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Evidence that I am weird: I didn't like Downton Abbey....at all!


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Dh and I watched Downton Abbey for the first time last night. From all the swooning on Facebook, I had expected something like Jane Eyre in an amazing TV series.


I dare not post this on FB, for fear of losing half my IRL friends :ohmy: , but dh said (and I think he summed it up perfectly), "This is like Days of our Lives in dress up!"


Okay. So I guess it's official: I am weird. Any other weirdos out there?


If you like it, why?


Please do not come after me with torches and pitchforks for not being :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: over the show!

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You are an absolute freak of nature.


Just kidding. It is probably like Days of Our LIves in dress up. But oh, the dresses they dress up in! Total eye candy. For whatever reason, my husband, who is a fan of Breaking Bad and Justified (two violent, bloody shows) absolutely loves Downton Abbey.

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Your dh is right. My dh says the same thing--but we're both addicted to it anyways. He'll ask me if I want to watch our "stories" (the same way his mom's friends watched their "stories" during the day when he was a kid).


It must be the dress-up that makes the show. And a certain fascination with good-looking, rich British people.

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Dh and I watched Downton Abbey for the first time last night. From all the swooning on Facebook, I had expected something like Jane Eyre in an amazing TV series.


I dare not post this on FB, for fear of losing half my IRL friends :ohmy: , but dh said (and I think he summed it up perfectly), "This is like Days of our Lives in dress up!"


Okay. So I guess it's official: I am weird. Any other weirdos out there?


If you like it, why?


Please do not come after me with torches and pitchforks for not being :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: over the show!


I like it because it's like Days of our Lives in dress up :001_smile: .

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Without question, it's a soap opera. It's a mix of high-brow and low-brow with a great mix of characters, and for me it works. I'm also a freak, though, since I'm perpetually mystified by why people go nuts over Big Bang Theory. I tried several episodes and thought the gags were rather juvenile and not funny. For laughs and likeability, I'd take Moss on The IT Crowd over Sheldon any day.

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We watched whatever it was they were playing during the money-raising event. Let's see if I can recall everything: Lady Mary turned down cousin Matthew's proposal (even though she said she loved him) because her mum was pregnant with a change-of-life baby, and it might have been a boy and heir, leaving cousin Matthew poor; however, the heir (the baby WAS a boy!)was killed by the actions of mum's maid, who erroneously thinking that her ladyship was hiring a new lady's maid to replace her (she was really helping someone else find a new maid), positioned a bar of soap on the bathroom floor so that her ladyship slipped on it, fell, and lost the baby. Ugh. Meanwhile, Mary had found out her sister had told some ambassador something or other, so when sister was expecting to be proposed to at a party, Mary told the groom-to-be how sister had laughed about some old boor was going to propose to her, and that was the end of that marriage prospect. The servants were having their own dramas. Some guy confessed that he did time as a thief, but wasn't believed. It turns out that he confessed because his wife did it. Whatever. I couldn't tell if one of the maids was in love with him and the news about a living wife was a blow or not. The mother of another servant died and there was a fight between him and some jerk who needled him about it. Some guy was caught stealing a wallet. And of course there was the trusted lady's maid who murdered her mistress's baby because she thought she was being fired. :svengo:

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We watched whatever it was they were playing during the money-raising event. Let's see if I can recall everything: Lady Mary turned down cousin Matthew's proposal (even though she said she loved him) because her mum was pregnant with a change-of-life baby, and it might have been a boy and heir, leaving cousin Matthew poor; however, the heir (the baby WAS a boy!)was killed by the actions of mum's maid, who erroneously thinking that her ladyship was hiring a new lady's maid to replace her (she was really helping someone else find a new maid), positioned a bar of soap on the bathroom floor so that her ladyship slipped on it, fell, and lost the baby. Ugh. Meanwhile, Mary had found out her sister had told some ambassador something or other, so when sister was expecting to be proposed to at a party, Mary told the groom-to-be how sister had laughed about some old boor was going to propose to her, and that was the end of that marriage prospect. The servants were having their own dramas. Some guy confessed that he did time as a thief, but wasn't believed. It turns out that he confessed because his wife did it. Whatever. I couldn't tell if one of the maids was in love with him and the news about a living wife was a blow or not. The mother of another servant died and there was a fight between him and some jerk who needled him about it. Some guy was caught stealing a wallet. And of course there was the trusted lady's maid who murdered her mistress's baby because she thought she was being fired. :svengo:



Well, yeah, but they do all that with their English accents and while wearing fabulous Edwardian dresses! That must count for something.

