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Read this! Vice Principal spanks female student!

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Wow, I'm just appalled that she said ok, actually. If she didn't let the other student cheat, then why did she say, "ok".... she should have fought it. I'm actually ok with some forms of paddling. I'm not sure for what, it'd have to be horrible.... but I would also be ok with some sort of caning for adults, too. That would be things like rape etc... Just my 2 cents.

I would NEVER say ok to my child being paddled. I don't really believe in spanking as the norm, anymore. :(

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She agreed to let someone paddle her kid :001_huh: That right there boggles my brain. She gave permission for it, her objection is that it was a guy.


Sorry, something's just...wrong...here.


Yep! I agree, very wrong!


Many states still allow corporal punishment. These articles give lists of states, but they are slightly different. From abc and family education.


Oh, wow!:banghead:

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But in this case the teen girl chose it and the parents consented. :001_huh: Their issue is that it was a male doing the spanking? :confused: I would never consent to any spanking of my children by anyone.




I thought the whole thing was so bizarre. Who in their right mind would say sure paddle my child????????

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"I don't believe a man intentionally meant to do that to her, but it still happens, because men are too big and strong to be hitting 96-pound girls."


Perhaps they need to delineate a policy on the force required, or suggest that the swatter weigh the same amount as the recipient (what if a three hundred pound female weight lifting instructor paddled the 96 lb sweet young thing?), complete with photos of how the behind should look after a sufficient paddling.

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"I don't believe a man intentionally meant to do that to her, but it still happens, because men are too big and strong to be hitting 96-pound girls."


Perhaps they need to delineate a policy on the force required, or suggest that the swatter weigh the same amount as the recipient (what if a three hundred pound female weight lifting instructor paddled the 96 lb sweet young thing?), complete with photos of how the behind should look after a sufficient paddling.


Well if the VP is fired, the school can search for a new one with a requirement that,"Males must weigh no more than 98 lbs."

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I'm not anti-spanking. But I think there is a very limited time and place for it. This situation isn't it.


I get why the teen wanted something besides ISS. Community service would probably have been more appropriate. Opting in for licks was for the same reason that kids that age would rather take a spanking from mom or dad - get it over with and get on with life.


I also get why mom is so upset. There should not be evidence of a spanking the next day regardless of whether the person administering the licks was a man or woman.

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I'm not anti-spanking. But I think there is a very limited time and place for it. This situation isn't it.


I get why the teen wanted something besides ISS. Community service would probably have been more appropriate. Opting in for licks was for the same reason that kids that age would rather take a spanking from mom or dad - get it over with and get on with life.


I also get why mom is so upset. There should not be evidence of a spanking the next day regardless of whether the person administering the licks was a man or woman.



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I had no idea schools still held these disciplining rules! Disgusting!!


Vice Principal spanks teen girl.


This is not "normal" at all. I went to school long enough ago that it did occur a couple of times a year. It was literally a couple of swats and that's it (I was in a room one year down the hall). NO redness, bruises, all that stuff. Parents would not have stood for that.


This is out of line.

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But in this case the teen girl chose it and the parents consented. :001_huh: Their issue is that it was a male doing the spanking? :confused: I would never consent to any spanking of my children by anyone.


Exactly. It's not that they "allowed" it; the girl went and specifically asked for this to be her punishment. And then was suprised when the Vice Principal did it and it hurt. Well, duh.


And as always, the usual disclaimer applies: we will only get the girl's side, because the school has her privacy to protect and will likely not make a statement. So you have to take what you hear from one side, and then try to figure out what the truth might be.


I think corporal punishment for a high school girl is about the dumbest thing I ever heard of, but she chose it. I'd question the mother's actions here more than anything.

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And as always, the usual disclaimer applies: we will only get the girl's side, because the school has her privacy to protect and will likely not make a statement. So you have to take what you hear from one side, and then try to figure out what the truth might be.



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Exactly. It's not that they "allowed" it; the girl went and specifically asked for this to be her punishment. And then was suprised when the Vice Principal did it and it hurt. Well, duh.


And as always, the usual disclaimer applies: we will only get the girl's side, because the school has her privacy to protect and will likely not make a statement. So you have to take what you hear from one side, and then try to figure out what the truth might be.


I think corporal punishment for a high school girl is about the dumbest thing I ever heard of, but she chose it. I'd question the mother's actions here more than anything.


:iagree: Everything about this story is bizarre.

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I read it yesterday. I had no idea that was still permitted in public schools in this country. It seems so backwards! You give your own kid a little swat out in public for misbehaving and someone can call child services on you, yet schools can beat these kids until their bums almost blister and that's okay?!?!?!?!?!?!

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I live in South Carolina. Some districts here still allow spanking (and in some, the parents aren't able to opt out, I believe).

I'm not a fan of spanking AT ALL.

