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Poll: Do you have a world map on your wall?

Do you have a world map on your wall?  

  1. 1. Do you have a world map on your wall?

    • Yes, in our school room.
    • Yes, in a shared living space.
    • Yes, in a child's room.
    • No.
    • Other

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We love maps! We line the hallways with them and have one in the dining room with pins in them to accompany current events discussions. We also have a bunch of Nat'l Geo maps up in the family room; sometimes we have "scavenger hunts," where the kids have to find the area where this or that happened or is happening. If we get too many Nat'l Geo maps we use them for wrapping paper. Don't know why everyone thinks we're so weird.... :tongue_smilie: Sandy

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Not right now. The way our house is, the wall space taht would be large enough is not in a place that we would use it.


We do school in the breakfast area which is open to pretty much the whole house. I'm wanting to get a "nicer" (as in not primary colors) looking world map to frame and put above the breakfast table before we start up again in the fall.


We have an 11x18 laminated map with US on one side and world on the other which is handy to pull out when we're doing school. But I really want to have one permanently displayed.

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We have two world maps (one showing just continents with major geological features, and one showing countries) and a map of the United States on the walls of our eating area, along with a globe on the low bookshelves surrounding the table. First time dinner guests always raise an eyebrow, but we need our maps and we don't have school room, so there they are!

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I voted other because I sometimes have a world map on my wall.


We took cork underlayment and nailed it to one whole wall in our kitchen, facing the nook where we eat. I rotate 3 maps on this wall to keep it interesting: a US map, a world map, and I can't remember the third! Time to rotate to that 3rd map!

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I have a world map up in the kitchen at the kids' eye level. It's not a very detailed one, but we used it to learn the continents last year, and now dd runs to check it whenever she hears about someplace that sounds interesting. We inherited about 20 years' worth of old National Geographic magazines last month, and I was so excited to pull out all of the map inserts! I have them all filed away now to match up to things as we study them.

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I have to try to find a space for a US map as well. Wall space is at a premium here!


Try gluing your map to one of those science fair folding boards and bringing it out when needed. That's what I do! I've got a big schoolroom, but almost zero wall space in it due to it having three doors, three windows and a fireplace. (It's a very cool room!)

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We have 2 large maps attached to large cardboard pieces that we keep in our schoolroom. The reason they're not on the wall is that DS loves to study all of the little details on them, and he can't get close enough to see them if they're too high. Sooo, yes, we have maps displayed all the time, but they're on the lower walls where the kids can sit on the floor to look at them.:)

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I'm about to take it down to paint that wall. I think. Or I'll decide I'm too painted out and leave it up.


It's a laminated Peters and it's in our living room, right next to the bistro table. Kids and guests like to study it while sitting there.


We also have the map we got with WP's Children Around the World, up in the kids room, next to the top bunk. Again, the kiddos study it when hanging out there.

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For a while we had a large world map from National Geographic on our dining table - with clear plastic covering it. Some dinner time conversations included things like, "Please pass the salt. It's standing on France".

We've also had maps up in the bathroom.

We now have maps (World, Africa, South Africa) up on the wall in our school room.

My sister has a world map shower curtain.

And talking of maps, I covet this outrageously expensive giant fabric wall map with motifs from the Conran shop in London.

A world map duvet cover could be fun too.

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World map and US map in the basement (aka, classroom).


We also have a map that my parents got us when they opened a school in Cambodia -- it doesn't have the US in the center, it has Asia. Different world view. :001_smile:


Oh, I hadn't thought of that - all our world maps have Africa in the centre.

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We have 3! One is in dd's part of the schoolroom--we hang animal pictures on it (doing Zoo 3 Apologia). One is in ds' part of the schoolroom, and one is an "artsy" one that's in the office.


Looking for a good place to hang a map? Try the unusual--back of a door, inside a closet door (you'll see it everyday!), in the bathroom, on the ceiling!

Drew, that last one is for you! Have you used your ceiling? :lol:

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We just hung one up in our living room, and I know several other homeschoolers with prominently displayed world maps. How about you?


We have a world map shower curtain, with the flags of the world at the bottom. It's amazing the information my kids have gleaned from this over the years.


We also have a map of the US, a map of our state, and a globe. And many atlases.

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"No" is not quite vehement enough! IF we had a map on the wall in any of our living space, dh would move out. And I would have to move right behind him! Nothing on the fridge, no timelines, no letter formation/alphabet charts, nothing to indicate that we hs. For several years, I kept one bulletin board, about 16"x20", in our kitchen, where recent work/artwork might be displayed, and that was it.


If we had a room dedicated to hsing (dining room, extra bedroom, basement, etc.), that would be different.


