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at what age did your dd stop growing?

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I'm pretty sure by the time I was 13 I was as tall as I was going to get. Dd is my height now, and I think she's not going to grow any more. But MIL keeps telling her she has one more growth spurt coming and she'll be really tall.


Just curious now. Is there another growth spurt at this age? What age did your dd's stop growing?

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The very loose, general rule that a girl will stop most of her height growth about 2 years after getting her period has pretty much held true for my daughters. The one who got her period earliest did continue to grow a bit longer, though. It seemed like their growth slowed over a couple years and then they had one more little growth spurt before their height remained constant. (This is my 2 oldest...youngest is still growing. :) )

Edited by 6packofun
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I'm pretty sure by the time I was 13 I was as tall as I was going to get. Dd is my height now, and I think she's not going to grow any more. But MIL keeps telling her she has one more growth spurt coming and she'll be really tall.


Just curious now. Is there another growth spurt at this age? What age did your dd's stop growing?


Me too, but mine kept going til almost 16. I was my full height at 12.


Have no idea. I guess it varies.

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I had to have extensive knee surgery due to a genetic defect, but they had to wait until my growth plates closed so I wouldn't have one leg shorter than the other. According to my knee doctor, girls generally stop growing about one year after their first period. This held true for me. I got my first period the spring of sixth grade and I haven't grown since 7th grade. I am 5'10".

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I agree with the onset of a period being the beginning of the end of growth. My dd started her period at 11, and she is now 15. She's grown an inch or two since she was 11, and we assume she's done. She's not thrilled about that, because she's only 5'3". And a whopping 3/4" shorter than me. :D


I grew throughout high school and even grew an inch in college, but my period started late (14) and I have NEVER been regular, until right now as I'm pre-menopausal. I always thought my irregular periods allowed me to continue growing, but I don't really know if that's true.


My dh is 6'3" so my dd was hoping to get some of his height, but no go. Most of his family is not tall - he was a throw-back to a very tall grandmother.

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I always heard the "1 year after you start your period thing" but it wasn't true in our family. It was more like 4 years for us. I started my period at 12 and was done growing at about 15/16. I'm not sure exactly when I was done, but I know at 14 I was 5'4" and I grew 3 inches after that.


My sister started her period at 14 and was still growing up until age 18! I went away to college and when I came home for Christmas she had grown an inch and matched my height; by summer she had grown 2 more and passed me up!

Edited by AndyJoy
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I was almost fully grown going into the 7th grade- 5 feet nine and a quarter. I am 46 now and I am 5 feet 10 inches, so sometime after that, I grew another 3/4 inch.


My dd has been slowly inching her way up, still at 15. She is 5 feet 8 inches, and hasn't grown in a while, but they were originally predicting 5 feet 11 inches for her. I'm wondering if her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has stunted, or hopefully just slowed her growth. =(

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My oldest went through puberty at age 12. She was exactly 5ft tall.

At age 13 she as 5 ft 2.

At age 15 she was 5 ft 6

At age 18 she was 5 ft 7.5 (and still is at age 22)


My middle was 5.2 when she went through puberty at age 9 (almost 10).

She had an undiagnosed thyroid problem that stunted her growth-- she was 5ft 6 at age 16. She is now 5 ft 9 and may be growing a bit more at age 20.


My youngest is already 5ft 2 at age 10 (almost 11). She will be going through puberty any day now-- I anticipate her being 5 ft 10 (more normal for my family).


I was 5ft 5in when I hit puberty at age 9. I was 5 ft 6 in high school. I grew almost 2 inches my freshman year in college...

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I stopped growing around 18.5yo. I started at 13yo and was about 5'6" at the time; by the time I graduated high school I was 5'9". Actually I think I reached that height by the time I was 15. I remember in 9th grade I was taller than most boys, but when we came back in 10th a lot of them grew and were at least as tall as me. Anyway at the start of college I was measured at 5'10" and have been measured at that height since.