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Someone doesn't like Downton Abbey, and someone else doesn't like The Big Bang Theory?!?


I'm sorry, I must not be understanding... that can't be right.



:D Just kidding... sort of. Seriously, they're two of my top five shows!! And yes, I really think the accents are what do it for DA.

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Well, I watched the whole first season because I got sucked into the accents and the setting. But the drama and the totally contrived storylines got to be too much for me, and when I read ahead to what happened in the second season, I decided that I didn't want to be sucked in any longer. So I understand the appeal, but really, it just wasn't for me.

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Well, my goodness, OP! You can't start watching a show like Downton Abbey in the middle! You'll have no idea what Edith told to the Turkish Ambassador, and why. You won't understand the tension between Mr. Bates and Thomas, or the development of the relationship between Mary and Matthew.


If you really want to give the show a chance and understand what the hype is, you have to go back to season one, episode one. Do that, and see if you don't get sucked in by it. I know dh and I sure did.

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I watched the first couple of ones and it did appeal to me but it is so hard for me to be consistent about watching a regular TV show. I don't know how other people do it! I haven't been able to since having children. I get too sleepy or I forget about it or I get lost in a book, etc. So I am out of the Downton Abby loop too.

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Yeah, you're weird.


Just kidding... Yes it's like a soap opera if by soap opera you mean "beautiful scenery, stunning costumes, British accents, lovely theme music, and one hilarious old lady"!! Can I change your mind? No one delivers lines like this better than the Dowager Countess! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVMtffzbAwk&feature=youtube_gdata_player



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Without question, it's a soap opera. It's a mix of high-brow and low-brow with a great mix of characters, and for me it works. I'm also a freak, though, since I'm perpetually mystified by why people go nuts over Big Bang Theory. I tried several episodes and thought the gags were rather juvenile and not funny.


I agree on both counts. I very much enjoy Downton Abbey, in part because I find the characters compelling and also because the performances are so good. Much of the time, I don't even remember the finer points of the plot, but I enjoy following the emotional development of the characters. (And the costumes and sets don't hurt, either.)


On the other hand, I cannot stand Big Bang Theory. Not only do I not find it funny, I don't think it is in any way an accurate picture of nerds. I love nerds! I'm surrounded by them in my family and my circle of friends. BBT doesn't get them right at all. I'm always bothered by shows (and movies and books) that purport to be about smart people but are clearly written by people who aren't as smart as their characters. BBT is one of those, for me. (Plus--and believe me, I'm no prude -- I find the humor on BBT just smutty.)

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I usually do not like period pieces nor do I like British shows but for some reason Downton Abbey has stuck with me and my girls.


The show you watched, though, is in the middle. I would have found it confusing and silly if I had started watching it then too.


Just for the record, I don't like Big Bang, either. I have tried watching a few episodes but I just shake my head and turn it off after 10 min.

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You are an absolute freak of nature.


Just kidding. It is probably like Days of Our LIves in dress up. But oh, the dresses they dress up in! Total eye candy. For whatever reason, my husband, who is a fan of Breaking Bad and Justified (two violent, bloody shows) absolutely loves Downton Abbey.



We just started watching Downton Abbey last Sunday during a PBS marathon. My husband loved it so much that when The Walking Dead season ender came on we DID NOT change the channel!


Along with Doctor Who and Walking Dead, it's now one of our must watch shows. I have yet to see an episode of Sherlock though, I suspect that will be the next one.

