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What are your hobbies?

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What do you do besides homeschool and all your mom/homemaker duties? And about how much time per week would you say you spend on these hobbies?


I used to knit. I used to write. I used to sew. I used to enjoy cooking, baking, and cake decorating. I used to hike and roller blade. All I do nowadays is read...and usually I fall asleep about ten minutes into it. I just feel like I've become a very boring person, but the thought of trying to pursue my old hobbies is exhausting.

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I'm a member of a choir. We sing two concerts a year, in December and May. There are rehearsals once a week on Friday evenings, and I probably spend a total of about ten hours working on the music on my own for each concert.


I have a large garden (yard) encompassing an acre of woodland which we have partially replanted and continue managing, a new orchard with long grass where we are encouraging wild flowers, and a more traditional area of lawn, patio and flower beds, which I am gradually planting up. I spend most weekends in the summer on this, and often do some weeding after Hobbes is in bed on the long, light summer evenings.


In winter, when I am doing less in the garden, I go for long walks often with the family.


I read every night, but like you I often fall asleep quickly.



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Some of my hobbies depend less on time & more on money for supplies. These would be glass painting & etching, wood burning, & painting. Others we do as a family. Those would be hiking, archery, and knife throwing. Then there are the ones I spend time on more regularly. These would be cooking, baking, creating recipes, writing, & reading. I do at least 2 of these every day, often more. Plus, there's continuing my own education, which is an ongoing thing for me - sometimes formally, sometimes informally.


I have to stay busy. Working with the kids, researching, planning for the next year, taking care of the pets, housework, blogging, managing the family & finances, these things only take up so many hours a day. I need to fill the rest of my waking hours (18-20 hours a day total), with something.

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What do you do besides homeschool and all your mom/homemaker duties? And about how much time per week would you say you spend on these hobbies?


I'm a triathlete and a cyclist, and my bike is my main hobby. This year, I started speedskating with my younger three. I skate master's level short track with all the other old folks. :D Sometimes I feel like an old dog trying to learn a new trick, but it's a blast.


When my kids were the same age as yours (based on your sig), I sort of lost touch with myself for a few years. It gets easier as they get older and can stay home by themselves.

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I knit in bursts. I love to sew. I play an instrument. I'm joining a community orchestra this fall. I also like to exercise (walking/hiking happen most frequently though I enjoy gym time as well). I really enjoy menu planning and cooking -- I cook new meals frequently and love to browse cookbooks for ideas. I like to read.

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Well now that Chuck is finally older, I get a bit more "me" time. I do like to crochet, read, watch movies.....ummmm that might be it. My "want to learn" list is about a million miles long. It's just really hard right now with so many young children. I keep hearing it'll get a little easier when they're older. I sure hope so.

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Hobbies? You mean we're supposed to have those, too?


LOL... that was my first thought! :lol:


I read a lot. I'm on the internet a lot, although the worthiness of that hobby is debatable! ;)


I used to scrapbook, but I've really kind of lost interest in that. (I should at least go finish the projects I was in the middle of, and throw my extra photos in a book, though!)


At this point, homeschooling (learning about it, planning, getting in a groove) has taken a lot of my energy over the last year. But I'm ready to find new things to do.


I recently posted a thread about baking bread and I need to go see if I can get started on that. I really miss doing things with music and dance, and I'd love to join a choir or take a dance class. And I'd love to start writing again. DS and I have also talked about doing some training classes with the dog and possibly getting involved in agility training.


Good thread... I think many of us need to hear others' ideas!!

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What do you do besides homeschool and all your mom/homemaker duties? And about how much time per week would you say you spend on these hobbies?


I spend about 48 to 56 HOURS per week on my hobby. Truly, it is such a comfort to me to be able to participate in this activity. Of course SLEEPING is a skill not everyone can master, so I would say one should consult an expert before attempting it by themselves. :D

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I like researching our family geneology. I like the digging and the thrill when another piece of the puzzle falls into place.

I've been amazed at how much information is available online.

Its probably at a point now that I have to go and spend time in archives and since most of that would require extensive travel, the trickle of information is slowing. It's been fun and since I share the interest with my cousin its been something we could connect through.