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My oldest went through puberty at age 12. She was exactly 5ft tall.

At age 13 she as 5 ft 2.

At age 15 she was 5 ft 6

At age 18 she was 5 ft 7.5 (and still is at age 22)


My middle was 5.2 when she went through puberty at age 9 (almost 10).

She had an undiagnosed thyroid problem that stunted her growth-- she was 5ft 6 at age 16. She is now 5 ft 9 and may be growing a bit more at age 20.


My youngest is already 5ft 2 at age 10 (almost 11). She will be going through puberty any day now-- I anticipate her being 5 ft 10 (more normal for my family).


I was 5ft 5in when I hit puberty at age 9. I was 5 ft 6 in high school. I grew almost 2 inches my freshman year in college...


This is very interesting to me. I don't know one single woman who grew very much after puberty.

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I was 12-13 when I hit my current height...started my period at 9. (I'm 5'7.5")


My oldest is 15 and has pretty much stopped. It slowed WAY down by 14. She's 5'8".


My twins are 12 and still growing, but not nearly as much as they did last year. (they are right at 5'6.5") I see them gaining maybe another inch, but not more than that. Their Ped. was horribly wrong when at 5'2" she said they would max out at 5'3" based on their periods.

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I got my period and filled out at 14, but then grew another 2 inches late in high school- between 17 and 20. The bum thing was I also got scoliosis, which no one checks full grown teens for, and by the time it was discovered I was done growing so no brace for me. I'm just sort of crooked now, lol.

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This is not a growth spurt, but I gained an inch and 1/4 as an adult when I started dancing. Over time the way I carried myself made THAT much of a height difference. I was 5'2 3/4" from 17 and all through my Army years (they measure you A LOT). My last two measurements from the science center and my doctors office have been 5'4".


This is a big deal when you're short :D I feel I have crept I to the average height category!

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I finished growing around 16, about 2.5 years after menses. I found out when I was 30, that I also have scoliosis, so I probably should be a bit taller than 5'5." Since dd is following my growth pattern, I'm making a note to myself about having her checked for that throughout her teens. She's nearly 11, and showing zero signs of womanhood, and has become among the shortest her her group (saved me money on clothes, because she hasn't really outgrown much the past two years ;)) She's not too happy that her 9yo brother is the same height...the two could be twins ;)


My mom was the same way. She talks about being the shortest girl in her class, and that she went to school her sophomore year and was taller than all of the other girls (although, I don't think she has scoliosis...she's 5'7.)


So in our family, it has thus far run about 2 years from the start of our cycles. Since DD is following that path, I expect she'll finish growing around 16. My other two daughters are still to young to tell...but we should know if they either continue on their growth curve for height or start falling off of it around 9 (my 6yo is in the 75th and my 3yo is in the 25th...dd was in the 55th, but had fallen to the 25th at her check up this past summer).

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My oldest is about to turn 15. When she was 13, she was kinda short for her age, but then she has a growth spurt, and is about 5'7"! It still amazes me that people refer to her as a tall girl, because she was a shorter one for so long. She and her younger sister are taller than me!


She hopes she is not done growing - she wants to be tall. :)

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Both dd have grown in college. Oldest was in Germany for 5 months earlier this year and grew prob 1/2 to an inch she's 5'10-11 now. Youngest has grown prob 1/2 inch this year also. We think she'll prob continue to grow more as she heals after being diagnosed with celiac disease.

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My theory is that shorter people grow earlier. I was done at 12. DD was done at 13. We are 5'3" and 5'4". My younger dd is 5th grae and she is taller than most of the girls her age. I was tallest in my class in 5th grade.


I do not follow your theory.:tongue_smilie: I am 5'4". When I entered high school I was 4'8" and I started my period at 15. I stopped growing around the time I started college at 18ish. Most of my growth spurt happened the end of Jr year and most of my Sr year.

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