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We do like Downton Abbey, but sometimes the writing is so off the mark historically that I get annoyed. For example, the recent handling of homosexuality was merely an attempt at importing (many, not all) current perspectives on the characters. I highly doubt that so many people surrounding Thomas would act in his favor because he was unfairly judged as a result of his sexual preference. And the idea that Lord Grantham would retain him given his character flaws (previous season storyline) was hard enough to swallow; having no problem with the fact that he was gay and daily dressed him was unbelievable. Again, speaking of what the common reactions would have been in that time.



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We do like Downton Abbey, but sometimes the writing is so off the mark historically that I get annoyed. For example, the recent handling of homosexuality was merely an attempt at importing (many, not all) current perspectives on the characters. I highly doubt that so many people surrounding Thomas would act in his favor because he was unfairly judged as a result of his sexual preference. And the idea that Lord Grantham would retain him given his character flaws (previous season storyline) was hard enough to swallow; having no problem with the fact that he was gay and daily dressed him was unbelievable. Again, speaking of what the common reactions would have been in that time.

While I agree with this, I am a DA fan. In fact, I just did a season 3 marathon over the last 2 days (DH was out of town, LOL, and I plowed through!) I do love the show, but yeah...it is a fancy soap with accents. (I'm also a Big Bang fan...love some Sheldon.)

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Dh and I watched Downton Abbey for the first time last night. From all the swooning on Facebook, I had expected something like Jane Eyre in an amazing TV series.


I dare not post this on FB, for fear of losing half my IRL friends :ohmy: , but dh said (and I think he summed it up perfectly), "This is like Days of our Lives in dress up!"


Okay. So I guess it's official: I am weird. Any other weirdos out there?


If you like it, why?


Please do not come after me with torches and pitchforks for not being :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: over the show!


you're not alone. Normally, we like British period drama or mysteries and we were so excited about Downtown Abbey. We made it through the first season - but barely. Agree with much of what the others have said - especiallyl the soap opera comment. That is exactly what we called it.

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Not weird at all, dh feels the same way.


I know its soapy but I like the actors and I enjoy it now. I was kind of eh about the first episode though. I can't remember when I started liking it. I almost quit after the Turkish ambassador. It took a few episodes and the introduction of some characters I really liked to pull me in.


Big Bang Theory was the same way. I hated it when we saw an episode or two during the 1st season, but the gradual depth to Sheldon and wider focus of the group (vs. Leonard as the main character) made us try season 3. We both enjoy it now in small doses.

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Big Bang Theory was the same way. I hated it when we saw an episode or two during the 1st season, but the gradual depth to Sheldon and wider focus of the group (vs. Leonard as the main character) made us try season 3. We both enjoy it now in small doses.


I've been forced to continue occasional exposure to BBT, because my husband watches now and then. I often leave the room after a few minutes. I really, really cannot stand that show.


But why work at learning to tolerate a sitcom? Seriously, I have other things to do with my time.

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I've been forced to continue occasional exposure to BBT, because my husband watches now and then. I often leave the room after a few minutes. I really, really cannot stand that show.


But why work at learning to tolerate a sitcom? Seriously, I have other things to do with my time.


I agree. I watch only a handful of TV shows (mostly British, including sit-coms) because we no longer have cable/satellite. I'm much more selective about shows I watch now, so they have to be worth the time and effort—and in the case of current shows I get on Amazon Instant, worth the cost. BBT is one of many shows that didn't make my Worth Watching list, and I'm OK with not getting why it's so outrageously popular.

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I have also really hated Sherlock and everyone seems to love that. Seeing who wrote it I am not surprised I don't like it as I am not a fan of their other work. They have mangled some perfectly good stories. There is very little decent tv on over here at the moment. I thought The Paradise was good as well as Call the Midwife which was on about 18 months ago. I only really watch documentaries now.

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I love period dramas and I hated Downton Abbey. Well, I guess hate is too strong, but seriously, I should have liked it but I just didn't. I watched the whole first season and was pretty much bored.


I also don't like Big Bang Theory. Again, one would think I would given my tastes, but I feel like it thinks it is more clever than it is or something. And I've watched almost every episode. Both shows are both sort of "meh" for me.


