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Thoughts on outdoor trampolines?

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What are your thoughts on outdoor trampolines?


My neighbors recently put up a trampoline in their backyard. The other day their two sons, my two boys, and another little boy were playing on it. It looked like they were playing some type of super hero game where they were pretending to fight and falling down onto the trampoline with some jumping added in. Every time I watched them out the window I did not think they were getting crazy but I was a bit uncomfortable. Later that day my youngest told me he fell off the trampoline onto his head:001_huh: but said it didn't hurt. The neighbors do not have the safety netting.


DH absolutely HATES trampolines, he was home at the time and kept watching the boys from the window. I have never had a problem with them but until the other day my only experience was gymnastics and at another friend's house where they have the netting on the side. The other day I kept imagining the worst would happen and I am contemplating not allowing my boys to play on the trampoline next door. In your opinion, would that be an overreaction? What are your thoughts on trampolines?

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My parents have always had one, including when my sisters and I were growing up (not the same trampoline, though!), and I don't have any issues with letting my kids jump when we visit. However, there are rules they have to follow. I would nix the idea of five kids jumping at once.

Edited by WordGirl
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We used to have one with a safety net. It was a Jumpsport, which has a much better quality safety net than one you might get somewhere like Walmart. I was comfortable with it, as why my cousin-in-law, a pediatrician, who is very safety conscious.

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We have one with an enclosure. When the boys were 8 and under, I allowed more kids on the tramp at one time. Now that they are older (and heavier), we have a 2 person rule. We have had our share of injuries, but our most major injury came from a bike (ds12 is rocking 2 casts right now). So, I guess I'm saying that there are always risks. For us, the benefits of getting out all that energy boys seem to overflow with is worth it. For *us*.

I don't think I would like the no enclosure thing though.

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We have one with an enclosure. When the boys were 8 and under, I allowed more kids on the tramp at one time. Now that they are older (and heavier), we have a 2 person rule. We have had our share of injuries, but our most major injury came from a bike (ds12 is rocking 2 casts right now). So, I guess I'm saying that there are always risks. For us, the benefits of getting out all that energy boys seem to overflow with is worth it. For *us*.

I don't think I would like the no enclosure thing though.


I totally agree with the bolded, which is why I thought I would consult the Hive. :)

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I totally agree with the bolded, which is why I thought I would consult the Hive. :)


Agreed. I think each family needs to decide what risks are acceptable for their family. I know many families who enjoy 4x4ing and riding quads on dunes. Both are popular sports here in the desert. To me, that risk is too great. I think it also depends on how many horror stories you hear. ;)

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I would not like it either. We had relatives who had one and I was always holding my breath hoping no one got injured (which they didn't.)


A kid we know was out for a year for a break in his arm from a fall from his home trampoline. It was a really bad break and just wouldn't heal. Took him out of music and sports both.


Like skateboarding, etc., it is one of the more dangerous "sports." The more kids you have on , the higher the chance of an injury. I think the rec's are for one jumper at a time--certainly not 5. You can get injured even with a net. Some insurance companies won't cover them. I don't like 'em.

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We have one with an enclosure. When the boys were 8 and under, I allowed more kids on the tramp at one time. Now that they are older (and heavier), we have a 2 person rule. We have had our share of injuries, but our most major injury came from a bike (ds12 is rocking 2 casts right now). So, I guess I'm saying that there are always risks. For us, the benefits of getting out all that energy boys seem to overflow with is worth it. For *us*.

I don't think I would like the no enclosure thing though.


:iagree: We don't have one, but this is how I see it too. I think they're basically worth the risk for the play benefit, but not having the netting seems very odd to me these days.

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No net = no jumping. We have had a trampoline for about 10 years, always with a net. We have never had more than a couple minor bumps and that was neighbor kids who weren't following my rules.


I would NEVER allow my own children on a trampoline that doesn't have a net, and I would not allow them on if the owners don't have safety rules in place.