But I'm having a difficult time understanding the mom's outrage here - she agreed to the paddling, the daughter CHOSE the paddling... and now she's complaining about it?

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That's actually one of the reason we pulled ds out to homeschool him. At the time New Mexico allowed corporal punishment. Ds kept coming home from kindergarten, yes kindergarten(!), and asking me what spanking was. I assumed that he was hearing it from other kids about their parents punishing them but the more he talked the more I realized he was talking about his teacher and the principal there. Then I found out spanking was allowed :mad:


I talked with his teacher about it and she assured me that they never actually do it, just threaten to do it. However ds sure had quite a lot of details about a kid in his class who was supposedly spanked - and at that time ds was not prone to lying nor was he ever creative enough to come up with details to a fake story. Regardless they were definitely threatened with it often. Ridiculous.

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I live in South Carolina. Some districts here still allow spanking (and in some, the parents aren't able to opt out, I believe).

I'm not a fan of spanking AT ALL.

But I'm having a difficult time understanding the mom's outrage here - she agreed to the paddling, the daughter CHOSE the paddling... and now she's complaining about it?


From what I understand, she's not complaining about the spanking itself -- she's complaining that a man spanking her DD went against written school policy (men spank boys, women spank girls). She is also upset because now they want to change school policy to allow opposite-gender spanking because the school feels they can't "guarantee" that if a child comes to an office for a spanking that someone of the same gender will be available to administer it. That's BS because according to the article, the male VP spanked her while another female watched.

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:iagree: Everything about this story is bizarre.


Unfortunately, this isn't bizarre for Texas. There are some districts that paddle half their students in a year (which gives an idea of how insignificant the paddling offenses can be). This girl took the spanking to avoid getting 0s on all of her assignments for 2 days which could wreck her gpa. Since only the top 10% of public high school classes can get in to UT Austin or A&M, that could seriously impact her future. The school policy is that girls be paddled by a woman, they failed to enforce their own policy. And personally, if she had marks that would cause CPS to investigate parents, they should investigate the school employee who inflicted them too, whether or not the teen opted for spanking (and protecting her gpa).

Edited by chiguirre
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I'm not anti-spanking. But I think there is a very limited time and place for it. This situation isn't it.


I get why the teen wanted something besides ISS. Community service would probably have been more appropriate. Opting in for licks was for the same reason that kids that age would rather take a spanking from mom or dad - get it over with and get on with life.


I also get why mom is so upset. There should not be evidence of a spanking the next day regardless of whether the person administering the licks was a man or woman.


Not even with a paddle? I would think that is likely to cause more pain and evidence.




:iagree: Everything about this story is bizarre.



The mother and daughter don't seem to be the sharpest knives in the drawer. There were about 4 layers of CHOICE here and they PICKED this and then CHOSE to alert the media! Some laws protect people from themselves. Is it possible to paddle a kid and have no evidence the next day? I mean, I can bump a wall and have redness and bruising the next day. It certainly doesn't cause enough pain to make me reconsider my behavioral choices.


I'm anti-spanking in public or private BUT I cannot argue that it isn't a deterrent to bad behavior. IF your system is set up to use paddling to control teen behavior, don't they have to make it severe enough that kids would rather behave than get it? I could see it becoming a joke with a 'leave no marks' policy.

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She agreed to let someone paddle her kid :001_huh: That right there boggles my brain. She gave permission for it, her objection is that it was a guy.


Sorry, something's just...wrong...here.


Corporal punishment in schools is something I have a hard time wrapping my mind around - in my home country it would be considered barbaric.

Parents who could opt out agreeing instead, is the second thing I don't get.

The fact that it was a male teacher does not even register on the scale of things that bother me about this.

Edited by regentrude
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Hmm. It used to be legal for schools to paddle in my state. I'm bummed that they made it illegal. I think it's good for elementary-aged kids to know there is that possibility (rarely used and almost never abused in practice) should they decide to do something outrageous.


However, I would not consent to it for a teen-aged child (either sex) regardless of the gender of the person administering it. At that age the rear end should not be involved in discipline IMO.

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. The school policy is that girls be paddled by a woman, they failed to enforce their own policy. And personally, if she had marks that would cause CPS to investigate parents, they should investigate the school employee who inflicted them too, whether or not the teen opted for spanking (and protecting her gpa).

I think the paddling option is ridiculous, and the idea that one "protects the GPA" by having your behind bear the brunt, but certainly there should be adherence to the policy. However, I found the phrasing to be silly.


The idea that a school district never paddles but threatens it all the time is just creepy. Reminds me of the teenaged girls who used to tell me to behave or the Boogey Man would come get me. Can we grow up already? What kind of school is this where HALF the students are paddled every year? There are so many things, so horribly wrong here it is hard to know where to start.