So you are not alone! It is funny, my husband wants to watch Downton Abbey with me because he is all about watching critically acclaimed things. So maybe I'll like it better upon a second viewing?

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I have also really hated Sherlock and everyone seems to love that. Seeing who wrote it I am not surprised I don't like it as I am not a fan of their other work. They have mangled some perfectly good stories.



I love Sherlock, BUT I can tell a difference between Steven Moffat's scripts and the others. It's not as pronounced as in Doctor Who, but he definitely has an issue with underdeveloped character arcs and the plot getting a bit away from him. He just doesn't have the luxury in Sherlock of timey-wimey hand waving the plot holes that he does in DW.


I haven't seen Downton Abbey yet, but I'm another that can't get into BBT. I have a hard time focusing on sitcoms where it's a half-hour of scripted humor with no other emotional resonance. I get bored.

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I have seen Days of our Lives, if amnesia becomes a regular plot device, there is an alien abduction or someone gets kidnapped by an evil mastermind and replaced by someone who looks nothing like them then I will stop watching. :lol:



It would add quite a dramatic turn to the show if poor Mr. Pamuk returned from the dead Stefano style.

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But...doesn't Horton hear a who?


:lol: We've tried so many times to watch and like that show, but we just don't. I am surprised that someone upthread mentioned someone involved in Dr. Who is also involved in Sherlock (will have to google). We love Sherlock!

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Yeah, you're weird.


Just kidding... Yes it's like a soap opera if by soap opera you mean "beautiful scenery, stunning costumes, British accents, lovely theme music, and one hilarious old lady"!! Can I change your mind? No one delivers lines like this better than the Dowager Countess! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVMtffzbAwk&feature=youtube_gdata_player



YES! "Why does every day involve a fight with an American?"

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I love Sherlock, BUT I can tell a difference between Steven Moffat's scripts and the others. It's not as pronounced as in Doctor Who, but he definitely has an issue with underdeveloped character arcs and the plot getting a bit away from him. He just doesn't have the luxury in Sherlock of timey-wimey hand waving the plot holes that he does in DW.


I've also tried more than once to get into Doctor Who, primarily because my daughter would really love it if someone else in the family cared/watched with her. I just can't do it, though.


I have really enjoyed Sherlock, although some episodes are definitely weaker than others. As with Downtown Abbey, my favorite things about the series tend to be the characters and the performances of the actors. So, I often don't care if the plot is ridiculous, because it's not what drives my interest.

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"This is like Days of our Lives in dress up!"


That's interesting, because I was just telling DH last night that one of the reasons I really like it is because it's NOT soap opera-y. To me, the story is far more about the societal and social changes that are occurring and how they are affecting this family over the long term than it is about what specifically is happening within the family. I see all the aspects of the family's issues as the microcosm of the larger situation. (I told him this in response to his question about why the first two seasons have taken place over 7 years.)



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Yeah, you're weird.


Just kidding... Yes it's like a soap opera if by soap opera you mean "beautiful scenery, stunning costumes, British accents, lovely theme music, and one hilarious old lady"!! Can I change your mind? No one delivers lines like this better than the Dowager Countess! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVMtffzbAwk&feature=youtube_gdata_player


That video clip was fantastic!!


I started watching Downton Abbey in September because of Maggie Smith and I fell in love with it for many reasons. I plowed through two seasons in about two weeks! :thumbup:


And for the record, I don't like daytime soaps, haven't been able to get into Dr. Who (but I *loved* Torchwood), and I am not usually fond of period shows. Apparently, I'm an enigma!!

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Yes, you're weird. LOL Even my dh loves Downtown. I have huge crushes on almost every male character...especially Bates, and Maggie Smith's performance in each episode alone is worth watching. She makes me laugh so hard. And wait until you see her with Shirley MacLaine in Season 3. I couldn't wait for it to get to the US, so I got a tunnel bear and watched it as it aired in the UK. GREAT season!! But stock up on the Kleenex. It is heart wrenching. Seriously...I was shattered. Episode six is a killer.

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