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What are your thoughts on outdoor trampolines?


My neighbors recently put up a trampoline in their backyard. The other day their two sons, my two boys, and another little boy were playing on it. It looked like they were playing some type of super hero game where they were pretending to fight and falling down onto the trampoline with some jumping added in. Every time I watched them out the window I did not think they were getting crazy but I was a bit uncomfortable. Later that day my youngest told me he fell off the trampoline onto his head:001_huh: but said it didn't hurt. The neighbors do not have the safety netting.


DH absolutely HATES trampolines, he was home at the time and kept watching the boys from the window. I have never had a problem with them but until the other day my only experience was gymnastics and at another friend's house where they have the netting on the side. The other day I kept imagining the worst would happen and I am contemplating not allowing my boys to play on the trampoline next door. In your opinion, would that be an overreaction? What are your thoughts on trampolines?


We've had one for about 8 years and have never had an injury. When the boys were little, we would allow more than one up at a time. Now, it's one kid at a time, period.


We have the safety netting. I don't think I'd be comfortable without. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable if more than one kid was on it at a time.


My boys burn a lot of energy on ours. They've been in power tumbling and trampoline gymnastics for about 2 years now, so they use it mostly for flipping and handsprings now.

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We had one for 10 yrs with no safety net. It was great fun for the whole family. No one ever got hurt.


Us too - I grew up with one long before nets. My kids have always had one without a net. I'm personally more afraid of the ones with nets. It only took one news story of a kid getting strangled in the net for me to decide against them. I teach my kids to be careful.

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We do not have one, although I would like one and we have looked at them. We have friends and neighbors that do have them though. Our rules would be and they apply when the kids jump elsewhere is one kid jumping at a time. My kids would not be jumping without a net. I was ok w/2 kids at a time when they were small. But now my kids take acrobatics and like to practice flips, etc on them.


Five kids on one tramp with no net seems nuts to me.

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We have had one for 16 years (not the same one!). The first one we had did not have a net, but the one we have now does have the net. It has gotten the most use of anything we have ever bought our kids. Even my grown kids still go jump on the trampoline. :001_smile:


ETA: In all those years, we have never had an injury.

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No net = no jumping. We have had a trampoline for about 10 years, always with a net. We have never had more than a couple minor bumps and that was neighbor kids who weren't following my rules.


I would NEVER allow my own children on a trampoline that doesn't have a net, and I would not allow them on if the owners don't have safety rules in place.

:iagree: We've had one with a net for a long time. There haven't been any significant injuries.

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As a PT, I would never own one for my own kids. I can't think of too many ER docs or orthopedists who would support them at all either. If I had a child with sensory issues that might be helped by a small trampoline (which also have pretty high rates of injury), I'd go with that because I'd say the benefits might outweigh the risks. One kid at a time, with supervision, in that case.


Yes, there are risks to everything, but trampoline injuries can be very serious (head injury, cervical spine injury, big kid landing on small child can cause major issues, need for surgical intervention). My high school BFF needed surgery after tearing ligaments in her ankle jumping on a trampoline in high school, and I've seen that professionally as well.


My former neighbors had one and there would be 5-6 kids on at a time, and they had their 10 yo, bigger framed DD jumping with their 4 yo fairly often, and then sometimes other kids in the mix.


I don't think the evidence supports that netting and other supposed safety additions have mitigated the injury rates substantially, so I wouldn't be lulled into a false sense of security with the supposed safety additions.





Ditto the concerns over home owner's insurance. Many people don't secure them well either and they can really pick up speed and do some damage in a windstorm.

Edited by Momof3littles
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We have a trampoline with net and have never had a problem beyond minor bumps and bruises. However, we have a 2-person rule. I would not be comfortable with a net-less tramp. and would never allow 5 kids on at a time (net or no).


I will say it gets more use than all of the other outside toys combined and is fantastic exercise for all ages.

