was forced to eat chicken ala king in daycare. When I finally was allowed to leave the table, it all came back up. So creamy foods and me=big no likey!


My DH's dinner of dread is boiled dinner. He tells me he could smell it from the driveway. Blech from DH! ETA: this is from his childhood. I promised him I'd never cook it.

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I love scalloped potatoes and potatoes au gratin. I am real lucky because I make enough for six people, and half of them won't eat them. I slice the potatoes paper thin in my food processor. Otherwise, the slices are too thick and I don't like them. My recipes come from Betty Crocker's Cookbook.


I agree with Word Nerd about salmon patties. When my mom made them, I'd sneakily feed mine to the dog. If I'd known before I married DH that salmon patties are one of his favorite foods, I'd have a different life right now.

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Whew. That last recipe the OP linked looks like a production! My MIL taught me to make scalloped potatoes and they're a family fave.


Sliced potatoes and thinly sliced raw onion rings in layers. Grab a handful of flour and toss over them. Salt and pepper. Throw on some grated cheddar. Next layer of potatoes and onions, flour, salt and pepper, and cheese. Finish with a last layer of cheese. Pour in enough warmed milk to cover up to the tops of the potatoes. Bake at 400 covered for an hour, then take off foil and bake for another 30 minutes until golden brown. Takes 90 miutes at least in a full 9x13 pan. My Since i'm lazy, I prefer to scald the milk and put the pan on a cookie sheet, rather than clean the oven.


These make great leftovers. Also good with chunked leftover ham inthe dish, but leave out the salt if serving wiht ham.


Also good with grainy mustard stirred into the milk and swiss cheese instead of cheddar.

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My mom used to make them from a box. She'd toss in some spam, and mustard, I think, then bake it in a certain pyrex dish. She called it German potato salad.


This is an insult to every honest German potato salad.

A German potato salad involves REAL potatoes which are boiled first (not baked with all the ingredients).

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This is an insult to every honest German potato salad.

A German potato salad involves REAL potatoes which are boiled first (not baked with all the ingredients).



Yes, yes, yes. When I was little, somebody (my Grandma maybe?) used to make real (I think!) German potato salad, and it was heavenly. I remember bacon and vinegar--sweet, sour, and salty. Does that sound like the real thing?

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I love scalloped potatoes and salmon patties. I hate the Le Seur canned peas that always accompanied the salmon patties. Gag.


Once when I was about 7 or 8 my brother (8 years older) and I discovered early one day that our mother was making liver and onions for dinner that night. In a panic, we devised a plan to get out of it. My parents were going out for the afternoon and my brother was babysitting me. I wasn't supposed to leave the house. The minute they left, I went across the street to a friend's house to play. When they got home and I wasn't there, my brother acted like he didn't know I was gone. When the search for me began he came and collected me from my friend's house. We got in a ton of trouble, beginning with being grounded to our rooms without dinner! Then, when they sent my sister to the drug store after dinner (because one of us always had to go to the store after dinner for toilet paper or cigarettes or something), we slipped her some cash and she brought us back Bit-O-Honey candy bars. I love this tale of sibling camaraderie and cooperation!

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I hate the Le Seur canned peas that always accompanied the salmon patties.


I remember those... the ones in the silver can, right? I could never figure out what the fuss was, but I've never liked can peas... I think because of the texture.

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I was telling the boys about it...and describing what they are because to me, they still make me want to gag. I've never made them for my family and theboysnever had them anywhere else.


The boys want to try them.



Blech. I hate potatoes (well, except for thin, crispy fries or potato chips). :001_rolleyes:

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You might like them now. There are a lot of things that I used to hate when I was younger that I love now. For example, every Halloween my mom would make bean and bacon soup b/c she knew I HATED it (it made me gag), and we couldn't trick or treat until I finished it. I now LOVE bean and bacon soup, even my mom's. ;)

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You might like them now. There are a lot of things that I used to hate when I was younger that I love now. For example, every Halloween my mom would make bean and bacon soup b/c she knew I HATED it (it made me gag), and we couldn't trick or treat until I finished it. I now LOVE bean and bacon soup, even my mom's. ;)



You are right...I like tons of stuff now that I wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole.


If I was your friend back then, you could have slipped me the soup! I loved it...still do!



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I love scalloped potatoes and salmon patties, too. And all of my kids LOVE scalloped potatoes and au gratins. Box is okay, but homemade is best. We layer the potatoes, flour and s/p and pour milk over all before baking. Lay slices of cheese on for the last half hour of baking.

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Ok, this is the type of recipe that put me off them as a kid. Seriously - gag! And usually it had really nasty dried out cheapest ham you can find that you froze for 2 years and scraped off the bottom of the freezer




Something like this? = yummy! :)


I agree. Julie should be ashamed.

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Very good! You're mostly correct...it's specific food boiled together, though.


Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots.


Eww.. Boiled? Yuck. Now, if they are oven roasted until the corned beef melts in one's mouth, then we are talking yummy. We had that yesterday. Well, I added rutabaga. We had company for dinner and nothing was left.

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I was telling the boys about it...and describing what they are because to me, they still make me want to gag. I've never made them for my family and theboysnever had them anywhere else.


The boys want to try them.




They make you want to gag?


Then would it be evil of me to tell you about a recent scalloped potato incident? :D


My oldest son, who is a senior, his girlfriend, and several couples in their group of friends decided to have a potluck dinner at our house before a dance. One of the guys made pork shoulder and it was sitting out the island, buffet-style with all the other wonderful hot items when a young lady ducks into the kitchen and retrieves a mysterious dish from my refrigerator. She plops it on the island, peels back the lid to reveal...ice-cold scalloped potatoes. "H, do you want me to heat these up for you?" "Why, Mrs. B.?"


Ice-cold scalloped potatoes, yum yum. I am thinking this must be a delicacy in some part of the country.


Dh looked green at the thought of those potatoes.

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