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Yucky candy?

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So I'm trying to think back to when my kids actually went trick or treating, or goodness, even when I was young, and trying to think of what kind of candy I didn't like. The only type I can think of is the weird stuff in the orange and black wrappers. I can't even find a name for them through Google!


So what candy did you want to trade away?

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Even to this day I cannot stand coffee in any form-- and will not eat a coffee cake with coffee added to the mix. My sister and brother knew how much I detested them-- and they would not trade! Eventually (by age 8 or so) I just handed them over and walked away...


Those orange and black candies were some sort of taffy-- either a brown sugar or a peanut butter flavor-- YUCK-- even my brother would not eat them!

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My kids can't stand, hmmm, it's hard to describe. It's a plastic spoon dipped in caramel then rolled in chili powder. Yes, you read that right. We have a larger Hispanic population here and it is a very popular candy to give out. The look on my boys' faces the first time they tried it though was priceless!

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My kids can't stand, hmmm, it's hard to describe. It's a plastic spoon dipped in caramel then rolled in chili powder. Yes, you read that right. We have a larger Hispanic population here and it is a very popular candy to give out. The look on my boys' faces the first time they tried it though was priceless!



:lol: I can't imagine WHY they wouldn't like that! :001_huh:



My kids will throw out all the hard candy. Those mary jane things are horrible. I'm surprised they are still around.

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Guest inoubliable

Mike and Ike candies. Nasty, nasty, nasty.


The candy corn, though. :drool5: It got so bad at my house during Halloween that when I was a teenager my mom would specifically tell bosses (we worked at a big-name toy store, she was the store manager), boyfriends, friends from school, siblings... that I was NOT to have any candy corn after 7 pm. The rush of sugar. Oh. My. My family jokes about it like it was the Gremlins.


I haven't had candy corn in years... Hmmm.....

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Guest inoubliable
I looked them up, they are called Neapolitan cocnut sundaes, gag!


Whoa! Those are delicious! But then, I love anything with coconut in it.

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Guest inoubliable
Send 'em my way...I love those nasty little things! I'll give you all my Necco wafers in exchange. And at Easter, you can have all my black jellybeans.




What's wrong with you people? :tongue_smilie:


Aye, Necco wafers are nasty. The black jellybeans are delicious!!

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Aye, Necco wafers are nasty. The black jellybeans are delicious!!


Not so much if you hate anise flavors. Probably what saved me when all my friends were discovering the perils of Jagermeister. I don't even like tarragon.


But those icky peanut butter taffies? And candy corn? Bring it.

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We go through the bag and throw away anything thats gummy and made in China and also taffy type candies that pull fillings out. We basically just keep the chocolate, some lollypops and chips.

I'm not a big fan of trick or treating. The people get crazy around here with the scary costumes and decorations so I told the kids this year if they dont want to go we can go to the store and they can each pick their own candy.

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Dots are the worst of the worst. :thumbdown:


I do like candy corn though.


Yup, I was going to say Dots!! My kids toss anything that's not chocolate or skittles to the side. They will eventually eat the suckers. The rest get thrown out (hard candy, dots, etc.)

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Atomic Fireballs. I like cinnamon, but those are too much.


Any lollipop giant enough that it doesn't fit in your mouth comfortably.


Peppermints are not my favorite, though I'll eat them eventually.


Black jelly beans/licorice I can only handle in limited quantities.


Everything else that's been mentioned I have no problem eating :p (I've never tried Mary Janes, but they sound good.) Um, except those spoons. That's just weird.

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It sounds like a lot of people hated the same things as me:


Bit O' Honey/Mary Janes/peanut butter taffy/Twizzlers (nasty taste)


jawbreakers, dots, Now and Laters (too hard and/or flavorless)


Necco (hate the chalky texture, though I was ok with Smarties)


butterscotch, peppermint, Werthers, root beer, or strawberry hard candy (this are ok at a restaurant or at grandma's but they're lousy as Halloween candy!)


My sister and I had a system after Trick-or-Treating. We would pour our candy on the living room floor. Mom or Dad would inspect for tampering. We would put all our "yuck" candies in one pile to be added to the communal candy dish. Then we would barter for our favorites. Finally we'd create a Mom and Dad pile with their favorites. I have fond memories.:D

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Twizzlers. Blech.

:iagree:Most of my college classmates loved them, though! The department secretary kept a jar on her desk and they were eaten very quickly. The worst part was seeing all the students who used them as straws to drink their hot chocolate or coffee during class and then ate them. Yuck.

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I LOVE candy corn, I'm sort of sad that I am now low carb and have not had the first candy corn this year :(. I hate circus peanuts, licorice, twizzlers, anything with coconut. There used to be these pink and brown candies with coconut :ack2:.


Although I despise candy corn, I agree with the others. I like those odd orange or black candies okay. Really, really hate these others though! Gag! LOL

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I hated those black and orange wrapped things too. I'm also not a fan of circus peanuts, but my grandma loves them so she'd always trade me. I hate candy corn, but my grandpa and I would fight over the bit-o-honey (the secret is to actually just suck on it like a hard candy until it just melts in your mouth, no fillings lost that way) I'm also not a fan of black jelly beans/licorice.

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Boston Baked Beans! Yuck. Do they even make them anymore? How about those orange foam circus peanuts? Double yuck. We only had those around Christmas though. I never saw them at Halloween.


Candy corn is only good if you eat one piece with a few peanuts. Then it tastes like a Payday candy bar.

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I tried your candy corn and Reece cups once. They were the nastiest things claiming to be tasty I've ever tried, except for those grandma lotion Indian sweets. :ack2:


I'm with you Rosie - those Reeses are pure disgusting - a big glob of slimy oil in your mouth :ack2:


Most of my college classmates loved them, though! The department secretary kept a jar on her desk and they were eaten very quickly. The worst part was seeing all the students who used them as straws to drink their hot chocolate or coffee during class and then ate them. Yuck. Today 09:46 PM


That's what happens when your country doesn't have Tim Tams :tongue_smilie:


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Now and Laters (too hard and/or flavorless)


Ugh, this pulled off a crown when I was in my 30s. My dentist had to meet me on a Saturday to put it back on. He told me he didn't deny me candy but that I should skip those because he was fairly certain that he used the same stuff to remove crowns and fillings to work on the teeth. :tongue_smilie: I love my dentist.

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So I'm trying to think back to when my kids actually went trick or treating, or goodness, even when I was young, and trying to think of what kind of candy I didn't like. The only type I can think of is the weird stuff in the orange and black wrappers. I can't even find a name for them through Google!


So what candy did you want to trade away?


Since only my brother and I Trick-or-Treated together, we didn't trade much as we both detested and liked the same things, so the "detest" pile got tossed.


Those orange and black candies were some sort of taffy-- either a brown sugar or a peanut butter flavor-- YUCK-- even my brother would not eat them!


:001_huh: Those were my faves! :D


I looked them up, they are called Neapolitan cocnut sundaes, gag!


:iagree: Gag!


Not so much if you hate anise flavors. Probably what saved me when all my friends were discovering the perils of Jagermeister. I don't even like tarragon.


But those icky peanut butter taffies? And candy corn? Bring it.


I completely agree with every word. Wanna arm wrestle for the taffies? :D The candy corn is easy to come by, but those taffies.... :lol:

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