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I went to school in TX and we were always given the option of detention or licks. Most chose licks and they were always given by the male principal. There were never any marks left on anyone ~ that I know of.


Dd's school still does corporal punishment, according to the handbook, but parents can send in a letter stating not to do so. I send in a letter every year.

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Unfortunately, this isn't bizarre for Texas. There are some districts that paddle half their students in a year (which gives an idea of how insignificant the paddling offenses can be). This girl took the spanking to avoid getting 0s on all of her assignments for 2 days which could wreck her gpa. Since only the top 10% of public high school classes can get in to UT Austin or A&M, that could seriously impact her future. The school policy is that girls be paddled by a woman, they failed to enforce their own policy. And personally, if she had marks that would cause CPS to investigate parents, they should investigate the school employee who inflicted them too, whether or not the teen opted for spanking (and protecting her gpa).

It's obvious the girl took the spanking because it would impact her far less than a 0 on the assignment(s). That speaks loads to how effective paddling in school is :glare:.

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My dad was a middle school (grades 6,7,8) principal for 15 years in Arkansas. Their district allowed corporal punishment if the parents agreed to it. He said that every year about 15% of the parents would sign the form to not allow their child to be paddled. The school made sure that the parents understood if the child could not be paddled, then the parents would have to come and pick the child up from the school for the rest of the day. After that, all of them signed the form that their child could be administered corporal punishment. For most parents and students it's just not worth the hassle of having their child miss school or have ISS (in-school suspension). However, I think it is a totally useless form of discipline in the ps system.


As for the article, didn't it say that the mom assumed or thought that the schools policy was women paddle the girls and men paddle the boys. I don't think that actually was the policy, the mom just thought so. Also, when I was in high school there were plenty of boys who weren't much more than 96 pounds themselves (late bloomers). I just think it ought to be done away with. Period. Have them do lunch detention or pick up the campus after school, help the janitor clean, etc. There are plenty of ways to punish kids that they would find much more punitive than a spanking, especially in high school.

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She agreed to let someone paddle her kid :001_huh: That right there boggles my brain. She gave permission for it, her objection is that it was a guy.


Sorry, something's just...wrong...here.




It's bad enough parents still paddle thier kids, let alone teachers.


But what's worse? Is that the school system is now run like a juvenile detention center.

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This is just creepy! Couple things-I can't believe the mom allowed it at all even if the child agreed. I also find it very unsettling that any man or woman would paddle a High School girl, considering how that looks a lot like sexual abuse. I always considered school paddling a perversion anyway. The whole thing is just wrong IMO.

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My dad was a middle school (grades 6,7,8) principal for 15 years in Arkansas. Their district allowed corporal punishment if the parents agreed to it. He said that every year about 15% of the parents would sign the form to not allow their child to be paddled. The school made sure that the parents understood if the child could not be paddled, then the parents would have to come and pick the child up from the school for the rest of the day. After that, all of them signed the form that their child could be administered corporal punishment. For most parents and students it's just not worth the hassle of having their child miss school or have ISS (in-school suspension). However, I think it is a totally useless form of discipline in the ps system.


As for the article, didn't it say that the mom assumed or thought that the schools policy was women paddle the girls and men paddle the boys. I don't think that actually was the policy, the mom just thought so. Also, when I was in high school there were plenty of boys who weren't much more than 96 pounds themselves (late bloomers). I just think it ought to be done away with. Period. Have them do lunch detention or pick up the campus after school, help the janitor clean, etc. There are plenty of ways to punish kids that they would find much more punitive than a spanking, especially in high school.


WHY ARE PEOPLE "paddling" TEENS to begin with?

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No. Not even with a paddle. I got 3 licks once at school from a male principal with a paddle. There was no evidence of it by the time I got home from school.


I'm in my mid 30s and got a lick with a paddle from the principal in junior high. One lick.

I knew why it was called a "fanny warmer" after that.


It hurt, but it wasn't horrible. The principal gave me the option--take a lick or clean up trash at recess.


I wanted my recess, thank you very much.


I just leaned over, put my hands on a chair (fully clothed, of course), and Whop! came the big wooden paddle.


I look back and see it as sort of weird, I guess. It could certainly be easily abused. but corporal punishment wasn't a bizarre thing where I went to school (very rural community). Boys were constantly getting paddled. :)


It was my first and only visit to the principal's office in jr. high, and I know the principal took that into consideration.


No marks at all.


My parents didn't find it any big deal. My dad, also from an old-school school system, chucked. It didn't bother Mom.


They said I made the choice.



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WHY ARE PEOPLE "paddling" TEENS to begin with?




Its such a foreign concept to me. If I had never come to these boards I would seriously never have know that any school districts (let alone parents) think its okay to hit children.


I have lived in/around New York City my whole life so its not like I am living under a rock. Or maybe I am? :confused:

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