At the moment I'm working on a book to present to my father for his 70th birthday. His father died in WWII when he was a baby, he emigrated to South Africa when he was a small boy, and his mother had little contact with her in-laws, so he knows very little of his family history.


I spend waaaaaay to much time reading these boards.

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During some seasons you bend your hobbies to your lifestyle.


I read, garden, bake bread, and write poetry. I can't do those things all the time. Sometimes I read about them. Sometimes I look for new things (I'm reading about masonry, landscape design, and making preserves right now) to do some day.

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What do you do besides homeschool and all your mom/homemaker duties? And about how much time per week would you say you spend on these hobbies?


I used to knit. I used to write. I used to sew. I used to enjoy cooking, baking, and cake decorating. I used to hike and roller blade. All I do nowadays is read...and usually I fall asleep about ten minutes into it. I just feel like I've become a very boring person, but the thought of trying to pursue my old hobbies is exhausting.


Hobbies come in seasons of life. They are things to fill your time. There are times in life when they just don't happen. My children are both my hobby and my life's work. For a little while, I thought I was going to be getting my hobbies back. It was a brief illusion. I probably have a few more years left it turns out! As long as you don't feel that hobbies are necessary to be fulfilled, it is fine to not have them. Honestly, making room for myself to have a hobby would push me over the edge. I do NOT have time for that. I'd rather just take a nap if I find a few extra minutes!

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I knit a lot. And I learned to spin this past year. Sometimes I dye yarn as well. And felting is fun too. So my big hobby is fiber arts.


But I also read. And I like to bake (even though I work at a bakery part-time).


I would love to do family walks again and when the farmer's market season ends (I sell stuff there for the bakery), I would like to get back to going to the gym on a regular basis.


I did not do as much when my dds were younger. But it is nice to have more freedom to do hobbies now.:001_smile:

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I knit in bursts. I love to sew. I play an instrument. I'm joining a community orchestra this fall. I also like to exercise (walking/hiking happen most frequently though I enjoy gym time as well). I really enjoy menu planning and cooking -- I cook new meals frequently and love to browse cookbooks for ideas. I like to read.


Your post reminded me, I also play an instrument. I just recently took it up & am teaching myself. So, I don't play well. I'm getting better, though.

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My number one hobby...annoying my family. :)


After that, running, swimming, reading, listening to audiobooks, cooking, watching obscure movies and documentaries. In the summer, boogie boarding in the ocean. In the winter, dreaming of skiing again (someday!).


I wake up earlier than my family. That's how I fit a lot of this in. The rest, they do with me!

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I just feel like I've become a very boring person, but the thought of trying to pursue my old hobbies is exhausting.


You have 3 children 5 and under. I'm afraid you just don't have time for hobbies right now. ;)


My encouragement to you is that your children will grow. They will develop interests and activities of their own and as they do, you can too. For the first 10 or so years of parenting, my hobby was parenting. Right now, I am really enjoying biking. I read again, just for pleasure. I garden, enjoy my dog, and I really enjoy researching and planning homeschooling.


I have not returned to my hobbies from before I had children. I may someday. I agree though, that hobbies have seasons in our lives just like everything else.

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My number one hobby...annoying my family. :)


:iagree:Nono- LOVE this! I've always identified this as a "gift" but I guess it really is a hobby:lol:



I read, a LOT. I write, a LOT. I blog. I work-out- it's been really spotty again, but going for a weekly schedule again, take photos, garden, work on our house re-build (hobby or torture?- not sure at this point).


I wake up earlier than my family. That's how I fit a lot of this in. The rest, they do with me!



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I am certain you are not a boring person! You could probably have all sorts of fabulous conversations with people. But, I know what you mean. I have not scrapbooked or made a card (other than the necessary birthday cards) in over a year. Homeschooling two has become much more time-consuming than one. I do have the time, however, I just don't really feel like it at the end of the day. Also, having gone so long without, I am finding it difficult to get back into it. I know if I just do one layout, I'll be hooked again. I should just take the plunge.


Right now, with my spare time, exercise is my priority. Then, when the kids are in bed, I start a Netflix show around 10:00 pm or so.