When we are not schooling, everything is put away, mostly in a large cabinet that we bought for that purpose. All the extras are in the unfinished basement--including bookshelves.

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We have a large National Geographic map, matted and framed, in our dining room (school room). It is an antique-look modern map of USA. Map - $15. Matting/framing/glass from hobby Lobby - $150. But hubby said it was worth it. It is the center point of the room, and we refer to it often to trace potential travel routes or find sites noted in the news, etc.


We have a globe, too, on a small piece of furniture under the map.

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In our family room. But this summer we are going to paint. And I don't think I'm going to put it back up. My son is 17, and we've had it for 10+ years, I think it can go. But my dh and ds may still out vote me, will see. I think I'm getting near the end of my homeschool journey, and ready to have my house look like a house insterad of a school.

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We have the National Geographic Laminated World Map in our hallway (I linked to the mural size so you could see it but ours is the smaller size). It will be joined by the matching US Map as soon as it is delivered.


I love that the colors look great in the house (keeping the homemaker side of me happy) but we have a great map hung at the kids eye level.


Oddly-this was my planned blog topic for this week so check the blog on Thursday and you should hopefully have some results on my map and our political geography curriculum.

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Not one, but two world maps. One in the dining room/library and one in the hallway. The main one is in French which is fun when folks start looking at it.


In addition, we have a globe we use often and an assortment of world atlas type books.

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we have a 2 car garage that has never had a car in it

instead it has a craft table, air hockey table, foosball, cabinet for paints and stuff and a sofa.


it's on the same wall as an elvis and a narnia poster.


yep, we are eclectic homeschoolers;)

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I checked 2 spots, shared living area and school room. Our school "room" is in a shared living area. Our "living room" is one room that one end is supposed to be the living room and the other the dining area. But we use that space as our school room. The map is on the wall of that area.


Hey, us too! Well, we use our dining area as a dining area, but there's a somewhat empty bit of wall space in the middle where I put the maps up, because that's where our bookshelf is that holds our school books, and the little drawer unit that holds most of the extras (for now). It was a small battle getting DH to let me put the maps (large US and world maps) there, but once we did, he was blown away by how often the kids reference them. He admits now that I was right *tee hee*!

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Like Plaid Dad, we have a large world map in our living room. It is taped next to a large U.S. map on the wall directly across from the front door. Can't miss 'em. The maps take up most of the wall and hang above the dog crates. Dogs need to know where China is, too, right?:D


This is the only space we have for the maps, so it's function--and funkiness-- over aesthetics.

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We just hung one up in our living room, and I know several other homeschoolers with prominently displayed world maps. How about you?



I voted, "Yes, in a shared living space." But we have no map on our wall. We DID before we moved, and we WILL again, when I find a good spot. And the map. And the hammer. All at the same time.

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All of our maps are hung in the hall--that's where there's space! So we have:


a world map

the US

our town

maps of the ancient world/Rome

and the periodic table



When I was growing up, my mom put up a huge wallpaper world map in our dining room. I ate every meal next to China. It was really cool.

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We have laminated world and US maps hanging in each of our kids' bedrooms. I hung them up when they were babies and have no intention of taking them down.


Even though the US maps aren't road maps, I have used a permanent marker to draw along the major roads they've been on -- so one glance at their personal map shows my kids everywhere they've ever been (my children have never left the continent). I started doing that as soon as they were born and I don't think I've missed anything with any of them.


I have a fascination with maps and wanted to instill the same love in my kids. Back when I was teaching public school, I was always appalled by my students' complete lack of understanding in matters of geography -- I figured that growing up looking at maps on their bedroom walls would be a good start at avoiding that.

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We have a world map and US map in ds's room. It has been invaluable already and he's only 5. He wants to know where everyone lives...family, characters from books, his friends who have moved, etc... He knows more geography at 5yo than I did a year ago:lol: (I'm exaggerating....but just a little:lol:)

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school room, as well as a U.S. map.


When I was in college, I had the best map of Europe ever! Each country was labeled completely in its own language! I would study that thing over and over again. Absolutely loved it! Wonder if I can find another one? I think it was made by Baedecker's.

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We are constantly referring to it. Last Olympics we made index cards with flags and medal scores of the various competing countries and put them as close to the country we could get. We used it as we read a diary style book with navigational compass points (sorry, don't remember the name of the book). We also have a large U.S. map too.


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We have one on our kitchen table. I covered it with a clear table cloth. Because of the clear plastic (to protect the map) it is easier to wipe off the table. I killed two birds with one stone.


Lunch and dinner time is really fun. We sometimes trade seats so that we can look at other parts of the "world."

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