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We have a huge trampoline and love it.


Yes it is dangerous: many kids have trampoline related injuries. (One of my girls was pushed off it by a friend's son and broke her arm.)


But it's great for fun, exercise and stress relief as well. It's good value for money, as it's something that they never seem to get sick of or grow out of.


I'm not convinced about the usefulness of the safety net. We've used our tramp with and without the net, and my observations have been that with no net, the kids will jump near the center (none of mine have ever fallen off except that one accident I mentioned above), whereas with the net, they will hurl themselves against it, climb up it, etc.


Not sure why we have one when they are known to be so risky. I suspect it's an irrational decision based on childhood experience. When I was in school, there was only one kid who had a tramp, everyone loved going to her house to play on it, and I desperately wished my parents would buy one. They never did, so I bought my kids one. [looks around for "i'm insane" emoticon]

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My ds broke his leg on one when he was 4. He wasn't even jumping, he was bounce walking with long strides and missed stepped, hyper extended his leg under him. Snap. It wasn't ours, and I always hated when he was on it. I was more afraid of him breaking his neck and I'm grateful he didn't. Never again!!!!!

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Both trampoline injuries we had involed a larger person jumping with a much smaller person. We had a 3 yr old jumping with an 7 year old. The 3 yr old fell as the 7 yr old descended and landed on 3 yr old's arm. Fortunately, the break was slightly above the growth plate, but it did have to be pinned.


Then the 7 yr old was jumping with her dad and his bouncing made her bounce uncontrolled and she sprained her ankle pretty badly.


My old chiropractor had an article about spinal compression and trampolines. Not a good thing.

Edited by ceecee75
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We have had one (without a net) for 10 yrs. We let all the kids play on it, but they cant jump too hard when someone under 5 is on it. We also do not allow friends on it, except in some situations. Then it is only one son and his friend, no brothers or other friends. Rule is, no pushing or jumpingon each other. If the rule is broken, tramp fun is over.


We have never had a major injury. Most of my friends are completely against trampolines and horrified that I have one, but there are risks in everything and it is such a wonderful way to spend energy and have fun

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We have had a trampoline for 4 or 5 years. It used to have a net until my friend's children literally tore it apart one afternoon last year. :glare:


Now only my children are allowed to jump on it. This past summer Anna fell on Emma and broke Emma's pinky. We had one bloody lip last year (I think). They've had worse issues on bikes, swing sets, and running in the yard.


All in all, I'm very happy with ours. The girls have spent endless hours on it. We love to lie on it at night and look at the stars. :D

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We have a Spring Free. THat thing cost a small fortune. We have the huge one and it is completely safe. You can run full speed at the side of it or jump on the edge. I've tested the safety aspect more than once :o


My husband did that when he tested ours.... Scared me to death. I remember thinking that "This is going to work or he's going to be disabled for life". When I saw how well it worked, I no longer worried at all about the trampoline.

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I would be *concerned*. My father and sister watched a trampolinist sustain a fatal injury at a competition a few years ago. (My dad had been spotting that day -- but wasn't working at that moment. My sister was competing.) ... The risk of a broken arm or leg seems small to me compared to the risk of life-altering (or life-ending) head injury. That's especially of concern when 1) there's no direct adult supervisions, 2) there's no net, and 3) more than one child is allowed on the tramp at a time.

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Not a fan.


I will have lifelong issues with my upper back and neck that I attribute to an injury I sustained on a trampoline when I was a teen. I was on the trampoline alone, jumped too high, and ended up landing on my upper back/neck on the trampoline itself. I am so grateful that I didn't hit the metal railing.


My children are not allowed to play on the neighbor's trampoline.

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Don't like them at all. Saw too many broken limbs when working in the ER. I plan to never have one, unless it's the kind that sits fairly low to the ground.


Neighbor kids have one, and I occasionally let my kids jump, but would prefer that they didn't. It's really hard to say no when the entire neighborhood is allowed. I draw the line when the sprinkler comes out to be set up underneath.