My life has seasons of busyness for different things. In the summer, I am selling and planning academic stuff. In the winter, I spend a lot of time caring for tax issues for our business. In the school year, I am obviously teaching a lot. ;) It also sort of zaps me of my creativity, or any creativity I have ends up being spent on my boys.


I really do enjoy homeschooling, so selecting books, planning and all that gives me the same satisfaction as a hobby. Also, I am really enjoying consistent workouts, and sometimes I take a class with a good friend. I went out with some moms the other night for Mexican food and drinks, and I get a pedicure this week with my workout friend. Staying connected with friends is another favorite pastime.


I did save a few ideas for home decoration items using papercrafting items, and I plan to make them for our entertainment center which always features some sort of seasonal display. This is our current one:



I enjoy making home decor items like this:



and this:



What do you do besides homeschool and all your mom/homemaker duties? And about how much time per week would you say you spend on these hobbies?


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My biggest hobby is horseback riding. That takes about 1-2 hours a day of my time, sometimes more. That includes the chores though as well for 3 horses. It is something I enjoy and can do on my own a bit but also ride with my girls and with friends. My 15dd is into 4H, jumping, trail riding, and now wants to try dressage so it is more of a family hobby than just a me thing.


I do try to walk/exercise with friends 2-3 times a week and that is a time of fellowship as well as exercise.


For those of you with young ones, it does get better as they get older and they can stay home alone for 1/2 hour or amuse themselves safely for an hour while you work on something for you. When mine were little and I had 2-4 foster children in addition, the kids were my hobby and life.

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I WANT to have hobbies......but I really and truly don't care for them after I start. I have a chest of drawers FULL of Creative Memories stuff I spent a small fortune on.....haven't touched it. :glare:


I have an embroidery machine I dabble with. I do a few things and then find I don't really care to do it all that much.

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Is it just me, or are we about the most interesting group ever? ;)


I went years with no "real" hobbies other than raising my babies. I totally agree with with others have said - having hobbies is a seasonal thing, and I promise you - it will come! I remember feeling much like you in that I reached a point where I didn't even know what I was interested in anymore.


Now when I have time I enjoy walking, doing jigsaw puzzles, reading, learning about WW II, and most of all martial arts. I never had any interest in that before my youngest son began taking lessons, and it took my almost two years to get up the courage to try it, and now I am a brown belt. It has been the MOST fun and challenging thing I've ever done, and I never would have even given it a thought had my son not tried it (now all three kids are involved!). We are at martial arts 5 days a week - so there isn't much time for anything else right now.


Even if you don't have time to pursue something that sparks your interest now, write it down somewhere because a time will come when you will be able to!

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I have my own little rescue farm. I am trying to find an i structor to teach dichroic glass classes and I am considering some stained glass classes. I also want to learn about doing mosaics and will do one in y bathroom when I retile it. I love a good book. I crochet but want to learn more.


Dd12 and I are going to take a jewelry macking class.


I used to lve to garden and hope to get into ot again. I gave up when my neighbor dug up all our flowers while Inwas away on vacation. I usd to have a beautiful yard.


i lve, love, love to hike, kayak and snowshoe.

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I love to read, knit, write and take photos.

I still do a lot of all of three, the knitting keeps the arthritis in my hands from getting too bad, I think it helps the circulation. I am always knitting something and it gives me an excuse to watch my favorite Netflix shows guilt free.

Reading is like breathing, I do it if I have 5 minutes or 5 hours to spare.

There is always something fun to photograph too.

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I love to read. I used to spend a lot of time learning Swahili and East African culture but I haven't had time for that in several years and so I've lost most of what I knew. :( I'm a Raw Vegan so I like to create recipes based on that. I enjoy gardening so long as it is edible. We have ventured deeply into edible landscaping on our property and I am always interested in suburban homesteading and self-sufficiency.


I guess my biggest "hobby" would be my animals though. I LOVE animals and enjoy reading and learning about them. It would be my dream to have a rescue and rehabilitation farm. Right now I have 3 cats, 2 rats, a box turtle, a bearded dragon and a rabbit. I spend an enormous amount of time on socialization, care, creating interesting and enriching activities for them and researching the most optimal care techniques. THIS is my passion.

