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What do you consider 'sleeping in,' and how often do you do it?

What time do you usually get up and what is 'sleeping in' to you?  

  1. 1. What time do you usually get up and what is 'sleeping in' to you?

    • I'm normally up before 6am
    • I usually get up between 6 and 7am
    • I usually get up between 7 and 8 am
    • I'm not usually up until past 8am
    • I regularly (at least once a week) 'sleep in' past 7am
    • I regularly (at least once a week) 'sleep in' past 8am
    • I regularly (at least once a week) 'sleep in' past 9am
    • I virtually never 'sleep in'
    • Other, just because there always has to be an 'other'

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I'm up every day between 6am and 7am. Sometimes on a Saturday I'll sleep until 8am. I never sleep in later than that unless I'm ill, completely exhausted by overwork, or jet-lagged. I know someone who usually gets up between 8am and 9am and regularly (maybe once or twice a week) sleeps in past 9am. I can't even imagine sleeping that late on a regular basis. I'm curious what other people consider 'sleeping in.'


Oops. I meant to make the poll to allow for more than one answer. Just answer the 'sleeping in' questions please.

Edited by MeganP
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For me sleeping in means I'm not out of bed before 10:30 am.


I usually get up between 8 and 9. I think a lot of this is going to depend on what type of person you are. Some are early morning people. If I'm up before 7:30 I'm a miserable person all day. I usually don't go up to bed until at least 11pm and then I'm up watching TV or reading in bed until about 1-2 am.


I missed your update so I voted to when I normally wake up.

Edited by nukeswife
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"sleeping in" for me simply means i woke up on my own. my dogs didn't whine. my son didn't wake me. my husband's alarm didn't shake me from my sleep. the cat didn't jump on my head. my cell phone didn't ring. his cell phone didn't ring.


for me, it is when i just wake up from a sleep undisturbed. it virtually never happens.

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I *used* to be able to sleep in. It was glorious. I'd sleep past 10am, no sweat.


Now, kids and Wolf have trained me. If I sleep past 7am, it's a small miracle. And no, I still don't count that as sleeping in! :lol:


These days, I can be up anywhere btwn 5-7am.

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I am up daily at 5am; if I sleep in I get up at 7am. But I struggle with occasional insomnia as well as with having children who are morning people, (I am a night owl), so if I do not get enough sleep, (like if there is not enough coffee in the state to counteract my drowsiness), I will go back to sleep after 6:30am for a couple of hours.

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I am normally up between 6 and 6:30, because that is when the toddler gets up. On the weekend, my sweet dh usually lets me sleep in. For me, it means I come down when I please. I doze until I feel very rested and ready for the day. That is usually somewhere between 8:30 and 10, depending on my level of sleep deprivation, what we have scheduled for the day, etc.

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I have chronic insomnia so my answers can't count for much.


On a good morning when the stars and planets are aligned in such a way that I've gone to bed at 10 and slept all night I'll get up at 7ish. If this same alignment occurs the night before a non-busy day I'll sleep until 9 or so.


On a bad morning I've not gotten any sleep during the night I'm just going to sleep when most people are getting up and I'll sleep until noon hoping that isn't too much to reset my cycle. But that is only 6 hours and not at all considered sleeping in.

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It depends a good bit on what the plan is for the day. If we don't have anywhere to be, then 8 am isn't that late. We can do school and I can do the housework or shopping or whatever I need to do whenever during the day. If we need to be at an activity midmorning or early afternoon, then 8 am is a bit late for me to get up and still get a good chunk of school in and have us organized to go out.


Anything after about 9:30 or 10 is sleeping in regardless... unless you're a teenager. If you're a teenager, then it doesn't count as sleeping in until after noon at least.:tongue_smilie:

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MeganP: I know someone who usually gets up between 8am and 9am and regularly (maybe once or twice a week) sleeps in past 9am. I can't even imagine sleeping that late on a regular basis. I'm curious what other people consider 'sleeping in.'