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My MIL has been an ER doctor for 30 years. In my 20 years with DH and almost 10 years of parenting her grandkids, she has given me unsolicited advice only once. She told me never to buy a trampoline. That spoke volumes to me.


:iagree: Only my relative was an aunt who worked the ER. Her children are into dirt bike racing, skateboarding, and surfing among many other things, but the one piece of advice she passed on was to never get a trampoline. She'd seen more life-altering injuries from them than from any other activity.


We visit family once a year with a tramp (with the net) and I hold my breath the entire time while we're there, because my kids love to play on it, but it worries me. There are good safety rules in place, but you just never know.


However, I have to say, I would be much more inclined to think about getting a trampoline with that pit-set idea. I would feel much more comfortable about it being at ground level. Obviously there's still potential for injury, but it wouldn't be from falling off the trampoline.

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We've always had the theory that people will tolerate only a certain amount of risk. An example would be drivers with anti-lock brakes drive quicker and brake quicker in icy conditions than those without. While we wouldn't intentionally put our kids in harms way, a part of training our kids is teaching them to assess risk and act with appropriate caution. Without a net, they will be more careful. I've noticed that those with nets often use them as another surface to bounce off of. And yes, I've seen injuries from the nets.


We have a guideline that only two people are on the tramp at once. Only one if there is some extreme bouncing going on. We've had a couple of people over the years go off the side, but no injuries. If we were to replace our current tramp, I would consider a safety net. One thing I'll do is spend the money on a larger trampoline again.


Oddly enough, both broken bones we've had in our house have been from level surface, low risk activities.


BTW, we figure that the trampoline has been the best play value for the money than anything we have ever bought. Bikes and lego would be close seconds.

Edited by Punks in Ontario
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I would never have one. I would occasionally let my kiddo play on someone else's if reasonable safety rules were enforced and it had a net...but not without. No way.


I also won't have a pool on my property, and my child is not going to be getting an ATV for Christmas, either (he's five). According to my mother, all of this is "ruining his childhood," but she's just gonna have to deal.

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We are getting one this weekend - it is a Christmas present for the kids from my grandparents, so they don't know about it yet.

They don't bother me at all, obviously. I jumped on a friend's all the time when I was a kid - we had a 1 person rule and we had tons of fun. This was before the safety net era and no one ever got hurt.

I think if used properly they are no more dangerous than anything else. And I hate that nowadays things are so quick to be considered horrible and unsafe - it seems to take a lot of fun out of childhood.

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If you were thinking of getting a trampoline, I would check with your home insurance agent first. Most policies these days consider trampolines "attractive nuisances."


I was going to say this. Insurance agency drove around checking out their 'insurees' and canceled my friends homeowners because there was a trampoline that wasn't on the policy. I'd at least make sure it was covered.

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My MIL has been an ER doctor for 30 years. In my 20 years with DH and almost 10 years of parenting her grandkids, she has given me unsolicited advice only once. She told me never to buy a trampoline. That spoke volumes to me.


:iagree: I haven't been an EM physician for thirty years, yet. I will get there eventually even if a few of my uptight colleagues get really offended when people refer to our ED as an ER which I think is a bit much:tongue_smilie:. Although my experience is a bit more time limited than your MIL I have to agree with her. We've never had a home trampoline and won't. Our gymnastic child is allowed to use a trampoline in a supervised and structured fashion at the gym only. She knows that doing gymnastics on a someone's backyard trampoline will be a good way to end her gymnastics experience early.


In the interests of full disclosure, I will admit that we do have an inground pool. We take the precautions necessary with our pool so I don't think it is more risky that we have one at home than taking our kids elsewhere to swim.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest getting-it-done

Safety nets should become standard on trampolines. Makes me feel so much better about my kids playing on them. Probably cuts the likelihood of injury by half.

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