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If you're dressing up, let's see your costume. :)

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Love it! I'm dressing up, but dint know how to post pics. I'm going as a homeschool mom zombie....complete with the bloody Jean jumper:tongue_smilie:


Please, please post pictures (quick, somebody tell her how, because I don't know, either)! I think we really need to see that costume. :)

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Our city had a costume parade and vendor booths with trick or treating on Saturday. My MIL made the shirts and vest, and I added the red rope trim to my shirt and made my chaps and wig. DH is going to be Buzz Light (like Buzz Lightyear, but with only part of the costume :D). We'll see if he lets me get a picture.:001_smile:


Oh, and the bag is DS's (made by me), lest anyone think I was getting the candy for me!:D









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Ok, I'll admit it....


After all the controversy I caused on my other Halloween thread, I have to admit that I'm sort of dressing up to go out with my kids. From the waist up, I'll look like the Wicked Witch of the West!


(I also have to admit it's pretty petty of me. I'm doing it because I've heard through the grapevine that my DH's ex-wife has referred to me as that more than once, and I invited her to go out with us and the kids tonight. :D )

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Aging 80s rock star and an ood.




A raccoon. She'll have eye makeup on tonight. There's a bushy tail behind her that you can't see.




Darth Vader and Spider Girl



I don't have a picture of DS10 yet. He's a store-bought, muscle-costumed Thor with a hammer but no hair. :tongue_smilie:

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My boys won't dress up. Maybe I can talk dh into doing something when he gets home.


Here's mine, Renaissance warrior woman or something like that:


Awesome! We'll have to have a duel with your Renaissance warrior woman and my Evil Queen and see who wins. :D

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I didn't dress up this year. I was a little last minute finishing the kids costumes.

My oldest was "the raven" from the EAP poem.559399_3976488495251_2108296099_n.jpeg

My dd was a snowy owl (she cut all those felt feathers out for me)


My youngest was a flying pig


Here's all fo them together.



Oops I'll try again with the pictures. Sorry they are so GINORMOUS

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Dd is going as Taylor Swift from the Love Story video. My mom made her dress. She made it in Michigan and sent it to us here in Texas.



Here is a picture of Taylor from the video. My mom used the video to copy the dress.



OMgoodness! G'ma rocks!

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Here is my costume.


I got stopped by 3 different children (with parents) who asked me or got Mom to ask me if I was a real fairy.


I vaguely know one of the Moms who told me her daughter was very excited about it. When we bumped into her the second time she came up to tell me how she is looking forward to loosing her tooth.


When asking questions I admitted to being a real fairy, but not the tooth fairy. But I am having tea with tooth fairy tomorrow at 4 o'clock.



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Ok, I'll admit it....


After all the controversy I caused on my other Halloween thread, I have to admit that I'm sort of dressing up to go out with my kids. From the waist up, I'll look like the Wicked Witch of the West!


(I also have to admit it's pretty petty of me. I'm doing it because I've heard through the grapevine that my DH's ex-wife has referred to me as that more than once, and I invited her to go out with us and the kids tonight. :D )


:lol: I love your sense of humor!

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Apparently, I have no flattering pictures of my boys, but here we go anyway:





ds11 - Darth Maul (sleepy and sans light saber)




dd14 - Vampire




dd15 - Sherlock Holmes




ds8 - Soldier (because, as he put it, "It's easy. I get to wear my regular clothes, but I get to carry a gun!"

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Here is my DS and his best friends as characters from Minecraft, Steve and a Creeper. Kind of bittersweet because this is the first year he hasn't gone to Trunk or Treat with us as a family. He wanted to go with his friend instead:




Here are the girls as a witch and an angel. It was kind of special because Faith was wearing my witch's hat and cape that my grandmother made for me when I was about the same age. My mom kept it all these years!:




And here is mine:




Can you figure it out? :D I am a ...













Social butterfly! :lol::lol::lol:


ETA: Whoa! THose pics are ginormious!! I already resized them, but I will try again! LOL!

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Mine was very last minute. I went as Punky Brewster. My two oldest girls were Weeping Angels, ds was a werewolf (easiest costume ever!), my 4 yo was a fairy princess (also easy!), and the youngest was Pebbles from Flintstones. It was FREEZING. I forgot to have dh take pics once they were all "fully" costumed as Weeping Angels, because I had to paint quite a bit of them and paint my 8 yo's hair (we ran out of time to finish her wig!). And dh didn't take a pic of my 11 yo's mask. It only took me 2 weeks of brutal work molding the plaster casts of their faces and then applying and shaping clay on top. Not like we needed a picture. :glare: Oh, and the glue in the wire frame of their wings was NOT dry when we went out. We found that out when we got down the block and they started to disintegrate! I had to run home and grab clothespins to keep them together! lol


Please ignore my messy pre-ToT house!


Me and an exceedingly happy Pebbles




Oldest Weeping Angel




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These pictures are all so cool. I love the creativity here.



Awesome! We'll have to have a duel with your Renaissance warrior woman and my Evil Queen and see who wins. :D


I'd put my money on you, your look was stunning.


Awesome dress!


Thanks, it was from my sister's Renaissance wedding.


I think the dog wants your sword! Great costume!


I do have a picture of the dog with the sword somewhere. :lol:

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I don't know how to insert the pictures...but here are links!


DS initially wanted to be a banana in a pirate hat :D But I don't sew and I couldn't find a properly sized banana costume anywhere.

So for the haunted house outing he was "Skullboy"




Then for trick or treating he was Creeper, from minecraft. Nobody knew who he was, but the box hat took FOREVER and looked pretty awesome with the facepaint in person.





I went as Katniss last night....... braid, brown Bearpaw boots, black jacket and a homemade Mockingjay pin my husband helped me with.

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I have not one good photo of my kids in their haunted house get-ups. All I have is a couple of cell phone shots, taken in the dark. My son is all the way over on the right. He was a minion of the big, bad vampire. My daughter is third from the right, in the tan shirt. She was the vampire hunter.


And a late addition: In addition to the vampire hunter, my daughter also dressed in a different costume for work at the dance school Monday (adorable purple witch), Tuesday (Hermione Granger) and Wednesday (blue fairy princess). She refused to allow me photos in any of those, sadly.


She went to a party tonight and wore her fifth costume of the year, hipster Meg (from Disney's Hercules). For those old folks like me who don't get it at first, she was inspired by the meme that inserts hipster-ish quotes on stills from Disney films, like this one: http://ffffound.com/image/05860c5bb41d245ea241f1d4a6bb59ad83431228


Her sign says, "Princes are too mainstream. I prefer demi-gods."

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