Laughing, because "sleeping in" to me is like NOON.


You've got to remember that some of us are on different natural rhythms. Sure, I got up early when I worked and when I had to, and still do about 3 mornings a week because of obligations. But I hate it, and do best when I sleep later and stay up later.


I'm married to an earlybird and I joke with him that I do more after midnight than he does all day (not true). His eyes are beginning to close around 8:30-9. That's when I begin to do important paperwork for the business or other things where I need quiet to focus - this happens after everyone is in bed.


So, people are different.

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I have major sleep issues so when DH is home he lets me sleep on the weekends. He usually tries to get me out of bed by 10 or 11 but it's not uncommon for me to sleep past noon. That said - I'm often up until 3 or 4 am doing housework so it's not like I'm getting to be off the clock from a normal bedtime until noon the next day.

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I wake with the toddler. It's usually between 6 and 7. He'll occasionally wake up earlier or sleep a bit later. This Sunday, by some miracle, he slept until 8:45. It was awesome, but I'm sure it will not be repeated. I sleep too lightly to be able to keep sleeping while my DH plays with the little guy, so I get up with him every day.

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I get up between 5 & 5:30 with DH.


I love that time.

I treasure that time.

It's quiet.



At least it sure used to be. Right now I have two early risers who are too young to teach about alarm clocks.


They get up around 5:30.


We consider sleeping in when everyone in the house sleeps 'til 7:00 or 7:15.


We have NO late risers. Not one. Even the teen-agers are up by nine if we'd let them sleep as late as they'd want to.


To be honest, I don't think I could stay in bed much past eight, but I'd sure love the opportunity to give it a shot.

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I'm up at 5 daily. Sleeping in for me is sleeping until 6. That's rare, though.


I'm fortunate that I don't have insomnia. I'm usually asleep around 10, and I'll often take a 20 minute power nap at lunch.


I just love the early morning hours, and my day goes so much better when I'm up early, empty the dishwasher, exercise, shower, etc. before my boys get up at 7:30.

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I am a total night owl. If I had my way, I'd stay up til 2 am and sleep until 10 am. But, the world tends to insist on starting earlier than that, so now I am grumpily up by 6:30 am on school days. BUT, I get to sleep in most Saturdays, which for me means sleeping until at least 9 or 10. And on Sundays, I don't have to be up until about 8:30, but even that requires an alarm clock. Why do mornings insist on coming so dang early???

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sleeping in for me is 10am. I normally get up between 8 and 9. My dh works evenings and doesn't get home until midnight so I'm often up till past 1am. I have to get at least 8 hours sleep, and even if I get up at 9, that doesn't mean I've slept the whole time. I often wake up at three and then don't go back to sleep till 5-7am. It's getting better tho, the closer I get to menopause.

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Before pregnancy I usually woke up around 5:30-6:00 and sleeping in would be 6:30. Since pregnant my sleep has been so erratic I sleep to 7-7:30 fairly often. I really miss my old schedule, I loved my morning time but if I don't sleep at night I have to sleep sometime!

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I'm usually up between 7:30-8:30 with sleeping in being between 9-10. But, we also don't go to bed until 11:30-12:00 since dh is a restaurant manager. So, I don't think we sleep in. In the past, I've had people comment on how "late" we sleep in and would call me between 8-9 in the morning. I would just return the favor and call them between 10-11 and comment on how "early" they go to bed.

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I'm up every day between 6am and 7am. Sometimes on a Saturday I'll sleep until 8am. I never sleep in later than that unless I'm ill, completely exhausted by overwork, or jet-lagged. I know someone who usually gets up between 8am and 9am and regularly (maybe once or twice a week) sleeps in past 9am. I can't even imagine sleeping that late on a regular basis. I'm curious what other people consider 'sleeping in.'


Oops. I meant to make the poll to allow for more than one answer. Just answer the 'sleeping in' questions please.


Maybe I'll find this as I continue reading through the thread but I'm wondering what time you go to bed.

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