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I love hiking, reading, singing opera, interpreting from one language to another, hacks sack, shuttle cock, and WTM forums most of all!


Can I come and knit while you sing? My nephews sing opera and it is the coolest thing evah. AND I would love to get to the point with a 2nd language to interpret.


Is it just me, or are we about the most interesting group ever? ;)



This:001_smile:. So many amazing people here!


and I am considering some stained glass classes.



I taught myself stained glass (copper wire method) using books from the library back in my 20's. The important thing is to have enough power to heat your iron hot enough and use enough flux. I actually landed a job for a while making stained glass lamps in my basement (it was basically sweatshop work- I made almost nothing for the hours put in) but it was blast making something so beautiful.

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I've been training Taekwon-Do for 13 years. I got back into it when my third child was a baby and it's been a life-saver for my health and sanity.


My newest adventure is training for a marathon. A few weeks ago my dh and I got back into playing tennis again. It is so wonderful doing an activity together. The dc are learning to play, too.


I also sing, play piano and percussion in our church music ministry group. It is my favourite part of the week playing at the Sunday 8:00pm mass! :001_smile:

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I like researching our family geneology. I like the digging and the thrill when another piece of the puzzle falls into place.

I've been amazed at how much information is available online.

Its probably at a point now that I have to go and spend time in archives and since most of that would require extensive travel, the trickle of information is slowing. It's been fun and since I share the interest with my cousin its been something we could connect through.

At the moment I'm working on a book to present to my father for his 70th birthday. His father died in WWII when he was a baby, he emigrated to South Africa when he was a small boy, and his mother had little contact with her in-laws, so he knows very little of his family history.


I forgot about this! I have traced my family tree back quite a ways. That kind of goes in spurts for me, though... I won't do anything for months, and then I'll spend all week on it!! :)



I WANT to have hobbies......but I really and truly don't care for them after I start. I have a chest of drawers FULL of Creative Memories stuff I spent a small fortune on.....haven't touched it. :glare:


That happens to me too. I guess it's fun to try new things... but like you, I have shelves full of scrapbooking things that I no longer use. I think it's hard to maintain momentum unless you're truly passionate about something. I haven't found much I'm truly passionate about, I guess. Well... pizza. Does that count?? :lol:



My number one hobby...annoying my family. :)


I wake up earlier than my family. That's how I fit a lot of this in. The rest, they do with me!


Ah, well that is a big part of my life... I guess I need to learn to count it as a hobby, LOL!! I tend to be a night owl, so I stay up later than everyone to read, unwind, read message boards, etc. But it results in me going to bed WAY too late then wondering why I can't get up in the morning. :glare:

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Reading and photography and cooking/baking/menu planning.


But it's very hard to find time for any of it, and for my health and well-being, I need to start running again too.


Most days I feel lucky to have homeschooled the kids, played with the toddler, and have my house mostly picked up. I feel like I'm slowly chipping away at a huge glacier with a very tiny hammer because of how I have to learn photography a little, interrupted bit at a time.

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Lots of them but not all at the same time- reading (always), watching movies and tv, baking, cooking (I mean preparing new dishes or harder dishes, not just putting any old thing on for dinner), gardening (mostly ornamental but a few food items in containers) and this is probably my most serious hobby along with visiting gardens, birding, wildflower identification, traveling, sewing, quilting, listening to music, taking care of my animals and the birds on my window ledge.

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Slog through these years and when your kids are teens, you'll rediscover your hobbies. While raising kids, my hobbies were quite neglected, but it was easy and fun to pick them back up again once parenting duties eased up.


:iagree::iagree: What she said. I've only VERY recently started doing the things I want to do again and my kids are 15 and 11.

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Thanks for all the encouragement. Sometimes it feels like I've been doing this mom thing for so long that this is just who I am now. It's good to have you more seasoned moms remind me that things change as the kids get older. :001_smile:


(I do blog, but it's our family blog and it feels less like a hobby and more like another part of my job--family historian. Another thing to fall behind on, right?)

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